The Beach Town of Raider's Cove was built on Horizon Island, Rishi by the Nova Blade Pirate Crew during the Age of the Old Republic. Becoming a pirate haven for various gangs that mingled in relative peace. The Southern Part of Town was a trade port centered around Bootlegger's Market, while the northern district was sturdily built with a thick stone boundary wall and polished building and centered around the Blaster's Path Cantina. Beyond the criminals and pirates that occupied the town, it was a popular vacation spot for adventure seekers and treasure hunters. Raider's Cove had been underneath the control of several gangs over the years, although small fragments of the original nova blade pirate crew still linger within the city. The City now is split into three gangs that each control a portion of the city.
Within the upper levels of Raider's Cove, the Carbon Cabana was a small cantina during the Age of the Galactic Empire. Attracting small amounts of customers and regulars that would frequent the place due to the good meals that they had to offer for an affordable price. Informants gathered around within the halls, passing along information to paying treasure hunters. Although the accuracy of such information was called into question. Many treasure hunters wanted revenge on the informants inside but two wookiee bouncers prevented them from causing any serious harm. The Carbon Cabana Cantina otherwise known as the CCC was owned by a rodian named "Wacho." which kept the place in top shape with his two lady employee's.
Ollo the Hutt ventured to Raider's Cove with a small amount of enforcers, sending them towards several shops to rough up the owners who owed them money. The Carbon Cabana was one such business, and Wacho pleaded with the Lorda of Vanderijar to forgive him for making late payments. Ollo thought about it within his head, offering to forgive the debt if wacho sold the small cantina to himself. Wacho didn't want to give up his business but had no other choice, turning over the establishment to the hutt lorda.
Wacho was assassinated trying to flee to the spaceport by the hutt's enforcers, due to him wanting to close loose ends. Ollo would rebuild the small shack cantina into an impressive five story building renamed the Carbon Cabana Hotel. Today was the Grand Opening of the establishment and the Vanderijar Kajidic had sent out letters to various people within the galaxy. Requesting their presence at the opening ceremony being hosted within the first floor casino. Although the casino was not large by any standard it was large enough to house several hutts within. Being a hotel the reception desk was nearby for those that wanted to check in for the night. Ollo Vanderijar Zaladan would be within a small lounge area reserved for himself, talking with several neimoidians about a possible exchange of goods and services.
All that would be left is to wait for people to arrive.