Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Open Range

Dar Thon Ree


Kashyyyk was a world with trees older than some stars, and the inhabitants were as sturdy and strong. The Wookiees had always had a warrior ethos, and they prided themselves in their rites of passage down in the depths, below their great homes high at the tree tops.

Offworlders were usually met with a mild neglect or hostility depending on their aims. Traders came, sometimes slavers and those were fought. Dar was neither, he was one of those Knights with crystal powered blades and monastic robes. He had come to dwell in the Depths, to reconnect if possible with the Living Power that had drawn him as a child and molded him into a man. He had forsaken it in shadow, allowed the Dark Cloud to encamp him and make him a slave to passions.

The greatest burden from his descent was not that he had murdered or slayed Jedi, he had done none of these sins, it was that he felt the connection to The Living Force severed. To be cut off from The Source was not noticeable by the ordinary person, but to a Jedi is was agonizing.. debilitating.. maddening…

Dar was beginning to accept that he may never feel the calm in hus spirit again, the gentle warmth and inner comfort of Ashla. His inly consolation was deeds.. good deeds he did on behalf of the planet and its inhabitants. He had become an unofficial Ranger, seen often by his wood cabin smoking a pipe of Wookiee Tobacco.

Lately there had been a problem, Poochers, seeking a thrill and Wookiee pelts. They used cloaking devices, and Dar made it his mission to use Aggressive Negotiations…

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