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Public Opening of the Carbon Cabana

Coco Franswa



The Top 10 Casino Movies Ever Made

The Beach Town of Raider's Cove was built on Horizon Island, Rishi by the Nova Blade Pirate Crew during the Age of the Old Republic. Becoming a pirate haven for various gangs that mingled in relative peace. The Southern Part of Town was a trade port centered around Bootlegger's Market, while the northern district was sturdily built with a thick stone boundary wall and polished building and centered around the Blaster's Path Cantina. Beyond the criminals and pirates that occupied the town, it was a popular vacation spot for adventure seekers and treasure hunters. Raider's Cove had been underneath the control of several gangs over the years, although small fragments of the original nova blade pirate crew still linger within the city. The City now is split into three gangs that each control a portion of the city.

Within the upper levels of Raider's Cove, the Carbon Cabana was a small cantina during the Age of the Galactic Empire. Attracting small amounts of customers and regulars that would frequent the place due to the good meals that they had to offer for an affordable price. Informants gathered around within the halls, passing along information to paying treasure hunters. Although the accuracy of such information was called into question. Many treasure hunters wanted revenge on the informants inside but two wookiee bouncers prevented them from causing any serious harm. The Carbon Cabana Cantina otherwise known as the CCC was owned by a rodian named "Wacho." which kept the place in top shape with his two lady employee's.

Ollo the Hutt ventured to Raider's Cove with a small amount of enforcers, sending them towards several shops to rough up the owners who owed them money. The Carbon Cabana was one such business, and Wacho pleaded with the Lorda of Vanderijar to forgive him for making late payments. Ollo thought about it within his head, offering to forgive the debt if wacho sold the small cantina to himself. Wacho didn't want to give up his business but had no other choice, turning over the establishment to the hutt lorda.

Wacho was assassinated trying to flee to the spaceport by the hutt's enforcers, due to him wanting to close loose ends. Ollo would rebuild the small shack cantina into an impressive five story building renamed the Carbon Cabana Hotel. Today was the Grand Opening of the establishment and the Vanderijar Kajidic had sent out letters to various people within the galaxy. Requesting their presence at the opening ceremony being hosted within the first floor casino. Although the casino was not large by any standard it was large enough to house several hutts within. Being a hotel the reception desk was nearby for those that wanted to check in for the night. Ollo Vanderijar Zaladan would be within a small lounge area reserved for himself, talking with several neimoidians about a possible exchange of goods and services.

All that would be left is to wait for people to arrive.





The Saruton Mercenary & Bounty Hunter known as Karkosuchus ventured towards the Carbon Cabana after receiving an official invite. Although the Saruton had recently done missions for the Vanderijar Kajidic ranging from killing loose ends to breaking up protest at their slave operation plants. He had known Ollo the Hutt since he was 80 years old. He had a soft spot for the hutt because of his ruthless but logical manner which gave him a slight edge over other hutts within the galaxy. The Hutt Space Consortium was growing faster and faster with many criminal gangs allying underneath their banner to restore hutt space to what it once was.

Stepping into Raider's Cove, the Sartuon would enter inside the hotel with his equipment. Being security for the opening ceremony of the hotel because of the dangerous nature of the criminal underworld. Although the Hutt Lorda was on the Hutt Ruling Council, they lacked much power due to the Bryn'adul Invasions and the fall of the Hutt Republic. Karkosuchus moved through the crowd like a silent predator, looking for anyone who was acting suspicious. Stalking his quarry through the crowded area until coming across the Hutt Lorda himself speaking with a group of Neimoidians. The Saruton disliked them due to their cowardice nature but they had been gifted with business smarts which the mercenary lacked. His ability was more of killing and eating his opponents without fear.

He would bow towards the Hutt Lorda, standing besides them with his rifle close to his fingers. His equipment had been polished to keep up the appearance that this was a fine establishment instead of another sleazy tavern or inn that was commonplace within these criminal havens. His crocodilian eyes scanned around the perimeter, looking at the other security detail that had been hired for the event and the regular enforcers that patrolled the casino looking for cheaters. His mouth was slightly open to insert another death stick into his mouth, sending the smell through the atmosphere.

He would just have to see who else would arrive, if they were friend or foe to the hutt lorda.

Ollo the Hutt


Rocco Morsheru



The Rishii Smuggler & Black Marketeer had been on the next island over, when he received an invitation to the event from the Hutt Lorda Ollo to arrive at the Carbon Cabana. Rocco had recently smuggled spice into the Galactic Alliance Checkpoints by hiding it within the pipe lines of his vessel. Although the customs officers had noticed a strange anomaly within the ship. They assumed it was just the power conversion device which sometimes caused the influx of material buildup in the engines. The Rishii had been paid good money to smuggle the goods and it arrived earlier than expected to its destination of Coruscant. You'd think that addicts would learn that spice was bad for them, but they never did and that kept the suppliers in business. Although the Spice Cartel expected their fair share of the profits, Rocco wasn't going to argue and potentially start a turf war.

His appearance for a Rishii was quite strange, being multi-colored. Although this only added to his uniqueness but also spotability since he couldn't exactly hide his feathers each time he went somewhere. He managed to stay underneath the radar for a while by hiding out on his homeworld which changed hands several times but nothing was damaged too much. Rishi was a peaceful planet with no armed forces or anything dangerous which might make them the target of an extermination. Although the constant fear of the Brotherhood of the Maw rolling on through was a concern. His partner, Karkosuchus had arrived before him no doubt. Since the Saruton was attached to his enforcer job like a moth to a flame. Rocco couldn't blame him, being the strength of the pair. He was more about smarts and acquiring information of their target.

Rocco arrived within the Carbon Cabana soon after Karkosuchus, making his way through the crowd wearing his long brown coat and wide brimmed hat. Underneath he had his heavy exoskeleton crafted to fit his body shape. An older armor, though it was it still held up against the more modern kinds of armor within the galaxy at this time. His 8 pistols allowed him to never be without a weapon although only having two hands meant that he could only use two of them at a time. This was more of an intimation factor than actual practically, as his bird like feet walked him towards his destination.

Rocco had always liked the girls within the establishment, walking over to a dancing twi'lek to introduce himself to them in a sweet manner.

Ollo the Hutt


Coco Franswa



The Top 10 Casino Movies Ever Made

Ollo the Hutt would debate with the Neimoidians in front of himself. They wanted 30% of the spice income for prime real estate on their homeworld and purse worlds combined. Such an agreement would make spice collection much more difficult, either having to cut the pay to his spice smugglers or switch to a cheaper alternative drug to supplant the losses to his coinage. Ollo would smoke his pipe within his hand, puffing the glitterstim spice into the atmosphere. Although not many people would notice due to the activity currently going on within the place.

He rested his form upon the lounger some more, when his favorite bounty hunter arrived within the hotel. Karkosuchus had worked for him for a considerable short while, but his reputation was not called in question. The Sartuon had 100% success rate on all the missions that the hutt lorda had sent him on. Ollo noticed that the saruton was heavily armed and armored, although he himself didn't have to worry about security for tonight's venue. His small army of enforcers were inside keeping order among the rowdy patrons and the criminal scum that often arrived to receive information from him. He watched as the saruton assumed a position right next to himself, before gathering back his focus to speak to the Neimoidian Guild.

After a back and forth with them in their own language, Ollo would send them away with only 15% of the spice income. He would have to inform his majordomo to begin planning operations to seize more spice from the Coruscant Spice Cartel. While the Pyke Syndicate might be involved in the trade, Ollo had connections within the rising Hutt Space Consortium to call upon if needed. He had not yet met the informal but infamous leader, Gorba the Hutt. Ollo was much older than gorba but had not risen to power as quickly as the young gorba. Ollo was impressed to say the least, considering it often took years to build up a powerbase. Turning his attention back, just in time to see his favorite black marketeer and karkosuchu's partner, Rocco Mosheriu. That Rishii talked too much for his own good but he had major skills overall which proved his worth in Ollo's Court.

"<So? Karkosuchus anything of note within the galaxy that I should be aware off?>" Ollo asked the saruton, resting more comfortable into his lounger. While he waited for an answer, he sent away one of his servant girls to fetch him a drink.

Rocco Morsheru





The Saruton was busy looking over the crowd, to notice that the Neimoidians had left the company of his employer. Turning his crocodilian face back when the hutt lord asked a question. Karkosuchus had recently went on a mission to a station to clear it out from bryn'adul remnants and having been face to face with a vampire that tried to capture him. Nothing of note sprung to mind as the galaxy seemed in a state of eternal turmoil. The Brotherhood of the Maw and the Galactic Alliance were rearing for a conflict to end all conflicts. Each of them would no doubt destroy each other leaving much of the galaxy underneath the control of Warlords. Although conflict did bring opportunities for bounty hunters as both sides would want to eliminate each other from the board.

"Nothing of serious note, Mighty Ollo. Just the hutt space consortium rise to prominence.>"

The Saruton replied, turning his gaze towards his partner, Rocco the Black Marketeer was the brains of the operation. Their strengths allowed them to take on any challenge but it was beginning to make them predictable. Karkosuchus glared at the Rishii has he begun talking with the ladies around the room. So much for being inconspicuous to avoid attention. As the main security for tonight's venue it was important for the Saruton to remain calm and not enter into his blood raged state. Although his hunger was growing, he remained at his post next to his employer to await his answer in regards to his earlier statement. His weapon was clicked off of safety mode in the event that someone tried to assassinate the hutt lorda. Although judging from the people at this event it was impossible to say whom had a blaster and whom didn't.

Ollo the Hutt
Rocco Morsheru


Rocco Morsheru



The Rishii Black Marketeer introduced himself to various women at the event, displaying his colorful feathers to impress them. Although some displayed acceptance at his behavior, others were not so inclined and slapped him promptly. Rocco sighed with a slight over dramatic gesture. Falling to the floor in a manner of improvised depression to draw attention to himself. Although the cold gaze of the saruton soon reached him and the Rishii pulled himself back together from his little act. His small round black eyes picked up on the sight of the owner of this establishment, Ollo the Hutt.

With a flutter of his wings, the Rishii would move through the crowd like a thief. Taking several purses and wallets with a slight movement from his clawed hand. Although this motion was subtle to avoid getting the attention of the Hutt's Guardsman which were patrolling the event. Rocco liked to test how much he could get away with which annoyed his partner to no end. Although their partnership was proved invaluable because they combined both strength and brawns into one team.

The Rishii approached the Hutt Lorda upon his lounger, taking a dramatic bow in front of him.

"O' Mighty Ollo, how you shine above the stars. Your radiance is glowing from across the skyline, for whom better to be employed too than the most powerful hutt among them. Ollo the brave who crushed an army underneath his bulk." The Rishii Started to explain, in a flattering tone which no doubt annoyed the hutt lorda. Rocco loved playing tricks upon his employers and he had killed many that had tried to kill him for it. As an expert black marketeer he was a useful assets to expanding the Vanderijar's Influence from across the area of hutt space. Getting up from his bow and borrowing a beverage from a passing patron, he would take a seat next to the hutt lorda.

"So, my old friend. Some party your throwing here."

The Rishii said to Ollo, crossing his legs over one another to get more comfortable on the chair. Beginning to chug down on the beverage itself into his gullet. Although due to his overall smaller body density, the beverage would not take long to make him drunk. Then the fun really started.

Ollo the Hutt

Location: Carbon Cabana | Raider's Cove | Rishi
Tags: Ollo the Hutt | Karkosuchus | Rocco Morsheru

Kig Mortuuga was happy to be away from his marauders for a bit. The Toxin required some maintenance after their last mission. Rishi was the closest port and luckily Kig had tasks for the others to see to. Zebkar and Gal were sent to the market for supplies. Luche wouldn’t have come with the Nautolan captain if he had invited, she wouldn’t let anyone touch the ship without supervision. More to learn how to fix it next time than out of distrust of the local mechanics. Bang Bang is seemed knew someone on Rishi. Getting rid of Dixi was the problem. Especially to attend a party. The Togruta was the latest addition to the crew, very easy on the eyes, good in a fight, and great company when Kig was lonely. But he was not intending to be lonely on Rishi with a grand opening party to attend. Kig was finally able to convince her the “young people” were all in a different area of the planet and made his way to Raider’s Cove alone.

Kig entered the newly reconstructed cantina turned hotel and he had to admit he was impressed with the surroundings. He took in the crowd as he strolled in. The center of attention seemed to be a Hutt. That was not an odd sight. Kig heard that a Hutt was the new owner of the establishment. The Hutt was talking to a very unique looking Rishii. Not wanting to interrupt the interaction, Kig made his way to the bar and ordered up a bottle of Phattro.

When the bartender brought his drink Kig gave a wide smile. “Hey hey man. This place is looking good. The talent definitely be on point. Anyone around here who I can unload some salvage on? I think I might be needing some capital to properly enjoy myself.”

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