Bombshell Genius
After this rave on Zeltros, Jessica feels that maybe there is some way to work around the issue of bodily fluids for teaching the methods leading to Force-powered phosphorescence. Typically, because it's substantially similar to Force-light in effects, she would want to teach this effect at the same time as one would Force-light. Now, people who expressed interest in this lesson included [member="Raven Sorenova"], [member="Yuroic Xeraic"] and [member="Asaraa Vaashe"]; she shouldn't rule out other people like [member="Okuro_Ishimoto"] to learn these items. Also, she had to be ready for the gorier aspects of using Art of the Small for phosphorescence, as well as other uses of Art of the Small. She feels that a basic knowledge of chemistry, and especially atomic and molecular structure, is necessary to take full advantage of Art of the Small, and she doesn't want to bore anybody with chemical, or even optical details, when she knows everyone is there for Force-light, both burst and sustained. That, even though the sustained mode isn't really the same as Force-light.
"Welcome to the class on Force-light. We will also cover my favorite use of Art of the Small later, which will render you phosphorescent, and allow you to carry the energy of the light side through a bodily fluid. It might be a little gory but it's well worth the gore if you need lighting that is otherwise unavailable"
"Welcome to the class on Force-light. We will also cover my favorite use of Art of the Small later, which will render you phosphorescent, and allow you to carry the energy of the light side through a bodily fluid. It might be a little gory but it's well worth the gore if you need lighting that is otherwise unavailable"