Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Shooting Stars & Flaming Hearts




The only things certain in life are death, taxes… and slavers.

In the absence of Judges and lawmen, the Karazak Slavers' Cooperative has risen again and is moving fast to reclaim lost territory. Once more, their presence is known on the arid world of Karazak where they've inhabited an abandoned Imperial fortress known as Sunbreaker Base. Karazak has long held a reputation for slave trading, gun running, and black markets for Sith artifacts; this poses a multifaceted threat to the growing League of Autonomous Worlds, but also presents itself as an opportunity to kill two birds with one stone.

A joint mission between the Spacers Alliance and Bounty Hunters Guild is underway with the intent of busting the slavers' blockade around Karazak and capturing Sunbreaker Base.


OBJECTIVE 1: Kill the Sun
Suggested for Spacers, Fleeters, and Pilots

Above the desert world of Karazak, an impressive blockade prevents unauthorized entry into or escape from the planet. This defensive fleet is comprised of many dangerous warships and squadrons of uglies, but their subjugation will not last. The Spacers Alliance launches a surprise attack against the slaver blockade, hitting them hard and fast. Their objective is to disorient the Karazak Cooperative's fleet and keep them occupied while ground forces infiltrate the planet below. Spacer flotillas are authorized to destroy or disable any hostile vessels defending Karazak or the slaver fleet.

The Whitedrift Exchange, a Lormar-class space station, serves as an orbital bazaar and residential platform for the Karazak system; the station boasts a population of roughly 10,000 sentients that includes civilians and servicemen. Exercise caution around the Exchange, targeting only its comms array.


OBJECTIVE 2: Scorched Earth
Suggested for Bounty Hunters, Mercenaries, and Soldiers

Karazak was one of many slaving worlds sanctioned and regulated by Palpatine's Galactic Empire, and remnants of that dark era remain all across the rocky landscape. Resting atop one of Karazak's monolithic mesas is Sunbreaker Base, a massive Imperial fortress once used to dominate the area and control the slaving syndicates - in the Empire's absence, it is now the slavers and pirates who subjugate from its imposing walls. Working under contract with the LAW, the Bounty Hunters Guild slips through the planetary blockade and delivers a comprehensive attack on Sunbreaker Base.

The black market on Karazak is saturated with artifacts of significance to the Sith Order. Agents of the Sith may attempt to intervene in the ground assault to extract dangerous items. Desperate slavers and pirates may try to weaponize the artifacts against LAW forces. Exercise caution around suspected or confirmed Sith relics.

You guys voted YES to incorporating loot tables to PVE threads for expanded RP value, so this will be our trial run! Below are the rules for looting and the associated loot table that you’ll use to get items.

LOOTING RULES: Once per post (up to a maximum of three times per thread) you may roll 1d100 to loot. You can RP the act of looting and decide if you’re checking bodies, opening crates or lockers, picking through junk piles, etc. Use your imagination!

The number you get from rolling determines the item you receive, and how you use that item is completely up to you. Perhaps you hold onto it as a keepsake for flavor, or maybe it becomes essential to your next thread! Maybe it’s just junk and you toss it to the side, but hey, that’s the luck of the draw.



Credit for loot table: Kainrath’s blog & Fantasy Flight Games
Captain Pal Veda
The Rubicon
Objective II (for now): Run the blockade!
Wide open.

The great thing about running spice is that you always had some around. The terrible thing about running spice is that you always had some around. Exercising self control was important. Most smugglers, spacers, and outlaws lacked self control. That’s how they ended up as a smuggler, spacer, or outlaw to begin with. One off decision after another, straying further and further from the preordained path, from the normal. But by jettisoning the normal, one gained freedom. Freedom to travel the stars. To see the galaxy. To live life how they wanted.

Wait . . . What the hell am I talking about? He snapped back to reality, blinking his eyes and shaking his head. Kriffin’ spice!

Captain Veda rubbed his eyes and took a long sip of stimcafe before checking the readout on the screen in front of him. Still a bit out from Karazak. He popped a nic-pouch into his mouth for a little extra boost and rose from the pilot’s chair, stretching his arms back, then reaching down to stretch his hamstrings and back. The ranting and raving from the galley had picked back up, so he strolled from the cockpit into the ship’s main quarters to check in with the team.

Most of these boys were new to Pal. So of course he had locked up any valuables on board in the hidden wall safe. The gym equipment had also been temporarily removed to make room for the larger team and, if they played their hand right, a little slaver loot for their troubles. No surprise that when he entered the galley, several were still bragging and boasting about past accomplishments, bringing in this bounty or that, helping overthrow a government here or there, barely escaping with their lives. The armory they had brought along was impressive — only problem being some of them had more weapons than sense.

“Listen up!” he yelled, but no one paid him any attention. No respect? On my ship? What is the world coming to? He nodded at his BB unit rolling around nearby, and the astromech let out a deafening whistle. The whole room shut up and turned to Pal. “Now, that’s better. Listen up! We’re coming up on Karazak in a few minutes. Our intel is that this blockade near the Whitedrift Exchange is no joke. Luckily, you’re sitting on the fastest ship in the galaxy with the best pilot in the galaxy.” As expected, his comment drew some whistles, cheers, jeers, and laughs. “Jokes aside, this ain’t my first rodeo. We’ve got other ships hitting the blockade. My job is to get past it and deliver you boys planetside.“

”They’ll have fighters, probably older models with some aftermarket surprises. I need two of you manning the canons, one upper and one lower. I don’t care who as long as you know how to aim and pull the trigger. It ain’t that hard.”

Beep boop!

”BB says we’re exiting hyperspace in five minutes.” The excitement from that announcement was palpable. “Let’s go take out some slavers!”

You still got it, Captain.



~what difference does it makes?~

OBJECTIVE: II - takeover the Sunbreaker base
TAG: Pal Veda Pal Veda | Open


The scorching heat of Karazak shone brightly above Jerrel’s buy’ce-covered head as he and a dozen of other Enarc-chapter’s bounty hunters touched down on top of the mesa that hold the mighty Sunbreaker base of old. Karazak Slaver’s Cooperative had been taken by surprise. They weren’t expecting an attack, only to be hammered down by the forces of the recently formalised League of Autonomous Worlds. The bounty hunters of the Guild’s Enarc-chapter had spearheaded the direct assault of the old Imperial base. Led by Jerrel Kast on Phantom’s Menace, his modified, red and black Starviper-class attack platform, they have blasted the base rear gate open, and the 13 hunters jumped directly to flank the base, leaving their respective astromech droids to takeover their ships and provide air support.


Jerrel quickly headed to the series of structures of significance he saw, a black market. Upon taking a corner, a plasma blast was shot at his direction, scraping his beskar pauldron yet leaving it unscathed. With a lightning quick reflex, he turned toward his attacker and shot his pair of WESTAR-34 blaster pistols at him, sending him against the wall dead cold.


He swiftly approached the dead enforcer, checking the fresh body for anything that might help him for the mission, or afterwards.


The Rubicon
Objective II
Pal Veda Pal Veda Jerrel Kast Jerrel Kast Open​

Standing among the assembled before Pal Veda was an gray armored figure with a similar themed hooded cloak with blue stripes. In addition his visor looked like a combination of a gas mask and racer helmet with all his weapons and equipment at the ready. Joriz Sai carried a fierce yet calm demeanor, having barely said much out loud during this journey. Frankly the young hunter didn't see much point to do so.

Beside him was a teenage girl with short black hair, olive skin, brown eyes that beheld a confident glint. Her gear was a more black blueish pilot uniform with a brown beret. The two siblings exchanged looks with one another. While Joriz had his helmet Mari knew him enough to tell by his body language what he was likely to do about this plan. Finally Joriz through the helmet's audio filter said.

"I'll take the top turret."

"Second gun for me." Mari interjected while her older brother had to resist the urge to sigh.

If it was up to him Joriz would've preferred his younger sibling stayed at the computer console back on their ship but she insisted on going with this one. Then again this job was a lot more personal than just hunting bandits or con artists given their history with slavers. Without waiting for further instructions from Pal the duo ran for where the turrets would be.

As they pressed forward out of the crowd Joriz said to Mari.

"Sis, you know the drill. Stay close and keep as much cover as possible."

"Yes, yes I know Joriz. I'm growing up, not a little kid anymore." She exclaim only for him to retort.

"Then act like it.”

Finished they seperated on the ladder. Joriz went first climbing upwards while Mari went down to the lower gun. Soon enough they got in the seats and each handled their controls. Finally Joriz allowed himself to sigh at last.

"Here goes nothing."
High Commander of the Lilaste Order

OBJECTIVE 1: Kill the Sun
Fleet Composition​
[CAR][FLAG] Avantis

ShieldHullTechnical dataDamage Stats
▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮Carrier DataHealthy
[HC] Bil'mara

ShieldHullTechnical dataDamage Stats
▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮Heavy Cruiser DataHealthy
[HC] Motiv

ShieldHullTechnical dataDamage Stats
▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮Heavy Cruiser DataHealthy
[SPF] Chil'dra

ShieldHullTechnical dataDamage Stats
▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮Frigate DataHealthy
[SPF] Vilana

ShieldHullTechnical dataDamage Stats
▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮Frigate DataHealthy
[SPF] Xhila

ShieldHullTechnical dataDamage Stats
▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮Frigate DataHealthy
[SPF] Zanto

ShieldHullTechnical dataDamage Stats
▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮Frigate DataHealthy
[SPF] Multor

ShieldHullTechnical dataDamage Stats
▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮Frigate DataHealthy
[HSF] Claw squadron

Technical dataTotal Number
Fighter Data80
[BMR] Fire breath Squadron

Technical dataTotal Number
Bomber Data20

Laphisto stood infront of the view port of one of the Orders newest ships a Rac'gir class Carrier. the Avantis. She had just rolled out of the Ship works aboard Aurora station no less than a few cycles ago and what a grand first mission that to run her nose first through a blockade of slavers. this would be the first mission with the Lilaste order working for The league of autonomous worlds and so he made sure to pack to impress. Though with current skirmishes along the M'heali boarders and with order forces pushing into dusate space, his escorts were on the low side of things.

turning to the bridge Laphisto faced away from the streams of hyper space, giving a small nod towards the communications officer, which sent a signal to the fleet. with seven other captains showing up on holo coms "alright the plan is simple. drop from hyper space, engage hostile forces and provide a big enough distraction for Pal Veda Pal Veda and his ship to break through the blockaid. but most importantly. we dismember the slaver fleet, i dont want anything operational by the time we leave this system. lets show the galaxy and our new allies. the true wrath of the order"

each captain pulled a closed fist to thier chest and gave a bow before the comms cut and laphisto turned back to the view port. and not soon after the Fleet dropped from hyperspace and immediately the five Drak'iv Shield popper frigates rushed forwards, aiming to target key sections of teh enemy fleet with thier ion cannons. while the hanger bays of the Avantis opened up to off load eighty basalisk star fighters followed closly by twenty pegasus bombers. the two Air'mar Heavy cruisers would then take up defensive positions infront of the carrier

" engines ahead full. bring us within targeting range. star fighters protect bombers on their course. target the largest vessels and thier command ship if possible. keep Tia Tovar and Mau'luk Squadron in reserve incase we need the extra fire power. lets show these slavers how a real fleet operates"

Joriz Sai Joriz Sai Jerrel Kast Jerrel Kast
Captain Pal Veda
The Rubicon
Objective II (for now): Run the blockade!
Tags: Jerrel Kast Jerrel Kast Joriz Sai Joriz Sai Laphisto Laphisto

”Dropping out of hyperspace in three . . . two . . . one . . .”

The tunnel of light morphed into a clear view of a planet. Well, a planet surrounded by a blockade of enemy vessels and fighters. The Avantis and its support ships had appeared on his port side, immediately engaging the enemies ahead. They provided significant cover here, but the deeper the Rubicon flew, the more he was on his own.

Veda fell in adjacent to the star fighters, offering additional support for the bombers as they made their initial run. “Shoot to kill!” he commanded the bounty hunter siblings manning the cannons — not that he expected anything else. He just liked the feeling of commanding his ship.

It took no time for the pirates to return fire. The larger vessels had trouble targeting the smaller, nimble craft speeding toward them, but a swarm of fighters and light freighters, not too different from their attackers, soon filled the space between them.

“BB, power to front shields!”

BEEP BOOP! The astromech was already plugged in awaiting the order, cursing at Veda for waiting so long to give the instruction. Right on time, a couple of shots rocked the ship, absorbed by the shield and causing no damage on impact.

“I was waiting for — wait, why am I explaining myself to you?”

Veda turned the ship vertical and fired the forward lasers, splitting two incoming fighters. If these bounty hunters were worth their reputation, they would take them out with the cannons as they zoomed past. The captain focused his attention on a third fighter locked onto a friendly bomber, taking the shot as he leveled his ship back horizontally.


The enemy craft exploded in a ball of fire, leaving the bomber a clear path to its target.

”We’re going to stay with the bombers hitting the corvette at sixty degrees starboard,” he communicated to his gunners through the comm. “Focus on enemy fighters, I’ll aim for the corvette’s weapons. When the bombs are away, we’re going to dive beneath and make a bee-line for the surface.”

The Rubicon
Objective II
Jerrel Kast Jerrel Kast Laphisto Laphisto Pal Veda Pal Veda

Hearing the command to shoot and gripping the gun controls Joriz fired away in short salvos at any opportune target. His sister at the bottom turret quickly followed suit. While Pal sped on through, the siblings did what they could. Twisting to the left, Joriz clipped a slaver fighter in one of its wings, causing it to spin out of control. He didn't waste time to see if it was destroyed or not but locked onto the next fighter. The latter dived from above for Pal's ship to intercept only for Joriz to aim for the cockpit and blasted it into explosive chunks and pieces.

"Two so far Mari." The older brother said through their shared comm channel, with a smirk inside his visor. Only for his little sister to smugly reply.

"Three for me."

Surprise came over Joriz but then annoyance and finally pride and amusement followed as he searched for the next target. Mari had been improving in her weapons training lately. The vessel shook as if in a small earthquake before the front shields were boosted. At the vertical run they did indeed lock on the scattered fighters with Mari destroying hers with a barrage into its underside while Joriz wiped out his target with three shots into the engines.

He could hear Mari let out a cheer.

"That's what I'm talking about! Four now brother!"

Joriz rolled his eyes within the helmet before smiling. Quickly it faded as Pal's next instructions came through. Nodding he answered.

"Loud and clear. You can count on us."

Ignoring the bombers entirely they shot at preferred targets. Soon enough he got three more fighters and Mari scored two more fighters for herself.

"Looks like we're tied by six fighters brother. Let's see who can break it." Mari called out in challenge, causing Joriz to chuckle before saying.

"You're on."
Captain Pal Veda
The Rubicon
Objective II (for now): Run the blockade!
Tags: Joriz Sai Joriz Sai Jerrel Kast Jerrel Kast Laphisto Laphisto

Veda watched with glee as fighters appeared then disappeared from his radar, explosions filling the space around the Rubicon as it jetted toward the corvette. “That’s some impressive shootin’, boys!” he called over the comms, glad to see at least two of these bounty hunters were living up to their reputations. “Keep it up, we’re almost through!”

The heavily modified YT-2400 was larger than the bombers and fighters it accompanied, but it was just as maneuverable and faster still. Having the cannons appropriately manned made this that much easier. Veda kept the forward lasers aimed on the larger vessel’s outer weapons, then got the confirmation he was looking for. Missile lock. “Torpedo one, away!” He yelled, flipping the top of the control and pressing the button with his thumb.

Ppppsshhhroooom! The torpedo zoomed toward the giant underbelly cannon of the pirate frigate in front of them. Without hesitating, Veda altered course just slightly and locked onto the second cannon. “Torpedo two, away!”

The first cannon exploded, followed by the second just moments later. With the primary weapons systems out, that pirate ship was a sitting duck for the bombers. And it meant clear passage for this freighter full of mercenaries.

Veda kicked the thrusters, outrunning their companion ships and diving just below the corvette, too fast for any enemy fighters to keep up and too close to their own vessel to take a shot. Clear sailing to Sunbreaker Base. He was a professional, after all.

”Looks like we’re not the first ones here,” the captain commented on descent, seeing Phantom’s Menace near their landing site. “Better unload quick before Kast and his crew have all the fun.” Smooth touchdown, time to go!


Nej Tane was a man of many talents.

Stealing, thieving, lying, looting, grifting, lying, cheating, card tricks, insurance fraud, legal workarounds, and-

A good bit of sleight of hand. So, a pickpocket here, a lie here, and-

He had gotten credentials into the base. Sunbreaker base was still operational, retrofitted this and that, but overall, it was an old system, reliant on keycards and physical keys. Very odd. Slicing into something like this wasn't very doable, either- it was all closed network. Meaning, one button to one terminal, usually. Made it harder to attack and open a gate, for instance.

But Nej, and his Scoundrel's Luck, and his charm, had wormed his way inside, posing just as another hired gun rushing around with the ongoing attack. In fact, he had reached one of the gate control rooms, staring down three thugs who turned and pointed their rifles at him.

"Hurry, they need us outside!"

Spurned by oaths of loyalty, or perhaps, credits, or maybe to run away, the three thugs went to run out and full of pride and hopes of victory against their daring attackers (they didn't make it far, Nej shot them in the back).

Chuckling, Nej walked over to the console, starting the process to open the Sunbreaker's eastern gates to let all of his new pals in.


Both siblings in their separate turrets hollered in praise at what they just witnessed. Mari more so than her brother of course. Once the fireworks were over Joriz and her continued to provide suppressing fire at any enemy fighter that attempted pursuit. It wasn't long before they reached the surface. Getting off the turret, Joriz slid down briefly before jumping and landing on the floor.

His sister came next climbing up and Joriz offered his right hand and Mari took it and pulled off the ladder. For a moment the older brother nodded in reminder to her to stay close and be smart in the fight. Mari nodded back with determination before pulling a blaster carbine. While it wasn't the same people who kidnapped and sold off their homeworld but the scum here will pay. They rushed to join the other hunters as the ramp came with blaster fire outside.

Leading ahead of their team Joriz readied his assault rifle amidst the sprint. Coming out and hit with the blazing heat and dust kicking up the air they pressed on through. They advanced alongside the group to link up with Jerred Kast's team already inside. Once the duo passed through the destroyed gate Joriz spotted three slavers coming out of a door yards away. He aimed and fired several bolts, killing one in the chest and wounding the other in the right shoulder.

The third slaver hit the dirt and returned fire only to be shot in the face but Mari. She grinned at her brother.

"Twelve already!"

"Fourteen!" Joriz answered back while reloading his blaster before adding. "Thanks by the way."

Nodding but she quickly reminded him. "Let's focus on the fight."

Agreeing the bounty hunter advanced further into the base with his kin in tow.
Captain Pal Veda
Sunbreaker Base
Objective II: Free some slaves, get rich while doin‘ it!
Tags: Joriz Sai Joriz Sai Laphisto Laphisto Jerrel Kast Jerrel Kast Nej Tane Nej Tane

The mercenaries filed out — well, ran out — of the Rubicon, yelling and shooting at anything that looked unfriendly. Armed, armored, and hungry for action. The kids could have their fun. The captain casually strolled own the landing ramp with nothing but his trusty blaster pistol at his side.

The eastern gate was open and most of the crew had already entered the base. Looked like Nej Tane had could through after all. A sneaky sun of a gun, rarely reliable unless it was in his own best interest. Fun cat nonetheless. Pal made his way to the entrance and took a look around. Dead pirates and slavers, holes through their bodies, carbon scoring covering the walls where the trigger happy hunters had unloaded.

A shuffling in the corner caught Pal’s attention. In a flash, his blaster was in his hand and aimed at the source.

“Don’t shoot!” yelled the female, holding up her hands in terror.

Pal lowered his weapon and cocked an eye. “And you are?”

”I’m just a slave, don’t shoot!”

”Well, you’re not a slave anymore. Take a look around.” He motioned toward the lifeless bad guys littering the ground around them. “You’re free.” He turned to walk away, but something just didn’t feel right. That little tingle. As he angled to take a second look, the lying lady was leaping at him, vibro-knife in each hand. “For Yoda’s sake!”

Pal dropped his blaster and caught both wrists, lifting her off the ground, but she kicked him in the stomach and swiftly pushed herself back. Nope, she wasn’t a slave. Just an opportunistic pirate looking to take advantage of a nice young — youngish — captain. He stumbled backward, catching his balance just as she charged again. Pal barely dodged the slash at his face then caught a light slice on his left forearm, but the thick material of his jacket prevented penetration.

Her next attack came in the form a fist, and it landed on Pal’s right cheek, followed by a low kick that took him to the ground. “Enough of this,” he grunted, kicking her leg from the bottom position, causing her to step back in a brief retreat to prevent falling to the ground. The she-pirate jumped onto the cargo container behind her without looking, then leapt down at Pal, both daggers going in for the kill. Too slow. His blaster was already back in his hand, and he fired two rounds into her chest. She was dead by the time she landed on top of him.

”Pirates,” he cursed, rolling her body off of him. Then he noticed something in her bag . . .

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