Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Operation Promised Land (Rebel Alliance)


The starport was, for all intents and purposes, chaos. This close to the Republic invasion front, Sith functionaries of every description were bailing out as fast as they could stuff their government funds into their personal accounts. The Force users had left long before. Now Jorus could walk alone through the starport without fear of being accosted.

Then again, he had to remind himself, this was not CIS space, where he was a wanted man, or Fringe space, where he was a businessman with more than a few enemies. This was Empire space, and he’d taken pains to make friends here.

There was a reason he hadn’t invited his Rebel friends along.

The chief stockholder of Silk Holdings stepped into a waiting Veratus-class Imperial shuttle, a big ship designed for important people and their important cargoes. A ship just like this had stolen the entire Sith Empire archives from nearby Rudrig. Plenty of room for surprises. To be polite, he was packing only his sidearm, a cut-down Czerka HeadBanger riot gun.

The door hissed open even before he came around the ship to the front hatch. When he cleared the jagged prow, he noted a red-and-black Quarren, heavily tattooed. The Quarren waved him in.

“Nice paint, Vrasdo,” he said, clapping the ‘Sith’ on the shoulder. “You’d probably make a better Sith if they hadn’t all left three days ago. Where’s Magrion?”

“In here, General,” came another voice, and the Quarren grunted in affirmation. The back end of the Veratus had started life as a semi-sumptuous suite. Now it was decidedly a war room. Mon Calamari, Quarren, and Amphi-Hydrus compared maps, holograms-

To him, Delila Castillon would always be the General of the Rebs, decentralized command structure or no decentralized command structure. But these days,though he had a reservist commission with the Protectorate as a Captain, the Rebel rank was the one he actually used.

“General Merrill,” said Magrion, the visionary Quarren resistance leader. He enfolded Jorus’s hand in a firm double shake. “Welcome to Dellalt. I trust you made it past the front easily?”

“Not easily, no. Left a day early just in case, and I’m only showing up now.” He gestured at the largest of the holoprojectors. A globe spun in midair, dotted with sparks. “These are the camps?”

“The known camps. Caluula has nearly as many, and Munto Codru, Pakuuni-”

“The Republic will take all this space, and soon,” said Jorus, hooking his thumbs in his belt. “They’ll relocate you well enough, resettle you back on Dac. Why call me in?”

“Because we want our home back on our terms. And because I fought on Contruum.”

That planet’s name sent a shiver through him; he couldn’t help it. Wonderful Rebel recruitment ground though it was, Contruum had seen the dark side of the Republic more clearly than most. “I can respect that. Besides, you want a token resettlement, right? A few dozen Tempur Ardets? Enough to reestablish a foothold?”

“We want a resettlement with dignity. We’ve already had one without. Our old, our children, can’t take another round of being crammed into bulk freighters.”


“I think, General, you see where I’m going with this.”

Jorus unclipped a pouch of holocells from his belt. “May I?” At Magrion’s tentacular nod, Jorus plugged one of his holocells into the display, fiddled with a couple of parameters, and let the software do the rest. The world of Dellalt grew spikes.

“The HALCYON system.”

The Rebel general nodded. “Mass transit, cheaper than just about anything. Simple, don’t get me wrong. The traincars don’t have much in the way of amenities, but it’s better than being one of a hundred thousand in a Tempus Ardet. Slower, sure.”

“And we would many of these systems?”

“Oh, this is just the demonstration visual. Off the top of my head, just looking at these camp locations, between two and four trains should do it.”

“In total, or per world?”

“For Dellalt. The trains can descend from a high-orbital reversion just fine, no need for trains at Dac. If you’re asking about Caluula and the rest-”

“Once the Republic sweeps through. Then, not before. For one thing, we can operate fairly well on-planet, but the Empire still monitors interstellar transit and communication.”

“Fair enough.”

“And we can pay. We’ve been able to access our offworld accounts, pool our resources-”

“I’m prepared to do this at cost. Just enough to keep gas in the tanks and hands on the steering wheel. I’d do more, but everything I have is tied up, reinvested, tied up again. I can call this a proof of concept move, justify it to the board that way.”

“We are grateful.”

“That, and it never hurts to have some of the best starship designers in the galaxy owe you a favor.” Jorus called up holocontrols and stripped down the space trains on the huge globe, leaving just three at what looked like decent points of equidistance with the camps. He drew lines between the camps and the train bases, branching when necessary. “Those are our transit routes. The trains themselves will be the transit vehicles on the surface. The hardier people, and the cargo, I can take care of that with Tempus Ardets easily enough. That...and, well, we're working on something new. A world like this, we can do with Tempus Ardets, but we both know other worlds have more. I've got EDY working on something special. Multipurpose. What’s the security situation on the surface?”

“That’s where it’ll be difficult, General. Leftover Blackblade Legion, stormtroopers, and even a few Sith.” Magrion’s finger prodded the holographic globe near the base of one of the trains. “This camp is going to be especially difficult. It’s unusually harsh. We think the food ran out two days ago, and the commandant has a reputation from Togoria.”

Jorus’s eyes narrowed. “Sounds like a reasonable confluence o’ factors, Magrion. If I’d known it was that bad, I’d have called in the cavalry. As it is, I can get boots on the ground within about twelve hours.”

Dellalt, a desert. A relocation site full of Mon Calamari and Quarren has become a concentration camp, parched with sandstorms.
A transport full of water, food, and medical droids is waiting on us to clear out the Empire. This site is critical for establishing HALCYON space trains to return all the camps’ populations to Dac.

Rules of engagement: None.
[SIZE=15.555556297302246px]@[member="Anemone Nivalis"] @[member="Delila Castillon"] @[member="Moira Skaldi"] @[member="Ben Watts"] @[member="Noah Corek"] [/SIZE]@[member="Thessa Kai"] @[member="Yinch"]
This operation is set on a world where Imperial control is crumbling. Nevertheless, like the Styx op, it might make sense if one or two Sith RP'ers felt like providing opposition. We're down with whatever.
@[member="Jorus Merrill"] | @[member="Thessa Kai"] | @[member="Anemone Nivalis"] | @[member="Yinch"]

When Judah heard about the assignment to liberate Mon Calamarians, he was one of the very first to sign up. Unusual for his nature. Judah wasn't a fighter, violent or had any bloodlust. All qualities easily found amongst his fellow Rebels. The reason for signing up was very personal. His future in-laws were once slaves, their sons remained stuck on a slave world. Judah's unborn child could easily enough face a similar fate, could have been in a similar situation. There was even little reminders in his home, having just commissioned the renown Mon Calamarian artist @[member="Donatos"] for a turbulent seascape which currently hung above his fireplace back on Ceto.

Anti-slavery crusades hadn't always been in his blood. It wasn't until things got serious with Thessa that he took slavery and the viewing of non-Humans as lesser beings seriously.

Now he joined the crusade in the best way a nerdy salvager would : with technology. He had given scores of LDYB-S1 to the Rebel cause in this matter,deployed just as they arrived by slow sweeping starfighters. While the little sentries had no attack abilities, they gave him a readout of the surroundings. Movements of beings, landscape formations, whatever conditions he wanted to inquire about was just a click away with his datapad.

Standing head to toe in desert gear in a staging area on the Corvette named Divergent, Judah was getting his final prepping done. Coming from a desert planet, Judah knew the precautions to take. Boot openings were taped up against his pants tightly. Extra water sloshed in a back on his back. A shemagh was wrapped around his neck and head, a bucket hat holding everything down. He was mildly amazed all of his hair actually fit underneath. Weapons were in place, along with medical supplies and foodstuffs tucked into every possible empty pocket.

Collecting a weathered datapad for his readouts, all he had to do now was wait for the Divergent to set down.

Not Ordo

Just under the upper hand.
@Anemone Nivalion @[member="Delila Castillon"] @[member="Moira Skaldi"] @[member="Ben Watts"] @[member="Noah Corek"] @[member="Thessa Kai"]
@[member="Jorus Merrill"]

The grey and red form of a less than mint condition E-wing Barrel rolled on the Divergent's port side before moving toward the corvette's bridge and tipping a wing up and down.

Yinch in his typical way waved a three fingered hand and accelerated toward the planet below. He loves to fly and prefered a fighter to a big bulky ship. His little green eyes were squinted against the glare feom the sand.

This was his first live mission but he had completed 300 hours of simulation and he had flown here, how hard could a real engagement be?

He breathed deeply as he awaited orders doing his best to focus on the will of the force. The habit he had of trusting the force over logic was ehat brought him to the Alliance in the fitst place. While other Jedi waged war on worlds he had chosen to help bring relief that the wars caused.

"This is Yinch to Command." He said readiness to be useful briming in his odd little voice, "To get it on, I am ready."
@[member="Jorus Merrill"], @[member="Judah Dashiell"], @[member="Yinch"]

Apparently she was utterly incapable from a psychological perspective of leaving well enough alone. Officially she was semi-retired and working with Firemane. Whether she was actually doing anything useful as the company's Vice President on Kaeshana was another question entirely. Not that lack of ability had hindered her from getting promoted while still with the Protectorate, nepotism having come to her aid. Officially her crusading days were over and thus she would not be associating with the noble freedom fighters - or terrorists.

Moreover, she was on bad terms with their leader. But as so often Siobhan Kerrigan did not make the smart choice. She had heard about the assignment to liberate Mon Calamarians from the Gulag, so she had come. The Sith Empire was crumbling, like sand castles before a tidal wave. Dromund Kaas was a burnt-out husk of a world, turned into a wasteland like Donanyd, the Mandalorian's revenge for repeated Sith invasions. Even the Sith Emperor had been captured...from what Siobhan had heard the whole war had been terribly anticlimatic. She did not feel like she had missed much.

Of course...she doubted the Sith would disappear with the Empire. If Shadow was not truly banished - and she doubted he was - she knew he would not go down. They never did. Peace for our time? The Golden Age of the New Republican Century? Peace was fleeting, a temporary interval. People did not change throughout history, just switched clothes, weapons and means of transport. Even if the Republic had its allies did not get into conflict squabbling about their new conquests as so often happened. Of course, this just strengthened her conviction that the Empire could have been beaten if the Republic had soldiered on after Metalorn instead of turning traitor.

Moreover, she had heard about...Manaan. After all, she subscribed to Galaxytube as well.

It left a...very bitter taste in her mouth. Horrible things happened in war, but a Republic trooper had wiped out half of their own city...for what...She for one did not welcome their Jedi overlords. Of course, Butcher Kerrigan was far from a good person. What struck her was the sheer...pointlessness of the act.

The starfighter she was piloting shot through space and accelerated towards the planet below, weapons systems prepped and armed for the case of hostile contact. Siobhan was far from an expert pilot, though she managed reasonably well without crashing into debris or other vessels. Moreover, she was not fond of the idea of waiting on the corvette and chatting. She steeled herself as the planet came racing before her, all other thoughts leaving her mind.

She had experienced a Sith camp before, another lifetime ago, on her homeworld. To be fair, she had deserved the punishment inflicted there. But the memories of what Kaelin had done to Tegaea were still raw in her mind, as was the pain. Likewise she had seen many a Bando Gora labour camp or Reaver conversion centre, they and the butchers of Togoria would have been perfect friends. She allowed the memories to fuel her, drawing resolve and strength from them. Not the Jedi way, to let cold rage power you, but then what was 'lightside' in this day and age? Out on the battlefield things were simpler and clearer to her. It was strange, how even now, when she was settling into her new, one could say even decadent life on Kaeshana, she was still inexorably drawn to the killing fields.

As fitted the mission she was clad in desert fatigues, a shemagh wrapped around neck and head, likewise equipped with extra water supplies, feet tucked into combat boots suited for the desert. No insignia, no emblem or identification, but then it was not like she had an actual rank or command anymore. Besides that she had her lightsabre and guns, plenty of them.

The scum guarding the camp and inflicting torment in it would learn why people called her Butcher Kerrigan.
"This is where the fun begins..." Kahne muttered lightly under his breath as he piloted the starfighter towards the planet, ending up right beside Yinch. This was his first task with the Rebel Alliance and he was going to do everything that he could to make sure it was a successful one. While his time on the Absolution was a walk in the park. He had met some new people, gained some helpful insight from a large number of people. Regardless of what anyone thought, the Rebel Alliance was a force to be reckoned with, even the tiniest pinch or prick can annoy any giant. And this was another one of those days.

"You alright there R?" Kahne had spoke softly to the droid in his position on the fighter. As he chuckled listening to the high pitched beeps coming from the little astro droid. "Just keep me updated on our progress, there is much to be done, and we gotta get to it."

Kahne tapped the side of his comlink. "Good luck, lets light the fire my friends. May the force be with us all." Kahne said with a smile knowing that always brought comfort to someones ears.


Not Ordo

Just under the upper hand.
@[member="Kahne Porte"] @[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] @[member="Judah Dashiell"] @[member="Jorus Merrill"]

Yinch bubbled with anticipation and moved to take Siobhan's wing man position. He slid his fighter in and activated his weapons systems, checked his sensors and activated his comms...again.

"Shoot Straight, Fly fast," he said as they dipped through the atmosphere and began the attack run. Yinch watched the scanners closely waiting for enemy resistance to arrive, but with luck they could hit the hangers before the Imperials could get their poodoo straight enough to scramble fighters. Yinch stood in his too big pilots seat to see over the instruments console and maintain a visual scan, but he also stretched his awareness out in the force.

'Good so far it seems' he thought to himself,

He could feel the Jedi as a cool calm presence, as well as the slightly angry yet focused presence of Siobhan. He was glad the Assassin droid didn't have a fighter behind him. it was a stray thought but he wasn't so sure she wouldn't shoot him and blame it on the Empire.

Again he looked at his instruments.

"Imperial Base and refugee camp dead ahead, it is." he said reporting calmly, "ETA to attack range 2 minutes,"
@[member="Kahne Porte"] and @[member="Yinch"] were joined, in their starfighter attack run, by the best starfighter in the galaxy -- an Aleph-class, a Sith Empire model made for the elite of the elite. Only a couple of dozen had ever been produced, and Jorus had made a deal with the devil to get his hands on the one that had belonged to Ashin Varanin.

It flew like a dream. And as the two Jedi reached attack range with Jorus, he gunned the insane maneuvering thrusters and skidded in a wide circle around the camp. The anti-air guns vanished one by one, unable to keep up with him in terms of tracking speed -- and unable to focus on Kahne and Yinch while this idiot was slewing a circle around them to keep his guns locked on them.

He broke away and soared into a high loop, then came down again to handle anything that might have gotten onto his wingmates' tails.
@[member="Jorus Merrill"], @[member="Kahne Porte"], @[member="Judah Dashiell"], @[member="Yinch"]

Siobhan was, in all fairness, not much of a pilot; certainly not a Jedi ace. She did like flying a great deal, but her idea of it did not involve sitting in the cockpit of a fighter. On another note, it also did not involve using shapeshifting powers to sprout wings out of her back, but using her telekinetic prowess to shoot through the sky, ideally sending her enemies sprawling and crushing them with her mind.

However, it seemed she was stuck in the fighter and while it was terribly tempting to just exit the cockpit and fly, that would a terrible waste of good equipment. Someone else might have use for the fighter after all. Upon reflection, perhaps it would be less bad if she levitated it so that it reached the ground safely.

The volleys of flak fire and missiles streaking towards her through the air shook her out of these terribly interesting musings as she accelerated the craft and dodged like crazy, evading the fire that was coming for her. Of course, a great deal of the flak was concentrated on the Lord of Hyperlanes in the terribly shiny Aleph craft as he spewed out death at them. Her laser cannons blazed a trail for her as she dove in through the enemy fire and unleashed a barrage of her own, force-enhanced reflexes coming in handy as she dodged the debris from an enemy fighter shooting towards her, though some struck her craft and it slurched before she regained control.

There was an annoying beeping sound on the interface, but she was not in freefall so should be fine. Long as the thing had wings - perhaps she could fly it without them as well! Probably best not to try that out. Depressing the trigger she shot out missiles at an enemy a-a gun, then just as what seemed like a Sith a-a tank came into the view of her sensors and its cannons opened fire, salvoes of crimson being barked out, she focused her mind, concentrating on something else other than her annoyance about flying.

The tank was lifted up into the air and thrown. Not particularly precisely, especially since she had to steer the craft, seizing it with her mind and powerfully pulling it as flak fire came shooting towards her, her telekinesis powering through. The tank shook slightly as it was thrust through the air and smashed into an a-a gun, a beautiful explosion blossoming as fires broke out.

Now that was more like it!

Unlike her compatriots, Delila was already on planet. Had been on the wretched hell hole for quite some time. After her mishap at Kaeshana, Delila was interested in getting her hands dirty and possibly killed. Insertion behind enemy lines always fit that bill. Quietly, she had been feeding information back to the Rebels when possible. Movements of the Sith, the Mon Calamarians themselves, even weather updates. There had been enough sandstorms to choke a bantha.

Blaster rifle in hand, she made her rounds through the tent city amongst the hoards of slaves. Rumor had it the Rebels were starting to arrive.
The air shifted, sand disturbed by something unssen rose up in clouds. A hangar bay door lowered to reveal the inside of the Liberty's Veil a landspeeder burst from it berth, its repulsor life hummed loudly as Mia pushed the transport to its limits moving across the desert the clad in black beskar, the mandalorain smiled to herself as orange blossoms rose in the sky ahead of her, work of the starfighters. Good, less for her to worry about. She increased her speed, the blaster cannon attachment was not enough to deal with tanks, but then Mia never let a small problem like that stop her.

An explosion to her left threatened to send her off course, but Mia maintained her course knowing full well that she was too small and too fast a target for the tanks to hit. That didn't stop them trying though. Explosions sent up great clouds of sand in her wake. "Fighters above your head and you're worried about little old me?" Her hand pulled a thermal detonator from her belt, activating it when she was within meter of the first tank she altered her course to pass it, throwing the detonator out. It connected with a clunk. Blaster fire bounced off the speeder and Mia ignored it looping back round to pass the tanks again, three more detonators found their mark.

She peeled away, pulling a trigger from her belt she spun the speeder to watch the spectacle as she pressed the button. Three more orange blossoms added to their growing bouquet. Alarms screamed at her and she looked from the display to the HUD. A projectile was heading for her. "Ah feth." Mia bailed, curling into a ball tutaminis dissipated the heat form the explosion, though a few pieces of debris found home in weak point of her armour. She didn't have the time to think about it. Climbing to her feet with a grunt, she ran for cover.

Not Ordo

Just under the upper hand.
Yinch angled his fighter for his attack run. The little green fellow stood on the cockpit seat as he held the steering yoke in both hands. The fighter rocketed toward the imperial hanger as a few tanks and fighters were beginning to set off. They had obviously not had their big boy pants on when the Alliance began their assault.

The fighters engine screamed a war cry as Yinch opened fire with the old E-wings triple laser cannons. The super heated beams streamed at the tanks closest to the facility the pounded a path toward the outpost.

He held the trigger down as swept toward opposite end of the facility. Then with his other hand he fired a proton torpedo into the enemy hanger. The explosion that resulted was tremendous and Yinch realized things go boom bigger on the ground. He pulled up out of his attack run and into a spinning climb before looping back toward the target.

@[member="Mia Monroe"] @[member="Delila Castillon"] @[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] @[member="Jorus Merrill"] @[member="Kahne Porte"]
@[member="Delila Castillon"]

Delila, Rebel leader with a bit of a death wish, redhead and thus a card-carrying member of the Cult of Crimson, was not alone on the hell hole. Through the thick layers of dust thrown up by the sandstorm Moira Skaldi emerged, moving unobtrusively, disruptor rifle in hand. Naturally she was not stalking the woman, that would be low. Of course, should Delila succeed in getting herself mortally wounded, Moira would be there to retrieve her before she let out her last dying breath and give her sufficient medical attention...just enough to keep her alive for processing. The armour she had donned had been in the possession of a rather unfortunate Sith guard, who was presently enjoying a nap some miles away buried deep in the sand amongst the dunes. In all likelihood she would not be waking up for some time. This due to the fact that her head had been separated from the rest of her body after being twisted at an unnatural and tremendously painful angle.

Tents upon tents manifested before her eyes as the storm cleared, she made out a procession of slaves, evidently malnourished, badly beaten and shackled and wearing slave collars around their necks, which Moira was sure contained explosive charges sufficient to blow their heads of at the press of a button, being led away by guards, loyalist stormtroopers of an already dead regime trying to mete out some last acts of punishment even as they feared the coming storm that would soon sweep them away. But then a camp of this sort would either be staffed by the scum the army could not use, those hoping brutality would secure them fast promotion or the true believers, the zealots who would fight to the last because they had nothing left to lose. A Blackblade officer carried an electro-whip of which he made ample use when some of the slaves slackened, promising further punishment for all traitors.

"The Jedi dogs will be here soon. You know damn well what they'll do to us. They murder their own people, look at Manaan, and they call us butchers. But they will not get us alive. One day the Sith will rise again. As for the trash we keep here, they will be evacuated," the now very dead Sith officer had confided in her after a session of 'showing a xenos miscreant', in this case a Quarren who had collapsed during heavy labour, 'his place'. Moira had spent enough time in camps - on both sides of the equation - to know evacuation tended to be a fancy euphemism, much like 'special treatment'.

Perceiving the squalour, the tents so run-down it looked like a miracle a strong wind had not blown them away, the crosses to which disobedient prisoners had been nailed as an example to others, placards that were hung around them proclaiming that they were the scum of the Galaxy, she found herself reminded of Artam. Human Moira, young, an idealistic rebel then, had been captured and tortured by the Truthmen, put to work in a mine while barely able to stand. These days Moira's assessment of the whole affair was the humans had been so terribly crude in their work. The stench of death was palpable in the air and hung over all in the camp like a pall. The crematorium was still operating at peak efficiency to dispose of the bodies of 'wreckers and sloths' in the fires.

The patriotic slogans painted onto the barracks and command headquarters caught her eye. 'Remember Dromund Kaas', 'Ziost stays Sith, Korriban will be Sith again', 'Resist Republic tyranny to the last drop of blood'. She felt like rolling her eyes at the reduncancy of it all, her cold gaze taking in the guards, the slaves, without a trace of pity, her attention being piqued when in the distance explosions broke out like a thunderstorm, light Sith tanks being blown to scrape as missiles shot through the air. Alarm sirens howled in the base, stormtroopers scrambled to the defence positions, there might have been expressions of hope upon the beaten, dirty slaves if they had not been cowed by fear. After all, zealots were at their most dangerous when cornered.

Evidently the Rebel attack had begun. Organics would die. Moira would be well pleased.
Divergent screamed towards the surface, dropping off its rescue cargo a good half-click away from the slave camps. Starfighters had escorted them in, providing cover against those with blasters and surface to air weapons that would try to shoot them down. Once off the Divergent, heat rolled in waves against the small group, Judah already felt his thick shaggy hair begging to sweat. Sands whipped around the bodies, stinging exposed skin like needles.

It was a long trek to the slave camps in such conditions.

Firing up his datapad, charts and information started scrolling down the screen after a few seconds. The little ladybug sentries were hard at work, already pinging feedback to his location. Studying the output from the sentries briefly, he craned his head up from its hunched position and searched the horizon.

"Reports are coming in there's little activity on the southeast quadrant. If we go there we might be able to take the guards by surprise. Estimates of only a small handful of enemies circling the area, as opposed to the swarms I'm getting back in vital areas of our target."
@[member="Delila Castillon"], @[member="Jorus Merrill"], @[member="Yinch"], @[member="Jorus Merrill"], @[member="Kahne Porte"], @[member="Mia Monroe"]

"Acknowledged. I'll raise some hell for you lot and get there," Siobhan responded tersely when the message from Judah came in. Little did she know that the genocidal kill-bot and the redhead who may or may not have a death wish were already in the camp in deep cover. What she did know, or rather could see, was that alarms had been raised, having picked up on plenty of comm chatter that seemed to be coming from the base.

As her starfighter dove through the hailstorm of fire it was being assailed with, its pilot manoeuvring it deftly as she blazed a trail through incoming laser fire and debris, trying to make the best out of her rudimentary piloting skills by calling on her telekinesis to guide the craft, steering it so that it hopefully would not be struck by incoming debris, she saw the landspeeder that carried their Mandalorian friend who was causing some hell of her own on the ground. Orange blossoms billowed up into the air as beautiful explosions broke out.

Landspeeders bearing patrols of Sith stormtroopers were incoming from the, some troopers quickly disembarking and taking cover behind rocks as the fighters came surging down from the sky, other speeders racing towards the base at top speed, blaster cannons spewing out death. A prickling from the Force directed her towards a trooper bearing a missile launcher, just as the missile shot out of the weapon and travelled through the air with blast and heat, surging towards her, the missile having locked onto her craft. As it surged towards her and she narrowly avoided being struck by debris and laser fire she concentrated and sunk into the Force, her telekinetic powers leaping out to to slam into the missile with great force, seizing it and pushing it back, guiding it towards the array of speeders as her laser cannons blazed. A beautiful explosion blossomed as the missile home and the craft swerved to avoid being caught in the blast, fleeing stormtroopers who had managed to evade being cut down by crimson laser fire or by rocks that suddenly came surging towards them.

Nonetheless, far as Siobhan was concerned flying was still not her thing. She pulled the craft upward to evade enemy fire and turned, directing it to the coordinates Judah had transmitted, accelerating the thrusters and engines for all it was worth as she came closer to the base, speed being essential if they wanted to get the captives alive. She had seen Bando Gora camps from the inside, endured Kaelin's dungeon, she had a few ideas of what to expect.
@Yinch, @Jorus Merrill, @Kahne Porte, @Mia Monroe , @[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

With the approaching sound of fighters, it was high time to start causing chaos.

Slipping amongst the slaves, Delila pulled a vibroblade from her pocket. The weapon was kept hidden in her hand as she confidently moved through the crowds. It was all a matter of projecting confidence and acting like she belonged here. No one had questioned her story of a new guard being sent to the planet to work the slave camps. Perhaps no one cared, so long as the 'lesser beings' as the Calamarians were referred to were kept downtrodden.

Working towards the controller building, Delila used her access to enter.Climate controlled, sweat immediately began to cool and chill her, adding to the ominous feeling of the outpost. Boots clicking rapidly on the cold tile, the redhead made her way down to central control before being stopped. ID badge was quickly shown and the authoritative Major voice came into play.

"I must speak to the control officer at once."


"Potential weakness in the south quadrant."

The door opened and Delila entered a vast roomed filled with computers and monitors. Walking behind the head controller, vibroblade came into view. Stopping behind the chair, Delila grabbed the mans head and quickly slit his throat. Blood spurted violently over the controls as she let the fallen man slump. Time to turn the facility on its head.

Hand came and slapped the master button -- releasing all the locked slaves from confinement.
@[member="Delila Castillon"], @[member="Jorus Merrill"], @[member="Yinch"], @[member="Kahne Porte"], @[member="Mia Monroe"]

Air strikes, tanks being pulled into the air and tossed like ragdolls, now a legion of slaves with nothing to lose and everything to gain, finally with a shot at freedom or at least vengeance on their tormentors. All had happened in a short time span, hitting the Sith remnant like a hammer blow. All produced the same end result: Chaos. Beautiful, deadly chaos, enveloping all and sweeping them all up like a maelstorm, tearing the facility asunder.

"Treason! Secure Containment and kill the xenos scum. Any soldier who flinches or breaks rank will be shot. Do your duty!" What seemed the Blackblade equivalent of a political commissar bellowed out in a powerful voice, his web rifle shooting out electric shots that paralysed escaping slaves, making them cry out in pain. Everywhere chaos and fighting had broken out, stormtroopers were rallying as they suddenly found themselves facing slaves racing out of their confinement. Many a slave died as troopers equipped with PDA-like devices pressed buttons on them, activating the explosive charges in their collars to blow their heads off. But there were many more who made it and, grabbing the weapons of fallen guards, opened fire upon their tormentors. Red laser bolts streaked through the air, cries were heard, troopers manned e-webs and first out burst of laser fire.

"Hold the line at all costs. You...," the commissar did not get any further when suddenly a powerful explosion ripped through the speeder he had been standing close to, blowing up its fuel tank, orange blossoms and clouds of sand rising up into the sky as the vehicle was tossed by the force of the detonation, debris landing upon the burnt commissar, several guards being ripped apart as well as they were caught in the blast. One Blackblade sent flying by the detonation hit the hard ground with a groan, shielded from the sand flying towards his face by the visor of his helmet, battered as it was. As he came to his feet he suddenly found himself face to face with what seemed like a fellow guard. Before he could say anything the guard had stomped her boot upon his throat and with strong force crushed it.

Wielding a plasma repeater Moira surveyed the carnage impassively, squeezing the trigger she unleashed salvoes of plasma bolts into the confused and now beleagured troopers facing her, firing even as bolts peppered her and scorched her armour, burning into it, while she grabbed a thermal detonator and tossed it into the fray. In the distance Rebel starfighters came down from on high, swooping down as death spewed out of their laser cannons. A few stormtroopers manning e-webs suddenly found themselves seized by an invisible hand and thrown through the air, right into the trajectory of one of the fighter's laser cannons or smashed against the hull of a tank. Mortars bellowed in the distance as slaves who had armed themselves were shelled by the Sith, releasing clouds of gas that billowed up into the sky.

Haven Pryde

Pirate Queen | ODF Marine
She came to the party later and ill prepared but it was her duty to the alliance to restore peace and order to the enslavement camp and as she walked toward the gate two guards stepped in front of her trying to bar her path, she was not in the mood and she was not going to be failed and as it was time was ticking against her. As she walked up to the she used her crushing abilities on their hearts and crushed the life from there bodes before they could react to it.

Using a force push she opened the gates and walked toward the door, her duty was to try and make a diversion and she would do just that to give the team inside the ability to get whatever they came for and to escape, she is loyal... a little too loyal but she was also a pirate and a queen. As she walked up to the doorway she smirked and held up both her hands and gathered the force, within moments she had enough energies stored within her body and let loose with a devastating force throw that blasted the entire door off its placing and into the facility, walking inside she looked at some of the people inside and smirked as she let loose her own spark and quickly fried a couple of them and then sent water in the throats of others drowning them, walking toward the offices she allowed the alarm to sound and got on her comms with command.

Fox is in the den, pirate queen diversion active she said as a squadron of guards ran toward her and she began to draw her lightsabers and activated them and started to bounce the blaster fire back to them.

@Delila Castillon, @Jorus Merrill, @Yinch, @Kahne Porte, @Mia Monroe @[member="Moira Skaldi"]
There were, without question, better places for him to be than on the ground. He wanted to land, to handle the situation personally, but General Castillon and Moira were down there, plus that one pirate. They had the camp under control.

Besides. He had an Aleph-class, the finest starfighter in the galaxy, insanely fast and maneuverable, the elite of the Sith Empire. Only a handful had ever been manufactured. He knew what he was doing with this one -- sideswiping and uppercutting aerial Sith reinforcements, dancing around Pandorum gunships, making fools of the enemy. Didn't mean he didn't want to get on the ground.

He grimaced and focused on his first love -- flight. Surface concerns faded from his mind, apart from friendly fire.
@[member="Delila Castillon"]

As pandaemonium broke out across the base Siobhan entered the scene. Naturally she would not miss the fireworks. In the distance she could see Moira mowing down stormtroopers with a very big plasma repeater, using the smoking wreckage of a tank as cover. For a moment she considered blasting the annoying assassin droid to pieces. After all, she could not be faulted if those missiles happened to get shot a bit off course. Besides, unlike her wife Siobhan was not Neutral Good. Ah, well, the machine was good at catching blaster bolts, so, no, unfortunately!

Gates vanished in an orange cloud as missiles detonated and blasted it and then her fighter was on the ground, swooping down from above. The annoying beeping sound of the computerised interface became ever louder, apparently something important had been hit and the fighter shook violently as she took a wild curve to avoid a missile being shot its way, though the detonation somewhat away from her craft still made it shake and lurch, laser fire peppering it. Nonetheless she persevered and took a dive. One that ended with an unlucky Sith stormtrooper being smashed as the fighter buried him.

Siobhan swiftly jumped out as blaster and disruptor fire came shooting towards her, her lightsabre dazzling into existence and scything two guards as she spun around to rid them of their existence, cleaving them in half. Explosions shook the ground and, caught near the force of a blast, shrapnel viciously striking at her and with dent being ripped into her armour, she was pulled into the air and pushed towards a wall, but then controlled the slam and, her mastery of telekinesis coming into effect, pulled herself into the air, shooting upward out of reach of the enemy fire. Now that was more like it, she was thinking, as her mind gripped the blaster cannon of a Sith speeder and violently yanked it around even as its gunner tried to control it.

Squeezing the trigger she hailed off a hail of laser rounds into the direction of Sith gunners manning turrets, then pulling the entire speeder into the air she threw it at them. The throw was not precise, for Siobhan did not do precision, but there was great force behind it as it was propelled by the master of telekinesis, smashing into the enemy ranks and exploding into a fireball. She pulled up higher into the air to evade incoming fire, eyes cold as she gripped her boltgun, loaded with those beautiful bolts that exploded so nicely. Fortunately, there was a target rich environment and from her lofty position up high she had a good view. There was a prickling in the Force as she felt something a familiar strongly felt like a certain redhead.

Well, no better way to meet again than while blowing the crap out of Sith. The Force directed her to snipers on the roof of the barracks, picking off slaves, some taking aim for her. Bad luck for them. She shot up further, power coursing through her as she prepared a blast.

Haven Pryde

Pirate Queen | ODF Marine
Haven had been located in the aft part of the facility the whole time, she had just gone through a full garrison of troopers with her blades and he superior force abilities, as she remained there motionless she smirked and found herself puzzled at the body count.. about 45 dead, and many more injured badly and as she looked around she found that the death count by her hand was at an all time low.. she was lacking in her own combat precision and she was definitely not in the right frame of mind.

As she began to walk she sprinted a then leapt over the railing and cascaded downward toward the deeper parts of the facility, when she reached her checkpoint she adjusted herself and send out a force throw to give her some break for the fall and once landed she did so with grace and skill, upon landing she looked into the hallway and found another troop supported by massive payloads of anti-personnel weapons and with a huge determination to end her. Almost right away they fired on her and she was forced to duck behind a small vehicle knowing full well it would most likely explode when hit, yet she would not allow that to deter her from her mission.

As she remained she picked a cryoban out of her pocket and lobbed it into the hallway the soldiers were in only seconds before it would explode, hearing the big BOOM of the grenade she smirked and waited for a moment and then rose from her hiding place and looked at the ones she had taken out, hers was a calm mind and a skill for stealth yet she was also a mentalist so she knew how to do all sorts of combat. as she walked toward the soliders she used a force throw to send them against walls and walked into the only hallway toward the kennels they kept the slaves in to release the ones the others forgot about.

Walking up to the door she blew it off the hinges and then felt very drained but dove into the kennel and activated her blades again and took off an arm of her first opponent, stabbing another as she got to her feet and drop kicking a third she looked at the slaves and ushered them out the doors and toward the lifts that would bring them to their freedom.

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