Aleksandyr Gaillard
Image is Everything!
Bill C-18343.1 - Optimism & Opportunity Act
- All worlds bordering our enemies with a population greater than 1 billion will be demilitarized. Instead bordering worlds with under 1 billion population will be placed under temporary wartime military governance.
- Promote the local governments of these worlds to pursue greater interest in free enterprise, lower taxes, and promote stable costs of living.
- Utilize propaganda to promote festivities, recreation, and create an environment that promotes regular day-to-day activities that are otherwise hindered by general fear.
- Move all war industry off border worlds and deeper into Republic territory.
- Create a temporary wartime council of Senators and Officers to execute these plans and conduct strategic decision making where required.
"Senators of The Republic!" Lionel took the floor.
Looking over the various Senators of exiled governments and newly conquered worlds; he nodded respectfully.
"I am here to propose the Optimism & Opportunity Act," his eyes glanced over to the Prime Minister, "The bill I'm proposing is motivated with liberating the citizenship of those worlds bordering our enemies from fear and pessimism. The past administration has overlooked these worlds and treated them as trenches which to fight from. This not only breeds fear along bordering worlds but stagnates industry, free enterprise, and promotes the dissolution of liberty and opportunity."
"By demilitarizing worlds with populations of over one billion and granting temporary military bases for armed forces operations on those with less than one billion we can safely reduce collateral damage and promote a culture of optimism in the face of adversity. Do not mistake me; these threats are real but that shouldn't stop us from continuing peacetime affairs where battles are not being fought. Border worlds or not."
His eyes once again glanced around to gather the expressions of his colleagues. "The Sith wish us to be in fear and that fear is their greatest tactic, by breaking down our will to fight and destroying the trust citizens place in us, we effectively lose hearts and minds of our people. Why should we give into fear? By supporting my bill we encourage through example, that no matter what strikes us -- The Republic will continue to act as it always has... As a nation of free enterprise, free thought, and opportunity!"
After delivering his speech he simply nodded again and took a step back to allow the other voices to be heard.
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