New Cov Jedi Temple, Valery's stomping grounds. Allyson had chosen the location, one of the more open temples. It would allow her places to hide and easier access to what she was looking for. It wasn't hard getting to the planet; Allyson could slip on one of the shuttles designated for the Jedi. She still looked like them and was one of them in the Force.
For the most part, Allyson tended to ensure that the Force around her radiated with the power of the light. It wasn't hard; it was something she had always done. Either muting herself within the Force or appearing as a Sith. The shuttle ride had been quiet and uneventful. Some padawans tried to talk about little things, excited about the adventures they would have as Jedi. Allyson had closed her eyes, trying not to think about the battle over Woostri, knowing that there were Padawans now having to deal with what they had seen.
The thought made the Corellian uncomfortable, so she welcomed the shuttle landing, which allowed her to escape the padawans.
It didn't take long for night to fall over New Cov. Shadows from the foliage covered the empty landscape, and Allyson moved quickly to where the Jedi archives were located. All she needed was a terminal, one that was connected to enough of the temple to give her what she needed. Betraying the Alliance wasn't part of her plans when she arrived on Woostri. The situation with the Grandmaster and her husband forced her hand, showing her straying heart.
The archives doors opened as the palm of her hand on the door relayed the Force, commanding the mechanical doors to open. Mechu Deru allowed her a little freedom with some obstacles the temple at night would bring. She slipped through the doors; everything had been rearranged from when she was here last. Standing in the middle of the archives, the shadow found her mind trying to pull brief memories. Ones that she had pushed down, trying to forget. Focus. She thought to herself as she continued to move towards the back of the archives. Cutting through the stacked works of the Jedi, she remained quiet, searching for the access terminal she needed.
She should have looked into the temple, but it was an emergency. When she had tried to wipe her own files with the failsafe, she had attached her files, yet it seemed someone had removed them.
Allyson was getting frustrated, but she knew she was getting closer.