Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Open Your Eyes

Follow The Rabbit

TIME 2300 Hours

Cold gripped the air outside of the warehouse, a tundra was going on outdoors and it was best to start things inside of the warehouse to make things start off sooner. [member="sabrina"] would find herself meeting with very bad people. People responsible for shootings and bombings of innocent people. Terrorist and insurgents in every sense of the words. Standing in every corner of the warehouse people in masks ( ) stood there looking at the young sith girl. She needed their help with something and had found a way to contact them. So a meeting was set up on an old frozen planet.

A cold silence befell the room as every insurgent simply stood there staring at Sabrina waiting for her to step forward. Each insurgent dressed and strapped ready to kill. But there was one man among them. One man who wasn't dressed I'm combat gear. A man in a suit wearing the same mask as the others sat at a desk waiting on the young woman. They would get to the point and see if they could work something out. Just to see how far Sabrina would go to get the job done on what she needed.

"Please sit." The man at the desk said slightly muffled from the mask on his face.
Darth Banshee sat down on the chair provided, it was basic wooden chair with a curved back. She looked a the man wearing the mask who spoke to her. She then began to speak to accordance, I am Darth Banshee from one sith, I came looking for your group. I hear you can get into place few others can. I hear you attack other political organizations. I come to help you, I will get you gear, military grade gear. In return I like you to attack the jedi, and the republic military. She new their would be consequences for the republic civilians, but they where at war. A war she intend to win, as her very family depended on it.

[member="Follow The Rabbit"]

Follow The Rabbit

[member="Darth Banshee"]

Sitting there Rabbit tented his fingers while the big cheesy grin of the mask simply stared at her. With a soft chuckle he spoke afterwards "Tell me Miss Banshee, how far are you willing to go?" Rabbit and his crew were not good people by any means and they needed to test her to see if she could do the things she said she could and to see if she was willing to cross the line of terrorism. Rabbit wasn't about to work with someone who couldn't pull the trigger themselves. "Tell you what, I have a little test." Clapping his hands a feminine muffled scream could be heard as as a female Olvian with a brown bag over her head was dragged out.

"You see Miss Banshee, I have a little rule of thumb I like to live by. There's Sayers and then there's doers. And each person is one or the other. " reaching into his coat the terrorist leader placed a nine millimeter pistol on the desk in front of her. "Now which one are you?" He asked her with a smile on his face behind the mask
Darth Banshee was not quite ready for this, she was he to try sell them stuff to kill republic troops. She was not here to murder, well not some one for no reason. She unsure about doing it, would she fall completely to dark side to help protect her family the one sith. If she shot her, the woman torment would be over. Though part of her would die too, the bit that rexus drath came to talk her out joining the sith. He said they where evil, but she did not believe him. This could be how she proves them wrong the sith are not evil. They do what necessary yes, but woman death was not necessary.
She took the pistol and then said How quaint As she crushed it. Then she used the force to crush the woman throat, not enough kill her. Though enough to put her to sleep. Darth banshee then strode over the body, and said I think I might try and turn her into a zombie, if you mind. She then used the force, to push her into a heap to one side. Where she be collected by her droids.

Follow The Rabbit

[member="Darth Banshee"]
Tilting his head to the side Rabbit shook his head then looked over to his men. Waving a hand under his throat a group of insurgents stood in front of the droids shaking their heads. "Cute, I'm afraid it doesn't work like that dear. Either you kill her now, or we walk." The dead rabbit leader sat back in his seat the mask still grinning into Sabrina. "You see, I have a trust issue. And in order for me to trust you. You need to kill her, this is what you want. You want us to kill military, Jedi, and that involves civilian casualties you see. So here's what's going to happen." With the snap and cocking of various rifles pointed on Sabrina scatter guns and force breakers ready to deploy at a moment.

Walking up to Rabbit another insurgent took out another pistol and cocked it back placing a round in the chamber. "You are going to shoot her in the head. Now." Rabbit was not one to be bargained with he knew what he wanted and he needed to be able to know this sith could handle herself. "Your choice really." Placing the pistol on the table the guard stood next to rabbit and sighed. "Times a ticking miss banshee"
Darth Banshee realized this meeting was a mistake, she wanted proper predators. These people are not that, they would be useful pawns if she could use them. She looked their leader in the face, and then said I don`t kill sheep, I only kill people who worth killing. She then pointed to the woman on the floor, She is not worth killing, if you want to see me kill give me some one who worth the effort. She turned around the room and address the floor, she new her chance where slim to none. I can here to find warriors, people who liked the thrill of the hunt. The hard the pry the more satisfying it is, that woman is not proper pry not worthy of even an acolyte. I shall not kill her, though if any you want to try test my abilities please feel free to have a go. I promises you death, if you try! She then looked at their leader, and smiled behind her mask. Name your strongest fighter if you want to see death, and I shall kill them. She was here to sell them weapons, give them intel on the republic. They would be stupid to risk this, for some woman with bag over head. As she waited for the reply she moved between the mob and the woman. Also she altered her droids just incase thing did go south. She not prepared to demean herself, by killing weak opponents.

[member="Follow The Rabbit"] sorry not willing to do it, I am not letting her fall completly to dark side like this. Will kill a combatant though if that would help

Follow The Rabbit

[member="Darth Banshee"]

Placing his hand on the pistol Rabbit gripped the pistol and fired it three slugs at the woman. With a sick thump her body hit the floor as blood began to pool around it. "Miss Banshee you must have me confused with someone else, we aren't warriors. Were terrorists, we aren't mercenaries for sale for the highest bidder. We're terrorists. We are not a honorable group of people willing to fight for a just cause. We are terrorists. If you want us to bomb buildings assassinate Jedi and raise hell then people will die." Wiping the gun off Rabbit handed it back to his assistant and sat back in his chair.

"I'm willing to kill for someone who doesn't have the time to do it, but I'm not willing to kill for someone who is too much of a coward to kill civilians themselves both in collateral damage and in malicious intent. Now if you are done waisting my time I suggest you leave this place. If not then I suppose you go and prove yourself before you ask me to do something for you." Standing up rabbit looked at her with the grin on the mask still grinning as always. "The door is over there kid."

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