Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Operation Weedkiller V2

"Who in their right minds sets up their own poodoo in our damn capital ?" The captain of the Gunray Star Destroy asked, his tone both annoyed and comical. It was to be the main ship of this assault force.

"Apparently these guys, cap'n." Zef muttered as he stared through the viewport. The facility stood on the lonely asteroid, the only construction on it.

A large band of hellbent Mandalorians.

"The Indoctrination frigates are in position to halt all moving vessels with their tractor beams. The Scintels have entered optimum range of fire, followed by the Stratus corvettes." A lower ranked Mandalorian announced to the captain.

"Positions as we have discussed ?"

"Yes, there won't be a place where they would look at and not see a vessel of ours."

"Good. Keep moving the Gunray to position to fire."

The ex-smuggler observed as the vessels furiously moved as they were ordered. Every Mandalorian knew what this trespassing meant and they were sure to send a message. The moment scouts had caught the location of the mine, the Mandalorians had immediately reacted. It had been some time since all local businesses recognized by the Mandalorian Empire had announced their holdings and assets and signed contracts.

This had not.

This was theft.

"Any Mandalorian civillians down there on the asteroid, cap'n?" Zef inquired.

"None. We not only double checked. We checked ten times. None."

"Logical. They have all relocated to the central gas giant and live in stations."

"It is being confirmed once again what was earlier reported by the scouts - Two doors for ships on top of the facility; what seems to be eight doors for some point defence systems; scanners also show the existence of a rail gun and electromagnetic shielding."

"Well then captain, you know what to do." Zef smiled behind his helmet and turned back at the viewport.

"Order the Scintels and Stratus to blast any vessels that are not ours that you see on and around the facility. Keep the facility intact. For now." The captain ordered, determination in his voice.

"Got it !" A Mandalorian replied and passed on the order then turned towards the captain. "Isn't it a bit of an overkill, captain ?"

"No such word in Mandalorian dictionary. The interdictors better be ready for anything."

"Don't worry, captain. There is no escape."

Zef watched as the arsenal of the vessels ordered to engage on any ships would let loose a devastating barrage. He then turned his integrated comlink to contact Mand'alor's daughter.

"Well, the garden does need some cleaning, alright." He stated over the com to his friend's daughter.

[member="Sanya Val Swift"]; [member="Deneve Verd"]; [member="Zephyr Carrick"]; [member="Solan Charr"]; [member="Miss Blonde"]; [member="Freyia Whitelight-Carrick"]
It wasn't often that Deneve acted like her father. Though when the time came she was a true Mandalorian.. It was no different when she heard of the intruders on the rock her father,her people and herself had taken and made into their capital... Did they honestly think they would be welcomed with open armed and allowed to take from both the Mandalorian Empire and furthermore from the Verd?Kark no. They would be eradicated from existing. Nothing but scotched earth and a level ground re rebuild upon remaining.

They were weeds that needed a good pulling. What better way to deal with pests than to kill then with fire.. Well in this case explosions.. And If she had her way there would be plenty of explosions. Her mood was only lightened slightly when her god-father reached out to her over the comm, a smirk danced across the woman's expression before she would reply to him, "It needs more than cleaning. We burn it all down.. I want nothing of this piece of poodoo left " Pausing, she would patch through to the captain of the ship her god-father resided on, her voice ringing clear. "Have all thier ships been taken care of?" Hearing a confirmation. She would then do what a Verd did best;Take charge. Reaching out to the facility via the holo-net, "This is Deneve Verd, daughter to Isley Verd. We have surrounded your facility and cut off your ability to leave with anything but the clothes on your back. You can choose to leave quietly or you can stay and burn to the ground within the building in which you reside.."

It was then that she cut contact with those she had contacted and made her way to where both [member="Zef Halo"] and the captain resided. Walking into the room, she strolled right up to both men and slapped them both upon the shoulder. "They have ten minutes to respond back. If no Answer is given. We burn them to the ground. Building and those dwelling within.." It was obvious but both her tone and the look on her face that Deneve meant business. She had no time to dance around care about the lives of those that intruded upon their territory..

[member="Sanya Val Swift"]; [member="Zephyr Carrick"]; [member="Solan Charr"]; [member="Miss Blonde"];[member="Freyia Whitelight-Carrick"]

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
The infamous Red Dress was in the system when alerts were given about an unsanctioned mining facility on Echo'lya. Recently Miss Blonde had been on a bit of a sabbatical but that was slowly drawing to an end and she was in Mandalorian Empire space to speak with her good friend Isley, who was of course indisposed of as usual. Some things don't change, so while she waited for the man might as well help out the cause and maybe snag some Beskar while she was at it.

The massive behemoth of a ship pushed itself from the orbit of the small moon and towards the Mandalorian formation by the lone asteroid that was apparently rich with Beskar. At the helm of the ship Miss Blonde sat at the captain's chair and would open up comms to the man in charge which at the moment was her friend [member="Zef Halo"] who probably didn't want to be here dealing with mundane tasks such as removing scalpers and thieves from the system.

"You know I've always loved the thrill of stealing. It's a rush when you can grab the jewels and run, but sometimes there are those moments when you messed up and you gotta bite the bullet. Gotta say I respect the ballsy move though." Blonde said from the comms.

The massive ship brought up the rear of the fleet and the Red Dress was ready to rock and roll being able to single handedly wipe that tiny asteroid off the face of the galaxy and into little specs of dust.

"How's the armor working out for you? Need any modifications?" She asked casually before the voice of one of Isley's many spawns came on the air.

"Kids, you have them then you just wish they weren't around. Anywho I'm here to help." The woman said privately to Zef.

[member="Deneve Verd"]
Factory Judge
Standing in the bridge, I stayed behind one of the friends of the Manda'lor himself, [member="Zef Halo"]. He was issuing orders to the captain of the ship and was talking about what we were doing. This absolutely pissed me off. Standing there with my lightsaber in my hand, clenched tightly enough that the grinding and folding of my gloved hands hurt me. It was pain, but pain I needed and wanted. Who would dare to build on our planet, the place that we called home. The planet that we had built ourselves upon.

I felt like I might break the lightsaber hilt. As everyone else was sitting there, being very polite about this, Even the daughter of the man who I trained under was giving them ten karking minutes to respond. I would have given them none. They decided to come to our planet, without a Visa, and mine the materials that they could have otherwise gotten somewhere else. They didn't ask, they didn't beg. They took. ANd for that, they will pay. I was not one to anger quickly. I was not one to use anger all I could, but this... this topped the line.

Taking a few steps forward to the two who would be leading this Operation Weedkiller, I decided to voice myself. I may not have the right, but I felt like it was necessary.

"With all due respect, I do not see the necessity for us to give them any warning of our bombardment. They came without our knowledge. Send me down there with a set of troops, and I'll slaughter them all. Put the big red button in front of me, and I'll slam that fothermuker so hard, you will need a replacement console."

The anger in my voice was there, but I was being respectful to them. I had to keep myself under some kind of control. I wanted to watch them die. Very rarely was I someone who wanted to kill. Very rarely was I someone who wished someone to feel pain as they died. However this? Coming from under our nose, and taking without asking, or even remotely contacting us?

Not happening over my dead body.

[member="Miss Blonde"], [member="Deneve Verd"], [member="Sanya Val Swift"],
The behemoth came from out of nowhere and positioned himself behind [member="Zef Halo"]. Smirking behind his mask Saverok chuckled some. " Ok! Im taking wagers. Whoever built this is dumber than a Rock Mite. Anyway I give the building 15 minutes before its complete destroyed. " he said aloud before he adjusted his Rapture Mk.I launcher he was carrying on his back. A particle beam cannon that was highly dangerous and here Saverok was having one on the bridge of the ship?! Only he would do such a careless act. [member="Deneve Verd"] announced earlier that the Facility had ten minutes to respond. Squinting into a glare the Gen'dai looked around the bridge.

- Why am I still here? - he thought to himself briefly.

Next came [member="Zephyr Carrick"] and his opinion about the matter and Saverok agreed with him. There should be no warning for the Facility. The Mandalorians had every right to act and his vod next to him were waiting to what? A diplomatic solution?! Just the thought was beginning to anger him and he would not have a part in this poodoo. Kark it all. It was time to crusade. With a growl Saverok made his way off the bridge, Not even bothering to tell anyone what he was going to do.

He was heading to the escape pods to deal with this crap himself and no one was going to tell him no.

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
[member="Zef Halo"], [member="Deneve Verd"]

In some sense she expect this. Madoloirians always strive for battle without little concern for others in the process. At the same time the demands they where making where really jumping the gun as she had a meeting with [member="Gray Raxis"] in a week to sell this facility to aid his company. It was more of an investment to help him set up. Although she was surprised that it took them a few months to find this place. The main facility was completed before this new governing body of mando moved in. So really they where trespassing not the other way around. Sanya moved over to the communications control setting the warning to the ships to wait outside the system. They where coming in to deliver more machinery and safety gear. Then she patched into the line of a person from house verd. "Ibic cuyir Sanya Val Swift. Ni ganar hiibir nisarha be gar likar tekru ibic gagitagr bal Ni cuyir misidiye at sirbur bic cuyir ani vagale va. A'yao va ru'du nayc sa'r cuyir gotal'ur at lenedat eo teh ibic gagitagr gar ganar vavurdiye at mar'eyir dayn ibic naritir cuyir va par ner ol'averde. Mhi cuyir tisktu setting iy spirba be'u at [member="Gray Raxis"] ba'hak Ni malyasa'yr jivaor tekar mies ki'agr bal e'biya gar bal solus ashi at jorhaa'ir o'r sarlu'r. Ni ganar nayc vercopa at akaanir vam haa'taylir ta'hetke cuyir kyr'amur jaon aruda'yagr." She'd spent time around many mandolorians in her time so knowing mando'a was handy. Language barriers can be difficult to navigate around sometimes. But now all she could do was wait for a response. Ideally they had to be really looking for the facility since it was covered by the natural environment.

This is Sanya Val Swift. I have taken note of your fleet above this facility and I'm afraid to say it is completely unnecessary. Since no effort was made to contact anyone from this facility you have neglected to find out this place is not for my company. We are simply setting up to pass along to gray raxis although I will overlook these threats and invite you and one other to talk in person. I have no wish to fight nor see innocents be killed over arrogance
Factory Judge
After my words were spoken, I could see one of the Gen'Dai, a man who had been with the group who I worked for in secret. There were some of us who worked together with the group known only as "The Brotherhood." Saverok, or the behemoth of a man just left the room before I could hear someone calling back on the com system. Saying they wanted to negotiate. I shook my head. Not even waiting a response for the others. I was done with this, and if I stayed on this bridge too long, I would lose it. I shook my head as I put on my helmet and walked off of the bridge. Muttering to myself curses in Mando'a that my writer would rather not divulge in.

"Ibic cuyir tahla'ada di'kutla."

I walked off the bridge and found that Saverok was walking away as well. Even more so, I could see down the hall, one man in particular who was starting to integrate himself with the Mandalorian Empire. A man who was known for his skills of the lightsaber. I walked towards him, and placed a hand up in a stop. I knew he would agree with me, and I doubt he wanted to be bossed around by negotiations.

"Alkor, I have an idea."

[member="Sanya Val Swift"], [member="Saverok"], [member="Miss Blonde"], [member="Deneve Verd"], [member="Zef Halo"], [member="Alkor Centaris"],
"Negotiations" was such a complex word.

It inferred that people would talk and come to an agreeable conclusion. Both parties tried to come to the most mutually beneficial resolution-

How bloody banal.

From the moment he came to Mandalore alongside [member="Saverok"] to speak with their leader, the entire prospect of alliance seemed like unnecessary politics. Mandalorians lauded a reputation of being vicious warriors who spoke with their fists, not their lips. To hear a women speaking broken Mando'a about that selfsame notion of negotiation caused Alkor to dislike it even less.

When [member="Zephyr Carrick"] held up his hand and mentioned that he had an idea, Alkor folded his arms and watched the man impassively.

"I'm listening."​

Equipment: In sig
Enemies: Illegal Mining Facility ==> [member="Sanya Val Swift"]

* Thump, Thump, Thump * Was the sound of Saveroks footsteps as he got closer to the end of the halls. His massive form carrying majority of his gear with a jingle. He looked slightly suspicious but then again this was Saverok. Taking a second to pause the behemoth looked over his armor and over all gear for one last double check. Was during this time the Gen'dai eyed [member="Alkor Centaris"] & [member="Zephyr Carrick"] not to far behind. He didnt need the force to read their minds. They were thinking the same thing he was.

" Heheheh! Thut gulftunasuth thus auns gunna rftx nu nu'a. Tuna su kuftft tuna thus! Ya'! In gunna 'ul shan unsu th'agt, 'ala, lftianga' ang gu ghhasa'a' sha riathk I ghanna gu!!" He spat out his the dead Gen'dai language. He was literally drooling like an animal, words were impossible to understand or even replicate. But the way it came out of Saveroks mouth was rapid and vicious not to mention obnoxious. The giants eyes glew red behind his visor creating an eerie visage on the outside of his metal mask. Going on the move again Saverok growled at the vod in his was and began moving faster toward the Escape Pods down the hall.

Eyes stared him down as the scene changed to a Gen'dai fitting into a rather cramped escape pod. Was a funny sight to see but Saverok did manage to fit even with all with gear. With the wave of his hand the door shut behind him and magnetically sealed. Alarms rang within the ship letting those aboard know a pod had just been let loose toward the Facility below.

" This is Saverok. I am going down to... prepare a ...Diplomatic Solution..." He paused trying hold in his laugh on the comms. Do doubt [member="Miss Blonde"], [member="Deneve Verd"] & [member="Zef Halo"] would have a word to say about this but that would be worried about later. Soon his escape pod would crash land into the planet and the "Diplomatic solutions" would begin.
She had decided to give them ten minutes on the political aspect. So when a response was given from the source of the problems and after Saverok had landed she would step forward quickly, her voice sounding over the comm.

"Move swiftly Saverok. I trust you know the need to wrap the excursion up quickly." They had a reason to be angry. They all did whomever felt the need to act with the sheer stupidity of what was done would deal with the consequence.

So when Deneve once more reached out to the woman that had identified as Sanya, she would speak softly, her tone holding no remorse. " You have been warned." Four simple words sealed the fate of everything. They would kill everyone and burn it to the ground. Plans had to be adjusted due to Saverok's actions not that she really minded. He deserved a chance at handling the situation as he thought.

It was then that she contacted [member="Zephyr Carrick"]. "Go with him. Plans have already been diverted.." It was then that she turned her attention to both [member="Zef Halo"] and the captain and shrugged. As long as the building burned onto the end who was she to stop the others.

[member="Saverok"] [member="Sanya Val Swift"] [member="Miss Blonde"]
Factory Judge
As Sevrok began to yell at the both of us, I diverted my attention from Alkor, and what I was about to say to him. I watch the lumbering creature as he walked away, and went into one of the nearest escape pods. I looked at him leaving, and then at Alkor. I knew what he was getting into, and motioned for the older man to follow me. We would have to take our own escape pod down. Sure, now we wouldn't have one, but it was the fastest way down.

I grabbed my lightsaber and began to walk into the escape pod and plot the course for the little sweat shop below. I could hear over my com, for myself to follow Sevrok so he wouldn't be completely on the loose. I smiled and nodded to Alkor as I replied.

"One step ahead."

I then closed the hatch, and set us off on our way. Intending to land us down in a few moments. Alkor was in the same escape pod. And to him, I explained what was happening.

"We are going down there, and getting this little rat by the scruff. We are to follow Sevrok of our orders, otherwise, Destroy everything of the base."

"Leave nothing standing."

[SIZE=11.818181991577148px][member="Sanya Val Swift"], [member="Saverok"], [member="Miss Blonde"], [member="Deneve Verd"], [member="Zef Halo"], [member="Alkor Centaris"], [/SIZE]
Alkor glanced away from Zephyr and toward the blackness of space beyond the capsule as they were sealed in. The low hiss of hydralics resounded loudly for half of a second before repulsors jettisoned them from the larger ship. While the initial plan entailed talk, this twist of fate came as much more in tune with Alkor's tastes. He listened patiently for the young Mandalorian to finish befoee he spoke.

"I am not known for leaving a job unfinished," he replied. It was well known in the circles Alkor frequented what he was known for. They had already seen his fury and bloodlust unleashed on the battlefield. News on that front may have traveled slowly to the Mandalorians, but they would be updated soon enough. "Nor do I have a proclivity toward mercy."

It was an assessment lent credence by the very fact that Alkor would align with Mandalorians at all.

They rocketed through orbit and broke atmosphere quickly. The dampened sound of a sonic distortion just beyond several layers of metal shook the pod. The whir of kinetic dampeners as they sprang to life and prepared for the landing cycle grew louder, and soon conversation became frivolous. They were here for battle, not idle chit chat.

Alkor had promised results. He would yield results. The Jen'jidai grabbed the lightsaber from his hip as the audible thunk of their pod signaled landfall. The gears wound and groaned as the seal broke and Echol'ya awaited, just beyond the threshold. He did not wait for Carrick to step out first.

Alkor took one look at the world and his fingers brushed over the hilt of his weapon impatiently. He glanced at [member="Zephyr Carrick"] and his lips twisted in a wry smirk. Doubtless [member="Saverok"] had landed moments before them, but the hulking Gen-Dai had not announced himself yet.

"I am known," Alkor finally added, "for killing."

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
[member="Deneve Verd"] Ξ [member="Alkor Centaris"] Ξ [member="Zephyr Carrick"] Ξ [member="Saverok"] Ξ [member="Zef Halo"]

Ooc: I'll not be posting again till gray wakes up as there is things I need to talk out with him.

Her knowlage of the mando'a wasn't limited to just the language. At this moment in time she'd been left with little option seeing the escape pods on the scanners. "If that's how you wish to do things miss verd. Then I'm invoking the code and I call out you. You beat me take me into custody and this place can be given to gray, I win this facility continues to be sold to one of your own people. Either way your people win without needless bloodshed." She said. If one on one battle is what it would take to settle this dispute then she had no option. After all no one here was a combatent and she couldn't save them all if an attack begun. Although they would struggle ripping through ten meters of rock and metal. Hacking them open would be out of the option for them due to an analog system. Even if the towers where raised it lead no where into the facility it's self. Just one way in and out. She would honestly prefer a diplomatic solution and not only that [member="Gray Raxis"] would be disappointed if his own people blew it up. They preach honor but sending an armada against civilians and one Jedi just proves this merry band don't live by honor hopefully they live by their code.
You're in our land... In our capital.. Attempting to steal our beskar and you think you have the right to demand anything?We gave you an option. Leave or die. Your response is answer enough. "

Switching to the comms, she would contact Saverok , Zephyr and Alkor, a long sigh leaving her lips before she spoke. "I'm dispatching a drop ship to your location. Once you're clear the Asteroid is gone.. You have sixty seconds. I strongly suggest you all are on the drop ship.." Her tone left no arguments. They all died.. The woman in charge, her little pawns that followed her to their deaths..

She turned to the helmsman, a sweet smile upon her face. "Prime all weapons on every ship.."

The helmsman gaped, "All of them..?"

" All of them. The whole rock goes.. Beskar is incredibly resilient after all. I'm not worried.

Turning to Zef, she would nod as the helmsman rushed to give the order for every weapon on every ship to be primed and ready. It was then she went about contacting the outside source that had arrived. "Be ready to fire the whole thing does up in lights in 56 seconds.."

[member="Alkor Centaris"] [member="Zephyr Carrick"] [member="Saverok"] [member="Miss Blonde"] [member="Zef Halo"]
| [member="Zef Halo"] | [member="Deneve Verd"] | [member="Miss Blonde"] | [member="Zephyr Carrick"] | [member="Saverok"] | [member="Sanya Val Swift"] | [member="Alkor Centaris"] |

Dropping out of hyperspace, an Indispensable-class corporate flagship arrived near Echoy'la. Stood on it's bridge, Alicia Drey watched space from it's observation deck. As part of the deals she had recently had with Ajira Cardei, the Indispensable she stood upon had been purchased in return for the properties she had on Dubrillion, Mytus VI and Kalee. It was the first time she had put the vessel to work since it fell into her possession.

"Send a system wide broadcast to the Mandalorian Crusaders and the Echoy'la Mining Facility that this vessel is under the command of Alicia Drey. We are here for Humanitarian reasons. We would like permission to begin evacuating the workers in the facility to my ship, which we will hold in custody."
She heard the message and gave an annoyed click of her tongue before reaching out to the woman. "Fine... You have five minutes. My men on the ground will over see the evacuation.

Switching once more to the comms, she would contact the ground team. "Saverok, Zephyr and Alkor.. Stay and monitor the evacuation. Only bodies leave.. No equipment. No beskar.."

"Live bodies Saverok."

She would add as an afterthought , being well aware of the Gendai's need for violence and death. Turning away from the helmsman, she would grind her teeth annoyed at the change of plans.

[member="Alkor Centaris"] [member="Zephyr Carrick"] [member="Saverok"] [member="Miss Blonde"] [member="Zef Halo"] [member="Alicia Drey"]
| [member="Zef Halo"] | [member="Deneve Verd"] | [member="Miss Blonde"] | [member="Zephyr Carrick"] | [member="Saverok"] | [member="Sanya Val Swift"] | [member="Alkor Centaris"] |

Five minutes? thought Alicia. Impulsive creature. She nodded however, aware that Deneve was being completely platonic. She only had five minutes, even if that wasn't enough, realistically speaking. The Indispensable had an extensive hangar bay, ready to receive an assortment of guests at any moment. Fuel, food and so on were always on offer, used mostly to impress and gain the allegiance of business partners going forward. However, this was an entirely different situation and there was certainly nothing good about what was happening above Echoy'la.

"Send a message to the facility. Broadcast that it's occupants have five minutes to evacuate the facility. Transports are en route to the surface to receive refugees. This is their last chance to evacuate. Death is imminent."

As she finished explaining her broadcast, Alicia wondered if Sanya Val Swift would be among the refugees. Perhaps this is good business.
As the conversation continued between both sides Keira only listened, her mind having already been made up once the others were granted permission for landfall. "I'm heading down. I'll be on the dropship with the rest of them once this is all said and done, so don't wait up for me." Without waiting for a response from [member="Miss Blonde"] she departed the bridge, her destination where her armor had been temporarily stored. At this point she had a sixth sense for happenings such as this, and at the mere mention of there being an outsider on their capital she had known things were going to turn violent quickly. And so, for once in her life she had come fully prepared for such an eventuality.

Thanks to having spent more than enough time drilling the exercise it didn't take her very long at all to fully armor and arm herself, and she made her way to her own escape pod, opening up communications with those that had landed before her, "You shabuire aren't doing this alone. I'll catch you groundside." They would know who she was from that alone, and if they didn't, well, they would learn soon enough. Once communications were cut and the pod had been properly set for navigation before taking off, Thalia chimed in, "I'm assuming we're operating as per usual." She clicked her back teeth, silencing the helmet's annunciator and keeping the conversation between the two of them, "Yeah. Anything you can get on this place or the aruetii that built it. Not that it'll matter once she's dead and the mine is rubble." Not a threat; a statement of fact.

Once the pod neared the point of breaking atmosphere both she and the AI fell silent, the time for talk having ceased. The quiet hiss of pressurized air escaping sounded as she opened the hatch and stepped out, HUD immediately coming online and highlighting the location of those that had come before. "Are you going to convene with them beforehand?" "If we run into each other, sure. But I don't need to operate with a team to get things done. So long as we're all shooting at the same people, I couldn't care less. If you can, get me a map of this place with all possible entrances and exits highlighted, along with anything else of importance. It's time to go hunting."

[member="Alicia Drey"], [member="Deneve Verd"], [member="Alkor Centaris"], [member="Saverok"], [member="Zephyr Carrick"], [member="Zef Halo"], [member="Sanya Val Swift"]
Factory Judge
As the Escape pod landed down, we were jolted for a moment. Alkor took that moment to draw his own lightsaber, and stepped out. Apparently we only had a minute to kill all that we wanted before the asteroid was blown to smithereens. It was going to be one clusterkark. I smiled as Alkor said he was known for killing, and that was fine by me. My blood ran hot. I could feel it as I pushed my way up from the droppod like escape pod, and then made my way out. Ready to be killing. When we were then told, to evacuate people.

I heard them clearly. Only, I ignored about half of it. Hearing we had five minutes.

Plenty of enough time.

I took a grip of my own lightsaber, and started running forward. Launching as I commented back.

"If, and when the dropship is here, I will start evacuating. Otherwise, they're in season."

I activated my lightsaber blade. The shape of the blade was very much like a sword. Meant to cut people, and meant to fight. The first person who had decided to come a little close to the escape pod was sliced in twain. The man's body fell to the ground top first, with his legs tilting over. I continued to move in speed forward with the force. Using the wide arcing lightsaber strikes to cut one... two... three more people as they began to run towards the facility.

Some of them were humans. Others were some kind of creature mixed with human. Hell, even a few near humans from various species. Even a Zeltron Female was running from me in heels. Tripping her up with the force, She scuttled backwards. Mascara streaming down her face as I simply walked towards her. Letting the red and black humming lightsaber hover right at her neckline.

"Please, try and resist."

I let the saber drop as I brought my left hand up, and with the force gathered it around her head. Slowly squishing down on her. Her screams could be filled in the distance. My hand was open, slowly closing, I held it there for a moment

"Thank you, and have a nice day."

I crushed my hand, and so did her head.

[member="Sanya Val Swift"], [member="Saverok"], [member="Miss Blonde"], [member="Deneve Verd"], [member="Zef Halo"], [member="Alkor Centaris"], [member="Keira Ticon"], [member="Alicia Drey"],

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
Miss Blonde didn't like to be kept waiting unless it was from a close friend or a hell of a lot money, and right about now there was a perfectly mediocre mining facility down there that needed to be leveled in order to build one that was fitting of a Mandalorian Empire. It seemed Sanya wanted to hand off the facility to someone she was close with in the Empire that way she could just sneak in on a regular visa and leave with a boat load of unsanctioned beskar. It was a good plan, hell its something miss blonde would do. Normally the Feds didn't check for outgoing contraband, only incoming. So it all made sense, and that was why the facility had to go and be built upon in Mandalorian hands. If anyone was going to steal beskar from Echo'lya it was gonna be her.

"Keira my dear, get off that rock in the next two minutes. Because it's about to be leveled by myself and Isley's spawn. I don't care whose down there you are not needed in this venture and are only hindering key elements within the operation by allowing another friendly presence on the field. Those other idiots shouldn't of gone down and I expect more from you." Miss Blonde sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose in annoyance. How karking hard was it to blow up a facility?

"Prime all starboard side weapons to fire, bring us around and position to fire." Blonde commanded the crew.

The massive ship pushed itself around and broke off the Mandalorian fleet to take up position towards their flank on the left to get a clear shot at the facility. Blonde would wait for Keira and the other Mandalorian forces despite how their lives ending would increase the average IQ of the galaxy.

"On your word ma'am." One of the crew stated.

"Wait for Isley's kid or Halo to give the order."

[member="Alicia Drey"], [member="Deneve Verd"], [member="Alkor Centaris"], [member="Saverok"], [member="Zephyr Carrick"], [member="Zef Halo"], [member="Sanya Val Swift"] [member="Keira Ticon"]

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