Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Opening Pandora's Box

Connor Harrison

I love the movies as the backbone of what the current story follows.

The EU and everything else is sheer genius for continuing to fuel my imagination and continue my love for the galaxy George Lucas created. Games, music, books, figures - the lot.

I have total faith with Disney doing what they are doing now; opening the door for their own creativity to shine and not feel restrained to material already out there. Why give us something we've already seen? Be brave and give us something new.

I for one don't think it worked out TOO bad with 'The Force Awakens' as an original piece.


Disney's Princess
It felt weird. The EU was may jam and it's what set me apart as a real SW fan for a long time. Then the Vong came along and I felt that 'Space Orcs' announced the end of an era. The Big Three weren't going anywhere and their Legacy children were more celebrity than mythological hero. It felt burned out. Worn out and fraying. Luckily, there was always fandom and RP to keep the fires burning bright.

I raged for a bit when 'Legends' was created. It felt like nailing Mara Jade's coffin shut with a Jackhammer and diminished many a great memory of mine. So I hated that for awhile and pouted. Then... After watching TFA. I guess I realized that Kennedy got it. TFA really was StarWars. It was here and it was real again. All of it. As Han Solo is now apt to say.

Truth. I'll always be an EU man at heart. Smirking at the mention of Thrawn and Mara Jade, and frowning at the mention of Vong or Aboleth. I'll cry joy at the mention of Luke getting married and sob emotional at the mention of Tenel Ka losing her arm. Memories that will still fuel my stories and adventures on Chaos for years to come.

Do I think Disney will do alright? Yeah. I do. ...But she will never be my first love. To that I will always claim GI JOE. :D :p


Disney's Princess
[member="Safiriel Bane"] - Nah. I was less than 10 when I grew out of GI JOE. I think it replaced it with Ninja Turtles, then Batman, then Power Rangers, then Dragonball Z. The only thing that kept me reading however was Star Wars and Tolkien. Everything else just ended in a fade of plastic action figures and middle school bickering. When it came time to join the wild new thing called "The Internet", I picked being a SW fan and ran with it. :p
[member="Jay Scott Clark"] I'm glad to see someone else that did not like the whole YV story. I really liked the limited amount of EU that I read, but the YV part of it just constantly made me mad. I guess they couldn't make everything Jedi vs. Sith, although they did return to that a bit with Jacen Solo's story. I tried to keep up with all of that, but I quit reading the full novels after the first couple. "Space orcs" is a great description--did you come up with that?

As others have said, I thought TFA was great and am glad Disney is continuing my favorite movie universe on the big screen. I will even refrain from bashing Rebels here since TFA was so good. But there were very good EU stories that have just gone POOF.


Disney's Princess
Palz said:
"Space orcs" is a great description--did you come up with that?
Nah. It was something I noticed another RPer recommend to a YV character as an avatar once: "Just grab any Orc pic, bro. They butt ugly too." I think he meant Tolkien orc, but it could have been a 40k thing. idk.

Like many things in the EU, I'm glad it's POOF now. But I'll miss Mara forever. :(
[member="Jay Scott Clark"]




The King's Buccaneer
I'm more so furious that Even Piell's death in Coruscant Nights isn't considered canon. It was an amazing read.

Spoiler Alert: There is no spoiler, it's the first bloody chapter
In my opinion the EU side of SW always had its share of good and bad (as some have already stated, I share [member="Jay Scott Clark"] views on the Vong and more). However in that regard I've always enjoyed Lucas' vision of his universe and it has rarely disappointed me. While the prequels do get their fair share of criticism - I feel they still had that magical sense of world-building that Lucas always put into everything.

With regards to TFA, I think Disney did well (aside from some personal opinions on some characters) but I also think they played it too safe, especially when they take aspects of the EU they cut out and worked it into TFA. While I still consider it a good movie to watch again, it lacked some of that 'spark' for me that all the other movies gave. Lucas' interview with Charlie Rose regarding the swap-over to Disney is quite interesting and I highly recommend anyone who's into Star Wars to give it a listen. His decision to give it over so the fans could keep getting content (as he was afraid he wouldn't live long enough to finish it) is touching, but its clear to see he had a vision for things (even if it did cause issues in the Prequels).
[member="Jay Scott Clark"]

I agree with you.

My friend got me (Back) into star wars many years ago, when halo and that universe had been my primary focus. I remembered only the movies, and the clone wars series had just started. He did not care for that series, and made his views pretty evident. We did some table top together, and he slowly pulled me into it. I read books like: 'The mandalorian armor' series, the Maul books, plagious, and a good many more that are too inumerous to count. I always appreciated the lore for the things leading up to Endor. He handed me a great many, and we'd talk for hours on it.

After that, I got a bit disconnected. Things like the suncrusher, the vong,Wyrwolves, the countless comics he'd use to derail plots in my games that he'd bring up in some obscure article. For somebody investing, and trying his best to learn, it was not only time consuming trying to keep things going for my friends, but made it nearly impossible for somebody like me to do so. The numerous palpatine clones that inspired so many kills in RP to come back anew without consequences, pushed me away. I liked thrawn, and I liked some of the stories after, and there were so many good ones. But...for every good one...there was some material I'd not known about that they'd get, or some article that conflicted with what I'd already spent hours trying to map out and storyboarded for half a day.

When the new canon came, and wiped all that away, it was like a breath of fresh air to me. Here I could start, focus on this, and be on even keel in discussions with him on it. I invested in an aspect of the culture long before, reading every Mandalorian source I could find. Could I tell you about Darth Traya? Not off the top of my head. Could I tell you about Cassus, the mandalores, and every facet of the code and life? Yes. That's where I took my interest.

However, I noticed this strange withdrawel with some of those pals. They kind of downplayed everything I got, and would attempt to get into heated arguments about it. It seemed like it was utterly impossible to share that kind of thing with them, which is ultimately what I'd have loved to do. I'm here right now to look for some inspiration, when telling tales for my buddies. Sure, there are some things that, in the community ive been in, kind of give me pause and a raised eyebrow. But, you guys are exactly what I've been looking for, when it comes to the feel of the book and EU fans.

Although, no. I don't allow ghost Jawas. That means you,
Kolton. If you find this page on google.

NO. ABSOLUTELY NOT. Dont think I forgot about that Stennis Shifter Episode...or the Jedi Adventure of mapping out look alike space Denny's.

Nor are you allowed to join the rebellion, and take the shot before that 'stupid farmer boy'

[member="Ava "]| [member="Léon"] | @Palz

Mandalore Al'x

Location: Versace Prime
I'm happy to see this thread... I'm going to go on a bit of a personal ramble so I'm really sorry for the wall of text (but I put it in a spoiler). I don't really have anyone to throw these feels at so you're all going to get it. Sorry.

When the EU was announced dead it took me at least a year to get over it. In fact, I cried for nearly a week. That was close to twenty years of my life flushed away because Disney said so. SW EU was pretty much the only thing I invested my childhood in... and ultimately became the only thing I invested my teenage years in.

Between the ages of 13-18, I completely, absolutely had no friends. I moved to an area very foreign to me (the Bible Belt) and Star Wars became something even easier to escape in. I could never find anyone that had tastes even close to mine, or views similar to mine. Chriissschunn? Nope. Sports? Could care less. Everyone I was surrounded by just made me feel more alien... and I knew of another alien world that was much more relatable: Star Wars. It has complex characters trying to make it by in an even more complex galaxy. That's how I saw where I was in life.

The deeper in my teens I got, the deeper into Star Wars I got. SW was the canvas I used to express how purposeless I felt to the world around me. I could connect to the Sith, they wanted to force their will on the galaxy. I could connect to the Jedi, they wanted peace to prevail. I could connect to the bounty hunters and scoundrels, they just wanted to make it by. Star Wars and its characters were the closest thing I had to a guide. So when Disney pulled the plug on the hot mess, a.k.a. EU, that guide was now dead. It was telling me those years were not my life's canon any more. And it hurt. It really really hurt.

About mid to late last year, I was officially numb to the plug being pulled and decided to check out the newer Darth Vader comic... and I was surprised. In fact, pleasantly surprised. It does get comic book-y at times but I was impressed that Disney didn't shat out some bantha poodoo. It then convinced me to go see TFA which I was originally going to boycott.

I cried harder than I probably should have. In fact, I cried a total of eight times.

That alien-ness that I used to connect to, it was there with Finn and Rey. They were fishes out of water trying to find their way. Then there was the movie familiarity which hit me the hardest. Seeing Han and Leia on screen again, and C3-PO interrupting the "moment" they're about to have... it made me laugh and tear up more than it should have. Then the final shot of Luke. I rewatched it for the fourth time last week and it still makes me bawl. Seeing him in Jedi robes is the ultimate "welcome back" to me.
If you read it, thank you for taking the time. I agree, it's incredibly depressing and I need help. But we all have to find our "dope" thing in life to keep us going. This ancient galaxy far, far away just happens to be mine.


Now on the concept of EU "Legends" . . .

I "mentally" handle Legends canon until they release something that "overwrites" it. Obviously, the new movies would be overwriting all the EU post OT since they are sequels to the OT. But EU pre-OT? It's probably safe to consider most of it canon (despite what Disney or the Lucas storygroup says). Disney isn't going to go back and touch those timelines again. It wouldn't be in their profitable interests to. Things like KotOR were amazing but also very niche.

Anyway, this is something all of us SW fans must discuss. It may be a Pandora's Box but it will also always be the elephant in the room. Star Wars is much more than a media franchise to us. It's its own reality and we each make our own meaning out of it. We're human. It's what we do.
Atin Vendet said:
So I like the reset Disney did, and-*breathing intensifies. Life flashes before eyes.*

I think its better, and has quality control.

Post what you think, and why.
Honestly, the reset was the best way for Lucasfilm to move forward with the movies without having to go through almost 40 years of Expanded Universe material. A lot of the EU was even internally inconsistent or just plain silly, so for Lucasfilm follow all of that inside of a 2 hour live-action flim would just be ridiculous.

This could also be thought of like a continuity reset for a major comic brand (like Marvel & DCU) due to too many authors with too much creative freedom creating a fictional universe that was internally inconsistent. Lucasfilm just didn't make a big deal out of it.

I think in the end, the canon reset will mostly affect the Legends material that covers stuff related to Episode I and beyond. A lot of the past material could be rebranded/republished under the Canon brand without much changes unless Lucasfilm wants to do movies about stuff WAY before the Prequels (A KOTOR movie trilogy would be awesome).

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