Meditation Room,
Voss Academy
Soft chimes swayed peacefully in the gentle breeze coming from an open window, singing their sweet melodies to the Jedi in the room. Each one was deep inside their own mind, connecting themselves fully with the Force, seeking answers to their riddles or attempting to blot out any stresses in their life.
In the centre of this tranquil ensemble was the Padawan, Eirin. The green Jedi was balanced upon a rather thin pole, only the twitching of his vulpine ears betraying him as a living creature and not a detailed statue. Stones and lit candles danced around the entranced creature like moons orbiting a planet.
The Padawan had perfected the art of shutting down his conscious thoughts on his homeworld, allowing himself to be fully immersed in the will of the Force. He had hoped that a few more would have arrived but it made little difference to the alien; this was a time for solitude and peace not idle chit-chat.
Voss Academy
In the centre of this tranquil ensemble was the Padawan, Eirin. The green Jedi was balanced upon a rather thin pole, only the twitching of his vulpine ears betraying him as a living creature and not a detailed statue. Stones and lit candles danced around the entranced creature like moons orbiting a planet.
The Padawan had perfected the art of shutting down his conscious thoughts on his homeworld, allowing himself to be fully immersed in the will of the Force. He had hoped that a few more would have arrived but it made little difference to the alien; this was a time for solitude and peace not idle chit-chat.