I am currently organizing an opening event for the Order of Grey, a place for those Force-sensitives that are neither aligned to the Dark or Light side of the Force, nor their subsequent followers in the Jedi Order or Sith Order respectively. Details for the event can be found on the Order of Grey forums and anyone is welcome to participate.
I can reveal exclusively to the wider community that the event I am organizing for the Order of Grey revolves around the Rakata, the Star Forge and Darth Revan. Hopefully, that will entice your curiosity enough to join myself and the other writers that currently comprise the Order of Grey.
I can reveal exclusively to the wider community that the event I am organizing for the Order of Grey revolves around the Rakata, the Star Forge and Darth Revan. Hopefully, that will entice your curiosity enough to join myself and the other writers that currently comprise the Order of Grey.