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Faction Operation: Vermillion [NIO Warlords/Moffs welcome]


"Krieg: A War Story"

Krieg was a planet of clans and families stemming from the Mandalorian origins, the Naudir clan being the predominant and kinda ruling dynasty for a few years of the planets history. The game changed when settlers and refugees from the Sith-Imperial War arrived, searching for homes. Among them was a faction which was coming from a variety of backgrounds and had gathered in the late first year of the civil war. A fleet based society based around very few individuals with military and economic resources , but reliant on their power and wealth. A large group came from the Corporate Sector, from Ession in specific, a group who had refused to take a side in the civil war, too opportunistic to predict the winner, too opposed to the Sith to join the ranks of the lieges.

This group had settled on Krieg and started to fund the New Imperial Order with money and propaganda through their commerce towards the end of the war, adopting their flag as their superior and devoting their money to join their ranks. Opportunism and despotism were a new taste for the clan based society of Krieg, but also the vast industrial power and refurbishing of much of the landscape, making the dark and light side of the planet more functional. The clan based society lost more and more influence and was replaced by a republican system of the various noble houses which were in fact industrial companies and military powers, swallowing much of the population into an industrial society.

The Mandalorian-originating people were divided about this developments. The planet becoming divided between the parties and Clan Naudir taking the lead role to oppose the dramatic change in culture and society, supporting the traditional Mandalorian families more than a united nation. On the other side were the increasingly powerful powerhouses of the military and corporate interests, leading among them the Counts of Hohenlautern and their charismatic head, Erwin Leberecht. The republican feeling swiftly turned into a farce and the leverage of the nobility was predominant, turning this treaty and society into a corporate and military junta in only but name. It was the evening of the war, the modern versus the traditional and only one side was going to last.



Despite His idea of nobility and luxury, He did not like to have a personal butler or being dressed up. There was no need for someone to help Him in His uniform or to strap a belt around His waist. It was part self-confidence and part suspicion, He needed nobody to help Him in such mundane task, how could He? He is expecting thousands of soldiers to follow His orders, legions of workers to do His bidding, why would they trust Him if He would be not capable of doing some buttons. On the other hand, there was nothing to worry about in regards to assassins or murderers sneaking into His chambers right in front. People can be bribed, can be put in undercover.

His hands were easily putting the uniform on, clipping the buttons of the five-rows with unconscious precision, grapping the sword-belt with its heavy blaster holster and wrapping it around His hips, clipping it tight and adjusting the strips of the sheath. On top of the backrest of the chair in front of Him was His peaked cap, the front polished to perfection and with the front first, He put it on His well ordered and draped short blonde hair. When moving to the large, reinforced door, He took the green cloak and opened the entrance. Accompanied by a perfectly simultanous clanking of heels, the door opened, giving Him the view on His at attention standing staff, headed by His adjutant.

"Sire." The voice of Reinhard von Oberstein was the only heard, the only one which was permitted to speak in regards to etiquette and hierarchy. He was not as tall grown as his superior, but still a formidable figure, more wiry than atheletic and with a clear, smooth voice. Dressed in a perfectly orderly combat uniform, grey-blue in color with the green highlights depicting to be part of His staff. Reinhard was holding a datapad, otherwise only equipped with a holstered blaster pistol, the man did look like a born soldier, not a warrior, but a real soldier.

Without stopping, He walked out of His room and down the rich decorated corridor. "Oberstein. Status report." His voice was calm as the eye of the storm, concentrated like a diamond and as hard. The polished boots clanking with its heels as He marched through the palace, a tail of half a dozen staff members following several steps behind Reinhard who himself was just right behind Him. Reinhard adored Him, He had vision, He had understanding and morals he thought to understand. Nobody was close to Him, He did not let anyone get there, so von Oberstein thought himself honored to be His aide, to be close to Him and support His dream.

"Our units are ready to seize the few naval assets the tribals possess, both in space and on ground. High Admiral Kadel's Marines are eager to strike. The Army Groups Moder, Brauhisch and Knapfstein are on stand-by to capture the Ring. Colonel-General von Tannerburg is sending a request every hour to unleash his airborne infantry. Everyone is in their place. The Garde is waiting for You to spearhead Army Group Hohenlautern, Sire." He paused a moment, looking back to his tablet and up again. It was an unusual move for someone with this strong of a memory and view for details. "And we have received the confirmation of our outer system sensors and patrols of a fleet arriving from hyperspace within the next hour. They are coming, Sire."

"Prepare the Garde FreiKorps and Trelow FreiKorps as reserve for the Naudir-theatre, alert a FreiKorps commander in every theatre to make their men ready. We leave nothing to chance, but give them straight orders that they are subject of the Imperial Army hierarchy. The fleet shall launch their fighter screens, just because we are expecting guests, doesn´t mean those clansmen cannot have requested support on their own. Army and Navy on full battlestations, I expect ready reports in five minutes."

Behind Him the band of officers and non-coms was typing down the orders and relaying the commands of their liege and supreme commander. Everything was perfectly in place, as perfect as it would be. The attack was not a surprise one, but would be a lightning one, leaving the clansmen little chance against the well-organised and armored troops of the former refugees. They were here for a new era, a new dawn for Krieg and the beginning of its New Imperial era. They were here, here to support the movement. Not the Stormtroopers or Imperial Navy, but one of the Imperial Warlords who offered an expeditionary force to finalize the operation.

The group left the corridors of the palace and went through castled path between walls of the palace and out of the gate onto what once were the fields around, now a huge square with asphalted ground, several hectars big and fielding the full might of the 1st and 2nd Regiment of Grenadier Guard Panzer Regiments, forming the Hand's Brigade. They were standing in exact formation, tanks arrayed next to each other, the Guard infantry waiting in front of their IFVs and APCs, waiting to mount. Waiting for the planet-wide consolidation and conquest to start, the troops were in sight of their target. The capital of Heimskringla'Naudir'yaim was only fifteen kilometers away and was the stronghold of the Naudir forces, too weak to go onto the offensive and therefore they have been digging in since the dissolution of the senate.

With assured steps into the tracks and onto the skirt armor, Erwin Leberecht Graf Hans von Hohenlautern-Straab stepped onto His command tank and looked at the gathered soldiers.

"Today we will fight for our future! We will march into the capital and plant our flag and the imperial banner on top of it. You were trained, drilled and exercised for exactly this moment, you have the equipment, you have the discipline and you have the spirit! Let the fire in your hearts, in your mind light one in each of your hands and they are your weapons! We are fighting for our rights, for the security of our families and for our tomorrow! This is your baptism of fire, courage and spirit will prevail! And thats why I ask you: Do You Want To Live Forever?!"

Aurelian Sigismund Aurelian Sigismund , open



Aurelian Sigismund,
High Imperator, Princeps and Shield of Vandemar, Grandmaster of the Legions

✠ Objective: Support the Military Junta

✠ Location: Krieg

✠ Gear: Urizen, Mantle, Lancer

✠ Assets: Omnia Vincit, Morbus Sire, Lachrimae, 2x Legions, 15x Cohorts of Auxillary

✠ Tag(s): Erwin von Hohenlautern Erwin von Hohenlautern


Krieg - Arriving in inner system from Hyperspace - Aboard Omnia Vincit

The massive presence of the Princeps in the Strategium was impossible to ignore. A large, golden clad warrior, adorned with red and wielding legendary weapon he was indeed the ancient commander of the Vandemarian Legions. Aurelian Sigismund stood like a stature, cold and absolutely unmoved while staring at the incoming data in front of him. The screen was slowly updating with the scans and information provided by the imperials on the surface and their ships in orbit.

Their fleet seemed somewhat lacking, but their ground troops made a solid, well organized impression, untainted though. Different to the battle proven troops the Princeps was leading into battle. Two Legions were waiting in the bowl of his flagship, plus fifteen Cohorts of Vandemarian Auxillary, the latter being sent into battle due to the majority of the Legions locked in a war on the Mawite front as well as occupied with another war against the Second Realm on Vandemar itself.

Aurelian was not alone, his two legion masters, Marshals Corvanus and Annonius were standing next to him in their gilded power armor, one with crossed arms in front of the armored chest, the other with his arms folded behind his back. They were not the first line, not the most experienced, but they were Legionnaires nontheless, trained and disciplined to the absolutely maximum, elite, gene-engineered killers. Their Legions fresh but equally deadly already. Then there was the commander of the fleet and the leader of the Auxillary troops, one a Legionnaire, the other an ordinary Zabrak, both experienced in battle, both trusted lieutenants of the High Imperator.

The Strategium was usually filled with staff officers, legion marshals and more officers of supporting military branches of the Vandemarian military, but today it was rather empty. Only the ships representing the full might of possibilities as they came directly from the docks after the battle over Panatha.

Nobody would speak or utter a word of advice until the Princeps had spoken, nobody would propose unless asked or demanded to, his authority was absolute, his power unquestioned.

"Prepare the 25th Legion for gunship drop at the capital, five cohorts of Auxillary in the rear. The 27th stays in orbit as QRF. Eight more cohorts will be made ready to deploy as reinforcements of the locals, the remaining two stay on the Morbus and Lachrimae, we hunt down possible espacees. Coordinate with the locals, its their theatre. No civilian casualties, maximum violence against hostile forces. Clean and efficient. Any questions?"

They had none. Good, as expected.




Michael Barran Michael Barran Erwin von Hohenlautern Erwin von Hohenlautern Aurelian Sigismund Aurelian Sigismund




The message had been received in what was the dead of the night, Nirauan Standard Time, and much to the surprise of the Dominion's High Command back on the half-repaired Hand of Thrawn. Turmoil within the borders of the Empire was not a new phenomena in the slightest; countless acts of rebellion and sedition were consistently sparked across the fringe worlds of their growing borders, mostly as a result of the policies put in place to ensure compliance, or treachery being manipulated by the elements of the Sith who still remained in the shadows. The latter reason was in part why the Myrmidons never knew a true moment of respite, not when there were Sith to hunt, to kill, and to prevent population centers from needlessly growing with unrest.

Nobody expected the message that was sent from Krieg, and with its revelation to the Legion, their next deployment into a potential new warzone. It was typical for them to be called upon in squad or platoons, or in the most dire of circumstances perhaps a full company. But this time was different, and every member of the Legion knew exactly why it was so. Krieg wasn't just another backwater world, ripe with remnants of the former Sith Empire or otherwise. Krieg was home to many of the Legion's numbers, including the vast cadre of Mandalorians who'd served with the Myrmidons since its creation and inception.

They'd fought besides the Myrmidons for year upon year, and provided the training regimen that crafted what was undoubtedly one of the Empire's finest, prestigious in their own right to be equals of the 501st, and far more deadlier on even the most humble baseline presented. The culture of Krieg, was in essence, the culture of the Legion. They were inseparable from eachother, as without Krieg, the Myrmidons would not have been wrought into the veritable killing blow of the Empire that it had became. They were in part one of primary reasons that Lucien's fiefdom had been preserved, even after the Maw did all they could to destroy Nirauan at its heart. Fearless in combat, and prideful to a fault, the Myrmidons descended upon their enemies of Nirauan -- and the Empire -- with no hesitation.

Blood reigned supreme where their boots touched earth, and their blades sung through the winds to meet steel upon flesh. Some deemed them terrifying, to see, covered in blood and entrails by the time the fighting had finished, yet the majority knew what it meant when the Myrmidons had arrived into the area. They were the light within a sea of dark, whose unyielding bloodletting dissuaded the worst of the Empire's foes, and inspired the denizens of the Empire to stand up and fight.

Always forwards they went, and to Krieg, the Dominion would go.

Preparation for the venture had been completed the night prior, Dante ensured of this, in his de-facto role as Lord Commander of Nirauan, whenever Lucien was too caught up in the matters of state & politics on his home planet of Serenno. It was only by chance that the Warlord & King had been present upon Nirauan during the few weeks that followed, though Dante was glad to see the man was doing well, despite the troubling news he brought with him from Bastion. Times were changing, and with them the Empire had to adapt or die in response to the galactic changes occurring around it. He pondered on matters of Politics and Empire regularly; though he was still a battle-hardened Myrmidon at heart, his new role came with the added responsibility of millions of the Dominion's citizens being under his care. Administration & Statesmanship, in spite of the benefits that came with his new station, were nonetheless more stress-inducing than killing a man had ever been to him.

With that in mind, he was almost glad that the distress call had arrived from Krieg. The monotony of the day-to-day had finally been broken up, and with it the call to arms had been signaled across the former capital planet of Dominion, which still maintained a heavy military presence in the aftermath of its reclamation from the Maw. Several Legions were mobilized for immediate deployment, and what was left of the Sector's fleet -- including what the Empire provided to bolster it up, once the sector had been reclaimed -- was fully stocked and prepared for their departure to Krieg's sector, which was only the next sector over, much to the Mandalorian's allay.

It would be foolish if the Dominion ignored the call, Dante knew of this, as too many of their brothers were calling for the blood of those who would displace their families and kin, all for the convenient sake of an Imperialism their kind had fought, bled and died for as well. While the Dominion was officially not claiming any involvement in the...civil war, Dante knew that unofficially the facts didn't match what was being said. Several standard Legions of the Dominion's military were called for immediate combat deployment, their numbers in the tens of thousands, and far more than necessary if it were simply a matter of neutral mediation. But none of those present were fooled by the politics, given the intricate connection between Krieg and the Armed Forces of Nirauan itself.

There was a long history there, one that went even further than the creation of the Legion, or Lucien's position as a Warlord of the Order. He'd been there when Krieg was brought into the fold, and fought alongside & against their ranks, to prove himself worthy of their respect. They called upon him in the most dire of times, just as many of their kin had fought and died for him over the course of the Third Imperial Civil War.

And so the fleet mobilized, and descended upon the Krieg System after a single encrypted response was delivered to the Mandalorians in return.



From hyperspace, they emerged.

Despite being drastically reduced in their battles with the Maw, and currently split between their duties to all worlds inside the Dominion's territory, the fleet present was still impressive enough in its size and scope to warrant the idea of a unobtrusive arrival as being a fool's dream at best. A host of capital-class vessels along with their escorts, ground invasion vessels, and surrounding fighter complements, maintained an unrelenting advance towards the orbit of Krieg. Communication with the other two parties above the planet's orbit was kept to a minimum, with the primary response back to any inquiries being that to interfere with their intended course, was a declaration of war against the Dominion itself.

Though it was entirely possible that the combined vessels of the Krieg expatriates and Vandemar could engage, and even delay the advancing fleet which seemed primed to settle its own way into orbit, there existed a number of political ramifications for burgeoning powers such as themselves to act hastily on that course. Their efforts hadn't just sewn the basis for the ire of an insignificant Warlord, but that of the Emperor's half-brother, who many knew to be one of the three most powerful Warlords within the entire Empire itself. It was upon the basis of these two combined facts that Nirauan's military command had argued, and agreed, that their provocation would be ignored, when placed next to the ramifications of what engaging them could set off.

Even without considering the more nuanced angles of politics, Nirauan possessed a substantial amount of vessels despite its weakened state, at least more than enough to screen the primary components of the fleet for the duration needed to deliver their complements safely onto their intended targets. Once safely within orbit, a defensive screen was set up, positioning the fleet in a manner to potentially react to an engagement from all angles, if such a thing was necessary.

But no matter the response their actions drew, the die had been cast the moment the fleet was positioned in orbit. Dante made his way down to the hangar, joining the rest of the Myrmidons as they filtered into the vast rows of dropships that lined the massive hangars of their Star Destroyer. Their descent towards the ground was done as soon as the green-light was given, with wave after wave of dropships beginning a lightning descent towards the capital, closely trailed by squadrons of TIE fighters and Interceptor craft who were there to ensure that the Empire's finest made it safely to their destination. There was a clear gap between the forces who controlled the vast majority of Krieg, and those of the Mandalorians themselves. Fifteen kilometers -- give or take -- of land where neither side had yet to venture through, though it was also clear that the Expatriates who boxed in the Mandalorians, wouldn't be waiting for much longer.

It was into this no-man's land that the Myrmidons would find themselves stationed, for a time. As a Legion, it was standard doctrine for them to never be caught in a prolonged fight, unless victory could only be achieved by the slaughter only they were capable of dealing out. But for now, their presence would be used as a deterrent, and from their dropships they leapt out into the open air, squad after squad fanning out in every direction, their jetpacks igniting each time with the discipline of a well-timed chorus, and moving to secure as much of that open land as they could, before their potential foes wised up to what they were doing. Their orders were clear; secure the no-man's land between the capital and the expats, eliminate any scouts and patrols efficiently and quickly, and provide constant reports up their chain of command, in case a repositioning was necessary in the face of a large and overwhelming force.

All was going well.


Dante muttered to himself, as he watched into the distance from several kilometers away from the newly-secured frontline. He called over his radio specialist, a short human from Dantooine, who jogged up to him from his right. The man would patch his comms into a direct and encrypted line with the fleet above in orbit at the Lord Commander's request. The message that was sent up, was then broadcasted on an open channel for both the non-friendly -- but not yet hostile -- fleets around it to hear.

<"This is Lord Commander Corvus, of the Dominion of Nirauan's Armed Forces, and I've been authorized to speak on an open channel for all parties involved in this...dispute to hear. At the behest of our Warlord, Lucien Dooku, we are here to mediate on behalf of the Mandalorians of Krieg, and ensure that this dispute does not become warped into a conflict between loyal sons of the Empire, which I assume all parties to be.">

He paused, but only for long enough to allow his final words to sink in.

<"...With that said, we will be landing our forces in the capital of Heimskringla at the request of the Mandalorian government, and hereby request that any and all conflict be ceased immediately, until further notice at least. Firing upon the vessels, transports, and personnel of the Dominion, will be treated as an act of war. You will be engaged in a conventional, protracted war without terms of disengagement-- and not just for the sake of this planet, but on the principles that the Dominion stands to uphold. If you accept our terms, and cease what plans you may or may not have, for the time being at least, I will guarantee you a meeting with Warlord Dooku to discuss...further terms that may be suitable to all parties present, without the need for blood to be spilled.">

And with it's declaration across the ears of all fleets present, the line was closed, and reopened back to their allies above the skies.

<"Admiral Mandela, inform Lord Michael to greenlight waves two and three. I want the capital secured, in case our...friends decide that our generosity was too inflexible.">

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1st post

The Highland Brotherhood


Objective: Hold the Line


Dante Corvus Dante Corvus Lyra 'Sybila' Voikryt Lyra 'Sybila' Voikryt


Erwin von Hohenlautern Erwin von Hohenlautern Aurelian Sigismund Aurelian Sigismund

The Druid's Loadout

Vibrosword Cavalry-Sabre
Pale Blue Lightsabre
Fragarach Model Heavy Disruptor Pistol
Fairbairn Vibroknife-Dagger
Beskar Barbershop Razor

Beinn Amanita
Biadh-Damh Bluecaps

2X Packs Dunwaller Silvers
(Prastaig Green-Label)



City Outskirts, Heimskringla Province,
Heimskringla, Krieg (874 ABY)

'T'be fair, we've held the line wae much worse. No bad as far as ah see it, Milord.', 1st-Leftenant McBain muttered contently, weighing in with a little punditry on a matter that the Druid had been discussing with his little clique as their APC steadily drew closer to the city's main gateway. All had been discussing this before they left for Nirauan, even going so far as to extend these collective talks between soldiers to their multitude of little discussions in New Carannia's spaceport waiting-rooms as they awaited orders to board their deployment-transports, with Barran's Highlanders, Corvus' Myrmidons, the (also deploying) veteran troopers from the Nirauan Sector and Kurze's Mandalorians weighing in on the situation all over the place. It had been the case since news had filtered through, with Apollo himself giving the high-command cadre a good rundown of what things would've been like there before the invaders arrived, information that would be valued greatly as Lord Michael's contingent neared the approach to Heimskringla's Sandgate.

'True, but it's difficult haudin' static lines in jungle environments an' the likes. An' that'll be enough Lao-Mon reminders fae you, Gallowglass! Fuckin' Hell, man.... Digressin' anyway, but in any case, we'll be much readier than we were back than as well. A whole bunch o' new factors we need t'consider noo, with all of it combinin' t'weigh up in favour o' the local Mandalorian element. Sorted this time, beyond sorted.'

Dragging open the slide-door, Lord Michael turned to Yorunarr and exclaimed,'You coordinate our rearguard after they unpack in the redoubt's barrack-blocks, I want your men bolstering their presence at the dropship line after the second and third lines arrive! Roughly two-K out from the city itself as far as the LZ-plotting looks!', pausing to think on what the next move should've been as he pulled out his hipflask and drank a little to loosen his mind up a little. As he put the Prastaig back in his coat's inside pocket, Barran turned back to his trusty Shaman and called out,'HOPE YOU BROUGHT YOUR MASK THIS TIME, YORUNARR!!!! WE MIGHT - ah, sorry! We might need it this time around, they've brought the troop-numbers for the job apparently!', over a loud, whistling gust of wind until it had passed over, letting him exclaim somewhat more quietly in the end.

'Lucky for you, I did! My subordinates are keeping that and my Root-supply for me, and they're arriving in the second-wave dropships! Doubt we'll need it though!'

Further good news to add to the good news, and as Michael was considering the pre-battle positives and how they would stack up for both sides of the divide in such moments, the Woad knew fine and well that there had to be something that would give eventually, and by the time such fateful occurrences came to pass, Barran knew he would need to have every last resource in the right place if he wished to hold the static-line against the invaders. Smirking with a clear nod of approval, the Druid tapped on his ear twice for the Shaman to stand by for further incoming comm-chatter, then exclaimed,'Unpack yer shit when yees make it t'the barracks, then get in position! I'll be in touch, Yorunarr!', before turning to make a running jump out to plan the next steps on his own.

<"Admiral Mandela to Cairn One! Orders patched through from Lord-Commander Corvus; time to green-light the second and third waves, all we need is callsign-verification to get the ball rolling for you!">
'Dante with that snappy timing, man. Never misses a beat! I LIKE IT!!!!'

<"Voice-verify; Goidelic, Barran! Callsign-verify: Cairn One! Proceed, sir!">

With boots sinking deep into the snow as he walked southwards towards the dropships' expected landing-zones, the Wanderer lit a cigarette as he went and smoked a few draws as he took in the glorious backdrop to himself, sighing with an anticipatory delight that also brought out other sensations from within. The voice of the planet was seemingly speaking to him, much like the feeling he experienced on Dantooine, but Lord-Captain Barran had overcome the headiness of this gift, allowing his state of creative flow to take control as the prospect of hostilities became more of a reality with every passing hour. Then, as soon as the Imperial dropships broke through the lower-atmosphere and down through the clouds above him, Lord Michael laughed with menacing intent, roaring,'With these here contingents, I declare Heimskringla - UNASSAILABLE!!!!', breaking into a run as the next 1.5km of breath-taking scenery stretched out in front of him.



Aachen Reach, Northern Hertz Mountains,
No Man's Land, Heimskringla Province (874 ABY)

The landings had all reached their targets, giving even more time to that which was stacking Barran well ahead of schedule by then, so when the Lord-Captain eventually linked up with the elements of the second and third waves, Michael would have clear and concise orders in mind for what he needed from them. As soon as their places had been established in the local barrack-blocks, the Myrmidons would man their stations across the city's fortified perimeter and choke-points, ambush positions and other fortifications further within, all whilst the Highland Brotherhood used the IFVs and Repulsorlift technicals they intended for tactical implementation as transports to the frontlines first. Kurze's Mandalorians and the Nirauan Sector troops would set camp and fortify around the dropship fall-back line as soon as their trips to the barrack-blocks had been endeavoured, keeping the city's gatehouse guardsmen very busy for the following hours as the Druid sat atop his ACV without a single worry in his mind.

<"Barran to Cairn Four! Be sure to keep Apollo's supply line protected at all times, but besides that - keep oor strategic reserve as sharp an' focused as possible.... Ya never know, Shaman. Ya never know.">

<"True, and rest assured the resupplies will get to where they need to go. Just focus on staying safe out there, Michael. Cairn Four Out!">

Oak, beech, redwoods and pine trees, with the lattermost exhibiting the largest presence on the horizon, it wouldn't be long before the Highlanders' vehicles crossed over the threshold between valley and mountain-forest, the very same forest that hid their scouting comrades well from the scopes of their opposition. Lord-Captain Barran wisely assumed the Myrmidons' Lord-Commander would have his subordinates rooted deep in the area, using the trees and the treacherous topography as cover whilst whilst they waited for the Goidels to occupy gaps in the Pellaeonist static-line, likely digging foxholes, setting traps and pitching camp to keep warm and safe for whatever was to happen that night. If there were any commanders born to lead masses in combat, able to lead them to digging through frozen dirt in the name of their ideals, Lord Michael knew for a fact he wouldn't be wrong in assuming Lord Dante's name to be on that hypothetical list somewhere.

'Its quiet out here, but not too quiet.... Heh! Makes for a change anyway, a good change for once.'

'Hope so, Milord.', McBain eventually weighed in, trailing off to enjoy the view for a moment more, taking in the last few seconds of the unobscured view to the sun-kissed summit of the mountain ahead whilst the Laird followed suit and enjoyed the silence for a while. Barran would be happy that his second-in-command chose to abandon the warmth of the driver-bay's passenger seat to sit directly above it with him instead, and though none of the crewmen within could see what they were seeing but the driver, it wouldn't take much looking through the side viewports to understand what they were defending and holding the line to preserve. In lands like these, the greatest Imperial Mandalorians were forged, tackling the altitudinous terrain for the reward of the most eye-catching views of the realm that not only inspired them to survive their enemies, but also inspired the Krieg-Mandalorians to prevail over any who dared to face off against them.

'I really do.... Wife thinks I've deployed one time too many for my own good already, could use a break from the usual tours o' duty.'





With headphones over His cap and goggles covering the eyes from dust, Erwin was sitting in the lead tank rolling down the runway towards the city. They built them, they had been responsible for the grand expansion of useable infrastructure all over the planet in the past years, building highways, harbors, spaceports and railways which connected one part of the world to the other. They even had invested in the Grand Twilight Express, a luxury railway passing through light and dark side, around the most beautiful landscapes Krieg had to offer.

Of course these plannings were not without second thought, streets can be utilized by trucks as much as tanks and would increase the capabilities of the world to defend itself, its defenders to move around and occupy strategic positions. All major islands had it, as well as the industrial habs in the dark and light zones, it was vital, for commerce and military considerations.

Erwin was not headlessly launching His Army Group onto the capital, there was a deployment zone which would be at the end of the Hohenlautern province, marking the border towards what was the capital district and its outskirts. As expected it was a more rural area than buzzing urban center, but that suited the progressives just right, let them take their capital and prepare some ambushes, there was plenty of room to manoeuvre and enough manpower to achieve the goal.

In His forward HQ near the border, roughly four kilometers from where the 1st and 2nd Guard Panzers started, they stopped to meet with the bulk of the Guard Division and the mobile staff of the imperial forces. It was a constructed defensive line, spanning roughly ten kilometers to either side, occupied by infantry, artillery and tanks of the most well trained troops they had to offer. It was just a fraction of the troops used though.

The Army Group Hohenlautern deployed four field armies from North, South, West and Southwest to achieve a reasonable encirclement but providing a gap for any civilians to make their way out of the combat zone. The East was officially not a target theatre, but a FreiKorps was responsible for disarming possible fleeing rebels. It was a very human and future-oriented plan, not intending to annihilate or eradicate anyone, Krieg was to go into a new age of technology, prosperity and unity within the Empire, thats what Vermillion was aiming for, to use this world to its fullest extent and not decay under the chains of some dead people.

Therefore the initial plan did not see the idea of deploying amassed artillery, but everything changed dramatically when dropships started to descend right in front of the deploying imperial troops . . . .


The Graf von Hohenlautern was observing the spectactle along with His staff and probably most soldiers of his Army Group. The New Imperials were here to ... defend the tribals, the natives. It was as ridiculous as it could be, the Imperial Junta around Hohenlautern was dedicated to bring itself into fighting alongside the Empire, providing a formidable fighting force to expand the Iron Sun. Now the field was filled with some warlords' soldiers, Stormtroopers flooding in and some other, identified as Galidraani were being put onto the field by dropships.
<"...With that said, we will be landing our forces in the capital of Heimskringla at the request of the Mandalorian government, and hereby request that any and all conflict be ceased immediately, until further notice at least. Firing upon the vessels, transports, and personnel of the Dominion, will be treated as an act of war. You will be engaged in a conventional, protracted war without terms of disengagement-- and not just for the sake of this planet, but on the principles that the Dominion stands to uphold. If you accept our terms, and cease what plans you may or may not have, for the time being at least, I will guarantee you a meeting with Warlord Dooku to discuss...further terms that may be suitable to all parties present, without the need for blood to be spilled.">

The shining eyes of Erwin were watching the feed as Dante Corvus Dante Corvus spoke to Him and the rest of His comrades and allies. He did not show any reaction at all. It was hypocritical to come here, proclaiming one owns principles and in the same breath intend to uphold the mutual Imperial loyalty and laws. But He did not speak His mind and remained silent. He remained silent where others of His staff dared to step forward and comment and propose, all shut quiet with a simple stare of His unsettling eyes.

"Lord Commander Dante Corvus, I welcome you to Krieg, my chosen home, and hereby invite you and your liege to Siegfried Palace at your earliest convenience. I am certain that there is a lot to discuss between your superior and myself in terms of dealing with internal affairs as well as maintaining and keeping Imperial interests in our both focuses. In the meantime I will order my troops to remain in position and refrain from establishing and assuring a secure and lawful world of the Empire. Your courtesy returned, a shot fired or foot set further on land which is not yours, will result in the appropriate consequences. Any further matters discussed in person."

The Grafs voice was clear and neutral, offering no provocation and not even a hint of superiority. A hand turned off the transmission right as He finished talking and with an invisible, silent breath taking, He continued, now addressing His staff.

"Army Group Hohenlautern digs in right now, reverse my initial orders of minimum artillery usage, I want all guns pointing at the no-mans-land between us and the capital, scout, scan and mark targets of the Nirauan forces. I want the Panzers to be ready to perform a Schere on Division level. We will not fight with them head on if it comes to that, the Jaegers will move in to harass and pick them man by man, the terrain is well suited for light infantry. Let our heavies remain our backbone and anvil. Relay my command to all theater leaders, 'who strikes before I give the order, will be executed'. Today discipline is our best weapon and shield, everyone talking about attack or giving orders without my consent to the enter the district, will be shot. Get to work."

With a snap of His finger He got von Oberstein to His side, Erwin whispered barely hearable:
"Get me a secure connection to the Princeps."

Aurelian Sigismund Aurelian Sigismund , Dante Corvus Dante Corvus , Michael Barran Michael Barran , Lucien Dooku Lucien Dooku , open



Aurelian Sigismund,
High Imperator, Princeps and Shield of Vandemar, Grandmaster of the Legions

✠ Objective: Support the Military Junta / Negotiate

✠ Location: Krieg

✠ Gear: Urizen, Mantle, Lancer

✠ Assets: Omnia Vincit, Morbus Sire, Lachrimae, 2x Legions, 15x Cohorts of Auxillary

✠ Tag(s): Erwin von Hohenlautern Erwin von Hohenlautern , Dante Corvus Dante Corvus , Michael Barran Michael Barran


Krieg - Orbit - Omnia Vincit - Hangar Deck 1

The arrival of the Myrmidons and Galidraani was a curious turn of events, apparently they intended to save those petty tribesmen from becoming civilized because of some old bonds and family ties. Aurelian would roll his eyes, again, but he did not do so, it was a waste of time and energy to get annoyed by such things. The Empire was supposed to look outward together and not send one of the best Stormtrooper Legions to face some imperialistic imperials. They were apparently a bunch of noble opportunists but deeply militaristic, so perfect servants for the Empire.

Sigismund knew and kinda respected the present Imperials, Dante was a capable warrior and commander and Dooku had gained some traction as it seemed after Nirauan. Good for him, good for the Empire. For some Empire at least. Principles and ideologies usually died first in war, right after the truth was burried. Though it was a strange move for someone opposing the strong centralism of Felism and Tarkinism to interfere in a potential other domain. He would not tolerate anyone on Vandemar, he would rather burn it to the ground than see it occupied by some lackey outlander.

The swiftness with which the Myrmidons and Galidraani deployed was admirable, foolish even, counting on their surprise and skill rather than on careful preparations. The latter completely in the hands of the local imperials apparently, with vast military resources. The Princeps only altered his commands slightly to adapt to the new situation. There would be no need for a picket line in space as the tone givers were the Nirauans with their fleet in being. Yet he would not leave anything to chance and ordered his ships in an orbit over the Hohenlautern province and ordered full battle readiness for all gunships and the autocannons.

Both the 25th and 27th would now go down with him, two maniples of wardroids accompanying them, plus the Auxillary Cohorts with armored support deploying between Siegfried Palace and the local imperial front lines. Without much effort Aurelian would have a final say in this situation, a knife at the back of each party, not drawn, but present, deterrence. His mind was not on the pathetic Mandalorians on the surface anymore. This was a bigger chance for greater opportunities.


With thunder and lightning the engines of the Stormeagles roared as they descended like fiery comets through the atmosphere, dozens of them deploying the supersoldiers of the Vandemarian Legions right at the throat of the enemy, to cut it open from ear to ear, the speartip. A most daring and bold tactic used to end a war right when it begun, delivering an overwhelming killing blow to the soft parts of the enemy.

Just now, there was no enemy or too many at the same time. Right after the first wave set foot on the surface of Krieg, Aurelian ordered his troops to follow, not even waiting before the last Myrmidons left their dropships when the Vandemarians already begun their deployment. Their landing zone was, unsurprisingly, tagged by the Galidraani as their landing zone as well, providing enough space to bring down heavy equipment and something easily defendable on first glance. The Galidraani were just getting out of the way when the gunships of Vandemar set down.

It was a well timed but very tight idea. Without doubt the Goidels were surprised to see that those coming right after them were neither Nirauan nor Stormtroopers, but the gilded warriors of Aurelian Sigismund. To cause a lot more chaos, organised by Aurelian, they rapidly deployed in their Shield Companies and marched, calmly, into a double line, each company at least hundred meters apart from each other and adopting a chess-pattern.

Only one figure stood out, actually six, but the five behind and around were supporting the presence of the one who led them. Five Agema accompanied the Princeps himself, the High Imperator onto the field of battle as he approached the Galidraani, the sword sheathed, the Lancer-blaster holstered, even without helmet which was carried by one his bodyguards.

"I sense some Barran is here! Show yourself!" Aurelian had a challenging, but friendly tone, easily echoing across the busy area.



Components of The 307th Stormtrooper Legion 'Red Riders'
193rd Infantry Regiment "Vindicated", Full Strength
54th Mobile Recon. Regiment "Iron Orbak", One Batt.
32nd Armored Battalion "Thundering Three Peaks", One Company
89th Artillery Battalion "Balls of Fire", One Company
404th Air Regiment "Fathal Burst", One Company - Support Element
Dante Corvus Dante Corvus Michael Barran Michael Barran Erwin von Hohenlautern Erwin von Hohenlautern Aurelian Sigismund Aurelian Sigismund


Vermillion : There is no call we do not answer
Day One Dark
It had come with little warning, the scarlet flicker off her vambrace-a steady trill of beeps. It caught the eye of the staff first before Sybila too deigned to look down, drawing a sip off the cooling cup of the cafe in hand. She had to eye the communicator from her peripheral, testing, and not eager to answer. Yazec, the resident naval chief, seemed off put, a wave of tension filing through across the bridge. A cerulean projector in his hand as some report circulated like a tidal wave across the resident lieutenant and chief alike. The woman slowly lowered the libation, they were on their eighteenth day, standard time, into the patrol. The restless beast inside her was vindicated, unceremoniously the woman forked the cup off to the nearest soldier. A star system sprawled before the glasteel windows-the void of space dark on the horizon. Her lips pressed together thinly as she crossed the durasteel catwalk, a steady click of the boot cutting through the hushed exchange, the unease was practically infectious.

“General, it’s the triumvirate alert system. The Myrmidon forces assigned to Nirauan have made a jump to the Krieg sector. Only details remain to be a distress signal coming from the planet,” the hiss of the xeno’s respirator muffled his voice, but Yazec was none too interested as his clawed hand dissipated the protection.

“Only a distress signal,” Sybila echoed as halted at the side of the xeno, brows furrowed as she regarded the man disparagingly. All silent on the front, or it had been for a time. A new series of sporadically planned attacks, the guerrilla warfare they so often employed too. Not a wary shadow pressed over the woman. The brutal and lengthy siege that had torn apart Nirauan still existed at the forefront of manys minds, unlikely to be repeated but the erratic nature of the cultist entity..The woman could not write it off. “-No reports of the Maw or other potential forces? What's the time stamp?”

Her chin clipped the wool of her uniform as she looked back to the communications console buried amongst the durasteel, the officer present only shook their head, it had happened in less two standard hours. Sybila turned over her vambrace, tearing her attention back to the persistent alarm. Her digits brushed the dial as the communicator sprung to life before her. Major Appw’rii’s armored form flickered in the blue projection-by now the entire ship seemed to know.

“I’ve already put Genesis on standby, Rhoemes and parts of the 32nd are organizing in the hangars. I have Captain Prahl here with me, she’s states she’s familiar with the Krieg based Mandalorian population and by that-it’s the majority,” the woman’s voice contorted over the speaker, Yazec making to turn his attention back to their current plotted course as the blonde reported in.

Yet Sybila raised her servo, halting the man-there had been a long standing agreement between Imperial Legion and that of the personal forces of Lucien Dooku himself. Krieg remained in conjunction within the Dominion, the standoff on the borders of the Galactic Alliance-it wouldn’t be ideal landing grounds, not the Kuat issue. No, the woman could not land on any one clear cause for the sudden deployment. Sybila shook her head simply, the variables were but a faceless threat she weighed between both hands. A moment of silence stretched between the command before she turned to address the Major on the line.

“We’re mobilizing, for as capable as the Lord Commander Dante remains if this turns into a Cloak incident. I am indirectly the nearest kingpin. Have support detachment prepared and munitions readied, we don’t know what we’re walking into but we need to be ready to bolster the Myrmidon lines,” Sybila uttered, eyes narrowing as she turned the Kel’Dor as he flagged down his second..

“I am hesitant to abandon this patrol mission. We do not know if another call might come through shortly if we are in fact being attacked across the board. We’re eight hours out from the Krieg sector now, I would deploy two of the Galleons and Vandals as escorts with a tie detachment. I will remain on course with the remainder of the Legion if you take the 193rd and some components of the cavalry-artillery, General.” Yazec was firm, a deep hiss emanating from the pale xeno. The Kel’dor’s wisdom remained ever sound, the woman feared if a mess was to unfold across all corners of the Order now. The would have to hold steady and wait for the rest of the Imperial assets to arrive-

“Notify IMPCOM then Commander, make the arrangements. Major Appw’rii I will be joining you shortly at the launch bay, relay with the rest of the 193rd. Get me a Jackal loaded out. I want all units ready to launch on the hour,” Sybila effectively dismissed the man as she cut the line on the communicator. It was more words then the Major had spoken to her in a matter of three years, this mantle she had reassumed... Tendrils of doubt lingered at the edges of her mind. It wasn't the time, seizing a deep breath. Sybila clamped her jaw shut firmly. Where she had acted alone once. The Legion required cohesion and she had to lead as a pinnacle. Footsteps echoed throughout the Bridge as the orders filtered down the chain of command. The woman retreated with heavy step, servo pressed to her mouth still trapped in thought-they could only speculate now but it was time to go to work.


The weight of the Tenebrae had almost become a foreign and suffocating weight, Sybila rolled her shoulder as the gray plate snapped into place. Tracing a digit along the biosuit, she ensured the seal locked along her jaw. Under boot her helmet still sat at her feet, heel planted on the dome to keep it sliding down the grate down the ramp. Black clad phantoms filed up the ramp, strapping in ready to launch. Blaster rifles were passed between gauntlets and power cells locked in with heavy clicks. Her own eyes flickered between the familiar faces of the Rangers, the special forces detachment had not seen a moment's rest over these few years; harried by deployments by the likes of COMPNOR.

She still couldn't understand the Major's choice, but the inter-politics were something to remove far from the field.

Leveling her gaze, the woman met the indignant stare of the Major who sat across from her, a holo map reflected the Krieg sector-what Imperial assets were located groundside still. There wasn’t much else they had to go off but together they had begun simulations. There had been little else, sleep was a trade off to preparation and the woman had favored a solid series of plans to that of the abyss. From the intercom the Bridge announced their descent, a lull in the Galleon signaling their impending drop from Hyperspace, from their vantage Sybila peered off the ramp as the last of the platoon loaded up. Hydraulics hissed as the rear hatch began to closed, sealing them in for launch at a moment's notice.

“Comms, I need a broadcast prepared the second we drop into real space. Patch our comms to the Lord Commander’s forces directly, broadcast general Imperial protocol to all other vessels-we will not fire until fired upon,” Sybila spoke up as soldiers shuffled around their post. They would be late to the party but even under the worst conditions the Myrmidon’s had held out before. From the mess of hands the Captain Cinn had been kind enough to present her with the old rifle she had favored-she wasn't sure she'd fire a shot but it was practically tradition now. The woman slung it over her shoulder, tracing down the worn leather strap as she rose to her feet. Her form loomed over the makeshift command center, attention passing over to the Officer seated beside the Major. From across the table the soldier’s gauntlet was raised dropping each finger as the counter dwindled down to seconds.

A quake echoed through the Galleon as they broke through the void over Krieg, the crew swayed within the confines of the ship and Sybila reached over head to seize a brace strap, steadying herself. The Comms Officer hand formed into a fist as they nodded to her. The hum of the open ended channel burned in her ear as she signaled to others, a silence fell over the cabin and the woman spoke.

<<”This is Major General Voi’kryt reporting with the 307th Stormtrooper Legion. We are answering the triumvirate alert. Lord Commander Dante, relay-we are ready to mobilize.”>>

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2nd post

The Highland Brotherhood


Objective: Hold the Line


Lucien Dooku Lucien Dooku Dante Corvus Dante Corvus Lyra 'Sybila' Voikryt Lyra 'Sybila' Voikryt Aurelian Sigismund Aurelian Sigismund


Erwin von Hohenlautern Erwin von Hohenlautern

The Druid's Loadout

Vibrosword Cavalry-Sabre
Pale Blue Lightsabre
Fragarach Model Heavy Disruptor Pistol
Fairbairn Vibroknife-Dagger
Beskar Barbershop Razor

Beinn Amanita
Biadh-Damh Bluecaps

2X Packs Dunwaller Silvers
(Prastaig Green-Label)



City Outskirts, Heimskringla Province,
Heimskringla, Krieg (874 ABY)

It's perfectly fine, brothers.... They're marked as,"Friendly", on the BattleNet. Brace for landing-shocks only.

Like fleeter-debris, the cascading, forward curving flame trails emitted by the heat of atmospheric resistance alone, rumbled their way downward as everyone nearby braced for the ground-shudders that were sure to follow. Fortunately for the first Vandemarians to disembark, those still in transit (and unable to track the new-arrivals' BattleNet tags as a result) had been warned by the Shaman through his heightened telepathic powers, keeping an ugly Code-Blue scenario from arising right at the very gateway to the city itself.

'Two separate sorts of defenders on Nirauan, though it was never properly ascertained which lot Sigismund tumbled himself into in particular.... Interesting.'

Marked my Lord Michael as either defenders of Nirauan's legacy, or as defenders of the Imperial frontier, marking his own father as the latter without even needing to think twice on the matter, knowing that beatifying his IMPAF-subordinate meant little to the predispositions the old Lord-General held in regard to New-Carannia's Pellaeonist-leaning majority. Showing up on Krieg as an ally had proven as a welcome change to the small involvements with the Grand Assembly's Felist elements politically, and in standing with Lord-General Barran and Lord-Executor Strasza in the hardfought reconquest of Nirauan; so seeing the Vandemarian host stepping off in non-combative stances, wary though their glances remained, was certainly helping to smooth all potential tensions over before they could intensify - and to something much worse for all involved if such events were allowed to transpire.


Stepping forth from the curious throng, the Novanian would step up to the Vandemarian giant without a single trace of fear to be detected in himself, and certainly not by anyone else's estimation. However, much like the latest arrivals, the Priest-King stepped forth in a visibly noncombative state, though the hilt of his officer-issue Vibrosword was still in plain sight, accentuated by the fact his left hand rested lazily on the scabbard with fist closed together at the end of the arm's resting-position.


Popular man today, Milord. The Vandemarian High-Imperator appears to require the attendance of, and I quote,"Some Barran".

There was much and more that such a request implied, however, all of it would bode well for Sigismund's chances going forward, but only if Aurelian's rapport with the Barran family could extend as far as Michael himself; and though there were still plenty questions left to be asked, with much and more in the way of wariness adding to the encounter, the Shaman felt comfortable enough to remove his mask and bare his face to the giant. Not quite the same the glowing white irises any more, and it was obvious that Yorunarr had undergone something of a mild transformation in the years since Csaus, more in-tune with the Ancients and Melarria's Root than ever before, displaying a newer, brighter-glowing hue as the Shaman nodded with a slight bow in greeting. The white hue of Yorunarr's white, glowing irises, in all their cold eeriness, had since taken on a very bright, yet pale-blue glow, displaying a more unsettling visage for those meeting the Priest-King for the first time.


'A pleasure to make your acquaintance, High-Imperator Aurelian. I am Yorunarr, Priest-King of Tarkinist Novania. Home to Archais' largest diaspora, consisting entirely of Polytheist Arkanians.... Our Druid-Grandmaster will be with us shortly, rest assured.'


Aachen Reach, Northern Hertz Mountains,
No Man's Land, Heimskringla Province (874 ABY)

'Lord-Commander Corvus! The Shaman's been in touch, sorry it had t'be so soon, but it is what it is!'

Being waved off from down the line, Lord Michael's brief dismissal from the frontlines would be achieved without even so much as raising his voice, as Lord Dante was too busy keeping a vigilant eye on the Hohenlauterns' troop-movements in the south at the time. Far too unconcerned by the landings of friendlies at the time, Corvus would find himself preoccupied for a fair few hours yet, and even with the hot-coffee and cooked food being brought at every sensible opportunity, the cold would yet be embraced for a while longer as all the standoff's playing-pieces set themselves into place. The trees would speak in Imperial and Goidelic tongues for as long as their advantages remained, which was good enough for Barran, as it meant that there was still plenty time left to deal with the matter of the Vandemarian landings, ensure Sigismund's full cooperation and return to the same treeline before the next phase of the standoff.


Yorunarr, I'll be there soon. Walk 'im southwards if ye can.

As he ran through down through the deciduous surroundings of the lower northern mountainside, the Druid would increase his pacing to a sustained sprint, testing Lord Michael's abilities at the core elements that existed long before attaining Force-adept status for himself, then realising he should have been testing these abilities at the start of every stage of his power's evolution. Bounding down to the valley floor and continuing on with every muscle in his body working into a combined assault on the pain receptors, and though the burn could be felt by the time the Wanderer could see the first fall-back position in the distance, but Barran continued on, raging against the fatigue and the burn with an ease he'd never known before. The Woad only slowed down when he reached the 2nd and 3rd wave dropships, greeting the sentries with correct challenge/response guesses as all the others dug foxholes just a few metres beyond the idled ships in question, then walking the rest of the way as he pondered on what the Vandemarian wished to speak with him about.

'Bodyguard or reserve-command, Milord?'

A quick, concise question met the Druid on arrival, one such that Barran was all too happy to respond to, quickly replying,'I think reserve-command this time, Yorunarr.', without even letting it hang in the air for a moment or two. Confident of his own safety, even when walking within striking distance of a giant, much like his subordinate in this regard, though the most powerful Goidel in centuries had even fewer reasons to doubt his chances in any such hypothetical outcomes. Then, as he watched the Shaman as he pulled his mask back on and walked away, Michael turned back to Aurelian and drawled,'Greetings, I'm Lord Erskine Barran's last remaining son. I think this time,"Michael", will suffice.... You requested my attendance, an' here I am.', in what was a contrastingly calm, considerately peaceful tone to the steadily-increasing tensions between both contingents.

'Helluva time to be callin' fellows like me away from the frontlines after all, helluva place to land your dropships as well.... And so, in light of the current situation, I ask with a heightened wariness; what is it that you require from me, what is it you wish to - know?'
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A single transport descended from the NIV Tyranus, flagship of the Dominion fleet now pressed comfortably above the planet's orbit. Flanked on either side by a pair of escorts, it skirted through the atmosphere and away from the military perimeter being formed around the Mandalorian-controlled capital, on a path consistent with the coordinates of the expatriates' forward HQ outside the Myrmidons' area of control. It was a short trip, and one of little inconvenience or hassle, which gave him enough hope that this Erwin individual would prove reasonable enough in their meeting to come.

He was there for good reason, and ones he assumed the man was not aware of before attempting what amounted to a coup upon a planet that was considered under Dominion influence, whether officially or not. As nominal as such influence was considered, the presence of Nirauan within the Krieg system was about as tangible as it could get. The Dominion had answered the distress call in force, and was poised to do what it could, given the ties that existed between itself and the Mandalorians of Krieg; Ties that he assumed were not taken into account, before the fate of the Mandalorians came to rest within his hands.

The escort fighters trailing his shuttle would break off as he grew closer to his intended destination, leaving the lone shuttle to finish its flight to the forward HQ on its own. A few tense minutes later for the small escort on board the craft, and the shuttle finished its descent, and came to a smooth landing within the heart of the HQ's camp. As the back ramp descended, Lucien would step up first, a guiding hand commanding the men around him to stay in their seats.

"Guard the shuttle." He glanced back in the commanding stormtrooper's direction. "I can handle myself; make sure my ride doesn't get blown up, if things go wrong."

Once a nod and an affirmative response was given in return, Lucien stepped off the ramp and placed his feet upon the soil of Krieg was once. He hadn't been back since the earlier years of the Third-Imperial Civil War, and could only feel a hint of regret that it was the current circumstances that deemed his return. He sighed, continuing forwards into the camp, amber eyes scanning across the impromptu base for a sign of the leader of this host of usurpers, as he saw them, and as his men saw them as well.

Aurelian Sigismund,
High Imperator, Princeps and Shield of Vandemar, Grandmaster of the Legions

✠ Objective: Negotiate

✠ Location: Krieg

✠ Gear: Urizen, Mantle, Lancer

✠ Assets: Omnia Vincit, Morbus Sire, Lachrimae, 2x Legions, 15x Cohorts of Auxillary

✠ Tag(s): Erwin von Hohenlautern Erwin von Hohenlautern , Dante Corvus Dante Corvus , Michael Barran Michael Barran , Lucien Dooku Lucien Dooku , Lyra 'Sybila' Voikryt Lyra 'Sybila' Voikryt


Krieg - Capital Disctrict - Outskirts - No Mans Land - Galidraani positions

"We have a common interest here on this world, the Empire. My troops have fought alongside yours on Ilum and Nirauan, I have fought alongside your Lord Father. This situation is more tense than it needs to be and I am on my way to the meeting which the local imperials agreed to with the Nirauan imperials."

Aurelian was quite neutral but also not entirely into detail about his intentions. He did not want to, this situation could become nasty and he had no desire to clean up after a minor local power-change resulted in a fully grown civil war of sorts. The Vandemarians would not fight the Nirauan or Galidraani, not even a second of hesitation on that thought, but the locals possessed a serious military and Sigismund was strongly in favour of their goal here, Krieg was nothing and could become something, having a hand in that could be quite valuable.

His large armored hand was resting on the pommel of his large, sheathed sword, a relaxed pose for a man in thick battle armor, an avatar of battle who has seen countless battlefields and did not want to see the soil which he stood on right now turned into one.

"If you require any help in fortifying your position, I will provide a few Cadres to support your efforts.

Will you join the meeting yourself?"


While Aurelian was departing the two Legions with Agema escort, the Legions had received detailed orders of what to do. Right now they were standing behind the lines of the New Imperial arrivals, really just idling in a line which reinforced the back on a width of roughly two kilometers. They were positioned between the city and its heroic offworld defenders, a wall of polished Auromidium, as obvious and shiny as they could be. Their Lancers presented in front of the chest, heavy weapons ready to be deployed, blades sheathed. They were really just idle and waiting for a command.

On the other side of the possible battlefield, between the field HQ, where Lucien Dooku Lucien Dooku had landed and the Siegfried Palace, the cohorts of the Auxillary were less idle and stature-like. Deploying in full motion these troops were just ordinary soliders like the Galidraani and Myrmidons, with less combat experience, but no lesser equipment. They were arraying themselves much like the New Imperials, digging into positions and preparing their guns and armored support.

Even under the most optimistic circumstances, the array of troops near and far of the battlefield was a stretch of a tactic and the obvious purpose was yet to be revealed or determined.

The fleet was at this moment refueling its gunships and readying all fighters, bombers and interceptors, even pulling out the additional gunships from the magazines and preparing them to drop supplies on the ground.

Meanwhile reinforcements were ordered from Vandemar, further auxillary cohorts from the garrisons and Legionnaires preparing to jump onto fast ships of the Battlefleet.

It doesn´t matter how it turned out, this campaign could be the start of something great if the cards were played right and no player would loose its mind.


3rd post

The Highland Brotherhood


Objective: Hold the Line


Lucien Dooku Lucien Dooku Dante Corvus Dante Corvus Lyra 'Sybila' Voikryt Lyra 'Sybila' Voikryt Aurelian Sigismund Aurelian Sigismund


Erwin von Hohenlautern Erwin von Hohenlautern

The Druid's Loadout

Vibrosword Cavalry-Sabre
Pale Blue Lightsabre
Fragarach Model Heavy Disruptor Pistol
Fairbairn Vibroknife-Dagger
Beskar Barbershop Razor

Beinn Amanita
Biadh-Damh Bluecaps

2X Packs Dunwaller Silvers
(Prastaig Green-Label)



City Outskirts, Heimskringla Province,
Heimskringla, Krieg (874 ABY)

'We have a common interest here on this world, the Empire. My troops have fought alongside yours on Ilum and Nirauan, I have fought alongside your Lord Father. This situation is more tense than it needs to be and I am on my way to the meeting which the local imperials agreed to with the Nirauan imperials.'

What had been taken in offence in the beginning, as the presumption of familial-alignment certainly had not sat well with the Druid, soon became a newfound understanding of the Vandemarian's situation, something Lord Michael had not expected or accounted for. In the attempt to decipher what was underlying the High-Imperator's phrasing, it quickly became obvious to the Lord-Captain that the Vandemarian had been kept in the dark about the,"Locals", and their real intentions, and almost every part as uninformed about their status as claimants to the Dominion-planet of Krieg in general to make matters worse. Barran always knew there would be situations like this for him in his career at some point, even getting a good taste of such in his parley with Khaostra Devoid in the jungles of Lao-Mon, but he had still believed he would be waiting for years yet, long enough to grow some more greys on his beard before being taken seriously as a statesman in his own right.

At least until a matter of diplomatic importance broke orbit and landed within striking distance of Heimskringla's defenders, stating peaceful intent from a lingering favour towards the planet's latest occupiers, acts of which none expected or understood at the time - not even the Woad himself.

Not good to fall behind the Imperial times.... Looks like I'm engaging storyteller-mode again for this one, wonderful development.

Keeping thoughts to himself for the sake of the Vandemarian, the Goidel would keep his lips sealed, and for the sake of the potentially helpful information he was expecting as a result, Barran's ears would remain open and listening intently. Much could have been learned from similarly-tense first encounters, of this the Woad had known for as long as he had been studying the art of war by then, so the thought of keeping his comments to himself would keep Lord Michael in an unperturbed, mannerly state of observation in silent earnest a little longer. The revelation on the matter of Ilum was good reason for this, as there was a potential angle with which one's loyalties could be assured on the matter of the Kyber Mine mountain, but he needed more to go on; and with more options at his disposal, the Wanderer knew he would have a better chance of picking the right catalyst to capitalise on, difficult though it was certainly looking to be for Michael so far.

'If you require any help in fortifying your position, I will provide a few Cadres to support your efforts.'

Aurelian's first impressions were proving to be quite the test for Michael, and his latest response was no exception, causing an aggravation that was difficult to stifle of it's momentum, and difficult enough that his eyes widened with visible anger and suspicion for a moment. Yet, whether the Vandemarian had seen the Goidel's poorly-hidden emotional response or not would be up for debate, as the following question would be asked in a way that suggested the look had escaped the High-Imperator's notice, almost as if framing the query itself had taken too much of his focus to notice it properly.

'Will you join the meeting yourself?'

Shaking his head with jaw clenched, Barran's eyelids narrowed, no longer wrestling with the rage element boiling outward from within his mind, as the suspicion he regarded Sigismund with, despite the fact the Vandemarian fought alongside his father, was well on it's way to completely consuming the rage that welled up just moments before. It was in this moment when Barran decided to hold off on the rationale for his answer, weighing his words as he brought out a cigarette and lit it, inhaling a few drags and exhaling the smoke slowly every time before responding,'Not my place to do so, not yours either. The empire's successor will handle this alone.... King Lucien is perfectly capable of handling such matters without me after all, and to the point I'd probably just make matters more difficult for the King if I attended.', getting right back to his love for tobacco with gaze still holding with Aurelian's own.

'And as for your troops, you're leading every last one o' them south to the frontlines wae me - whilst we have our own talks on the way.'

The Druid would let that register for a few moments longer, inhaling enough draws that the cigarette was halfway to the lettered-print near the filter by then, but Lord Michael's gaze had drifted off to the wilderness beyond the two lines of dropships by then, already well assured that his decision would be the wisest for everyone involved. Corrections, lessons and questions aplenty awaited the High-Imperator, for too much had been incorrectly presumed already, giving the impression that the Vandemarian was making not-so-subtle powerplays in the process of introducing himself; if it had been anyone else in Sigismund's position, Barran was quite sure his new acquaintance would be dead already, as the fact Aurelian knew the Lord-General as a comrade and political-colleague was serving as a shield from aggression of sorts.

It could very well have been a case of mistaken intentions in the most inopportune of situations, but the Wanderer had to know for sure, acutely aware of the fact that any missteps beyond that point would cost Serenno (and consequently, Michael) dearly. More than just the lives of Serenno's beloved Krieg-Mandalorians were at stake after all, and though Barran was certainly the betting type, he knew that the lives of everyone he served with were depending almost-entirely on it - a complete contrast to the passive command-approach the Druid implemented in his first war campaign.

'Sorry, Aurelian. Nothing about this appearance o' yours seems right t'me, at least not until I can ascertain where your loyalties actually reside.... As large as you are, as tall as you stand, it honestly makes no difference if this situation's bigger than the both of us anyway - and has been since before you even landed, I might add.'

Aurelian Sigismund,
High Imperator, Princeps and Shield of Vandemar, Grandmaster of the Legions

✠ Objective: Negotiate

✠ Location: Krieg

✠ Gear: Urizen, Mantle, Lancer

✠ Assets: Omnia Vincit, Morbus Sire, Lachrimae, 2x Legions, 15x Cohorts of Auxillary

✠ Tag(s): Erwin von Hohenlautern Erwin von Hohenlautern , Dante Corvus Dante Corvus , Michael Barran Michael Barran , Lucien Dooku Lucien Dooku , Lyra 'Sybila' Voikryt Lyra 'Sybila' Voikryt


Krieg - Capital Disctrict - Outskirts - No Mans Land - Galidraani positions

'Not my place to do so, not yours either. The empire's successor will handle this alone.... King Lucien is perfectly capable of handling such matters without me after all, and to the point I'd probably just make matters more difficult for the King if I attended.'

Aurelian raised his eyebrows upon the Lord Captains initial response, slightly surprised by his tone. Aurelian did not expect him to submit to his emotions right away, but apparently the Princeps hit some spots.

'And as for your troops, you're leading every last one o' them south to the frontlines wae me - whilst we have our own talks on the way.'

The Zakuulans eyebrows rose ever so little higher upon hearing someone command him. He sensed the anger in the person in front of him, anger and distrust. Even a child would see that. The Vandemarians approach to this world was as confusing as it could be for the person in front and maybe even for Dooku.

But Aurelian would not let his Legionnaires and especially not himself be commanded by some mortal lackey, doesn´t matter whos son it was. An order of the Lord General might have been enough to consider and talk about it, but this certainly was not.

'Sorry, Aurelian. Nothing about this appearance o' yours seems right t'me, at least not until I can ascertain where your loyalties actually reside.... As large as you are, as tall as you stand, it honestly makes no difference if this situation's bigger than the both of us anyway - and has been since before you even landed, I might add.'

"Luckily for the both of us, it is not upon you to judge my loyalties."

He would reach behind himself and his helmet would be given to him by the Agema who was carrying it. With a precise motion he would set it upon his head, a sound of compression being heard as the system sealed itself. The empty black lenses, seemingly endless in their depth, stared ahead, not looking at the Galidraani officer anymore.

"Give order to the Marshals and to the Fleetmaster."

Aurelian Sigismund was not talking to Barran as one of his bodyguards seemed to be talking into his helmet com-link, but no sound was heard from the helmet speakers, just the body language indicated that large warrior was doing something.

"Orders confirmed, High Imperator."

The praetorian replied a few moments later. Aurelian just nodded barely recogniseable and watched his helmet display, the tactical HUD was showing what was going on here on the world, the three warships delivering plenty of data as well as the troops on the ground. He hoped it would not come to a conflict here on this still shitty place, but by how this upstart acted up in front him, he was not so sure.

He simply needed someone more helpful with actual gravitas and authority to talk to, both locally and on the imperial stage.

With that he started moving a few steps away, his jetpack-wings unfolding and then powering up to lift the massive figure into the sky, not giving a second sentence to the Galidraani Lord Captain. The Agema followed suit and the five companions made their way into the sky as well. The six figures were swiftly heading towards the forward HQ of Hohenlautern.

In orbit the preparations continued to ready the gunships and fighters, the order had just reached them to prepare for a battle on the ground. Magazines and missiles were loaded, fuel was readied and the pilots sat down in their cockpits, heating up the engines. But they had no permission to launch until the second part of the order was given, or the reverse order was issued. Since the other imperials had appeared, they were prepared for three different operations. One was less favourable than the other.

On the bridges of the three Vandemarian warships the ships prepared for a defensive battle. With the exception of their orbital autocannons which were readied and finally pointed at their two targets which lay only 15km apart from each other. The two cruisers would target the city while the battleship was aiming for the estate of the Hohenlauterns and its supplies.

The situation on the surface was sadly filled with tension instead of friendly welcoming. The Legions, unmoved at first, idle and waiting, were getting into motion and further withdrawing towards the city where they were setting up defensive fortifaction with earthworks, wood and whatever else they could find. Their work was incredible to watch, each Legionnaire was capable of carrying a whole lot more than a single man and given time they would stamp out formidable makeshift ramparts.

Different to the Legions where a little spark could ignite a horrible conflict which would endanger more than just mandalorian scum, upstart imperials or fellow imperial soldiers, the Cohorts of Auxillary had the order to let nobody pass in and out of the Hohenlautern palace.






A decent satisfaction was cozing the confidence in His troops. Erwin observed the execution of the initial orders before the reports of the incoming aerial vehicle came in, most certainly delivering either that King, his Lord Commander or both. Or neither. A company of the Grenadier Guards was running to perform the duty of an honour guard, and just guard for incoming, forming a two rows to lead the representative(s) straight to the HQ, or rather, a tent in front of it. There was no need for a possible adversary to take a glance at the staff workings of the imperial troops.

In the tent itself was a table and a few chairs around it, there was a decanter with iced water and several glasses on a smaller board nearby to serve as refreshments. Wine was not an option on duty and was not tolerated, no substance was. The tent served as a provisionary office for the Graf, makeshift and not offering even a bunk yet. Additional chairs were brought in, visible as the ones in front of the table were different to the one behind it. The line wall behind the lords chair was covered by an imperial flag showing the crossed blue and white wing of His house.

As Lucien Dooku Lucien Dooku would be guided there and let in, alone, except for the aide of von Hohenlautern, who also closed the tent doors behind, Erwin offered a courtly bow with His hand reversed in a fist over the heart.

"Your Grace, welcome to Krieg. I am the Graf von Hohenlautern and Lord Militant of this defunct Republic. May I offer you some water? Or tea perhaps?"


Meanwhile the troops of the military junta were following their orders to the latter.

The capital city was more or less entranced on three quarters of its sides in a ring of nearly 70 kilometers, the entire frontline of the Army Group Hohenlautern slowly digging in and preparing for siege and direct confrontation with the Nirauan imperials. Thousands of artillery pieces and tanks were moved in place and readied while infantry and sappers worked tirelessly to provide solid field fortifications in form of ramparts, trenches, ditches and redoubts. They were seriously outnumbering the enemy, but also were less experienced.

All over the globe this situation repeated, the troops of the local imperials were halting their advances and waiting for the order to proceed, taking out any resistance in a large, single strike.

Aurelian Sigismund Aurelian Sigismund , Dante Corvus Dante Corvus , Michael Barran Michael Barran , Lucien Dooku Lucien Dooku , Lyra 'Sybila' Voikryt Lyra 'Sybila' Voikryt , open




Components of The 307th Stormtrooper Legion 'Red Riders'
193rd Infantry Regiment "Vindicated", Full Strength
54th Mobile Recon. Regiment "Iron Orbak", One Batt.
32nd Armored Battalion "Thundering Three Peaks", One Company
89th Artillery Battalion "Balls of Fire", One Company
404th Air Regiment "Fathal Burst", One Company - Support Element
Michael Barran Michael Barran Erwin von Hohenlautern Erwin von Hohenlautern Aurelian Sigismund Aurelian Sigismund Lucien Dooku Lucien Dooku


Vermillion : Whispers turn in to riots
Herald Of Change

“Read negative,” the Comms Officer repeated, turning to look at the woman, the tinge of concern laced the soldier’s words. The radio tone droned on without answer as a ten second delay followed. The soldiers surrounding the small post shifted. Visors reflected in one another as silent looks traded between the men. “The Lord Commander is not responding-but the NIV Tyranus has pinged us. The Dominion’s Fleet is present, not engaging.”

Deft hands flicked through the series of switches as the Officer changed the line. Sybila’s eyes drifted from the box to the Major, the latter’s shoulders raising and falling wordlessly in answer. From the static of the radio a voice answered, Sybila’s neck strained as she turned her ear toward the machine; stark still, listening. Digits drummed across the blast plate as the woman followed the droning exchange-Lucien had blazed ahead and charged into the unknown.

It was not the Maw who’s heel dug itself into limb and neck, despite that relief was a fleeting emotion. A hard entrenchment was already well underway and she would forgive the Lord Commander for the radio silence.

The woman had to wonder when infighting had become the standard of the Order alas. Her lips pressed into a grim frown, the independence of the War Lords was vast but the Order, that was a cementing fact; one she was even wary of fully abandoning. Bridge to bridge, Command exchanged a series of details of the unfolding engagement as the Mandalorian presence fortified itself.

The first days of the Order’s conception had been rocky with much heavy hand expectation and maneuvering through the unestablished resistance, but to move so wantonly without fear of retaliation. The craven that occupied the seats of the Imperial Order today, and those who had cemented the way were becoming drastic opposites on the spectrum. An old anger burgeoned on the woman’s chest, the cabin far too small and her blood pressure rose. Sybila had heard enough, and she released the brace strap. Silver digits jutted out, her servo pointed toward the cockpit’s blastdoors-

“Tell the pilots to launch immediately, hold all other deployments-have the Lieutenant fall in with the fleet. Major Appw’rii, you and the platoon will be on standby upon landing. I will be joining King Dooku in these so-called negotiations,” Sybila practically spat the words before she hauled her helmet up, the gray carved face of the trooper stared back at her. The cabin-the world, was swallowed up as she hauled it over head; atmosphere seals hissing.

The small assault ship hummed under boot as the troopers strapped in for the launch, the whine of the engines drowning the cabin as they took off. Sybila walked down the row of soldiers' as she halted at the rear drop ramp. The door’s light clicked to red as the ship stream lined for the planet. Across the internal HUD the screen her eyes scoured the aurebesh as it flicked before her. They had moved on less, a scattering of names and a man with too many credits playing general. The woman shook her head as her hand dropped on her vambrace, Dooku was there on the fringes of all her senses but the woman turned the dial; activating the silent signal. A steady blue light blinked away on the module.

<”Comms, open a line and establish contact with this Hohenlautern Command and arrange coordinates for landing. We are here now to represent the integrity of IMPCOM and the Emperor’s interests in Imperial territory. We are not to be fired upon.”> Sybila peered over her shoulder, voice fluctuating-muffled by the layer of layers of armor. A white gauntlet flashed at the end of the line, the shrill cry of the engines growing louder as they breached the atmosphere.

The emergencies of power were accompanied by the dark feeling riling in her gut, Sybila shook her head to herself. For their Emperor, she swallowed her bitter humors.

<”I can’t say I am familiar with Hoehn..”> The Major said as she joined her side at the rear of the dropship. <”but picking fights with Mandalorians..”>

The interests in the local populace were solely based on the favor of Lucien and the fighting force that made up the Myrmidons in the present day. The name was tarnished in truth, the ideal warrior and there was muted humor drawn behind the woman’s words. There was always an exception to the rule but that wasn’t why Nima Appw’rii had finally spoken up. If there was an olive branch Sybila might have believed this was it.

<”It’s a universal sport at this point-”> Sybila muttered, the words were half baked only meant to fill the silence. Yet the Major snorted. <”A shame it’s on Dooku’s lawn.”>

<”This is out of hand, others might take cues and we’ll end up with Lords and Merchants raising private armies elsewhere. Bescane? Cathar?”> Appw’rii voiced her concern as the Pilot shouted back, the Comm’s Officer was on their feet heading toward them-footsteps resounding. <”Just wait until we have private investors from foreign entities..I think I’ve seen where this all goes, and it goes to shavit. Not sure how the sovereignty and slights will work out much in their favor either.”>

Nima turned back around as silence fell between the pair of them, the woman was meticulously preparing her blaster-holstering in one swift maneuver. Sybila’s visor tilted but the woman hummed in response-they were teetering on the edge of an even uglier situation. The Iron Fist wouldn’t tolerate it, but how much propaganda could drown out restless souls. They were teetering on something worse, and Sybila knew the resemblance Nima was drawing to the once Empire. Thoughts ate away her mind still, wondering the ramifications that will follow this incident still.

The Officer had little in the way to say but the ship changed direction. The occupants swayed as the drop ship crossed the likes of no man’s land, a durasteel blurr hurtling past lines of entrenchment. Men acted fast. There was a stall in the transport, engines whirlied as they were hailed for landing. The light day broke in the cabin as the rear ramp screeched as it lowered, Sybila’s lip twitched-unseen behind the helm. The earth was trodden down by a thousand boots and the field base appeared ever as an effective machine. They were in the thick of it now, foreign soldiers waiting at the edges of the impromptu landing field.

<”Just give me a reason to show up ma’am,”> Appw’rii barked out, the men remained behind but Sybila stepped out.

<”I’m more eager to give the Emperor a reason to show,”> Sybila shot back. It was the last and gravest option, but maybe she placed too much stock in senario.

The local comm link was cut off after that. She didn’t fear the violence, only the costs if delegations ceased on a blaster bolt. She greeted the Hoehn’s men with silence, the cut of armor and Iron Sun blazen upon flak spoke enough. The winds ripped as the woman followed the escort of faceless soldiers through the encampment. An insistent whisper lingered in her mind's eyes, and the woman knew Lucien was close as they arrived upon the headquarter’s own tents. This was going to be fun-surely.
Last edited:

3rd post

The Highland Brotherhood


Objective: Hold the Line


Lucien Dooku Lucien Dooku Dante Corvus Dante Corvus Lyra 'Sybila' Voikryt Lyra 'Sybila' Voikryt Julian Qar Julian Qar


Aurelian Sigismund Aurelian Sigismund


Erwin von Hohenlautern Erwin von Hohenlautern

The Druid's Loadout

Vibrosword Cavalry-Sabre
Pale Blue Lightsabre
Fragarach Model Heavy Disruptor Pistol
Fairbairn Vibroknife-Dagger
Beskar Barbershop Razor

Beinn Amanita
Biadh-Damh Bluecaps

2X Packs Dunwaller Silvers
(Prastaig Green-Label)



City Outskirts, Heimskringla Province,
Heimskringla, Krieg (874 ABY)

'Luckily for the both of us, it is not upon you to judge my loyalties.'

Poorly veiling a visible sneer, the Wanderer was beginning to find this blindside in situational awareness to be quite aggravating, but in choosing to keep his composure before, Lord Michael knew this would need to be allowed to let slide for as long as a bloodless outcome was still possible to achieve. What was aggravating Barran most of all was the fact Sigismund was seemingly ignorant of the fact the demand was with the Mandalorians in mind, and not in any demand of submission, but it couldn't be helped until accords could be reached between them, and this would take some time yet. However, the Druid was still holding out in the hopes that a mutual sense of trust could be established before they reached the treeline in the distance. The acquiescence, reluctant though it was, did briefly help matters though, but the Woad couldn't help but wonder if the Vandemarian had other plays hidden up his sleeve, remaining cautious as he relaxed his posture and demeanour.

Knowing that the day's events were far from finished with him yet.

'Give order to the Marshals and to the Fleetmaster.'

High-Imperator Aurelian had turned to one of his own subordinates and issued an order that seemed to be pre-emptively cued in case of a certain outcome, and this, of all the things Sigismund could have done, was quite possibly the most ill-advised act he could've committed himself to. No warning, no explanation, just pure impunity, and the Lord-Captain was having none of it. There would be no secrecy, no lack of humility, nor any poorly-veiled ulterior motives any longer, for there were more important factors at stake than the clashing egos of contingent commanders, factors for which the Wanderer was gladly hellbent on laying his life on the line if necessary. Given his helmet by one of his Agema guardsmen, the High-Imperator's mind had seemingly been made up on the matter, bringing the Lord-Captain's rage igniting itself as he watched Aurelian put the helmet on, with his ire burning back from the brink as he watched another Vandemarian guardsman reply,'Orders confirmed, High Imperator.', setting to whatever unspoken task he was ordered to endeavour at the time.

'You know what, I think I want you staying put.... At least until you divulge your plan in full-'

Chuckling a wry laughter as the sneer returned with doubled intensity, wide-eyes revealing the intent the Woad was previously stifling with every ounce of willpower he had, but when the Imperator's retinue began jetpack-boosting towards the stormy skies above, that was final straw for Barran. It was one thing making plays against the Druid, but to completely disregard him like that could not be allowed to slide, not if Lord Michael had a hope of being respected as a future prospect for Serennoan High-Command, as an ancestral Barran in his own right.

'Oh, so that's how it is? Alright then, I'LL JUST TAG THE FUCK ALONG!!!!'

Double-step skipping back and forth in search of good traction and poise, bouncing back and forth like he was preparing to step into a boxing-bout with a counter-striker, Michael would then kneel with chin straining upward to keep his jumping posture in good form, kneeling even farther until he was almost in the full range of his squatting motion before setting into a brief state of flow. All he needed was a good application of downward tensile force, one pulsating blast of power to use as a propelling springboard, and when it was eventually pushed in beneath his heels, Barran would kick up a small cloud of snow-dust on his almost bullet-quick ascent towards the High-Imperator's armoured delegation. It was an angular climb into the air, but enough that it knocked Aurelian off his projected flight-path for a moment, forcing the others with him to adjust their own collective flight-path to keep with their leader's own as the Woad made his presence felt.

With arms firmly wrapped around the front of Sigismund's helmet to keep from falling, the Druid leaned forward so his head would rest directly above the Vandemarian's left pauldron before exclaiming,'Just so you know - our landing's going to be quite uncomfortable by the way! After all - your loyalties are still yet to be ascertained, High-Imperator! I'm the one they would send to find out anyway! So don't take it personally!', trying not to ruin his larynx over something as menial as the whistling winds of the blizzard-clouds around them. Some of the others, more specifically those with cleanly lined-up shots on his head, were pointing barrels at the Lord-Captain's head at the time, but Michael was already using the wind-resistance and his own powers to force their trigger-hands downwards. The Wanderer was done with the slights, this issue was going to be settled one way or the other, be it in the air or deep in frozen-mud crater beneath the snow, the Druid would be heard by the High-Imperator whether the latter willed it or not.

'Ya know, if you just stopped acting suspiciously, these negotiations would go a whole lot easier across the board! After all, I'd hate to get such a shiny suit of armour all dirty an' such in our first encounter - ya know what I mean?!'

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