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Faction [Open to RNR] A Rematch between two Warriors!

Location: Naboo
Outfit: Jedi Attire
Equipment: Crossguard Lightsaber, Hydrangea Moonblade (concealed)
Tag: Cerys Dyn Cerys Dyn

Lily was excited. Cerys had been busy with things but reached out with an interest in a rematch. Lily loved being able to spar and rematches were a great chance to see more of her friends, their progress in combat as well as her own combat skills progressing. The excitement was causing Lily to bouncing around on the spot, exercising the extra energy that she had. Lily was wondering what she take away from this fight. Perhaps focus on demonstrating her growing skills in Vaapad, as well as a few other forms as well, see how her training as a Jedi has increased since a previous fight.

Stretching her limbs, Lily was curious to see how much progress Cerys had made since their last meeting. It had been a tough time for the fellow Padawan and she felt like there had been some progress made with Lily breaking some of the walls down. However, Lily wasn't sure how far they had made in their friendship and perhaps this could be a test in the friendship level. A way for Lily to learn more about Cerys, if Cerys allowed herself to share more.

Looking around the sparring pit, there was some places for people to observe, learn from this since Lily knew that this was also her demonstrating her progress and how much closer she was to becoming a Jedi Knight. Lily was not sure if she was ready for such a promotion but after seeing all her friends and those who joined after Lily becoming a Jedi Knight, the Padawan was starting to think more about it. However, Lily tried not to think too much about the fact that there could be others watching and learning from their duel.

Breathing in deeply, she calmed her thoughts and awaited for Cerys to join her in the pit, while curious to see if any others would attend and watch their duel as well.



Lorn leaned against a nearby pillar, casually munching on a handful of dried fruit he'd snagged from the cafeteria. He watched Lily with a knowing glint in his eyes. The girl practically vibrated with anticipation. He'd seen that energy before, that eagerness to test her mettle. It was admirable, that drive to constantly improve.

His gaze drifted over the sparring pit, taking in the sparse seating around it. Hopefully, some of the younger initiates would show up. There was no better way to learn than by watching experienced Padawans hone their skills. Lily, in particular was a whirlwind of controlled aggression that was a sight to behold.

Lorn chuckled softly, brushing a stray crumb from his beard. He knew Cerys was no pushover either. He had experienced her ability firsthand. This wouldn't be a one-sided affair. It would be a clash of styles, a display of the different paths these young Jedi were forging.

He took another handful of fruit, his eyes never leaving Lily. He considered stepping forward, offering a word of encouragement, but decided against it. Let her focus. Let her prepare. This was her moment, and he was content to observe, a silent guardian watching over the future of the Shirayan Order. They were both going to need friends, and Lorn was hoping that this moment helps further their friendship.


Dressed in her normal attire, dark teal and bronze uniform befitting her former Order, Cerys entered the pit from above. She jumped, landing softly on her feet and gave a courteous bow to her sparring partner for the day.

It had been a while since she and Lily had sparred. Lily had won handily then. Cerys knew she had been better than the score suggested, but lacked the 'killer' instinct. While that was not something she knew how to work on, she had gotten better generally. At least she did not expect to be tripping over her own feet on this occasion. She hoped.

"Hello, Lily Decoria. I appreciate you accepting my offer of a rematch. I believe this will serve me well in evaluating my progress. Though I doubt your skill level has remained stagnant," she said in her normal aloof way.

Unclipping her weapon from its belt hook, Cerys spun the unlit hilt about in her fingers.

"I suspect that the victory will remain yours today, Padawan Decoria," she said before igniting her cerulean blade and taking a classic Jedi Ready stance, "but I will not make it as easy for you as last time."

Cerys had to focus on her heart rate, keeping her breathing calm, the anticipation began to build. She gave a nod that she was ready to begin.


Lily Decoria Lily Decoria Cerys Dyn Cerys Dyn Lorn Reingard Lorn Reingard

Wielding Palpatine's Saber, hardened Kiffar Blade, Gungan slingshot, hunters gear.

Tasia walked in and bowed her head respectfully to the pair on the duelling floor then took a seat next to Lorn Reingard Lorn Reingard to observe. The mood of the two was very different, she barely knew either of them yet but had already begun to form an opinion on at least one of them. She wondered what caused the togrutan to be so, she wasn't sure of the word, grumpy was an over simplification as she didn't seem unhappy, rude too didn't fit as she was always respectful. Odd.

"Who would you put your credits on for the win?" she asked to Lorn privately, pulling down her hood and looking at him with her green eyes. "Padawan Cerys sounds like she is playing mind games to me, but I dont know." The man she spoke to was the Sword of Shiraya, she assumed this meant he was amongst the best duelists in the order, she would love to spar with him one day and really put herself to the test.

Tasia relaxed into her seat and readied herself to watch the fight, she loved combat and growing up in the wilds you got good or you got dead. Or you did something else for the community and let people like Tasia protect you, they weren't savages.



Journal Entry:

So this was interesting. I’m sitting in the dining hall having a holo-conversation with uncle Caltin while I’m eating lunch. He was telling me about my dad, and how they always spoke about me. He told me some things I wasn’t expecting, on a lot of subjects, but it was a good conversation. I know I shouldn’t to begin with, but I don’t feel so alone anymore. Either way, we talked a little more when he started to tell me how to make one of his smoothies, so I tried to…

I tried too. I put way too much citrus in it and my lips puckered.

The old man was messin’ with me! I’m sure of it. He said he wasn’t, though he was laughing his butt off. It was when he told me he has a bad habit of still doing that, I started to believe him… I think.

Weird enough, it was the Toydarian cook telling Cheepo the Rodian Bratawan… I mean Padawan… (he’s a brat!) about “Cerys” and “Lily” challenging each other in the dueling room.

Those names sounded familiar.

Where did I recognize “Lily”... Oh! Wait! It’s the hot Echani with the big… presence... OOO!

“Cerys”... wait… the “horny chick”! I still can’t believe I said that out loud…

Wait… “dueling room”? They’re gonna fight?! OOOO! NEXU FIGHT!!!! NEXU FIGHT!

I must have looked like such a moron, tearing down the hallway, trying not to spill my smoothie and finally getting there.

Hi everyone! Is this where the Nex… duel is? I like to watch! What? I like to watch! What is so bad about… oh crap…

@Lily Decoria | @Cerys Dyn | @Lorn Reingard | Tasia Palpatine Tasia Palpatine

Lorn took a final bite of his dried fruit, the sweetness a subtle counterpoint to the anticipation simmering in the air. Lily was a force to be reckoned with, that was undeniable. But Cerys… Cerys had a fire in her that could surprise anyone who underestimated her.

A voice broke through his thoughts. He turned to see a woman with striking green eyes settling into the seat beside him.

Lorn considered the question carefully. "Both are very skilled." he said, his gaze flicking back to the sparring pit. "The odds would be with the Echani, Lily. But don't count Cerys out. When backed against a wall, she fights hard." He paused, studying her for a moment. She seemed observant, intelligent. "Lorn Reingard." he offered, extending a hand in greeting. He kept his introduction simple, no need for titles or formalities. "And are you new around here?" He hadn't seen her face among the usual crowd of initiates and Padawans.

Before she could answer, a commotion erupted near the entrance. A young man, practically tripping over himself in his eagerness, came barreling in. Lorn recognized and suppressed a smile as the poor kid stammered something. He waved Michael over with a subtle gesture, sternly inviting him to take a seat. The kid was practically vibrating with excitement. Best to keep him close and out of trouble. "Stop staring..." Lorn whispered to Michael.



Journal Entry:

“Staring”? I’m not staring!

Was I?

Crap! I think I was!

I’m caught!

Pervert Alert… and I’m the pervert!

Sorry, this smoothie has me wired. Yeah, blame it on that, it’s meant to give energy… I can say it gave me too much! I wanna run around this place! Maybe it did!

Lily Decoria Lily Decoria | Cerys Dyn Cerys Dyn | Lorn Reingard Lorn Reingard | Tasia Palpatine Tasia Palpatine

Lily Decoria Lily Decoria Cerys Dyn Cerys Dyn Michael Angellus Michael Angellus Lorn Reingard Lorn Reingard

Wielding Palpatine's Saber, hardened Kiffar Blade, Gungan slingshot, hunters gear.

Tasia nodded at Lorn as her gave his assessment, it would be fun to see how it played out. "Tasia Palpatine, I'm new to your order, but was born on Naboo, so sort of?" The Jedi gave a shrug. She was an outsider of sorts, but not a foreigner, even if her visible kiffar heritage might have betrayed her as one.

Micheal, a young man whom she had met a couple of times now, walked over and was immediately chastised for staring. Was that not the point of this spectacle to observe? She grinned at the padawan as he blamed his drink for his effervescent demeanour. "What is in that smoothie" She reached over and took the cup, smelling it carefully like an experienced hunter. It wasnt unpleasant a little too much citrus and sugar. "Maybe take it easy on the sugar?" she handed it back and laughed. "Eat this, it will soak it up a little." she handed him a small trail bar to eat. She looked over waiting for the warriors to begin.

Location: Naboo
Outfit: Jedi Attire
Equipment: Crossguard Lightsaber, Hydrangea Moonblade (concealed)
Tag: Cerys Dyn Cerys Dyn | Lorn Reingard Lorn Reingard | Tasia Palpatine Tasia Palpatine | Michael Angellus Michael Angellus

It was good to see people come and spectate, whether to observe the growing skills from Lily and Cerys, or simply to see how people of their skill fought. Especially those of differing ideologies and cultures.

Seeing Cerys, Lily offered a smirk, "feeling defeated before we even started the duel. That's not a winning mentality to have." Lily stated with a smirk on her lips. However, she knew that it was likely that Lily would win, she was born to fight. Lily trained with everything she had to be the best fighter a person could be.

However, there were doubts on her abilities lately. Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex and Quintessa Zambrano Quintessa Zambrano , they demonstrated that no matter how good Lily was right now, she was not comparable to them. Adeline Noctua Adeline Noctua also proved to be an elusive opponent to stand against. Still tortured in her dreams by the demon. Lily was not arrogant or ignorant to the fact that her skills were meeting ceilings that she just wasn't sure that she could push against. Ceilings in abilities that might always highlight the fact that Lily was not good enough.

That she could never be good enough.

It was a daunting prospect. It was something that she could not share with others. Lily was always optimistic. She was always confident and she always faced challenges with a smile. Showing any weakness. Lily couldn't bare others panicking over her about it. Lily just need to suppress her concerns and push forward.

"First to five?" Lily offered in terms of keeping things competitive and knowing when their duel would come to an end.

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