Lord Commander
UAW- Oppressor

- Intent: Created a Limited Walkers that will serve as the protection for the high ranking NPCs and PCs of Mythos' company and to assist in the military operations of the same.
- Image Source: Here
- Canon Link: N.A
- Primary Source: D-Tek
- Manufacturer: Magnus Architecture and Munitions
- Affiliation: Magnus Architecture and Munitions
- Model: OAW-O
- Modularity: Yes
Production: Limited
- Material: Duranium, electronics, synthmesh.
- Classification:: Walker
- Role: Urban Assault Walker
- Size: Average
- Weight: Light
- Minimum Crew: 1
- Optimal Crew: 3
- Propulsion: sextupedal
- Speed: Fast (For a Walker You'know)
- Maneuverability: Very High
- Armaments: Average
Anti Personnel Laser Cannon (X1)
Modern Gi/9 Automated Anti Personnel Cannon
Thermal Detonator Machinegun
- Defenses: High
- Squadron Count: 12
- Passenger Capacity: 12
- Cargo Capacity: Average
ground tracker
tracking scope
target identification network
Thermal Shields
Ion and EMP resistant seal
-It's fun when they can't really hurt you- It's very un-usual to see thermal shields in such a small vehicle but it works. The Oppressor can take shots from standard battle tanks, the UAW was designed around the thermal shield in mind.
-Pack o' Punch- Although it's main weapons are pretty standard if they crew get annoyed they could just crank the XK-40 and level an entire city block within minutes. It's a machine gun that shoots thermal detonators.
-A work of love ironically- There are not many of these as such the craftsmanship and individual detail of the technology and machinery that go into them is a lot more high quality. They move fast, they don't have many problems that recur, their weapons don't jam as often and are a joy to pilot and work under.
-9th sense- Being created mainly to oversee and police the sensors and systems that each oppressor have are multiple and the options for multi level surveillance and communications are plenty. They have minor slicing capabilities, X-ray, Night vision, Thermal Vision, long and short range communication, special sensors ect. They are perfect for policing and security.
-For 'Police' Only- Compared to combat walkers and walkers that are designed to fight against infantry and other walkers the oppressor is lack luster. Outside of their specific urban ops they get outclassed.
-Close Range Only- Although capable of engaging targets at long range their options are limited as their real power comes in deploying and engaging at close range.
-Only as good as the infantry- They are a support vehicle, like every other one of it's kind when left alone without the boots around it it can get overwhelmed.
-The Hatch! Of Course!- You see that port below the big gun that looks like a rectangle? It's not easy to get to but you drop a thermal detonator in there after you shoot the transparisteel or glasteel visor and that will be one nasty firecracker.
Oppressing people is hard work and the workers and Magnus Architecture and Munitions know this better than most. Sometimes you need some help, the right tool to keep entire neighborhoods working around the clock so you can finish on a timely schedule and your Sith Overlords don't have to decapitate you with their ancient Axes. The Oppressor-Class Urban Assault Walker fit's that description quite nicely.
Phirk? Who needs it!? You can pack your walker with thermal shields that can absorb the blasts of even the most ingenious improvised explosive devices your desperate natives can come up with. Are they using a network of spies and encrypted messages to get around? Possibly plotting a rebellion right under your nose while working in your spice mines!? No problem! With the oppressors advanced sensors there is no holotext they can send without your peeping big brother eyes catching wind of it.
The Oppressor is super fast for a walker, it's maneuverability put's others to shame and will give fleeing refugees with information of your warcrimes quite a nasty surprise when you bend that corner and fire your canon before their airspeeder can take the next turn! Just keep those nasty plebeians away from the hatch and your squad of oppressors should be safe, secure and on their way to the next patrol with only the blood of an alien species to clean off the walker legs.
If the populace you are attempting to convert into an exemplary idol of good