Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Campaign Operation: Dark Vergence - CREEPING SHADOW (Sith vs. Silver Jedi)

Creeping Shadow



A world of ancient mysteries, stunning nature, and dangers both seen and hidden. It had been many years since the homeworld of the Wookiees had seen any sort of attack, not since the the invasion of the world during the war between the Galactic Republic and the One Sith Empire. It had been a fierce battle between those two nations, and the Sith had left their mark on the world and its inhabitants. They had been saved from a worse fate of enslavement when the Netherworld crisis began, the Republic moving swiftly to protect the world again.

In the years since, the Republic had fallen, but the Wookiees had since come to enjoy the protection and presence of the Silver Jedi after their migration from Voss. Silver Rest had been the home of the Silver Jedi for several years now, a sturdy and graceful stronghold of the Jedi tradition. A place that knowledge was gathered to be studied, or if it proved too dangerous, to be protected in the vaults hidden there. Commenor might be the new home of the government, sight of a new temple for the Silver Order, but the Kashyyyk temple was still their grandest accomplishment and seemingly best protected. It was for these secrets that the Sith had come for, with one in particular being the key to the next step in the Grand Plan for final dominance of the galaxy.

As Onderon burned, as Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex and a warband under Ordo Ordo pillaged the world of the Beast Riders, as the Silver Jedi Concord's fleets and allies mobilized to deal with the threat, as their Jedi went to fight the Dark Lord... Silver Rest was left open, with only a small force of Jedi remaining behind at the temple. A small unremarkable freighter would drop into the system, transmitting clearance codes to land at the temple. At all appearances, it was the patrol returning from Wobani and the Sith border, making sure no aggressive moves from that sector were coming in light of the attack on Onderon.

It couldn't be further from the truth.

"Remember, when we land, try to blend in as long as possible," the Lady of Secrets instructed her handpicked team of agents and Sith. Most had been given an Akwursa Mask contained the soul of a Jedi or Ranger that had been killed in their ambush, any gear or lightsabers they carried passed out as well, although some did not need such methods to disguise themselves. "Once we signal that the artifact is in hand, cause as much chaos as possible. Steal or delete their databanks, blow some things up, but most importantly they cannot realize what we have stolen. Is that clear?"

Taeli took her own mask into hand, slipping it onto her face. In a moment, a blonde Jedi Knight had taken her place. The ship landed and she stood, clipping the deceased Knight's lightsaber to her belt.

"Let's get started."
Even among the Sith, civility prevailed, more or less. Throats were slit behind closed doors, murder-by-any-other-name passed off as "difficult missions", and one never ever made a mess of things in the public eye. These were the rules and they were followed... more or less.

Today was an exception, however, for today chaos most unrestrained was the objective.

He was an artist and Silver Rest his canvass, to be painted in shades of blood and madness.

Licking his lips in an almost carnivorous manner, the Changeling placed the mask upon his pale features, completing his transformation into a pimply human boy full of false bravado. Bravado which had fallen away oh-so-quickly when his Master's soul had been torn from her mangled body.

Micking the now-dead fool with uncanny precision, the monster was neither the first nor the last to leave their hijacked ship, but he was the first to head towards the training halls. The boy seemed the kind to test his skill at arms after a boring mission and so that was where he would go - little would his opponents know real steel would be drawn soon enough, real blood spilled on rubbery mats.

Perhaps he could even convince the fools to butcher each other with weapons meant for training?


Aristeia Zambrano

The idea in and of itself was rather grand. A rouse to trick the naive jedi, and get something of their own in the process. She stood towards the back, a rare budding of excitement swelled within her chest, as this would be her first true assignment. Her first real role within the empire, and she would be acting as a diversion. Truth be told, she would have preferred to be the leading role, but she had to prove herself before such things could come her way. Sliding the silly mask over her face, the form of an auburn haired woman took shape, with the once towering stature of the Sith becoming far shorter than she had been. Having once stood above her fellow sith, Aristeia would be amoung the last to step off of the transport, keeping her power concealed just as her mother had taught her. Lady Raaf was quite clear, she couldn't turn coat until the signal was given.

She knew to act the role of a jedi, she had practiced it quite often. They were irrational, unbalanced entities, though they wore a crumbling facade of peaceful ignorance and blatant denial. It was sad, they were effectively pretending they were above reproach. She always loved complex character roles, so this would suit her just fine; though the green saber certainly wasn't her color. Still, it would be enjoyable. She wondered if she meet anyone interesting. Though she doubted it, all jedi were the same after all. If anything, she could hope for a captivated audience when the time called for it; that would be a guarantee.
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In Umbris Potestas Est
Vanessa's lips curled into a cold and conniving smile as she stepped foot on the planet of the Wookiees. It was a rare occurrence for the expert illusionist to be able to directly strike at her foe. An older appearance, that of the alias of Myra Subach, was the form she had taken, dark hair and tanned human skin replacing her for. Her Force aura as well was distinctly minimized, neither light nor dark, but that of someone who was unknown and ignorant of the power that was wielded. An untrained Force-sensitive. Such was of course what Myra had been, back during Vanessa's sojourn in the Republic. The identity of Myra had been preserved, though Daella Apparine had nearly exposed it in one instance beforehand. According to all available documentation, the former owner of Subach-Innes was simply riding along with the Jedi in question.

Nothing suspicious at all here.
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim-Ragal
Empress Regent of the Eternal Empire, Overlord of the Eternal Empire, the Emperor's hand
The Red Witch; Director of Blackwatch; Baroness of Vengard, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Location: Ground, Kashyyyk
Equipment: 2x Sigra vibroblade | 2x Striith vibrosword | 2x silver blade lightsaber shoto | Eternal Empire's Assasin Armour | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | Shield talisman | Stealth field generator | Holographic disguise matrix | G1 OmniLink | Akwursa mask (actual look)
Tag: Jyoti Nooran Jyoti Nooran

Another task with TSE, however, now she didn’t have to hide her identity because they were allies again. As she had previously promised at the trial that the Eternal Empire would help the aspirations of the Sith Empire, she now fully complied with this. Ingrid personally came to the task and did not send someone to replace her. It was a suitable task for her, she was an expert, so she took some time to do it. Yet she could not let her allies down during the first task.

She was a little further away from the others as Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf gave the briefing. The red-hair woman found the mask an interesting solution, although she preferred more traditional methods. It’s probably pretty sure, too, and it fools the Jedi, otherwise they wouldn’t use this. She stays more than her own methods, which always work. For safety's sake, she took a mask for whatever she wore, but she still hid herself in the Force.

This and that of moving invisibly and mapping things out is always effective enough. True, she can do this later. According to her heart, she would have gone to the machines and generators now to sabotage them, so that no one would notice. But she didn't want to ruin the Lady of Secrets plan any other way. Thus, after putting on the mask, she was already wearing the shape of a woman with long brown hair. As soon as they arrived, she set off with the others.

Although she shouldn't have needed any disguise now, thanks to her fiancé, AMCO AMCO , at least she was able to change her appearance. Not drastically, but enough to look at someone else if necessary. That already helped a lot. Although not on this mission.

She was among the first to walk in the temple, past a young man and girl she had seen before. As always, she discreetly surveyed the area and scanned it through the Force. And in the main hall she walked as if she had always lived in this place. In any case, the mission proved to be interesting…


To be honest, there were worse worlds to wind up on than Kashyyyk. If she hadn't been paying attention, she could have wound up somewhere much more dangerous, especially now that the galaxy was getting so very loud. Things had quieted down, at least for a bit, which had made it easy to slip away. Disappear into the endless black expanse like a cloud of space dust. That was the high life, as far as Niysha was concerned. No one had even known she'd existed. No one remembered her. No one cared. Life had been pretty great, drifting from planet to planet on whatever low-cost transport she could book, dusting off old secrets each world had long since forgotten.

Unfortunately for her, when you navigate through life with nothing but the Force - both at an abstract level and a much more physical one - eventually you wind up where the Force wants you to be.

A few days ago, she'd taken a shuttle to Kashyyyk, deep into Jedi territory. There would have been no risk to it at all; no one would be looking for one Sith so far outside their zone of control. She had no real weapons, no resources, no fell intent... It would have been utterly harmless for her to just walk around and see what she could find. Regardless of their occasional misguided zealotry, the Jedi had displayed a lot of levelheadedness, back when she last brushed with them. If she kept her head down, no one would even notice she was there. Even if they did, it was pretty likely that they wouldn't try to do her any harm. One weak girl, hardly even Sith and with barely a dark bone in her body, couldn't do much to subvert one of the foremost bastions of Jedi power in the galaxy.

Which, of course, was exactly why Niysha was more resigned and pouty than genuinely upset when she Saw something she hadn't been expecting. As she wandered around the distant edges of "Silver Rest," never close enough to trespass or draw attention to herself but always close enough to peek curiously at what was happening inside, a small, unremarkable freighter touched down. Just barely within her line of Sight, it would have easily passed under her notice... if it hadn't been full of a half-dozen totally unassuming assorted muggles and weak Jedi, all moving with intent and a decent amount of coordination, with auras that swirled with the sort of quiet focus that an artisan had while working on something supremely delicate. She'd Seen that enough to know it was also exactly the mindset that salarymen had after scalping from corporate funds, or teenagers after shoplifting, or anyone had after a one-night fling that their partner didn't know about.

The entire shuttle smacked of that. Delicate swirls in their aura. And half of them were Force-blind, and the other half were unimpressive Jedi. Niysha put two and two together and hid immediately, both physically and mystically.

Suppressing her presence had always come naturally to her. Her life was barely more than a whisper, which meant that running dark was as easy as breathing more slowly, or walking more quietly. With barely a moment's hesitation, she found a gift shop to duck into, content to watch for now. Her curiosity might well be the death of her one day, but hopefully, it wasn't today.
The team was hand picked, but perhaps a mistake had been made. Kadann was the half-trained and half-feral apprentice of Darth Prazutis. He didn't know how to spell the word subtle, let alone apply it to the situation.

His plan - if it could be called that - was to walk the fringes of the academy until the signal came. The lightsaber at his belt didn't feel right. He had forged the crystal in his own under supervision. This one held a naturally grown kyber crystal. It felt wrong, as if it was cold to the touch.

Kadann waited for the others to head out into the bright sunshine. He had expected the darkness of the forests he had heard of. Instead the academy was a series of bright towers, glittering in the sunshine. They stood proud in the clearing.

How the other side lived. He felt an overwhelming urge to see it torn down.
Location: Silver Rest, Archives
Nearby: Loïc Pen-Ar-Lan Loïc Pen-Ar-Lan

Aida had always liked Kashyyyk.

It was a world with a history – not all of it was pleasant, and indeed some of those echoes remained in the roots of the mighty Wroshyr trees – but it was a place with a strong connection to the force. And it was a place that the Sephi chose to visit more often than others; but today she had not come to seek out her wookie friends.

Instead, her graceful footsteps had taken her down into the archives.

The dimly lit area was quiet and peaceful, perfect for those looking to study or do some research or simply bask in the presence of such immense knowledge. As she walked, the hem of her white robes slid along the gleaming tile floor. The Jedi Master paused for a moment, blue eyes simply taking in her surroundings, and her presence basking in the tranquil company of others.

Yes, Silver Rest was the place to come to re-connect with the Jedi. And though the winds of travel took her far and wide, it was quite nice to go to ground, so to speak. Tucked within the folds of her robes was a very special item; one that carried great importance to the Sephi. A holocron. It was the last gift her master had given her -- all those years ago. Aida had cherished the knowledge housed within the elegant holocron, but she realized that the winds where changing... it was time to let go. It was time to let Melfina Nemore's knowledge pass to others rather than keep it for herself.

A soft smile formed on her lips as she approached one of the archivists.

“I have business with the head archivist,” she began, her tone calm and even. “Might you find them for me?”

The Sephi canted her head to the side to punctuate her question, and her deep blue gaze settled upon– and maybe unsettled – the young woman. The Jedi master was, at times, rather an intense presence. Though, really... she meant no harm.

Caedyn Arenais


The Silver Rest, Kashyyyk
Jedi robes | Armistice Lightsaber


Caedyn Arenais had been spending a great deal of time on Commenor within the Silver Jedi Academy of Chasin City up until Kyra Perl Kyra Perl had informed him of her intent to go off hunting for the rescue of her Sister, Nida Perl Nida Perl . It had been difficult to let her go, but ultimately the decision and end-goal was something that Kyra and Thirdas Heavenshield Thirdas Heavenshield would be able to accomplish, something they needed to do for their own.

Without the need for daily training alongside his Padawan however, the Jedi Knight's time had been significantly freed up and with the former routines in the backdrop, Caedyn had sought to make up in the way of duties he had otherwise been neglecting. This was what had brought him back to Kashyyyk and the home that had been his safe haven for so long after the Je'daii Order had disbanded from the Outer Rim Territories.

Wandering the halls, the Jedi Knight smiled as he passed a group of students. Today was a day like any other, or so he had expected atleast. The Silver Rest was full of life and the promise of future generations of Jedi who would help to safeguard the future and uphold the values of peace and justice, defending the weak and staving off those who would otherwise abuse them.

Coming to a gradual halt within the training wing of the Temple, Caedyn slowed upon the outskirts of one of the many sparring dojo's to quietly spectate a pair of students training before their Master. The sight brought a smile to the young Jedi Knights face, listening as their mentor shouted words of advice while the two Padawan faced one another down in friendly competition.

It was good to be home, and the day was going rather pleasantly. How could he have known that chaos was waiting just around the corner, with the mere slip up of one of the Sith personnel, a single mishap or the loss of their disguise and subsequent discovery of their identity. Peace hung upon the fringe of their subtlety, right within the heart of the Order.

Location: Kitchen
Tag: Cadere Cadere

With her supply of liquor now dwindling, Yenna had to get much more creative with her choice of drinks. It didn't satisfy her urges nearly as well, but it helped to keep her mind in check. She knew Cas would understand her predicament, especially after she agreed to give him her last bottle of Tihaar. Though she did manage to drag him off for a rather uncomfortable testing session in the kitchen along with a selection from her remaining supply...

"Come on, taste this one. With this idea, for a while, I played!" she assured him as she hopped around on the kitchen counter, finding various kinds of fruit and carrying it over to throw it into a blender that stood beside several glasses filled with all kinds of experiments. With the fruit dispensed, she slapped the lid on and gestured to him to hold it shut just in case. With the blender closed, she turned it on and waited for the chunks to break down a little before shutting it off. "And now for a shot of brandy." she quipped as she picked up a bottle and poured in a lot more than a single shot. She closed it back up, waited for him to hold the lid, and turned it back on until the smoothie was perfect. "There we go!" she called out happily as she placed a glass nearby and poured the purple, delicious-looking smoothie over into the glass. For a finishing touch she planted a tiny umbrella into it along with a straw and pushed it closer to him. "Try that! Taste nice, I think this will." she commented as she looked at him with an enormous smile and a glimmer in her bright golden eyes. She knew he hated drinking, but a clean palette was exactly what she needed for this.

Naturally, the little green Jedi was blissfully unaware of the impending danger looming over the temple. Instead, she was more concerned over her current tester and whether she could trust his commentary. "A second opinion, you think we need?" she asked with a nervous laugh as she scratched the back of an ear.
Location: Silver Rest - Healers' Room
Equipment: Archer-Class Light v.1, Lightsabers
Tags: Caedyn Arenais Ellie Mors Ellie Mors

Yuroic was looking a little more agitated than usual as he was arguing with some of the healers as they tried to calm him down. "I should be out there fighting the Sith on Onderon, call went out and they need all the help they can get. I am a Jedi Master, I can help them. I got the armour on myself, I am not a child!" Yuroic growled as he stood, his hair rough and his beard long and unkempt, his armour which was once form fitting to his muscular physique was looser, not tight to his body. His eyes burned with a fiery passion that they had not for a couple of years now. Yuroic had come to Kashyyyk in the hopes of finding transport to Onderon since no one from Commenor would take him to Onderon. It was infuriating, he had every right to go fight on Onderon, he was more skilled than majority of Jedi and Mandalorians fighting on that planet, he might not be keeping on top of his skills as he use to but it wasn't something one would just forget. Instinct and the Force would always guide his hands.

Though he wasn't sure where his bow, he had tried getting his weapons in a rush and it slipped his mind, he had his armour on which was more important in his mind. However, the healers were warned of his arrival to Kashyyyk and dragged him away from gaining passage to Onderon. He was fed up of them telling him that he couldn't fight, that his health was not well enough for fighting and that while he might think he is fine, his condition meant that it was impossible to predict how he would be in the fight. But he refused to be told what to do by children, younger than his eldest, Asaraa. Wait, Asaraa, her boyfriend.... What was his name? Doesn't matter for now, but he could help Yuroic get to Onderon! He left the healers to their discussion on how to handle him and get him to wait till Jairdain arrive to take him home. He was not going home, he needed to help defend his fellow Jedi. He could never let his friends and family risk their lives and not take part.

Wandering through the halls, Yuroic noticed there were faces he had never seen before. He could swear that they were suspicious, he had always been around the Jedi Temple on Kashyyyk, so he should know most the people around. But there were so many new faces, his eyes narrowed as he thought on it. Then widened in fear as he thought, what if it was Sith?! There could be dozens and dozens of Sith infiltrating the Silver Rest right now. He walked into the dojo area of the Rest and spotted Caedyn talking to some Padawans. He rushed over to the Knight and looked very concerned. "Veiere, Veiere, I think... Wait. No." Yuroic paused, he made a mistake, "no, not Veiere. No, you date Asaraa. Asaraa... boyfriend... Cae... Caedyn? Yes, Caedyn! There are dozens of Sith in the temple. I saw them, they were people I don't recognise. Like these two, they are Sith!" Yuroic whispered a little too loudly about the two Padawans training.

It was clear that he was being a little paranoid, the anger had turned to fear and he was a little confused about things going on. "I came to help out on Onderon, but we need to fight Sith here." Though Sith on Kashyyyk, that was somewhat impossible, at least part of Yuroic thought it would be impossible for them to get this deep in Silver space.


Cover Name: Myri Ivanko
Gear: A wooden walking stick, Padawan Robes, 1 Padawan Braid, A sanity that's about to be tested
Currently: Trying to find her teacher
Writing with: Cadere Cadere Yenna Yenna

As Darkness began to creep on temple as the shadows that hung on to supposed good faith sources of light that began to infiltrate, Myri found herself walking around the temple with a anxious gait as her padawan braid innocently toiled around in the air without a care in the world. Many may find themselves having to actively fight the urge to stop and look at the woman. Her face still had the visible scars of someone who had been through a great fire and somehow lived, and attached to her left arm wasn't the typical cybernetic arm that many amputees had but rather a crude and ungainly appratus that looked like it belong to a bygone era of uncontrolled savagery. Though to the Jedi that knew the story behind both of these shocking features would register a strong sense of sympathy and sadness towards the woman.

In the wake of the Silver Jedi Concord's absorption of Nar Shaddaa into it's borders. came with it the chance for many slaves to finally see the dream of Abolition even as many slaves owners may have tried to work around and evade these laws set upon their livelihood. One such transport discovered trying to evade all detection that was passing through Silver Jedi space would be intercepted and found amongst the many overcrowded and starving slaves being smuggled one Myri Ivanko.

The Jedi quickly would sense Myri's weak presence in the force and realized she was force sensitive. So as the rest of the slaves would be gathered and be given normal humanitarian aid they would take her aside and talk to her. Being fed stories from the torched slave they would hear tales of years of punishments and abuses that had been imparted upon her. From her time she was a dancer for a hutt up until she had been caught trying to escape resulting in her being burned and disfigured leading her to being put to work doing back breaking manual labor. After years of being whipped and forced to work the skin off her fingers she would lash out and slapping one of her slave masters. This would lead to her being restrained and having her left hand crushed by a hydraulic press. The Jedi listened to the poor soul and counseled her. They could sense a darkness in her brought upon the challenges in her life but it was determined that with guidance and practice within the light side of the force that Myri would be able to rise above it all and become yet another champion of the light. In a way Myri's acceptance into the Jedi order as a Padawan and being brought to Kashyyk was yet another shining example of the Jedi principles of Humanitarianism.

Though such ideals and grander thoughts were not in Myri's head right now. That could be held off for later. Today was an important day after all and her first priority was finding Cas Tynen. A Jedi Knight that would oversee her initial training and gauge her understanding of the Force before she would be assigned to a proper master. He was sadly though no where to be seen. After asking around and getting no where she would find herself fraught with anxiety and mental exhaustion. After asking one last jedi and getting nothing she merely let out a defeated sigh and decided to go to one of the kitchens to grab herself something to eat and drink.

She could feel herself wanting to slap this knight in the face for being missing on the day her training began and briefly indulged in such thoughts before stopping herself. These thoughts were apparently not part of the 'Jedi way' and she would need to exercise patience, tranquility and serenity in order to grow. Though perhaps if one felt tranquil after slapping a tardy teacher would that be the Jedi like? Such questions remained a mystery and she just hoped that there would be some tea to brew in the kitchen as she entered.

"A second opinion, you think we need?"

Were the words that hit her ears as her eyes began to proces the sheer amount of mixological chaos strung about the kitchen seeing cups and various glass of different substances of varying consistency. All sourced seemingly from the only two people in the room. One a short green creature that was part of a species she never saw in person before and the other a Kiffar with a distinctive blue cross mark on his face matching the description of Cas. A strong smell of paint cleaner would reach her nose as it mixed with the fruity aromas of all the food used for making the smoothies. What were they-

"Uh a second opinion on what exactly? And are you Cas Tynen? Myri would pose to the Two Jedi hoping that her worse suspicions would be confirmed.

For the two Jedi that looked upon Myri they would be able to sense from a weak signature in the force. Cloudy and confused in it's identity. Something that all befit that of a new Padawan in need of training. Nothing that would spark any suspicion that Myri was anything but Myri Ivanko Padawan for the Jedi order. Though the truth was far more insidious as in reality Myri Ivanko didn't exist, and the person posing as this facade was Amur: Sith knight and newly minted Initiate of the Saaraishash.

Location: Silver Rest, Archives
Nearby: Aida Aquila Aida Aquila


Loïc longed for one thing. Peace. His Nubia study offered precisely that. Alas, he was stuck on Kashyyyk - his living quarters laid next to those of a particularly diligent Jedi Master specialised in gardening. He could for the life of him not understand why music would help the plants grow, nor did he care. All that mattered was that he had now gone in exile. The height-adjustable table by the Archive Computer Terminal - one of few where he could stand instead of being seated - had now become his almost permanent residence whilst spending time on the forested planet.

The Knight was a utterly cautious man and while the silence which could be found in the archives was good for concentration, it was also good for other means - like keeping the sensitive information which could be found in his documents away from prying eyes. Although he trusted his fellow Jedi to an extent, morals and experience of seeing people fall had him weary. But then - what did the details of a Nubian merger concern anyone here?

A sigh escaped him - the silent door leading into the archives swooshed opened in the distance, revealing an seemingly elegant woman. Her voice could be heard clearly in the otherwise silent chamber. The archivist whom the woman spoke to seemed rather confused, but Loïc knew precisely where the elderly gentleman would be. He was a man of habit, the Head-archivist. After checking the time, the Nubian Knight spoke softly "He is in the break room for a milkshake. If you go fetch him, he might get here before he goes for another cinnamon roll." His voice easily carried across the quietness of the Archive

While he wanted to return his attention to his documents, Loïc knew of the considerable risks involved. While waiting, a fair number of people liked to talk and chat. But the Nubian was well prepared. With a casual movement, he pointed towards the table next to his "There is an interesting article on the founding of the Concord there. It is a recommended read if you want the time to pass faster." Hopefully, this would do the trick.
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Location: Kitchens (being broody)
Tags: Yenna Yenna Amur

As per usual, Cas had a million and one things on his mind and felt as if the weight of the galaxy were on his shoulders. The young Jedi Knight desperately wanted to aid on Onderon but, he knew he couldn't - right now he was unstable, in a bad headspace and he'd be nothing but a liability. It was a secret to everyone else, a secret that only his close friend Mathieu Brion Mathieu Brion knew about... which reminded him, Cas hoped the Morellian was alright out there.

Currently, to pass the time he was with his Padawan - maybe they should've been training but... things were bleak right now. Besides neither of them were probably up for it. Cas watched as Yen literally blended her last bits of alcohol together. "You know you were supposed to stop drinking right? This is the opposite of everything you said you'd do." Cas stated bluntly and rather unimpressed as he accepted the glass she handed to him. He didn't condone this, at all, but she was an adult and entitled to her decisions. Umbrella was a nice touch though.

Scanning the glass with a cautious look, a nearby voiced may have potentially saved him from this concoction. The Kiffar slowly turned his head to face whoever was speaking, already in a grouchy mood, Cas started "Why don't you mind your damn--" before totally cutting himself off at the sight of the Padawan's facial burns. Noticing that he was staring, he quickly darted his eyes away. He began to speak again "Yeah, that's me unfortunately. Who are you?" Cas answered, following it up with his own question.

What he did not know, or simply forgot, was that he was supposed to be instructing this Padawan temporarily until she found a Master of her own, In his defence, he had a lot on his plate and was suffering from serious guilt and trauma.
Location: Silver Rest, Hallways.
Tags: Allyson Locke Allyson Locke

As much as Vaylin had wanted to join Kaalia Pavanos Kaalia Pavanos on Onderon; a rare sight to have her on the battlefield these days, the Zabrak had been given a very different mission. While the Sith Empire attacked elsewhere, a small group was aimed towards Silver Space on a more covert operation. Led by Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf , they were to infiltrate and spread out within the Jedi temple, await for the theft to be made then cause chaos when the signal was given.

But for Vaylin however, she was here for something else, someone else...

To find Allyson Locke. Ascertain her current state, then respond according.

Intel had suggested the Agent had been captured by the Galactic Alliance, then found herself within the custody of the Silver Jedi. More detailed intelligence pointed to her last known location deep within Silver Space, and Kashyyyk was considered the likeliest planet. It was after all the location of Silver Rest, a place of prominence within the Silver Jedi. And with them mostly distracted by the ongoing conflict on Onderon...their numbers present at the Temple were lowered.

Vaylin remained silent as Taeli spoke, instead focusing on the mask that had been dangling on her belt. She plucked it from her waist, and brought it up to her face. Within a moment the distinctive facial features of the Elder Valkyrie were replaced with that of a blonde Jedi. Knowing who her target was for this mission, Vaylin had been particularly deliberate in the type of disguise she took up.

Moving on ahead of Taeli’s group, the Zabrak made her way into Silver Rest proper. She was dressed in traditional Jedi robes, the outfit allowing her to conceal the Hand armour underneath. Vaylin threaded her hands together, disappearing into the opposite sleeve. She looked the perfect image of a stoic Jedi Master, simply gliding through the hallways with purpose.

Albeit said purpose was anything but good intentioned.

She knew what the Corellian’s presence felt like, it was just a matter of finding it, then tracking it down. It wasn’t an easy feat given she was surrounding in Light wherever she looked, it was nauseating. Not to mention she was currently concealed within a shell. Oh...once the signal was given, she could break free.
So many lies, so many stolen faces, and yet the Jedi remained oblivious, for the shadows that clouded their vision and baffled their senses were dark enough that even the brightest Light could not pierce them. Not without conscious effort, effort which in turn required suspicion.

The creature wearing a Padawan's face would not be the cause of such suspicion, not until the time was right.

Not until the hour of madness and paranoia was upon them, not until blood was to be shed.

Navigating the strange temple with stolen familiarity, the shadow gravitated towards an exercise hall and the inexperienced signatures within even as he patiently awaited the signal. Along the way, however, he came face to face with a Mandalorian, of all things, and reacted with appropriate surprise, which quickly transitioned into opportunity. An opportunity to strain the Jedi's alliances? Perhaps.

"Mandalorian? I've never trained with one of you... are you, uh, heading the same way I am? Oh, sorry, I'm Jaz."

A healthy blend of insecurity when dealing with the unusual combined for an eagerness to test his skill at arms against new opponents. Seemed just right for little Jastin, who had been oh-so-determined to make his mark on the galaxy. To prove himself to his master.


Aristeia Zambrano

Location: Kitchen
Tags: Yenna Yenna Amur Cadere Cadere

How does one go about starting an effective distraction? Well, in the mind of one Aristeia, that would be to target something important. What would that be? Well, she reasoned something like poisoning food stocks might be the route to go, so that would be the way she would go about it. Several of her companions had already begun to split off, thinning the herd until they become lone agents of darkness amid the light. Aristeia wasn't bothered, after all, she had been an actress most of her life; with a much smaller audience in attendance only of course, but that was aside the point. This wasn't exactly the same sort of production she was used to, the stage would be so much bigger.

Now the biggest challenge yet loomed, finding directions to the kitchen for this place. She eventually worked it out, but she would not tell a soul how many of the lowly creatures she had to interact with before she found her way, but she did find it, and that's all that mattered right now.

When she entered the kitchen, she had hoped to find it mostly empty. That wasn't at all what she found. It seemed she had stumbled upon some sort of jedi drinking ritual, or at least that's what she could assume. Behind the mask, confusion flared, as the Sith in disguise was unsure how to handle the scene infront of her. It smelled...well not good, reminded her of her mother's wine collection, with a mix of fruit salad; none of which she found favorable. Aristeia had never good at improve, but this would certainly make for good practice. Jedi hated fun, didn't they? Why were they drinking? Well, her jedi persona was going to get to the bottom of this. "What are you three doing? Why aren't you training?" Stepping towards the concoction in the blender, Aristeia scowled, taking a whiff and finding that it was indeed the source of the aroma. She felt her sense of smell wither away and die, and with it she stepped away from the blender, her gaze now falling upon the three jedi she would be 'distracting' for the time being. Putting her hands on her hips, Aristeia shook her head slowly at the trio. There was an attacking coming, and here they were drinking. For shame. Looking to the tiny alien that seemed to be most comfortable in this situation, she could only assume it was the superior here; after all, the small green ones were almost always jedi masters. "Are these padawans under your tutelage?" She inquired, rather ignorant of how jedi as a whole worked; everyone wore the little braid things right?
Location: Kitchen
Tags: Cadere Cadere Amur Aristeia Zambrano

Understandably, Cas wasn't exactly happy about this. But she knew he wouldn't be. "The beauty, this is though!" she assured him. "To drink less, teaching myself, I am! Finished, once this is, nothing but the bottle I gave you, I will have." she continued as she handed him his drink. He was about to take a sip when they were interrupted. Cas' response was unnecessarily rude and justified rather well the strawberry she launched at his head with the force. He introduced himself but Yenna didn't give a chance for the new arrival to introduce herself. "Not important, that is!" she called out as she somersaulted through the air and landed in front of the padawan with a bright smile. "Hai! Nice, you look. Your help, I need desperately." she urgently stated as she grabbed hold of her one hand and tried as hard as her little body allowed to pull the girl after her. Once they were at the counter, she jumped back up and took the glass from Cas. "Taste this for me. How it tastes, tell me." she practically demanded as she watched her with enormous eyes. At least the drink would be very sweet with a slight tinge of brandy in between.

As if her luck wasn't smashing enough, someone else arrived. Her happy demeanor simply grew as the woman scolded the three of them. "Done for the day, our training is." she stated simply as she got ready to drag this Jedi into the experiment as well. Though the new arrival quickly came over to inspect the mess they made. Yenna waited anxiously for a positive feedback, but sadly that wasn't what she was there for.

To her surprise, she thought that Yenna was the master between them. A smirk formed on Yenna's lips as she glanced at Cas. "Hehe. Turned, how the turntables have." she telepathically told him as she focused on the Jedi. "Yes they are. But, a special day, this is. With new smoothie ideas, they are helping me." she stated confidently before picking up a glass filled with some sort of icy red liquid. "Please, have a taste!" she offered her as she held out the glass. "Strawberry, blood orange, ice, and, Tihaar, my last shot of." she explained with a bright smile. It technically wasn't true, given Cas was sitting with her last bottle of the stuff. But the less she thought of it the better.

As she waited for feedback on the two drinks, she glanced between them. "Around here, new, you are?" she asked them as she rested her tiny hands on her hips. "Your names, what are?" she continued with a friendly tone as she glanced between them.


Cover Name: Myri Ivanko
Gear: A wooden walking stick, Padawan Robes, 1 Padawan Braid, A sanity that's about to be tested
Writing with: Cadere Cadere Yenna Yenna Aristeia Zambrano

Underneath the mask of nervousness the mind ticked away. The Jedi had warned her about Cas Tynen, apparrently he had a rather sour and gloomy disposition every since one of his missions though the details were never given. Fair enough, Sith often kept things close to their chest though as she saw Cas spat some vitriol only to retract at the sight of her face this Jedi was a much easier thing to read. Nice thing about the Jedi was that pity, sympathy and shame could be so easily used to sway them as she saw the knight practically submit and retract his ground upon seeing her. Was it odd in a way that her own misfortune that permanently marked her body and her substantially weakened power in the force when she was drained by that insufferable hag turned into a perfect storm for blending in. She wouldn't even need a mask. Now to just act quiet, reserved and they would all be none the wiser...

Suddenly the small one had leaped in front of her taking Myri by surprise as she started to back away step by as it smiled at her. Her mind needing to double back and process each sentence that Yenna muttered in order to quickly process the odd style of dialect that members of her species spoke. Yet even before that she felt herself get dragged away and now had a suspicious drink hoisted in to her face. Myri took the drink an sniffed it trying to decipher how much of it was alcohol or fruit which was incredibly difficult. There was a serious concern that this small one may have been a saboteur herself, after all who in their right mind as a Jedi be peddling alcohol yet why did that assumption feel wrong. Well if she played along atleast then there would be a chance that she would distract a few Jedi with having to discipline everyone. She slowly moved the drink up to her mouth about to take sip...

Suddenly a 4th voice entered the procession and Myri would emit a cute awkward gasp as she quickly turned around to face the new voice hiding the drink behind her back. Perhaps after this entire thing was done she could reflect and cringe at her mind posturing itself in this role but still it carried on it's veneer of submissiveness with little hesitation to betray her. Still she was puzzled over why she had insinuated that Cas was a Padawan, he didn't have the braid and wel.. wait could she be a Sith? A bit of hidden deduction would need to be done, and maybe a few good dog whistles as well.

"I'm uh pretty sure that Knight Tynen isn't a Padawan, I think." Myri would correct her with a fearful tone to her voice, after all a former slave often learned to fear any chance of being punished, it was best to keep to this in to sell it all as she still looked on nervously waiting for the other Jedi to drink before her. "Oh, I'm Myri Ivanko, Padawan. I'm pretty new here, if you just got here too then we might have something in common. She said dropping a small hint curious how she would respond, before turning her attention to Cas.

"Is drinking smoothies part of the training?"

Location: Still in the kitchens
Tags: Yenna Yenna Amur Aristeia Zambrano

Cas felt something soft hit at the back of his head, jolting it slightly. Immediately knowing who it was, the Jedi Knight gave his Padawan an affirmative glare - "You're on thin ice, Yen." he projected before returning his attention to this new Padawan. Before she could answer his question, Yen had practically taken over the conversation and pulled this poor girl into, whatever this was as well.

The Kiffar turned around and leaned on a kitchen counter, resting his cheek in the palm of his hand as he watched them with an unenthusiastic look. He still had no idea who she was and why she was looking for him, desperately trying to remember the various important conversations he had zoned out on but to no avail. This woman was a mystery.

At the sound of another, but authoritative voice from behind them. He rolled his eyes, not even bothering to look at whoever was talking Cas didn't realise that the stranger assumed Yen was their Master "Get off my back, prissy. Coming in here, acting all--" he was cut off when he heard Yenna's voice in his mind. What did she mean by the tables being turned? Then it all made sense once she took "responsibility" for her "Padawans" which made him stand up straight and finally turn his attention to... whoever this other person was.

"Yes, this Padawan is under my tutelage." Cas corrected the newcomer with a passive aggressive tone, placing the palm of his hand on Yenna's head before glancing over at Myri, who had just introduced herself "Just call me Cas. Nice to meet you, Myri." he said nonchalantly before running a hand through his hair - "No, this isn't training. I just want to brood in my bedroom." he answered Myri. Glancing over at the newcomer, he folded his arms and eyed her suspiciously - something didn't feel right with her but he didn't know what.

Bypassing Yenna's question asking for her name, he continued to glare at her with suspicion "Hey, you've got some spunk to be coming down on us for "not training" and being in here, when you're doing the exact same thing. So, prissy, what are you doing here?" he asked with an accusatory tone.
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