Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion [OOC Sign-up] War in the Rim — GA Invasion of SO held Sluis Van and Echnos

War in the Rim

The Galactic Alliance finally launches its most critical offense of the war thus far. In the direct aftermath of the recent convergence of their borders with The Sith Order — clashing violently on Eiattu 6, Naalol, and in the heated skirmish over Sullust — Alliance fleets strike deeper into Sith Order territory. Between the shipyards of Sluis Van and those on Sullust, the Sith have gained two vital planets that can be used as staging grounds for a campaign into Alliance space. By capturing Sluis Van, the logistical path to Sullust will be severed, allowing the Alliance to use those critical worlds themselves.

But much stands in the way of holding Sluis Van.

Echnos, with its sprawling domed capital, Echnos City, is now an equally important target. The Sith had bled the planet dry, subjugating its people and turning the once-prosperous world into a fortress of despair under their control. For the Alliance, capturing Echnos was not merely about strategy; it was about liberating a world that had once thrived under freedom and commerce.

Dorvalla, known for its rich mines, was no less significant. The Sith have entrenched themselves deep within its mines, transforming them into nearly impenetrable strongholds. The Alliance knows that to win here would require more than brute force — it would demand cunning, resilience, and the will to push through the labyrinthine tunnels that snaked through Dorvalla's crust. The capture of these mines would not only deny the Sith their resources but would also contribute to the Alliance maintaining control over the Sluis Van shipyards.

As the Alliance's fleets jump into Hyperspace, ready to strike, the stakes could not be higher. The plan is clear: capture Echnos City, seize Dorvalla's mines, and take control of the Sluis Van shipyards. Every move from this point forward could help determine the course of this war.


Objective I - Sluis Van Shipyards
(Fleeters | Pilots | Duels)
The Primary objective for the Alliance is to capture the Sluis Van Shipyards. Not only do they provide the Sith Order an important staging ground near the borders, but they also play a crucial link in sustaining Sullust, another planet with significant shipyards. For this reason, the Alliance fleet pierces into Sith Order territory to target Sluis Van before the Sith can fully solidify the newly established borders. Once emerged from Hyperspace, the Alliance fleet will engage nearby Sith Forces in an attempt to cut off the shipyards, while an armada of transport ships deploy soldiers and Jedi onto the shipyards and the planet below.

For the Alliance offensive to be successful in this part of the Rim, and to secure a much larger campaign to strike into the heart of Sith territory, the Battle of Sluis Van can not be lost.


  • Fleet engagement: Sith and Alliance fleets clash around the Sluis Van shipyards. From individual pilots to captains and admirals — all will be drawn into one of the biggest fleet battles of recent history.
  • Boarding Action: Jedi and GADF soldiers are boarding the shipyards, hoping to capture and secure it while the fleet provides cover. Sith forces are present in great numbers, however, so expect intense duels.
  • Planetary Control: Alliance transports and dropships rain down upon the surface of Sluis Van, bringing along an army of soldiers and Jedi. Controlling the shipyards is vital to the Alliance's military campaign, but so is holding the planet. The Sith will resist and fight relentlessly to hold it and beware of the locals, who have long been subjugated by the Sith's cruel grip.


Objective II - Echnos City
(Duels | Warposting)
While a major offensive targeting Sluis Van begins, the Alliance sends another fleet to Echnos to capture and hold the important Echnos City. With a protective dome around its infrastructure, entry into the city is no easy task. Eight large airlocks provide access, but with Sith defenders present and in control of the planet and its domed capital, each one becomes a chokepoint for the Alliance. To successfully liberate the planet and its oppressed inhabitants, Alliance forces must break through and reach the city.

If one chokepoint fails to keep back the Alliance, all others will fall.


  • Airlocks: The 8 airlocks of Echnos City provide the enemy with crucial chokepoints to funnel Alliance forces into their heavy defenses. Break through these enemy lines and hold them to allow more Alliance forces to pour into the city.
  • City Control: Once inside the city, it's crucial for the Alliance to control its spaceport and to capture as many of the enemy forces as possible. This is an opportunity to trap the enemy within their own dome.


Objective III - Mines of Dorvalla
(Duels | Warposting)
Another important target of the Alliance's invasion is Dorvalla and its Lommite mines. These mines offer an important ore — Lommite — a vital component of the famous and widely used Durasteel alloy. But beyond this planet's usefulness in resources, it also stands between current Alliance and Sith Borders and Sluis Van, the key objective to determine the future of the campaign between the Alliance and Sith. For any Alliance campaign deeper into Sith Order territory to succeed, the planet and its mines must first be captured.

But this will not be an easy task.

The enemy has full control over the labyrinth of Lommite mines and entrenched itself, making every inch of mine shaft a potential dead trap. Heavy armor, vehicles, and other machines of war cannot hope to enter the mines, so this will be a battle between individuals. Jedi and Sith, and soldier to soldier.

Do you have a different story you wish to tell? Bring your own objective!

This is the OOC Sign-up! The thread will launch on August 31st!


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