Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dominion Operation Tropic Thunder (EotL Dominion of Drongar)


Drongar is a nearly uninhabitable planet for humans. Though natives have adapted to the high concentration of oxygen, the high humidity and high temperatures don’t add much to the appeal of the planet. Add in the constant flow of toxic spores in the air and all tourism aspirations for the planet have been completely shut down. That said, there is something worthwhile on the planet. It is one of very few places in the galaxy where natural bota exists. The healing and Force-enhancing properties of the bota plant have brought more than a few entrepreneurial ventures to the planet despite the obstacles. The latest of which is the Pyke Syndicate. Zendack Peak HQ is the new target of the Empire. The underworld that exists in the shadows of the Empire, also have drawn their attention to the Pykes’ venture. At least two parties within the Empire will converge on Drongar. There will be a race for control. Who will get there first?


Objective I - Expanding the Product Line

The Krykna need to make a major play. Domina Agmena Rend has been recuperating her strength and power after being violently removed from her former position as the Moff of Chandaar. Her mind is still sharp, but the augmentations to her body have taken some time to get used to. The organization has tread water just fine, but she needed to make a play for something new. Without growth she would become a target. So she let rumors of the Pykes’ bota-spice circulate through the ranks of the Krykna. The operatives of the underworld organization will work to take over the whole business from the hands of the Pykes.


Objective II - A Necessary Acquisition

While word spread through the underworld of the Pykes’ operation, the Crusaders and Inquisitors also gained knowledge that offworlders were successfully harvesting and processing bota. While the Inquisitors worry less about public perception they will assault the complex in person. The newly named Grand Master of the Crusaders doesn’t want to have her organization taxed with such trivial things as taking out a group of spice merchants. The prospect of bota infused stims however was too good to resist. The Grand Master has employed the Imperial Auxilia to do her dirty work. The only valuable asset to either Force organization are the scientists who have devised a manner of using the bota and the machines used to process the plant. The rest of the building is expected to be left as dust.


Objective III - Keep ‘em on the Skewer

As the underworld and Force sects converge on the Pykes’ bota producing operation, Imperial fleet assets found themselves assigned to the Drongar system to perform blockade maneuvers. The crew were led to believe this was merely a training exercise, but the commanders of the assets knew differently. The Pykes were not going to be in a good way soon. And assets leaving the system would be valuable to someone. Their orders are to detain where possible, but destroy if necessary.

Objective IV - BYOO

Make your own mission on the toxic tropical planet of Drongar!


Objective: 1 - Expanding the Product Line
Posting as: Domina Agmena Rend
Location: Secret Krykna Lair, Lianna City, Lianna
Outfit: Life-sustaining Armor
Tag: Myssa Morana Myssa Morana | Yoryn Darnur Yoryn Darnur


The Domina was getting anxious. She had been resting on her laurels for too long. Those around her stated that she was recovering. Amgena knew that she was never going to be the same. Velran’s animals had left her body in shambles. Her medics took weeks to assemble her new body. But she felt broken and drained for many more weeks after that. Her face didn’t look the same. A part of her wished that she hadn’t insisted upon synthflesh to attempt to look something like human. She wasn’t human any longer. More plans were in motion to appease Amgena’s vanity, but in the meantime she had looked over spreadsheets of the Krykna’s activities and it was disappointing. How did she let it come to this?

With a loud grumble Amgena turned to her console and pressed a comm button. A distorted holo-image appeared from the console. About all that could be told about the shadowy image was that it was humanoid, and most likely female. ”Are the rumors I’ve heard about the Pykes on Drongar true?” Amgena queried in a curious tone.

”They are indeed true Domina,” a gravelly voice answered back from the console. ”I’m not sure how, but they have upped their production of the bota-spice hybrid over the last month. Transports are coming and going from Zendack Peak HQ like I have not seen in my time observing them. Whoever they have working in the labs has certainly gotten on to something.”

Amgena smirked. Bota-spice was something that could make the Krykna credits like there was no belief if they could keep up on demand. ”The time to strike is now. Very good report my dear. Very good. Your time on Drongar is coming to an end. A little promotion might be in order as well.” The shadowy holo merely bowed in affirmation and cut the communication.

Amgena pressed another sequence of buttons calling up two other female images on her display. These two were much more clear. A stone-faced Keshiri, and a darkly smirking human with dark hair. ”We’re making our move against the Pykes. Yoryn, get your people ready. And be prepared to stand up a new Legate to support distribution from the facility.” Amgena turned from the Keshiri to the human. ”Myssa, meet with the contact on Drongar, find out who the scientists are. Kill any Pyke that isn’t responsible for the science, but the scientists and the facilities need to be obtained in at the very least a repairable condition. Past that…do what needs to be done.”


A Skipray Blastboat, the 'Meyoken,' descended through the clouds of the planet, having arrived just before the ships that would be conducting 'Naval Exercises' in orbit of the world. Yol Kan was at the controls, guiding the ship's descent towards the landing zone that had been chosen. Within the ship, three members of the Imperial Auxilia waited for touchdown. One Sergeant, and two Corporals.

They were, the four of them, little more than mercenaries granted special status. Status, and the sort of regular paycheck that mercenaries normally couldn't count on. The Empire used such means to keep the best Mercenaries from being tempted into taking contracts against them, while using the periphery force of combatants to accomplish missions mainline forces couldn't be bothered with... or wasted upon.

"Two minutes to touchdown," Yol announced via the ship's intercom. He could hear those behind him, in the main habitable area of the ship, begin to gather their final pieces of equipment.

Yol Kan's group were not the only Auxilia in the field today. A hundred men, women, and otherbeings were attacking the Pyke fortress via a frontal assault. Their job was to rain a steady stream of blaster bolts and shoulder-fired rockets to keep the attention of the enemy fixed. The actual objective was for Yol's group to achieve.

Yol weaved the Blastboat between rocky prominences that reached towards the sky. A dense mountain-range where the Pykes had sensor and observation outposts. He was carefully avoiding them, but it would become impossible to do so as their density increased towards the fortress itself.


There was the objective landing zone.

As close as he could get without tipping them off.

From here, their progress would be on foot.

The repulsorlifts kicked in as he slowed the craft, setting it down within the canyon. Once the final crunch of the ship settling down heralded their arrival, Yol unbuckled himself and stepped into the passenger area.

He touched the airlock release.

With a 'safe' atmosphere outside, the inner and outer doors opened simultaneously. The caustic winds of this world, rich in oxygen and contaminants, offended his nostrils. He took up his helmet and fitted it, enjoying the pure outflow of air it offered instead.

A long walk and climb awaited them.

"The work begins," he announced, and led his team outside.

Tag: Any Auxilia who wish to be on Yol Kan's team.

Objective: III - Keep 'Em on the Skewer
Fleet Composition:
The Duchess (Duchess-Class HSD) (Group 1)
3x Resolve-Class Heavy Cruiser (X)
  • Midnight (Group 2)
  • Twilight (Group 3)
  • Daybreak (Group 1)
4x Gozanti Mk-III Corvette (X) [For simplicity these will just be numbered I-IV]
2 for Group 2 and Group 3.​

The stars were bright as they passed quickly by from the bridge of the Duchess. Augustus was glad that he was chosen to help with 'blockading maneuvers,' it gave him the ability to stretch his legs after being off a bridge for the last couple of weeks. His wrist comlink began to buzz, this meant that they would be coming out of hyperspace soon to join the exercise. A hand went up from one of the pits, the navigational officer.

"Yes lieutenant?" Augustus asked.

"Sir we will be coming out of hyperspace soon." he replied.

"Good, communications, please advise the commanders of the Twilight and Midnight to break off after exiting with their cohort of corvettes. However, do please remind the Commander of the Twilight to not drift too far otherwise we won't be able to cover him effectively."

"Of course sir," communications answered. "What would you like me to tell the Daybreak?"

"They are to stick with us. Oh, and please make sure that Tempest Squadron is ready to go after exiting as well."

The communications officer followed through Augustus' orders and they were well received. As the ships exited hyperspace, Groups 2 and 3 began to shift in opposite directions in order to cover other hyperspace paths. Augustus' blockade plan was to have each group cover a different third around the planet, but close enough that another group could rotate around to assist if needed. "No hostile signatures yet Captain." an officer spouted.

Augustus nodded. "Good, this is just practice after all. And the force knows you can never practice enough. Additionally, tell the groups any ships trying to leave the system are to be contacted, searched, and detained." Augustus knew these orders were weird to say, especially on a training mission, but he was the commanding officer for his fleet and his orders were to be followed. Immediately after finishing his thought the scream of TIE fighter ripped out from under the Duchess and the Daybreak, he could also see the other groups had deployed their complement of fighters on the way to their positions.

Everything was going well, so far. Hopefully it'll stay that way.


Master Account Joined Oct '23



Pyke Syndicate Fleet:
1 Interdictor Destroyer 'Grasping Hand' 100%
1 Prototype CIS Cruiser 'Hornet' 100%
6 Jita Class Freighters
'Spicy Customer' 100%
'Money Maker' 100%
'Rust Devil' 100%
'Hungry Hound' 100%
'Flight Risk' 100%
'Meatgrinder' 100%
48 Hyena Fighter-Bombers
16 Tie-Fighters
100 Cloakshape Fighters

At the periphery of the system, a battle-group suddenly jumped in from hyperspace.

Sensors would show an odd conglomeration of ships: An old interdictor destroyer that was probably centuries old, refit, and patched together a dozen times. A CIS cruiser of unknown model, containing untold numbers of droid fighters. Six Jita Class freighters equipped with turbolasers and laser cannons, their holds full of starfighters.

Any question about who these arrivals might be was quickly resolved as the group leader transmitted across Imperial channels.

"This is Captain Allor-ha of the Pyke Syndicate Treasure Fleet. Imperial forces, we do not countenance your presence here. Depart immediately, or we will activate our interdiction fields and you will be trapped here while we tear you to pieces."

Allor-ha switched channels, transmitting now to one of his subordinate ships. Imperial intelligence, via the efforts of the NISB, had long since discovered the Pyke Syndicate's codes, however, and the transmission was transparent to the officers serving under Augustus.

"Commander Kint," the Captain said, "It's time to earn what we paid you for this contract. Launch all fighters."

Presently, the old CIS cruiser began disgorging its contents, and forty-eight Hyena fighter-bombers erupted into the void. They were joined by sixteen Tie-fighters from the Interdictor destroyer, and a hundred Cloakshape starfighters from the vast cargo holds of the Jita freighters.

The collection of craft arrayed themselves, ready to advance if the Imperials did not withdraw.

Augustus Von Strauss Augustus Von Strauss


B/U-400 "Lisette"

Location: Drongar
Objective: Expanding the Product Line
Tag: Underworld of the Lost Underworld of the Lost Yoryn Darnur Yoryn Darnur Myssa Morana Myssa Morana

Once more, Lisette had been given an assignment in the depths of the criminal underworld. Her last mission on Gamorr, where she and B/U-187 "Ayana" B/U-187 "Ayana" were sent to takedown a tempest spice operation under the control of a rival crime lord to High Queen Tanssaa, had struck a deep impression on her, if only for the fact that it had been her very first field deployment. This was to be her second, with much the same overarching objective—building underworld connections for the Empire which might then be leveraged against its many enemies. However, this particular assignment did not involve a Hutt Queen, but rather a Domina.

For her part, Lisette wondered what difference there was between the two.

In spite of her misgivings, Lisette was quick to arrive at the designated rendezvous. After parking her speeder bike in a nearby concealed area, the Butterfly scanned the area for threats before checking over each piece of her equipment one last time. Satisfied that the area was secure (and her equipment in an acceptable state), Lisette took a deep breath of the purified air filtered through her face mask, before sending out a transmission to her handlers.

“This is Lisette, in position at the rendezvous point, over.”

In the meantime, Lisette silently hoped that her third mission might be something more legitimate.



Objective: 2 - A Necessary Acquisition
Location: Skipray Blastboat Meyoken | Descent to Landing Zone | Drongar
Equipment: See bio
Tags: Yol Kan Yol Kan | Imperial Auxilia Squad | OPEN


Valmy sat stoically in the “passenger” section of the Meyoken as they made their way to the LZ. She was tracing her fingers along the edges of her new blaster rifle. A steady paycheck wasn’t the only benefit of joining the Auxilia in service of the Empire of the Lost. She received some new tech as well. Though Valmy had tested it repeatedly on the range and training course, she was expecting for things to be different on mission. This one was definitely an upgrade of her former weapon, and the manufacturer was the same as her trusted side arm, so there she did not question it would do the job. It would just feel a bit different and might impact her reactions when practice became real life contacts.

There was a bit of turbulence as Major Kan declared they were two minutes out and brought the ship towards its destination. Valmy secured her rifle and her eyes roamed to the other two in the squad to see how they handled the minor discomfort. They were soldiers so she didn’t expect much, but some grunts didn’t like hardships of transport. Valmy was not one of those; nothing broke through her focus on a mission, except the opportunity to tease her squadmates.

As her two fellow passengers did not show any sign of giving an opening for her teasing, Valmy realized they would be on the ground in moments and took those moments to check her sidearm and vibroblade were secured to her side and that her armor was ready for battle. ”Major we have a full antifungal kit on board right? I know my system is too badass to be affected by the atmosphere, but these Corporals look a bit untested to me.” She gave a bit of a sinister chuckle as she felt the ship touchdown and quickly stood making her way to the airlock.

The hiss of the pressure lock releasing and Dronga’s local atmosphere hit Valmy in the face. She noted the “smell” of the contaminants in the air, but she would not allow that to interfere with the mission and more importantly her payday. Major Kan declared it was time to get to work and Valmy took a step down the ramp. There was a bit of a wobble to the third step taken, and the high oxygen content. Valmy quickly adjusted and started to take the lead towards their objective. ”Any use of Sergeant or Sarge will get someone a bloody nose. Call me Val and that might get you a spanking…Food for thought…” It was mostly directed at the Corporals, but Major Kan would hopefully get the hint that she wasn’t the formal type.

As she left the cover of the ship Valmy pulled her new rifle off of her shoulder and started the hike up the mountain towards the target facility. She was ready to rain hell on any Pyke that came into view, but her thoughts were on hoping that the oxygen rich air would aid their climb enough to counter any ailments caused by the airborne spores. ”No contacts visible on scans M…,” she almost called the squad leader by his rank, but caught herself with a smirk. ”With the state of the atmosphere here I’m not sure that’s reliable though. Suggest we ascend with full awareness.”

Objective: 2 - A Necessary Acquisition
Location: Skipray Blastboat Meyoken | Descent to Landing Zone | Drongar
Equipment: 2 IG-14 pistols, 1 IG-16 Blaster Carbine, FAE/A-12 Imperial Army Trooper Combat Armor, Data spikes and handheld data pad
Tags: Yol Kan Yol Kan | Valmy Tomo Valmy Tomo | Imperial Auxilia Squad | OPEN
The passenger compartment filled with faint blue light from the fully enclosed helmet of one of corporals. As Saul opened his eyes for the first time since getting in the modified Blast boat, he thought about how attracted to the 10,000-credit monthly paycheck and a chance at the stable life. He had enlisted in the Imperial Auxilia when he first saw the recruiting poster. Who cared if he would be fodder, at least he would be well paid fodder.

He hadn't talked at all during the flight, only passively listening to the music on his data pad to the modified speakers in his helmet. He hadn't had much time to order personalized equipment in order before the mission, so he did what he always did, he stolen. Needless to say, a grunt somewhere was probably getting chewed out right now for a missing pair of armor and three blasters, all of which he had spray painted midnight blue. Or maybe the Grand Imperial War Machine hadn't noticed, who knew. What he did know that had had more of a chance at surviving and that is all that mattered.

The Major seemed alright at least, like the honorable type of soldier he used to see in the stolen movies he sometimes watched. Respectable is probably the word for it... The Sergeant though... she seemed like she had drunk too many energy drinks before starting today. Her comments did make the cyborg smirk as he did a final check through of his equipment. Finally speaking for the first time, his robotic voice came through his jury-rigged helm. "I didn't think being spanked by a hot muscle mommy was a part of the benefits package. Maybe I'll take advantage of it." He probably would get smacked in the back of the head for that comment, but it was too good of an opportunity to give some teasing right back at her before she got too conceited. Who knows, maybe she would find it humoring. I doubt it though...

As they all got out of their entry vehicle, Saul stood off to the side, leaning against the craft as he looked through his helmet's HUD as he tried to ignore the blistering humidity. Thank what god is out there that I added internal heating and cooling to this suit. As their two leaders spoke, all he could do is look down the valley from their landing spot, his electronic eyes were seeing the same thing the Sargent was, nothing. Maybe the Major's piloting had been that good that no one had been alerted or maybe the thugs they were about to face were lying in wait for them. The only way they would know is springing the trap for themselves
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"Major we have a full antifungal kit on board right? I know my system is too badass to be affected by the atmosphere, but these Corporals look a bit untested to me."

Yol smirked within the confines of his helmet. "We will need the scientists at our destination to create antiseptics sufficient for sterilizing this team, I think."

He was a fairly professional sort, but understood that the Auxilia were a more varied sort of unit. In the case of this team, especially so. As such, a less rigid style of leadership was called for.

"Any use of Sergeant or Sarge will get someone a bloody nose. Call me Val and that might get you a spanking…Food for thought…"


"What isss a ssspanking?" Zsalin asked. The Tiss'shar had experienced many things in his travels throughout the galaxy, but apparently not a spanking.

Yol chuckled, "A form of entertainment which humans and near-humans engage in." He looked towards Valmy, any expression inscrutable through the barrier of his helmet's faceplate.

Saul spoke up, "I didn't think being spanked by a hot muscle mommy was a part of the benefits package. Maybe I'll take advantage of it."

Yol's unseen smile widened, then faded as he got to business. "But we should take code names for communications from here on out, anyway. Val, you will be Face. Zsalin, you will be Spike. I will be Flag. Saul, you are Blue. And Fezzner will be Whiskers."


"Acknowledged," Fezzner said, the Ranat's whiskers twitching in apparent acknowledgement of his code-name's inspiration. Then he handed Yol a line-gun he'd brought from the ship.

Yol fired an ascender rope from the line-gun, its attractor-node tipped bolt attaching to a large boulder near the mountaintop.

"This is just a guide and backup to our boots' attractors," he explained, "Lots of loose rock on these mountains. Easy to find yourself sliding if you're not careful."

Then the Major began to climb, keeping at least one hand on the ascender line at all times. The climb was arduous, but his gear made it easier than it would otherwise be. His bounding boots not only kept him secure to the rocky mountainside, but it allowed him to make a bounding ascent. It was also beneficial to his peace of mind, knowing he could arrest a fall if one occurred.

"No contacts visible on scans M-" 'Face' paused, omitting the rank, "With the state of the atmosphere here I'm not sure that's reliable though. Suggest we ascend with full awareness."

Yol nodded, "Whiskers, keep your ears on." The Ranat were a species renowned for excellent hearing.

About half-way up the mountain, Whiskers' ears perked up. "Rockets," he said, "echoing through the canyon."

"Probably a patrol. The NISssB briefing sssaid Pyke rocket-troopsss operate here," Spike noted.

Yol flattened himself against the mountain, listening as he did so. In a moment, he could hear it, too.

"Get small. They may not spot us."

Whiskers regarded the team leader with incredulity that could be seen even on a rodent's face. "You are wearing bright red armor."

Yol tried to place himself in the shadow of a boulder, "Point taken. Still..."

"There they are. Three o'clock high. They're coming right at usss. Activating jammer." Spike touched a device at his waist, which would blanket the airwaves with static, making it impossible for the patrol to call in a sighting. The jamming itself might alarm the Pyke, but it would probably take them a few minutes before they assumed it was a jamming signal and not natural interference.

"Take firing positions," Yol, or 'Flag' ordered. As he spoke, he unfolded and shouldered his blaster carbine. "None may be allowed to escape."

The Pyke rocket troops must have had similar intentions, for they opened fire with shoulder-mounted beam blasters as they rocketed towards the intruders. Hot beams of energy vaporized bits of the mountainside as the weapons sought their marks...


Tag: Valmy Tomo Valmy Tomo Saul Whesai Saul Whesai

Yoryn Darnur

Krykna Legate of Allied Tion


Objective: 1 - Expanding the Product Line
Location: 45-BX Series Luxury Light Freighter Kesh Spider | Atmosphere of Drongar
Outfit: Bodysuit
Equipment:Tags: OPEN | Underworld of the Lost Underworld of the Lost | B/U-400 "Lisette" | Myssa Morana Myssa Morana
Accompanied by: Five generic hired mercs (unless a writer wants to play one


The Domina had given marching orders. The Krykna was finally moving forward after losing a bit of momentum when the boss lost her political station. They were stretching out their legs and adding new business. Yoryn had already looked into adding her ancestral homeworld of Kesh to her sphere of influence, so taking up at least a temporary job solidifying operations on Drongar would not be the worst thing in the galaxy. Especially since sharing space with the Domina was getting a little suffocating.

Yoryn’s small group was well paid and had respectable resumés. Five figures sat in the back of her ship waiting to be unleashed on the Pykes. Yoryn had been preparing for this mission since rumors of bota-spice came to her attention. She hated the shade of green that was now painted on her precious ship to avoid oxidation, but it was a small price and she would have it returned to its former glory as soon as she had passed along operation of the facility to a new administrator. Yoryn was good at putting plans into motion, but she was someone who needed to be living a large life, or ending someone’s. Managing spice production was not something she would be able to stomach for long. She had Tiiona Santhe Tiiona Santhe going through some candidates as the mission progressed. Little did the plucky socialite know that the resumés she was sifting through belonged to criminals.

”Ground crew have you picked up the local contact yet?” Yoryn asked over the ship’s comms as she noted that they would arrive at the landing zone pretty quickly. ”Incursion team is about to touch down. Need accurate directions to secure the assets. Remember we’re not the only ones out here.” They had passed the beginnings of an Imperial blockade on arrival. Supposedly doing maneuvers, but Yoryn didn’t trust that one bit.

As she waited for the response from the ground team, Yoryn looked over to her heavy sniper rifle and smirked. Today was going to be a good day for her. Not so much for the Pykes. She switched to the onboard comm and gave another smile before addressing the mercs. ”We’re ready to hit the ground running. Load up and be ready. Remember to use your head. Not everything in the building can be destroyed.”

CURRENT MISSION - Stinging Operation
Immediate Goals -
1: Stealthily Insert Oneself-
1: Dispatch Pyke Defenders
1.1: Rendezvous with the Imperial allies
2: Destroy the Pyke Syndicate Complex

FRIEND(s) - Yol Kan Yol Kan || Valmy Tomo Valmy Tomo || Saul Whesai Saul Whesai || Imperial Auxilla

FOE(s) - Pyke Rocket Troopers, watch those wrist shoulder rockets!


"It seems we are fashionably late as per usual." the V-4T Utility droid quipped as the Sojourner roared into the canyon, causing the oncoming smattering of Pyke Rocket troopers to reassess and barrel into the very rocks they were clinging to - an angle that prevented the Arkonok-class from conducting a strafing run. Probably for the best, this was meant to be a stealth mission, a means of recovering valuables before levelling the building, as opposed to letting the Star Destroyers in orbit render the complex to slag.

This was the rationale of the azure beskar-clad Lasat who was the "captain" of the souped up patrol courier, yet another "mercenary" to add to the ad hoc crew - but one who held a particular interest for the Imperial Crusaders. The rear opened, and wordlessly did the errant Mandalorian descend, beskarweave cloak fluttering in the wind, a meter long pale-scaled drakeling taking to wing as well and she demonstrated her skills thusly.

One of the advantages of being raised by a people who so famously utilized jetpacks was that she knew precisely how to dispatch them. From on high, one hand held an emerald lightsaber, a gift of the Order of the Sunstar, who trained her in the ways of Manda's breath - in the other, the Fire-Spear that linked her to House Solus, searing out an orange beam that gently propelled her to another flying Jet-trooper, descending slowly as the two lanced, lasered, or in the drakeling's case, tore and burned at the swarm of troopers before the Lasat tumbled onto the sands before bolting towards the red-armored individual. She had been briefed on the newly minted Major of the Imperial Auxilla, though she didn't sense a Force user among them.

Had the Imperial Crusaders left them to prove themselves on their own...? It didn't matter, there was a firefight to win. The two meter tall Lasat deftly slammed herself against the cover, looking at the Nagai commander.

"Major Kal I presume?" a raspy yet gentle sounding voice inquired behind the modulation of her visor, giving a brief whistle before she became double mantled by the pale scaled drakeling. "Beviin, keep close." she ordered the smaller creature, who growled at those who continued to harry the Auxilla.
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Location: Bridge - The Duchess
Objective: Keep 'em on the Skewer
Attire: Imperial Uniform
Tag: Augustus Von Strauss Augustus Von Strauss Cubanwriter Cubanwriter

Her injury report after Tion had read like a litany. A fractured montral. A broken arm. A concussion. Three broken ribs. And whiplash. However, after two surgeries, a heavy dosage of painkillers, and a day spent in a bacta suit, Bella barely felt her injuries. The only notable effect she registered (apart from her arm being stuck in a sling) her odd hearing, due to the fractured montral. And even that was quickly getting better. As such, the Baroness had attempted to gain clearance to fly. However, the military doctors had wholly rejected her request, suggesting that she take her provided leave and rest.

But rest would not come.

And so, Bella had petitioned to return return to duty. It had been accepted, but only begrudgingly and after she had called in a favor from Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti . While she had sensed that he may not have wanted her to return to duty either, the Baroness had been beyond listening and in turn, Moff Mecetti had been too busy dealing with the fallout from Tion (and Bella far too persistent) to argue any point he may have had. Nevertheless, even with his support, she had been relegated to strict support duties, with a strict limitation on her working hours.

Now, with her station on the Duchess for what should have been a training mission, Bella set to her new duties as a flight controller with characteristic aplomb, in spite of the fact that this was a somewhat novel duty for her. Nevertheless, the Togruta worked quickly to coordinate fighter launches, while gazing longingly into the void of space as the deployed TIEs raced by the viewport, the silent howl of ion engines roaring through the aural sensors in their wake.

“Reporting all squadrons launched, Captain!” Bella called out to the Pantoran, as she placed a hand on the specially-designed headset around her montrals to receive another report. “Squad leaders are presently awaiting orders for deployment formations.” She added.
Objective: III - Keep 'Em on the Skewer
Tag: Bella Bella | Cubanwriter Cubanwriter
Fleet Composition:
Battlegroup 1​
Battlegroup 2​
Battlegroup 3​
Duchess, Daybreak (X, X)
Midnight, Gozanti I, II (X, X)​
Twilight, Gozanti III, IV (X, X)​
Tempest Squadron (X)(8), 2x Squads(12) of TIE/V, 1x Squad(12) of TIE/LN, 2x Squads(4) of Eradicators8x 'Loose' TIE/LN (from Gozantis), 2x Squads(12) of TIE/V, 1x Squad(8) of TIE/ss, 2x Squads(4) of Eradicators8x 'Loose' TIE/LN (from Gozantis), 2x Squads(12) of TIE/V, 1x Squad(8) of TIE/ss, 2x Squads(4) of Eradicators

The entry of the Pyke fleet into the system was expected, not this soon, but expected. Augustus was however surprised to see an Interdictor, this would complicate things slightly. Then came the voice of the Pyke Captain:

"This is Captain Allor-ha of the Pyke Syndicate Treasure Fleet. Imperial forces, we do not countenance your presence here. Depart immediately, or we will activate our interdiction fields and you will be trapped here while we tear you to pieces."

"Well, I think this means that the practice is over," Augustus said, being interrupted by the second half of the message that wasn't meant for them,

"Commander Kint, It's time to earn what we paid you for this contract. Launch all fighters."

You have to love the NISB for their code-breaking. He looked down at the communications officer. "Have all battlegroups go to encrypted channel 5, I don't want to even think about the Pyke's listening to us." He said, widening his stance and crossing his arms before him, head slightly tilting down. "Have the Commanders of the Midnight and Twilight await further orders. Get me a headset connected to the Commander of the Daybreak and to our Miracle, we are going to be working very closely on this one. And open a line to the Pyke Fleet."

Augustus waited for the communications officer to hold up a hand indicating that he was in contact with the Pyke Captain, "This is Captain Augustus Von Strauss of the Empire. I'm sorry to say there has been a misunderstanding, this was meant to be a training exercise. Let me collect the rest of my fleet and we will be on our way." He looked at the comms officer and did a cut motion with his hand. He was lying through the skin of his teeth, he did not intend to give up ground to the Pykes, well, he was going to give up ground. Just not run away.

He turned around right as an ensign was walking up with his headset. He grabbed it and gave the ensign an approving smile and a slight head nod. He put it on with a deep breath.

"Commander, Baroness," he said while looking across the room at Bella Bella , "A lot of things are going to happen in quick succession. I need all of us on the same page." He turned around and barked an order "Please notify Battlegroups two and three they are to start moving slowly around us, we need the Pyke fleet in the optimal spot for this encirclement to work. Only fire when they get in range." Anyone looking at the Captain could see the cogs turning in his head, a battle plan forming. "Baroness, please notify Gozanti I and III to leave their TIEs in position, with orders to disable any vessel trying to flee Drongar. We will deal with them later."

He took a deep breath in, not to steady himself, but to finally refill his lungs. The Interdictor is a problem, if the Pyke's captain is smart he'd leave it at the back, if he wasn't he'd have it push up with him. The Duchess has a HIMS system, but no one else does if things get dicey. The Resolves had their Ark Sensor Scrambler, but that would only help them in the short term until they got closer. Luckily what the Duchess excels at is forward firepower, its megamaser batteries and its multiple long-range systems will help with what Augustus is planning.

He turned around and walked over to the holomap displaying the current battlefield, and motioned for the Baroness to come over. He pressed a few buttons that would share the map with the Daybreak. He began talking into the headset. "See how groups two and three are moving, once they pass the centermost point of the planet we are going to reverse thrusters, and that's when this facade will be over and the Pykes attack. We have range on our side, as long as we can keep them in our range but falling short of us, we'll be golden."

The commander of the Daybreak spoke up, "Sir, our reverse thrusters won't be as fast as their push. They'll get within range much faster than you're suggesting."

He said, "That's why as soon as they advance we target that odd confederacy ship with seventy-five percent of our firepower. The other twenty-five will be focused on either the Interdictor if it moves up with them, or on a single Jita at a time."

The commander, hmphed in a slight approval tone.

He Looks up at the Baroness, "You'll be a significant figure in all this as well. Once they start moving their fighters and bombers will hopefully outpace them. I need you," His voice stops for a minute looking at the battlefield, "to make sure that once they cross this parallel, it's full thrusters from our compliment. It'll look like were going in to dogfight, but I want you to work with the Major of Tempest and other squad leads to get them and our Erads through to target their smaller capital ships first. Also, ensure that the other groups' compliment is in standard formation to intercept if the Pykes split."

He lifts his head, giving a quick wink to the Baroness before turning around and walking in between the two pits of tactical officers. His wrist-mounted comlink begins to buzz, and the ship begins to lurch backward. The plan is in motion.


Objective: 1 - Expanding the Product Line
Location: Local Rendez-vous, Drongar
Tag: Underworld of the Lost Underworld of the Lost | B/U-400 "Lisette" | Yoryn Darnur Yoryn Darnur


Myssa got her orders from the Domina. She had to admit after working for Yoryn for several years, answering directly to the head of the Krykna was a bit odd. But ultimately who she got her running orders from didn’t make a lot of difference to Myssa, so long as whoever was holding the leash let her loose to do her thing and rewarded her amply. So there was little time wasted finding a ship to take her to Drongar. She was to meet the local contact there, put give the layout of the facility to the other team led by Yoryn, and take her team in. It was simple. And there would be plenty of bodies left in Myssa’s wake. Just how she liked it.

Myssa was dressed casually for someone who was on a deadly mission. Just a black tank top and pants with holes in them. It was hot on Drangor afterall, and Myssa hated armor. Her gear would protect her and that was stowed away in her bike for now. She had not even arrived at the rendez-vous point when Lisette’s voice announced another arrival into Myssa’s ear. Early. I like that in a partner, Myssa thought to herself as she accelerated her own arrival at the rendez-vous. ”Hold tight Lisette. This is Myssa, the ground team leader. I’m almost on your position. Any sign of the local con…” Myssa’s own vehicle had brought her close enough to see the parked speeder bike and a small form in black at the rendez-vous. From the opposite side that Myssa approached another woman came into view approaching Lisette.

The dark haired, pale skinned young woman approached Lisette cautiously. It was obvious that she had received some advance knowledge of who she would report to, and Lisette did not fit the expectations. As Myssa strode towards the others the woman nodded at her. ”Welcome to Drongar Myssa,” the woman said. ”The Pyke facility has been a flurry of activity. Here is the information you need. I’m afraid I am an observer, not a fighter. But here is the information needed on the building. Full engineering diagrams and list of researchers present. I hope that you will pass along my usefulness to the Domina. I’d like to continue my employment in better surroundings.”

Myssa gave a stiff smile and a nod as she reached out to take the offered data chip offered by the woman. Myssa placed it into a data pad, called up the information and allowed Lisette to look it over. The building was quite big and seemed to have a strong security strategy with many guards. ”Hope you pack a good sized wallop in that small package Lisette. As the contact said. I’m Myssa. You ready to hit this place?”

Before the small woman could answer another comm message came through. Myssa smirked at the voice of the woman who had brought her into the Krykna family. ”Got the intel. Sending it up to you now. Remember, your job is control of the facility. I get to retrieve the scientists. No stepping on toes or taking kills. Right?” She didn’t wait for a response. After pressing a key on the datapad she handed it over for Lisette to handle. ”Ready or not we’re going. Yoryn’s gonna take all the fun if she has too much of a head start.”

"Commander Kint, they have agreed to withdraw, but I do not want them attempting anything. You will advance your cruiser with the starfighters. I will retain the Interdictor in the rear, ready to project an interdiction field if needed. The freighters will remain with me, to guard my flanks."

Zago's lips twisted as though he'd tasted something bitter.

"I hate that man," he muttered, "he is as stupid as he is self-important."

But then he touched the communications transmission button on his command chair, "They are spreading part of their formation laterally. Don't you think an advance is premature at this time?"

There was a pause, then, "I am not interested in taking tactical advice from a lowlife pirate who couldn't even keep his employment with the Hutts. Who lost a Dusate command ship to a handful of corpo security corvettes.

You are only here because you have that cruiser, and we needed the additional firepower. Now, earn your pay, pirate. I won't be asking a second time."

Zago did some quick math to determine whether his Hyenas had any chance of turning around and riddling that bastard full of holes. Unfortunately, it seemed unlikely, given that over a hundred fighters belonged to that self-same bantha bottom. His droids would walk into certain death for him, but there was no way the Pyke Syndicate fighters would consent to turn on their own.

He touched the transmit button again, "Acknowledged."

Then he switched channels, "All starfighter squadrons. Advance with us."

Then he motioned to the droid helmsman. "One-quarter thrust."

The Hornet and its starfighters began to move forward slowly towards the Imperial center.

Bella Bella Augustus Von Strauss Augustus Von Strauss Cubanwriter Cubanwriter


Objective: 3 - Keep ‘em on the Skewer
Location: FAE/SF-01 "Sestina" Starfighter, Krenth One
Equipment: See bio
Tags: Bella Bella | Augustus Von Strauss Augustus Von Strauss | Cubanwriter Cubanwriter
Forces: Krenth Two, Three and Four - Clone pilots in Sestina fighters


Krenth Squad came out of hyperspace beside the Von Strauss fleet. ”Still with me Krenth Squad?” Kharuna called out a little unsure. She received three quick harsh affirmatives. Kharuna flew quite a few missions. She was a heck of a pilot and the presence of the Force to aid her instincts had distinguished her quickly as she entered the Imperial Navy. Even if it was only a part-time assignment to work hand in hand with her duties within the Crusaders. This was the first time that she had led a squadron. She’d always just looked out for herself. It was also the first time she had gone into a situation knowing her official orders and what was going to happen were two different things. Maneuvers were just a ruse. They were here to keep Pyke ships from taking assets off the planet, or interfering with the mission down on the surface.

The presence of a Pyke assault fleet, did this group really even qualify as that? Was quite a surprise. But a welcome one for Kharuna. There was no need to even put up the charade of practice. They had entered the system directly in the sights of an enemy. The comms carried the words of the Pyke Captain announcing his annoyance with their presence. Kharuna couldn’t help a bit of a smirk. Even as the Pyke’s cruiser began to empty its hangars of fighters.

There was a bit of confusion when the Imperial Captain announced their intention to regroup and retreat. Kharuna was under the impression that the command core of the Navy knew there was more to this than practice. She looked at her scopes hoping that she would see something. It was faint, but noticeable. ”We’re going into battle Krenth squad. Switch to Imperial Encrypt channel 5 as agreed to. Any chatter from the Duchess will be heard there.”

She switched from her squad’s channel to the greater Imperial command channel. ”Captain Von Strauss. This is Krenth One. We’re ready to join your fighters wherever you need us. We’ll hit ‘em quick and hard!”


A dynamic arrival.

A flourish that scattered the rocket troopers like frightened flies.

Good timing, that one. Even late to the party, she was right on time.

"Major Kan," he corrected, "but you can call me Flag. This is Face, Blue, Spike, and Whiskers. We'll call you Wing, for operational security. Good work up there.

And... they're forming back up. Second wave, soldiers."

He shouldered his carbine and fired up at the rocket jocks, now diving down at them again. Beams vaporized chunks of rock all around, and blaster bolts answered them. Yol caught one of the troopers at the edge of his rocket pack, and he went up like Alliance Day fireworks over Coruscant.

Whiskers and Spike did their own fine work as more rocket-troopers rounded the edge of the mountain and rained fire upon the group. Only the cover of boulders and craggy crevices kept them from being reduced to steaming bits. But it was training that put them behind good cover. It was training that enabled the accuracy of their return fire.

Yol switched from target to target. Squeeze. Aim. Squeeze. Aim. Squeeze.

He acted with the confidence of a man who trusted those who fought beside him.

Yol Kan Yol Kan || Valmy Tomo Valmy Tomo || Saul Whesai Saul Whesai Kebii'kara Solus Kebii'kara Solus

Blue... Hmm not the most creative name but he could work with it. Either way, this team looked like it could hold its own. Hopefully they wouldn't need to though till they got in the Pyke base proper. That illusion was quickly shatter as he held onto the ascender rope, bounding up after the team, as he sensed the same thing Whiskers did, jet trails coming towards them. Despite what the briefing pack had said, he thought this would be an easy stealth mission, creating havoc after slipping in order to get out again. Needless to say, they had hit the fan before this mission had even started.

Following orders, the small cyborg could only crotch down in one of the craigs in the rocks as decent size pebbles tumbled down the rock face at the vibrations, trying to take his eye out. He also heard something else... Were those engines? Nerf.. I knew this mission was too easy... He could only close his eyes and try to focus as he heard the sounds of another jet pack that sounded different and was that a... lightsaber...? He looked out of his crack just in time to see the long-limbed armored figure spear their orange lightsaber through one of the jet troopers leaving him only to mutter. "Force users... Fucking glory hunters..."

It was clear to everyone that their stealth mission had just turned hot, and it was not the type of engagement he had planned on. He was outfitted for close combated and this was defiantly not that. Still, he could do the thing he did best, improvise. Grabbing in one of the rocks, he eyeballed one of the rocket troops and using his metal arm, threw it right into the trooper's head. The whole team would hear a small crack as the jet trooper's helmet and skull shattered. Picking up another rock, he started to aim again, hoping to cover his team in his own way.

Yol Kan Yol Kan Valmy Tomo Valmy Tomo Kebii'kara Solus Kebii'kara Solus
Last edited:


Objective: 2 - A Necessary Acquisition
Location: Mountainous approach to Target | Drongar
Equipment: See bio
Callsign: Face
Tags: Yol Kan Yol Kan | Saul Whesai Saul Whesai | Kebii'kara Solus Kebii'kara Solus


The spanking tease didn’t seem to land with the Tiss'shar, Valmy wasn’t terribly surprised at that. Valmy’s eagerness to try anything new had her a bit disappointed as she listened to the Major’s explanation of a spanking. Valmy was glad that he gave the adult definition, rather than stating it was a way human parents punished young children. The guy with the glowing blue eyes responded with a bit of interest. He was young and on the small/unhealthy side. But Valmy had done worse. ”We’ll see how you handle yourself. You might need a good medical plan to take one of my spankings.”

The Major gave out callsigns. That made things easier, though Valmy thought Val usually worked out just fine. Short and simple, and easy for her to remember. But Face wasn’t bad either and she was pretty sure she’d be able to remember the name when called upon. If this group stuck together it would only get easier. The small rodent, “Whispers”, acknowledged his callsign and handed the Major a rope gun and soon the ascent looked as though it was going to start. That was good. Valmy wasn’t much for too much exertion leading up to the mission. Having a full battery when the shooting started was key to success in her eyes. The diversity of crew seemed to have its advantages. Sensors still were blank, but Whispers managed to pick up approaching bogies by natural hearing. Major told everyone to get small, Valmy wasn’t about to argue, but she gauged who quickly she would be able to arm herself and pivot to get a shot off if things got a little too close. She chuckled at the mention of Flag’s obvious armor, until she recalled that her bright pink hair was going to stick out just as much.

As Spike alerted them to the imminent arrival of the enemy, Valmy pivoted, digging her heel into the rock face while pressing her back against the mountain and readying her rifle. As soon as she got sight of a rocket trooper in range she would fire, taking conservative, accurate shots to avoid as much commotion as possible. The patrol not returning on schedule would raise alarms. But a chit ton of blaster fire would before that. An exchange of volleys was interrupted by a ship joining the fray. For a moment Valmy thought the element of surprise was going to be lost as the ship took out the side of the mountain targeting whichever side it was there to eliminate.

Instead of a blazing assault, the ship loosed two beings into the battle. An armored being and a small dragon. Valmy gave a bit of a smirk. This duo did not strike her as Pyke aligned. The armored one quickly turned their assault to the rocket troopers, confirming Valmy’s assessment and shifting the small skirmish definitively towards the invaders. Valmy gave a bit of a chuckle at Blue’s under the breath comment. She wondered if he knew who they were working for…Or if it mattered.

The tall being in Mandalorian style armor and a lightsaber immediately caught Valmy’s interest. There was a brief break in the firing that saw the Mandalorian approach the Major. A raspy, yet feminine voice addressed him as Major. This one was meant to be a part of the team…but with her own transport it seemed that the powers that be didn’t want to load down Yol’s ship. The fact that what Valmy assumed was a she gave the dragon orders and it seemed to listen was even more intriguing. Unfortunately, there was no time for further discussion as the rocket troopers returned and the squad started the skirmish once more. With careful aim Valmy took wise shots once more. Turning her head from the debris of enemy shots that got a little too close for comfort. She cursed and started to dodge as best as she could and looked for some cover. Hopefully the second wave was the last. This was very much not the plan.
Location: Drongar
Objective: Expanding the Product Line
Attire: Imperial Uniform
Tag: Augustus Von Strauss Augustus Von Strauss Zago Kint Zago Kint Cubanwriter Cubanwriter Kharuna Tan Kharuna Tan

Bella moved quickly to follow the Captain’s initial orders, acknowledging him with a slight nod as soon as he gave them. Even with her injuries, deft fingers darted across the console in front of her as Bella opened a line to the captains of the Gozanti I and III.

“Gozanti I and III, have your TIEs maintain their posture in orbit of Drongar.” Bella began. “They are to remain on intercept duty to ensure that any vessel attempting to leave the planet is disabled.” She relayed. Moments later, the Togruta received affirmative responses, at which point Captain Von Strauss gave her the cue to join him at the holomap station.

Duchess out. For the Empire.” Bella finished. With that, the Baroness took off her headset and made her way to the holomap, her gaze quickly poring over the tactical layout of the three-dimensional battlespace as she did. All the while, a hand rubbed at her (previously) fractured montral in deep thought as she processed the strategy outlined by the Captain.

He Looks up at the Baroness, "You'll be a significant figure in all this as well. Once they start moving their fighters and bombers will hopefully outpace them. I need you," His voice stops for a minute looking at the battlefield, "to make sure that once they cross this parallel, it's full thrusters from our compliment. It'll look like were going in to dogfight, but I want you to work with the Major of Tempest and other squad leads to get them and our Erads through to target their smaller capital ships first. Also, ensure that the other groups' compliment is in standard formation to intercept if the Pykes split."

“Their fighter complement appears to outnumber our own.” Bella said as she took in the sensor data. “The Eradicators will need to advance under ECM cover. I will assign Tempest and Krenth Squadrons to escort the bombers to their targets. Lieutenant Commander Kharuna Tan is a talented pilot and a Crusader, no less. I trust that she will work miracles.” She continued, giving implication to Kharuna Tan’s Force-sensitivity. “Meanwhile, our remaining TIEs will lure the enemy fighters within range of the point defense batteries on the Duchess and the Daybreak. That way, our point-defense guns might serve as the anvil to the hammer of our fighter squadrons.” Bella added.

“Is this plan acceptable to you, sir?” Bella asked, her tone rising in question as she did. Even with the Pantoran’s playful, assured wink, the Togruta was not quite sure that she held his confidence.

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