Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Operation: Obsolete


New Cov Jedi Temple, Valery's stomping grounds. Allyson had chosen the location, one of the more open temples. It would allow her places to hide and easier access to what she was looking for. It wasn't hard getting to the planet; Allyson could slip on one of the shuttles designated for the Jedi. She still looked like them and was one of them in the Force.

For the most part, Allyson tended to ensure that the Force around her radiated with the power of the light. It wasn't hard; it was something she had always done. Either muting herself within the Force or appearing as a Sith. The shuttle ride had been quiet and uneventful. Some padawans tried to talk about little things, excited about the adventures they would have as Jedi. Allyson had closed her eyes, trying not to think about the battle over Woostri, knowing that there were Padawans now having to deal with what they had seen.

The thought made the Corellian uncomfortable, so she welcomed the shuttle landing, which allowed her to escape the padawans.

It didn't take long for night to fall over New Cov. Shadows from the foliage covered the empty landscape, and Allyson moved quickly to where the Jedi archives were located. All she needed was a terminal, one that was connected to enough of the temple to give her what she needed. Betraying the Alliance wasn't part of her plans when she arrived on Woostri. The situation with the Grandmaster and her husband forced her hand, showing her straying heart.

The archives doors opened as the palm of her hand on the door relayed the Force, commanding the mechanical doors to open. Mechu Deru allowed her a little freedom with some obstacles the temple at night would bring. She slipped through the doors; everything had been rearranged from when she was here last. Standing in the middle of the archives, the shadow found her mind trying to pull brief memories. Ones that she had pushed down, trying to forget. Focus. She thought to herself as she continued to move towards the back of the archives. Cutting through the stacked works of the Jedi, she remained quiet, searching for the access terminal she needed.

She should have looked into the temple, but it was an emergency. When she had tried to wipe her own files with the failsafe, she had attached her files, yet it seemed someone had removed them.

Allyson was getting frustrated, but she knew she was getting closer.


Outfit: Jedi Jumpsuit
Weapons: Blasters | Lightsabers

Sleep did not come easily these days. Valery's eyes fluttered open, her breath slow, steady — but her mind racing. The dream lingered, clinging to her like mist on the jungle floor outside the temple walls. It hadn't been a nightmare, not exactly, but it had been vivid. Too real. Too familiar after Woostri and Jutrand. Allyson. Her presence had been so tangible in the dream, her voice cutting through Valery's mind.

Then — a pulse.

Valery sat up abruptly, her gaze narrowing into the darkness of her quarters. It was subtle, but unmistakable — a ripple in the Force, a presence moving where it shouldn't be. And that presence…

She knew it like a heartbeat.

Swinging her legs over the side of the bed, Valery inhaled sharply and stood. She didn't bother grabbing her robe, still dressed in the nightgown she had fallen asleep in earlier. The cool temple air kissed her skin as she moved, bare feet gliding silently over the polished floors.

The presence tugged at her senses, leading her through the halls of the temple — towards the archives. Her pace quickened. By the time she reached the entrance, the doors had already parted, and she could feel her. The shadows stretched long between the towering shelves, and there, near the back, hunched over a terminal, was Allyson.

Valery exhaled slowly, steadying the tangle of emotions knotting in her chest. The past came rushing back all at once but she pushed those emotions aside and spoke up, "I didn't expect to see you again so soon." Jutrand had felt like a goodbye, yet here they were.

Valery stepped forward, her silhouette illuminated faintly by the terminal's glow.

"What are you looking for, Ally?"


//: New Cov Jedi Temple //:
//: Valery Noble Valery Noble //:
//: Attire //:
"You've gotten slow." Allyson teased the Jedi emerged from the shadows. Her eyes didn't look up from the flashing screen. No matter how hard she dug, nothing came up with the key phrases she had placed with her file. Not even mechu deru was giving her any aid in finding the file. The Spy's brow furrowed as she clicked through quickly, but none of the files on any Shadow were coming up.

Finally, out of frustration, Allyson stopped. The flashing stopped, and the light blue lighting illuminated her face. "The Operative files." She started, "Where are they?" Direct and to the point, Allyson wasn't here for the reminiscence of friends. All of that was over after Woostri. The former Jedi leaned away from the terminal. Her efforts seemed to be in vain until she got rid of Valery. Mentally, she prepared herself for a fight, but when she finally looked at the Grandmaster, she tilted her head - confused.

"Are…" Allyson laughed softly, "Are you in your nightgown?"

The Corellian leaned back onto the terminal desk and folded her arms. "I'm sorry, Grandmaster, your new battle suit is not quite terrifying." Allyson snorted as she tried to hold in her laugh. "I didn't come to fight, I'm here for my Operative file. As much as I feel you wouldn't use it against me, I don't trust the others" Allyson paused and folded her arms, "It's just to protect myself. I would appreciate it if you told me where they were - because I've dug through the entire system, and they're not there."

Her shoulders tensed as she remembered their past and how Valery was on Jutrand, all bubbling to the surface. The Shadow sighed as she mulled over what she would say next. Finally, looking back at Valery, her vision adjusting better to the dark, "For old time's sake, give me my file, Valery - I need to destroy it."


Outfit: Jedi Jumpsuit
Weapons: Blasters | Lightsabers

Valery rolled her eyes at Allyson’s tease, “I was sleeping, you know.”

But then—

"Are… you in your nightgown?"

Heat immediately flooded Valery’s cheeks as she stiffened, instinctively crossing her arms over her chest in a poor attempt to cover herself. The nightgown, delicate and thin against the temple’s cool air, was showing far too much under the dim blue glow of the terminal. Stars, she hadn't even thought about it when she left her quarters.


Her blush deepened as Allyson leaned back and continued to tease her. Valery huffed, turning her face away slightly as she adjusted the fabric. "Glad to know my intimidating presence is ruined by sleepwear," she muttered, but the amusement was brief. Because then Allyson got to the point.

The Operative files.

Valery’s expression shifted, her arms relaxing slightly as she studied the woman before her. Allyson was tense, her words direct. A part of Valery had expected or perhaps hoped this visit to be more… personal, given their past, but no. This was business.

She inhaled softly, steadying herself. "I locked access to your file after Woostri. No one else can get to it," she admitted. Then, she hesitated — just for a fraction of a second. "But… I could delete it. Wipe it from the archives completely. The only copy that would remain… is the one in my memory."

Her amber eyes flickered, searching Allyson’s face.

"Why is it so important to you?"


//: New Cov Jedi Temple //:
//: Valery Noble Valery Noble //:
//: Attire //:
Hearing about the files being locked and put somewhere that no one could access them brought some relief to the Corellian. Its location must have had her affinity with Mechu Deru in mind, which made the corners of her lips turn upward into a slight smile. The ever thoughtful Grandmaster of the Jedi had covered up her old partner's trail. Allyson wouldn't forget the gesture, but she didn't need to tell Valery that. Wouldn't want the woman to have something to reach for in the future.

"Thanks." Allyson nodded as she adjusted where she was leaning. The following offer made the Spy raise an eyebrow. "Delete it?" A hint of hope hung in her words, making Allyson tense again. It was too good to be true. Was this another game? Another trick from the Jedi? Everything was hard to trust and even harder to separate what was honest help. She cleared her throat as she stood and began to gather the small tools she had brought to help search the systems of the Alliance and Jedi. Shoving them away into the bag, she shook her head.

"That's a bit rhetorical, isn't it?" Allyson laughed softly, "I'm within the Sith Empire. I traded one knife in the back for one from the front." Turning back to Valery, she sighed, almost exasperated. "If you must know, I'm not trusted there. I've infiltrated their order on numerous occasions. What's to say this time isn't another grand scheme?" Allyson shook her head and thought quietly, wondering if her successes were the reasons Carnifex and Raaf had decided to stop trying to kill her and instead recruit her.

Allyson chewed on her lower lip, her nerves about her situation starting to show. "Either way, I'm not safe here nor there — if I can remove any trace of me, the better. They have nothing; the only remaining trace was within the Alliance."

She didn't move from where she was, but she held out her hand. "So, as much as I would love to walk away here hoping that my secrets are safe, I'd rather have them with me…or believe that you would delete them." Allyson surprised herself, knowing she owed a little bit of trust to Valery. The woman could have killed her at their last meeting, but she could clear her debt with this rare gesture of trust.

"Also," Allyson pulled her hand back, letting it cover her face slightly as she fought another amused laugh. "I promise not to let the Empire know how the Great Valery Noble confronted an intruder in her nightgown."


Outfit: Jedi Jumpsuit
Weapons: Blasters | Lightsabers

Valery watched Allyson carefully, her fiery gaze unwavering even as the woman shifted and began packing up her tools. There was tension in her body, guarded and coiled like a woman who had spent too many years waiting for the next knife in the back. And she was right to be. Because no matter where she went — whether the Sith Empire, the Alliance, or the places in between — someone was always going to be watching.

Valery exhaled softly, the decision already made. She turned back toward the terminal, fingers moving across the screen with deliberate precision. Accessing the file. Bypassing her own security locks. A few keystrokes later, and there it was — the last remaining digital record of Allyson Locke's history with the Alliance, with the Jedi. It sat before her, a few mere commands away from erasure.

A part of her still hesitated. Not because she didn't want to delete it — but because of what it meant. Valery didn't trust the SIA with it. She didn't trust anyone with it. And maybe, deep down, she didn't want to give anyone else the ability to twist Allyson's story into something else. The only record that would remain… was the one in her mind.

Her jaw tightened slightly. Then—


The screen flickered. Data purged. Gone.

Valery turned back toward Allyson, her expression steady — she did this for her. No words needed to be spoken to make that clear. to her. "Now, no one has it," she said simply.

But of course — because Allyson could never just let a moment sit — she had to open her mouth again and mention Valery in her nightgown. Valery huffed, heat rushing to her face all over again. She tightened her arms around herself, as if that would somehow make her feel less exposed, less aware of just how much of herself this stupid thin fabric was showing.

"Excuse you," she said, lifting her chin in mock indignation, though the smirk tugging at her lips betrayed her amusement. "I look amazing even in my nightgown, thank you very much."

Then, as if proving a point, she flipped her hair over her shoulder, taking a step back toward the dim glow of the terminal. "Besides," she added, her voice dipping into something teasing. "You seemed plenty distracted by it when I walked in." An exaggeration, perhaps. But Valery could also play the teasing game.


//: New Cov Jedi Temple //:
//: Valery Noble Valery Noble //:
//: Attire //:
Allyson watched Valery from the corner of her eyes. The woman crept, which made her fellow shadow smile. After a few keystrokes, she continued to watch until the folder with her code name on it was gone. Allyson knew this was because of their shared history, and it was something that the Grandmaster shouldn't have done for the traitor. But Allyson was thankful. She sighed gently out of relief, one loose strand taken care of - and one less rope for them to hang her with.

It was gone. Valery's confirmation continued to circle in her mind. Everything she had done with the Shadows, the SIA, and her former stint in the GADF was gone. It was like watching her entire life just disappear. All of it that connected her to old comrades, dead or alive, and even Valery, deleted with a single command. A rush of sadness hit the Corellian, but the sweet taste of freedom kissed her lips. This is what she wanted, what she had come for. Allyson ran her hands through the loose brunette bangs that hung over her forehead. It was almost surreal.

Her hand gripped one of the tools tightly and shoved it into the bag, reality. Allyson needed something to ground herself. Valery's simple action had thrown the unstable Spy into a small loop, trying to understand her feelings. Was it Relief, Gratitude, or something more? Something dangerous? Allyson shook her head and leaned on the terminal table, allowing herself some space from the woman beside her. What had unnerved the Shadow was how easily the Grandmaster had decided. Again, Allyson was a traitor; no one did people like her favors.

She was feeling and dealing with everything about her now non-existent past, and Woostri, the Corellian, did what she did best.


Instead of saying thank you, she turned, smiling her usual smug smile, "Well, that was a little dramatic, wasn't it? But I'll take it." Allyson scrunched her nose to add emphasis as she returned to gathering her things. Her mission was done, and now she had the freedom to fade into obscurity. Valery spoke again, mentioning her nightgown. Allyson tilted her head and gave the woman a half smile as she shook her head. "Distracted? Hardly. I was simply… momentarily blinded by the sheer audacity of that fashion choice." Another laugh as her chest tightened, Allyson hated how easily the banter flowed between them. She hated how much Valery knew about her and knew what buttons to push and what strings to pull. But they were the same.

"Though, I suppose it does take a certain level of confidence to walk in here like that." She tossed her leather jacket towards the Jedi. As it reached Valery, the hints of Allyson's signature scent would invade her senses. Delicate notes of woods, pine, and cedar, finishing with the delicate air of citrus. "It's cold, can't have the Grandmaster getting sick."

"I'm sure your husband loves of them, seeing how many kids you two have."
Allyson crossed her arms and leaned against the terminals again, her bag slung over her shoulder. Curiosity getting the best of her, she asked, "So why? I would have figured you'd be against doing any of this."


Outfit: Jedi Jumpsuit
Weapons: Blasters | Lightsabers

Valery rolled her eyes at Allyson’s smugness, but the smirk tugging at her lips betrayed her amusement. Stars, this woman. Still, Valery saw right through it. The way Allyson had hesitated, the way her fingers had clenched around her tools — this had meant something to her, whether she wanted to admit it or not.

But, of course, instead of talking about it, she had to go for the fashion critique.

Valery huffed, her arms crossing instinctively over her chest again — until Allyson suddenly tossed something her way. She caught the jacket, fingers sinking into soft, worn leather. Allyson’s jacket. And the moment she did, her senses were immediately invaded by the spy’s signature scent. Familiar and unmistakably her.

Valery hesitated.

She could feel the warmth of it against her skin, the residual heat of Allyson’s body still clinging to the fabric. Too intimate. But she also wasn’t about to not wear it, especially when—

"I'm sure your husband loves all of them, seeing how many kids you two have."

That made her blush.

Valery narrowed her eyes, smirking despite herself. "So you were looking," she quipped, voice smooth and teasing as she briefly glanced down at her chest.

Satisfied, she exhaled slowly, letting her fingers play absently with the edge of the jacket’s sleeve as she shifted the conversation to something a little more serious.

Valery leaned against the terminal beside Allyson, her expression softening just a little. "Because, despite everything… you were my friend." Her voice was quieter now, still steady, but carrying something more genuine.

Her amber eyes flickered over to Allyson’s. "I know what you’ve done. I know where you are now. But I also know who you were. And nobody else needs to know that."

Her smirk returned, smaller this time, but warm. "Besides," she mused, arching a brow. "I’ve always been a little dramatic. And in this case, maybe a bit selfish."


//: New Cov Jedi Temple //:
//: Valery Noble Valery Noble //:
//: Attire //:
Allyson rolled her eyes, laughing at the woman's comment about her appearance. She would never admit to it, especially now. It would only draw more attention to the underlying tension that had always been there. Over the years, Allyson had feigned ignorance—an act she would continue to play around the Grandmaster, especially given the subtle reaction to the leather jacket, something so signature to Allyson Locke.

Reality returned, settling in as Valery answered the question. It was what Allyson had expected—until she heard the tense the Jedi had chosen. Allyson did her best not to show her cracked in her armor. The words were so simple, they should have meant nothing, but it weighed on her chest like a boulder. As Valery continued, the weight began to sink into her, concaving her chest and threatening to suffocate her. The Corellian had to look away as Valery's features softened, another sucker punch to the cracking armor—but Allyson couldn't let it bother her. She didn't miss a beat. Confidence returned, protecting the fragility of her heart.

"Selfish?" She shook her head and chuckled. "So, you know all my secrets?" Allyson mused at the thought. To one person, she would fully exist. Her history didn't fully belong to her, but to one other—someone who had once been her friend. "Guess that makes you the most dangerous person in the room..." She paused, almost too dramatically, to tease the Jedi. Another smile softened her expression as she leaned into the back-and-forth, just for a moment. Her voice lowered slightly as she leaned in just enough to keep this little secret of theirs, "Or maybe you just like keeping me all. To. Yourself, huh?" Leaning back, the Corellian winked and shook her head, trying not to laugh.

Again, she hated how much Valery knew her and how easily they could slip back into something that was supposed to stay in the past. There was no reliving it. There was no going back, and Allyson let the smile fade slightly.

It would have been nice if they could, but this was the path she had chosen—and one she would remain on. "You hold onto a ghost, and the more we run into each other, the less I'm going to be the person you knew. There's a part of me that's happy you're going to be the only one who knows who I was." Allyson sighed and laughed softly, with a slight sadness clinging to the feigned happiness. "I guess this is kind of how it feels to die. Only some will remember you, and no one else will know you."


Outfit: Jedi Jumpsuit
Weapons: Blasters | Lightsabers

"Maybe you just like keeping me all. To. Yourself, huh?"

Valery arched a brow as Allyson leaned in, her voice dipping into something low, teasing — dangerous, even. And for a fraction of a second, Valery simply looked at her, amber eyes gleaming with something sharp and knowing. Then, she grinned. And with an almost lazy confidence, she leaned right back in, mirroring the closeness, her breath warm against Allyson's ear.

"Maybe I do."

She pulled away just as smoothly, winking as she shrugged Allyson's jacket higher up her shoulders, as if it belonged there. The tension, the teasing — it was all too easy, too familiar. Like slipping into something comfortable after years apart. But then, as was usual in recent encounters, Allyson had to go and cut through it all with something deeper, something real.

"You hold onto a ghost… the more we run into each other, the less I'm going to be the person you knew."

The light in Valery's expression dimmed — just slightly.

She turned, leaning back against the terminal as she exhaled a quiet breath. She didn't argue. Didn't push back. Because part of her knew it was true. Time changed people. Choices defined them. And if they kept crossing paths like this, there would come a day when Allyson really wasn't the woman Valery once knew. But that didn't mean she had to forget.

Valery's jaw tightened slightly. She would remember. Always.

After a moment, she turned her head just enough to glance at Allyson, a small, bittersweet smirk tugging at her lips. "I don't know," she murmured, tilting her head slightly. "Maybe you're not as dead as you think." Because she still saw her.

And some things didn't fade.

"But I stand by what I did now, to respect and honor a friend." Then, another grin, as she teased, "Don't make me regret it, please."


//: New Cov Jedi Temple //:
//: Valery Noble Valery Noble //:
//: Attire //:
The mirrored gesture was unexpected. Allyson's body tensed momentarily, and her teasing hit an unknown nerve. The hint of their past bleeding into their present reminded her of Jutrand. Again, Allyson would allow herself to be swept up, confirming in her mind that this was just a trick to deceive her. Still, the ease of their familiarity with each other came with an odd comfort - one that the Corellian knew she would struggle to fight. It was an attachment she needed to break free from, hopefully sooner than later.

Allyson answered her wink with a smirk, nothing more for now - they both knew the root of her words. But they might be wishing for two different things when it comes down to it.

Valery's mood shifted; Allyson figured her word would do that. It was the reality of their situation. No matter how many nights or moments they would share and banter, Allyson had betrayed the Order and the Alliance at the end of the day - she was their enemy. Valery was their hero, their beacon of light. She was their sword, meant to cull and strike down evil. Yet there was a friendship that seemed to persist beyond their fated roles.

Allyson chuckled softly at the irony of it all.

"As much as I'd like to believe that, I think I'm more dead than I think." Allyson laughed a little harder, a little louder than before. For the number of times, she had faced death and come out alive on the other end. It was crazy to believe that, for the most part, she didn't exist to anyone. "Sadly, I would probably be better off dead." Shaking her head, Allyson sighed. "Thank you, I hate that I owe you a favor, but I'll pay that debt back as soon as possible." Allyson nodded. "I can't promise you'll never regret it, but I'll do my best to remember your kindness." The Corellian paused; she knew the darkness burned in her chest; she feared it, knowing it was only a matter of time.

"For how long, I don't know." Allyson looked away, trying to maintain her resolve despite her choices. There was no going back; the breadcrumbs home had washed away.

She should have taken this as her queue to leave, but something nagged at her. Looking at Valery, her brow furrowed with her confusion.

"Why are you hanging on so tightly? It can't be what I think it is?" Allyson said as she shrugged. Never before did anyone hold on like this. What made this different? There were so many questions that didn't have answers, or they were answers that she didn't want to hear.


Outfit: Jedi Jumpsuit
Weapons: Blasters | Lightsabers

For all the teasing, for all the easy banter that slipped between them like second nature, Allyson's words still had a way of cutting deep. Valery's smirk faded. Her gaze flicked toward Allyson, searching, reading between the lines of her laughter — the kind that was just a little too loud, a little too forced.

She knew that feeling.

Knew what it was like to be lost in the space between who you were and who the galaxy expected you to be. And Allyson had spent so long running, carving out a path that had taken her further and further from everything she used to be. From everything they used to be. Valery exhaled softly, rolling her shoulders as she pushed off the terminal.

"You don't owe me anything," she said after a long moment, voice quieter now. Softer. "You never did." But the weight between them remained. The pull that neither of them seemed to be able to shake. Then Allyson turned to her, brow furrowing, and asked the question Valery had been avoiding — maybe even from herself.

Valery hesitated.

Not because she didn't have an answer. But because saying it aloud would make it real. She should let go. She should tell Allyson what she wanted to hear — what might make things easier for both of them. That the past was the past. That she was just a ghost. That Valery didn't see her anymore.

But that would be a lie.

With a quiet sigh, Valery ran a hand through her hair, her fiery gaze meeting Allyson's. "Because…" she started, her voice nearly a murmur. "Because you've always been someone special to me." She swallowed, shaking her head slightly as she let out a breath she didn't know she was holding.

"I just… can't help it."


//: New Cov Jedi Temple //:
//: Valery Noble Valery Noble //:
//: Attire //:
Allyson sighed softly, "That's dangerous, Valery." She looked away and adjusted the pack on her shoulder. They both knew those kinds of feelings were dangerous. Allyson had learned early in her career that holding on to things - would only get her killed. The choices she made and the people she kept at arm's length were all of a reason. Allyson knew if she had to choose, the people who were important to her would be the ones she chose over saving the galaxy. Her attachments were few and far between - even then, they were easily let go.

As much as she didn't want to, Allyson looked back to the Jedi - she caught her gaze and paused. "Is that why it's hard because you can't help…or something else?" Allyson smirked as she shrugged. This was a conversation they probably should have had when they were both younger. "Oh man," the Spy hadn't expected this. If anything, she had hoped it would be a quick mission - especially after Jutrand.

"Does this have something to do with Jutrand?" She asked quietly, almost knowing that she could have misinterpreted what happened. It was so fast and so soon after Woostri. The wounds were still too fresh for the Spy - being reminded of the mess she had to deal with after Bastion.

It was too much.

"You should stop caring, Valery." her breath hitched; it was the same song and dance for the Corellian. Someone cared, and she pushed them away. Her mind wandered to Kat - the healer did everything she could to follow Allyson wherever she went. Still, Allyson kept her moved away. Clearing her throat, Allyson choked down the words - ones that could make this worse. Pushing her loose hair from her face, Allyson purposely avoided her old partner's gaze.

"It would be easier for both of us."


Outfit: Jedi Jumpsuit
Weapons: Blasters | Lightsabers

Valery exhaled, long and slow. "I know," she murmured, rolling her shoulders slightly, as if trying to shake off the weight pressing down on her. "I know it's dangerous." And she did. She had always known, especially since she met Kahlil. Their lives had just never been meant for this — whatever this was. Life had taken them down separate paths, lived in separate shadows, and yet, somehow, those paths kept colliding, ever since Woostri.

And Jutrand…

Valery swallowed. That had made it all the more complicated.

For all the years, all the running, all the times they had let silence do the talking — Jutrand had shattered it all. A moment too raw, too fast, too soon. A mistake? Maybe. But if it had been, why did it still linger? She glanced at Allyson, catching the way she avoided her gaze, the way she spoke like she was already trying to disappear.

"You should stop caring, Valery."

Valery's jaw tightened, her hands balling into fists before she forced herself to breathe. "I know," she admitted, her voice quieter now, strained. "Maybe I will someday." She let out a bitter chuckle, shaking her head slightly. "But you know me, Allyson. I was never good at forgetting the people I care about." She hesitated, just for a moment.

"It's hard." It should end here and t hey both knew it But the galaxy never made things easy.


//: New Cov Jedi Temple //:
//: Valery Noble Valery Noble //:
//: Attire //:
The words stung harder than she had expected. As much as the Spy tried to remain hardened and keep her distance, Valery had the words that broke through the cracks. The bag from her shoulder slid down her arm, and she let it fall to the ground with a gentle thud. She remained quiet, contemplating what to say, what to do. There was nothing Allyson could do to make things easier for the Jedi, for her friend. Allyson caught the physical reaction from the corner of her eye; everything, including Jutrand, didn't make this easy.

Letting out a small sigh, Allyson's smirk softened. No ounce of sarcasm could talk the Spy out of what was happening. Valery's words forced her to face everything. "I know," her voice gentler now, devoid of any of the Corellian's usual banter. "I know it's hard," Allyson understood better than Valery could understand. Valery couldn't let go; she was too kind to simply stop caring - it wasn't fair to ask her to do so. The Corellian knew this, and a part of her wish was that her friend could just turn her back on all of this.

Another soft sigh was followed by a small laugh as she looked towards her old partner. "I-" she started, "I never wanted to make this hard for you." The admission lacked any of Allyson's typical banter or deflection. It was the most honest, she nodded and finally met her friend's gaze. There was no avoiding it anymore, their history, and what happened with Jutrand. Woostri and the aftermath were the breaking point between them, and it was true that neither of them was ready to face- not yet - not now.

Allyson couldn't cross that boundary - there was too much at stake.

"I won't ask you to forget because I don't think either of us will - or can." She nodded, standing from where she was leaning. Taking a step to close the small distance, Allyson wrapped her arms around the Grandmaster, someone who had been her friend, who had given her friendship and always watched her back. Even now, the line between them deepened as Allyson became the enemy.

The hug tightened, even if Valery didn't return it. She whispered, too scared to let the empty archives even hear her admission. "I don't want to be something that hurts you because you deserve so much more than that." Allyson felt the worn leather in her hands, a piece of her give, and left with her former partner. She released the woman, knowing she shouldn't have done what she had done.

"Thank you."


Outfit: Jedi Jumpsuit
Weapons: Blasters | Lightsabers

Valery stood still as Allyson spoke, as the tension between them thickened into something unshakable, something impossible to ignore. It wasn't frustration, wasn't anger — just the weight of everything unspoken, everything tangled between them, past and present. Allyson hadn't wanted this, hadn't set out to make things complicated, to carve out a place in Valery's life that she couldn't just push away.

But it had happened anyway.

And moving on from something like that... it wasn't easy.

Valery exhaled softly, her fiery gaze searching Allyson's as she finally met it. It was rare for Allyson to speak without banter, without that Corellian deflection she wielded like armor. But now, there was nothing to hide behind. Just her, just them, standing in the quiet ruins of everything they'd tried not to say.

Then Allyson stepped forward, and Valery barely had time to process it before she was pulled into the hug — tight, certain, like she was afraid to let go.

For a split second, Valery froze, clearly shocked that Allyson of all people pulled her in an embrace. But then, with a quiet breath, she returned it. Just as tight. Her arms wrapped around Allyson, fingers curling into the fabric of her jacket, her face pressing lightly against her shoulder.

"You never hurt me," Valery murmured against the silence, her voice steady but soft. "Not once." She felt Allyson stiffen just slightly, like she wanted to argue, but Valery just held her closer for a second longer, letting the warmth settle between them. Then, just as softly, just as sincerely, she added, "Thank you."

For what? Maybe for this moment. Maybe for all the ones that came before it. Eventually, the hug loosened, the moment stretching on just a breath longer before it had to end. Valery lingered as their arms fell away, her fingers brushing lightly against Allyson's wrist before finally pulling back completely.

"I uh, suppose this is it... again," she said with a soft smirk, as she remembered the conversation on Jutrand. Strange, how destiny kept bringing them back together.

Almost as if it was meant to be.


//: New Cov Jedi Temple //:
//: Valery Noble Valery Noble //:
//: Attire //:
"Mhm," was the only thing Allyson could muster. If she had opened her mouth, the Corellian knew more things would be said than she wanted—things that could have lasting effects, further blurring the line between them. It needed to be maintained. They were soon to be enemies, former friends locked in battle. She was destined to become a monster. Her mind reminded her of the words spoken by the Emperor as he drew her into his circle.

The embrace ended, and the cool air of the archive replaced the warmth of being against the Jedi—a bitter reminder of the reality of their situation. Valery's touch lingered down Allyson's arm, and she let it; she didn't pull away from it. Again, the line was blurred. Was this for her, or was it for Valery? Hands touched, fingertips brushed, and finally, the embrace ended.

Allyson stepped back and grabbed her things, the bag slung over her shoulder. She needed to forget these memories, to let them fall into the void if she was ever to break free from fate and the Force. That was all Allyson wanted, to finally be free from everything. And yet, the memories of her time in the Alliance, with Valery, and anyone she had ever lost still lingered.

Still haunted her, like the kiss on Jutrand. There were too many mixed feelings, ones that wanted to tell her that it was a plan, a ploy to just tempt her back. Something that the Corellian would have done - a simple honey pot. Allyson shut her eyes tightly again, trying to forget everything. Pushing it back only made it easier to walk away and continue down the path she had chosen. She exhaled, her shoulders relaxed, and she began to walk away.

Only to stop a few feet away.

"Jutrand." the woman started, her voice only loud enough for them to hear the secret. "If it meant anything to you - I wish you would have stayed to just talk." Allyson's fists clenched, remembering everything she felt after, again, the Jedi had come to take something from her to make their lives easier.

"I needed…" her jaw tightened, trying to fight to finish the sentence, but she had to - Valery needed to know the turmoil it had caused. Allyson's mind screamed, burning to try to stop the weakness she wanted to reveal.

"I needed a friend…" Allyson shook her head as a hand touched gently against her lips. The kiss that she initiated thinking that it was what Valery wanted from her, felt inevitable. Allyson gripped the bag strap on her shoulder as she looked back to Valery.

"Keep the jacket—it looks good on you." Allyson masked everything behind her usual smirk. Years of practiced indifference buried the Corellian's feelings and truths. With a shrug, the Spy headed toward the exit of the archives, acting as if nothing happened.


Outfit: Jedi Jumpsuit
Weapons: Blasters | Lightsabers

Valery's breath caught. For all the weight of their history, for all the ways they had danced around the truth — here, now, Allyson had finally said it. She had needed a friend. The words settled deep, pressing into the spaces between what was and what could have been. She had thought Allyson wanted her to go. That their moment on Jutrand had been nothing more than a mistake, a lapse in judgment. That leaving had been the right thing.

But now?

Her fingers curled slightly at her sides, her fiery gaze locked onto Allyson's, searching. You should have asked me to stay. The words were on the tip of her tongue, but they caught before they could leave. Allyson turned. The smirk was back, the mask slipping into place like armor. She was already moving, already walking away, already leaving, and Valery hated it.

Her gaze dipped, just slightly, watching the way Allyson's fingers tightened around the strap of her bag. She could feel it — what this was costing her. A choice. A risk. Before she could think better of it, Valery moved.

In one swift motion, she reached forward, catching Allyson's shoulder and pulling her back. No hesitation, no second-guessing. Just a pull, a turn... and then their lips met. It was just like Jutrand, except this time, Valery was the one who had closed the distance. No confusion, no misunderstanding, no assumptions. No running. Just this.

Her hands tightened, one on Allyson's shoulder, the other slipping down to the fabric of her jacket — the one she had left behind, the one she had told Valery to keep. But she wasn't thinking about the jacket anymore. She was thinking about her. About the way their breath mixed, the way Allyson's body tensed for just a second.

And then — slowly — Valery broke away.

A small smile flickered at the corner of her lips, warm and knowing. "I'd call it a goodbye," she murmured, her voice low. "But I have a feeling we'll see each other again soon."

Because they always did, either as friends or as enemies.

"But whether we do or not, I wanted you to know how I felt. How I've always felt."


//: New Cov Jedi Temple //:
//: Valery Noble Valery Noble //:
//: Attire //:
Allyson had no time to react before Valery caught her shoulder, pulling her back with a force. Before she realized it, lips pressed together, firm and certain. Allyson froze for a moment, trying to understand the complicated feelings in her throat. She denied them; she had always rejected them. But that denial wasn't only Valery; it was others. Allyson refused so many others before her, and the ones that she did give in to never lasted long.

But against her better judgment - she gave in. Fingers found the Jedi's waist, pulling her closer as Allyson returned the slow and lingering kiss. She wasn't reacting on instinct or the tension that had been created. It was everything that was left unsaid, undone in their past. Allyson might have had a chance, but would that chance have changed anything? Their lives were tangled, and each moment they shared only made it worse - only made the Corellian more confused about where she stood and if her path was right.

She let herself forget everything that was there. Forget that this wasn't hers to have. She allowed the lines to be blurred for just this moment. This one final moment.

Allyson pulled away as Valery did. She could feel the silent plea, the hesitation between them. There was something more in Valery's touch, or she wanted to believe that there was. But there was no future here—there was nothing left for the Corellian. All of this was just a stolen moment—once again, a glimpse of something Allyson would never have. It was a cruel reminder of her place, one more slap in the face of the life she'd never have but could only dream of.

She smiled, "Go back to your husband, Valery," Allyson pulled away further, hands adjusting her clothing - erasing the moment they just had. "We both know how dangerous this is - too much risk to blur these lines." She nodded, taking another step back despite wanting to run. She was uncomfortable; there were too many emotions that she had buried over the years, and she didn't have enough hate to smother them. Allyson risked her freedom, her chance at breaking free from the chains of it all.

"The past is the past - and that's where any chance of an 'us' needs to stay. We just missed our chance." A sad smile pulled at the Corellian's lips. She hated to think, to wonder if life would have been happier. If she could have stood beside Val and been the hero with her.

Instead, Allyson would reside in the shadows and be the villain they created her to be. Turning, she walked away, her body fading into the shadows as the Force wrapped around her - removing her from the Jedi's sight.

"Goodbye, Valery, see you soon."

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