Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Opulence and Violence

Fleet Composition:
1 Lothal-Class Assault Cruiser - DNV Savant
2 C-9980-Class Assault Frigates- DNV Intruder, Greenhorn
4 Raider-Class Heavy Corvettes - DNV Assailant, Blindsider, Intolerance, Vanguard

Magnus stared out the bridge's viewport window, the ball of dust and rock that floated in space below him seeming like the most worthless prize one could want. But it meant something to him, and he would have it. Leaning back in his chair, he watched the Captain on the platform below him direct the bridge crew as they quickly scurried about their work; on the Savant, a Chiss Female template had been used; the same pretty face moved and worked in the immediate space, though many had their numerical IDs and even some nicknames that had been picked up along the way.

"Captain, make this approach slow. I want the Savant providing long-range support to our landers." He began to tap on a few buttons on the arms of his chair, hearing the Captain acknowledge his order before she began directing the crew. Speaking firmly and loudly, Magnus commanded on communications. "I won't repeat this plan. The Intruder and the Greenhorn will make a landing approach, escorted by two vessels each. The Intruder will be escorted by the Assailant and Blindsider, Greenhorn by the Intolerance and Vanguard. The Savant will offer long-range support against approaching vessels. Our external contractors will get in there and handle some of the more sensitive work."

Magnus continued to tap away, changing the channel of command he was in. "All contractors, this is Deshra. Our dropships are making their landing run now; if you aren't helping with the escort, get onto Vo Dasha and deal with Turbolasers or ground forces. Soola the Hutt will no doubt have an escape shuttle ready; make sure he doesn't ever get on. Proceed with caution - his men are reckless, but not stupid. Bring breath masks, Vo Dasha will not be kind to your lungs. Destroying a Turbolaser, killing a significant amount of Soola's men, capturing the Palace or bringing me the slug alive or dead will warrant extra payment."

It was almost a blessing that Soola had so adequately offended the rest of the Hutt Clans; he'd regularly killed their men and meddled in their business, even more than a Hutt usually does. Magnus had bided his time, and waited until he was sure none of them would miss his passing, some might even appreciate it. Finally, he felt his patience would pay off.

After what seemed like so much waiting, they closed in on Vo Dasha. He spoke loudly to the other ships in the fleet. "Begin jamming. Captain, ready weapons and prepare squadrons for launch." The Hutt would know ships were here; just not where. He would have to send men up to be shot down, or simply fire his turbolaser at random. The Mandalorian watched scanners, and heard the Captain's report of approaching vessels from the moon. They weren't close enough for attack range towards the landing frigates or Corvettes, but they would be soon.

Objectives ---

1. Take out both Turbolaser Complexes
2. Capture Soola the Hutt's Palace
3. Assassinate or Capture Soola the Hutt

[member="Jeryk Solus"] | [member="Faceless"] | [member="Koda Fett"] | [member="Kirk Skobra"] | [member="Garick Kalth"]
Vo Dasha
Objective - 3

Assassination was his trade. Fortunately for him, his new contract with Deshra had landed him a job with just that in mind.

Having been stationed aboard the Savant for the ride there, it wasn't long before Faceless got aboard his Z-95 Headhunter and began the descent upon the planet's surface, way ahead of Deshra's fleet. Hutts were not creatures of resilience when it came to personal attempts on their lives. More often than not they were paranoid and, despite their bulky appearance, fast. This meaning that the Assassin had to be faster, had to be smarter and had to fight like a demon to gain every inch on the Hutt. It wasn't like he would be unprotected in his Palace; mercenaries, pirates, probably all worth their weight in credits. Turbolasers too only added to the fact that they were ready to fight off an invasion force, or at least try to anyway.

Would they really be ready to face an unstoppable wave of clones who feared nothing? Even when their friends would make a wall of bodies to reach that palace? Faceless had to wonder if the Hutt had enough ammunition and men to hold them off.

He had a very small window before the ships would enter the system and the Hutt would engage his anti-air defenses. If he hit the timing just right, he'd be able to land and get on his way to the palace way beyond the battle had even started. Security would no doubt tighten in the coming hours and the skies would be alight with burning wrecks and turbolaser fire. It was artistic, in a sense, at least to the assassin; a toxic world given a touch of destroyed beauty in the way of war. Though Faceless wasn't one for frontline combat unless it was absolutely necessary; he preferred the subtle hand method of doing things. Hence why he had chosen to deal with the Hutt personally.

Landing someway out of the palace in an attempt to not have his method of transport blown to pieces in the odd chance of weather turning to cloudy with a chance of turbolasers, the Assassin made his way to the palace, knowing all too well that the alarm bells of a fleet entering the system would begin to sound and security would begin to tighten. The front door would no doubt be a risky, going as far as suicidal approach to entry to the palace. There had to be another way. A more subtle approach to entry.

The assassin found one within the ventilation shafts after some careful climbing, dodging the exterior guards consisting of mercenaries and slipping his way inside.

Entry to the building was the easy part, and perhaps the dullest. The real joy of his trade was about to begin.


Citrus Dreams
Koda Fett
Vo Dasha

Koda Fett was welcome to any and all jobs, for the right price. His fee was high, and fortunately enough for Magnus Deshra he was able to pay for his services. The Bounty Hunter had become widely renown for his legendary exploits, clearly sought out on this factor alone. Although he'd been known for being less than friendly towards his employers, they came for his results not his manners after all. For now he found himself in the services of Deshra, a fellow Mandalorian that didn't entirely bother themselves with the events of Mandalore.

Fett took his final steps off the ramp of the Concord Spear, geared up and ready for action. The man was a weapons platform of sorts, rigged from head to toe in lethal weaponry. Standing at the edge of it ominously as his final orders came through from Deshra, hearing the voice aloud from the inside of his helmet. In it's conclusion he was undecided on which objective he thought to undertake, or even if were to participate in the skirmish in orbit. Yet ultimately he decided. The Hutts were a creature he despised, a greedy worm capable of running a criminal empire without being challenged. Koda would take any and every chance to put them in their place, even kill one if it so came to it.

Turning on his heel, Fett returned to the interior of the Concord Spear. Powering it up and beginning to lift off, the sight of Faceless' Z-95 Headhunter. There wasn't a chance he was going to let some Assassin beat him to the punch, especially the likes of Faceless. The Bounty Hunter had a grudge against the Clawdite for no real good reason, it was Faceless' mercenary company that Fett turned on.

Entirely aware that the Z-95 Headhunter is faster than the the Concord Spear, whilst it was still in range of the Mandalorian's vessel the thought of shooting him down crossed his mind. He wouldn't suspect it, maybe nobody would notice it. Though Koda lived for the hunt, and what better way to make it more interesting than a race? Even if the other individual wasn't aware it was happening.

The Firespray landed in relative proximity to the Hutt's palace, making his way towards it at a fastened pace. Although instead of taking a direct approach he attempted to scale the cliff-face along the side of it via the use of his jetpack. If the Hutt was going to be anywhere in a mountain palace he would be at the top now wouldn't he? Especially with a shape like that. His ascent took place near the corner at the back of the palace, the area without a platform for guards to stand on and just a rock face. The closer he got to the top, the less of the jetpack he used. Instead he took to climbing, reaching the top and peering through the glass - looking to get an idea of what he may be up against.

[member=Jeryk Solus] | [member=Faceless] | [member=Kirk Skobra] | [member=Garick Kalth] | [member=Magnus Deshra]

Kirk Skobra

The scent of nicotine filled the room
Kirk Skobra
Location: Orbit of Vo Dasha, The Kuati Devil
Objective: 1

After the Deshra Labs fleet exited from Hyperspace, it wasn’t long before Kirk got the call from the earpiece; it was go time.

At the time, Kirk was casually smoking a cigarra with his helmet flipped-up onto his scalp. He could see a collection of familiar faces and helmets in the hangar room that filled the ranks of Magnus’ mercantile posse that he’d gathered. Koda Fett, a familiar face – or helmet, rather. Faceless, the leader of the Silver Sleens. He knew the two of them had beef. But, Kirk chuckled at the thought; the idea of two hunters having a little one-upmanship – even though it wouldn’t matter, as long as the job got done.

After the transmission resounded in his earlobe, Kirk nonchalantly took one last drag of his cigarra, taking in the last hit of nicotine he was going to get for a while, before sliding his helmet back down onto his features that featured a rebreather to compensate the lack of breathable air on Vo Dasha. It was going to dog him, not being able to stop for a cigara break – more than the possibility of being shot or killed. He methodically, slowly, began to enter his own personal ship – The Kuati Devil, a D5-Mantis Patrol Craft – he was taking his time, as he already had a plan in mind for taking out the Turbolaser complexes. It would be crude, loud – but effectiveness was the key element. At the end of the day, it was the only thing that mattered, given Kirk’s experience.

With the ignition of the ship’s ion-thrusters, The Kuati Devil left the hangar, racing through the atmosphere to get ahead of the Deshra fleet and set his plan into motion. He was pushing the D5-Mantis Patrol Craft to the limits in its speed, as it raced feverishly through the atmosphere, down to planetary surface. Halting his speed with the spread of the Kuati Devil’s wings, Kirk parked the Kuati Devil planetside, in relative proximity to the Turbolaser complexes – it was well within the city limits.

Once he got out of his personal ship, it was time for old Kirk to play bad cop like he had in his Espo days.​

Spotting a planetary shuttle manned by an inconspicuous civilian at the end of the ship’s ramp in a port, Kirk nonchalantly walked up to the civilian, and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt; “My ship now.”, he said to the civilian, who was quite intimidated, and could only shakily nod his head to Kirk, before Kirk threw him aside like a sack of potatoes. He boarded the shuttle, taking off, pushing the civilian shuttle to the absolute limit, as he furiously raced towards one of the turbolaser batteries. He diverted all power to the thruster systems, so that the shuttle would be travelling as fast as possible towards the Turbolaser battery. Kirk detached two thermal detonators from his chest, and placed them on the dashboard. As Kirk neared the turbolaser battery, he detached himself from the safety harness, and raced out of the cockpit whilst the shuttle was barreling towards the turbolaser complex.

Jumping out of the main cargo bay, activating his jetpack to slow his fall, Kirk caught the perfect sight of the explosion and hole created in the complex after the shuttle collided and exploded, along with the two other thermal detonators from sympathetic detonation. Kirk then flew through the hole he’d deliberately created with the assistance of his jetpack; his DC-17m Interchangeable Weapon System primed for combat, as it was adjusted against his shoulder. He was prepared to gun down any survivors from the explosion, and any other reinforcements. As the frightened guards could only race into the room to see what had exploded, they were met with a volley of blaster bolts and an unpleasant death courtesy of Kirk Skobra, as he continually raced through the facility in textbook-SWAT-style fashion to find the main power source for the facility.

[member="Jeryk Solus"] | [member="Faceless"] | [member="Garick Kalth"] | [member="Koda Fett"] | [member="Magnus Deshra"]
Objective - 1

"Sir, surely there's a better way of going about this?"

K4-DT, the old KX series security droid embedded in the co pilot's seat of the Black Fenn spoke, as he often did, in protest against his masters rather straight forward plan. "I calculate no more than three direct turbo laser hits before our shields fall, and if they so much as breathe in our direction after that-" Garick grunted under his breath in response, thrusting forward the throttle lever to send the HWK-1000 sailing ahead of the fleet and into atmosphere, no doubt sensors on the ground had already detected the fleet coming and now had spotted the light freighter rushing them like an insane raged Bantha. Garick speaks simply in response to his droid co pilot. "I know." Hardly satisfied, K4 speaks again. "And you're aware turbo lasers are anti capital ship weapons?" "Yes." "And this is a light freighter?" "Yes." K4 glances back to his console in defeat, the freighter rumbling as it penetrates atmosphere. "I was happier before you stole me."

After breaking the atmosphere and cloud cover what lied beyond was a loosely packed hail of giant green turbo laser bolts. The Black Fenn loops graciously around these bolts but not a minute later one sheers across it's side, flaring the vessels deflector shields bright blue as they sustain a hit they weren't intended to handle. "That was a third of our shields! Less than two minutes in and we're already down a third. I have a bad feeling about this..." The vessel quickly recovers back onto it's original path just in time to observe a civilian shuttle slam into a turbo laser battery and explode, some insane man having flown out of it just before with a jetpack. K4 can only shake his head as he observes. "Well, at least I'm not with that guy." Garick levels the vessel at a second still operable turbo laser battery, focusing now on his missile scope. Moments later as a lock on is achieved, Garick pulls a trigger on his control stick and from the wings of the modified HWK-1000 detach two missiles, which arc for the battery. They explode not on the target but rather above it, each missile dispersing a cloud of tiny droids of varying make, all sabotage droids. Some home made, some ancient buzz droids from the old Clone Wars. These droids swarm the exterior of the battery and begin sawing and cutting their way into it's internals. Some of the more adventurous sabotage droids choose to instead crawl inside the control bunker itself, harassing the battery crew there and attacking the control systems. Whilst this happens the Black Fenn sails overhead, the fleet no doubt not far behind.

Unmolested by antiaircraft fire, the Black Fenn lists over the outlying buildings surrounding the complex, and brings his vessel to hover near one of the many entrances to Soola's palace. Unstrapping himself from the pilots seat whilst small arms fire is deflected off his shields, he'd move to collect his helmet and places it on himself, moving to the side access door of his vessel. Once there he'd remove the DLT-20A from his back, leaving it for now in it's carbineized configuration. He'd place his hand on the door control and glances back into the cockpit and to his droid. "Stay here." K4 nearly scoffs in response. "You removed my legs and anchored me to this chair. I am incapable of leaving, even if I wanted to. Which I do." Turning back to the task at hand, Garick would ready himself to open the door and mount a one man assault on the palace. He'd figured the incoming clones could use a head start on taking the place over, and that those aloof assassiny types might appreciate a distraction so they can slip in the back and steal the credit.

- [member="Kirk Skobra"] - [member="Koda Fett"] - [member="Faceless"] - [member="Magnus Deshra"] -
Magnus watched with baited breath as various smaller craft zoomed down into atmosphere, the collection of bounty hunters and mercenaries no doubt making themselves useful on the surface. The Savant turned, turbolaser fire striking Hutt frigates and corvettes before they could get out of orbit; many were in poor condition and easy to deal with. With the ground turbolasers destroyed in one case and having issues in the other, both the Intruder and Greenhorn began their landing. Fighter Squadrons seared into atmosphere, dogfighting with what pilots the Hutt had mustered. "Don't do more damage to the palace if you need to. And if you're going for the Hutt, extra credits if he's alive."
"B-But please, Mighty Soola-" The sound of a resounding slap filled the throne room, as Soola's large hand smacked across the face of his Duros Majordomo. "Useless Worm! How could you have let them know of this place?!" The Duros cowered away in reverence as Soola turned his gaze. To his right stood two figures; both well-paid and ready to kill for him. "There are two ways to reach this room and my escape, that are not blocked. You will each cover one. You, Zabrak. Cover the window." Soola's oversized fingers pointed towards where he should go - which was convenient, as the mercenary didn't speak huttese. "As for you, there are many air vents leading to my chamber. Guard them." The Ubese nodded, with Soola now being escorted away by his many guards. The Zabrak, moving to the window, loaded up his heavy blaster and fired at what seemed to be a Jetpacking figure outside. The Ubese, meanwhile, started preparing gas grenades. Going to each vent he could find, he started tossing them in, except for one, leaving a single exit. Making some distance from it, the Ubese prepared his sniper rifle and aimed at where any intruders would land.

Tags: [member="Koda Fett"] | [member="Faceless"]

As the large assault frigates finally landed, platoons of clones came rushing from their positions in the loading bays. Along with them was a Mandalorian, a human; anyone who'd done their research on Magnus could tell it was Sol'yc, his son. Apparently. Sol'yc lead a Platoon up towards the entrance to the palace, motioning towards the HWK-1000 and the man leaping from it. "Lieutenant, on him- defer to him if he gives orders." Splitting off from them, the platoon formed up and began following Garick, preparing to back up his assault. Sol'yc picked out two more squads. "Aurek and Besh, I need you two over on that turbolaser with the contractor we got in there, help him send that thing sky-high. The rest of you, form up and assault the other entrances, let's move!" The clones began rushing to their ordered positions, forming up behind their designated officers and taking tight formations- which didn't go well for some, as gunners mounted the windows, mowing down some clones as many could only take cover and return fire. A sniper managed to pick one off, but two more replaced him; there were at least two gunners on each side laying down heavy blaster fire, trying to prevent any entrance or route to Soola.

Tags: [member="Garick Kalth"] | [member="Kirk Skobra"]


Citrus Dreams
Koda Fett
Vo Dasha

To think that Fett would be able to fly directly up towards the window and get the perfect location to assassinate Soola without resistance was moronic. This was a Hutt, they carved their way into the galaxy with their brains - they were cautious, their inability to fight for themselves left them hiring mercenaries to do it for them, and that's exactly what Koda had envisioned for today. Although taking the rock face may have left him at an advantage, it would only delay the inevitable. All he hoped was that this fight would end before Faceless was their to grab the target, he really couldn't lose to this Assassin.

Darnev was a Zabrak Mercenary hired on by Soola the Hutt in order to protect him from his fellow Hutt's after turning his back upon them, although he served a double purpose as the forces of Deshra Labs invaded Vo Dasha in a bold attempt to seize the planet from the Hutt Crime Lord with a clone army and several private contractors - mercenaries, bounty hunters and assassins alike. The Zabrak would do exactly as he was told, after all he wanted the money he was offered for this job. His red skin a standout among the relatively beige esque colour the palace was made out of, although his padded clothing was dark and offered some form of protection though not a whole not. The DLT-19 that he gripped with both hands was held down at his waist, even so when he fired a barrage of bolts towards the enclosing Bounty Hunter that was utilising his jetpack. An attempt to knock him out of or at least force him out of the sky.

Fett was greeted by the incoming blast bolts, they filled the immediate air around him and left him with no choice to make a descent. Deactivating his jetpack he began a short free fall before activating it once again, moments before the ground in order to soften his landing. Koda found himself pressed up against the jagged rocks that seemed to flow on up to the Palace, paying attention to his scanners in order to see what was what exactly. His Carbine was clutched in his grip tightly, held against his chest and ready to move at a moments notice. The pinging of his sensors began to take his attention, the motion tracker displaying a blip that moved from it's current position to one further away from Fett, no doubt finding a better location to take cover.

The Mercenary darted backwards, the heavy blaster rifle restricting his movement though not too much. Vaulting a low wall and propping himself up onto it, his blaster placed over it to provide additional support. If the Bounty Hunter came into his sights he'd turn into a holed sponge, leaking his innards out of them to end his career. Although nothing of the like was expected to happen. Whilst Darnev saw nothing, rushed hands reached towards his belt and grabbed at a series of thermal detonators and smoke grenades. Though they weren't used just yet, instead they were simply placed down, ready to be used at a moments notice.

The Mandalorian was at a technological advantage in this situation, capable of tracking the Red Zebrak's each movement from safety. It wasn't hard to assume that the Mercenary was moving to a better, more defendable position rather than remain out in the open. The possibility of charging head on into the blaster fire of a DLT-19 was a death wish, even for a man of Fett's skill. To avoid this he lowered himself down the rocks, although not in a retreat but a simple repositioning. The man crept along the rocks in relative silence, at least the sounds were hidden by the invasion's roar across the planet. Eventually he came up on the right hand side of the Zabrak at the back of the Palace. His flank was successful, but the Mercenary's vision became twitchy, impatient as his eyes glances around to and fro. A single trio of bolts were fired from Koda's blaster in an attempt to wound if not kill his opponent.

The bolts whizzed by, and one impacting his shoulder, yet barely at a skim as the flesh seared away slowly. Though this was a Zabrak, they were known for being stronger, faster and more durable than most. A quick roll over the low wall left him out of Fett's vision, and as he charged along the other side of a series of industrial esque objects that didn't allow the Bounty Hunter to even catch a glimpse of him he dropped his DLT-19 in an attempt to garner more speed. With a quick turn to his right, he came into Koda's field of view for but a moment before sending a crash tackle his way.

Punch after punch after punch collided with Fett's beskar helmet, not doing any damage except for rattling his brain inside of it. It wouldn't be before too long that the Mandalorian would become delirious from such vicious head knocks. Although he placed his hands up to defend himself, and as another punch came crashing down towards the Bounty Hunter the blades on the side of his gauntlet were deployed, carving up his hand something nasty as he punched directly into them. In the time it took Darnev to acknowledge this and move on, Fett grasped at his collar, pulling the Zabrak down towards himself as his own helmeted head went up to meet them halfway. A nasty thud echoed about as the head collided with the helmet, forcing him to fall backwards and off of the human.

Falling backwards off of his Bounty Hunter adversary, he took a moment or two to rise to his feet, and assuming that Koda had done the same he reared back his fist on more time, sending a lunging punch towards his helmeted in head, although it was likely to be avoided due to the pained and near delirious state he found himself in. If he were to miss, Darnev would be located near the window after a staggering step or two.

Fett was able to manoeuvre his way out of the punch, taking a step backwards and to his left as the punch barely skimmed by his visor. With the Zabrak near the window. Koda turned full circle, now facing him. Darnev turned to look him in the visor for but a moment before watching Fett's right hand reach down towards the holster of his pistol. Like an old fashioned cowboy he was leaned to the side, firing off a series of bolts that impacted with the Hired Guns chest, each shot forcing him to jolt backwards more and more before he eventually crashed through the window behind him - landing on the floor in front of Soola like a gift. The Mandalorian approached the crashed through window, looking down through it to witness what he'd done.

[member=Magnus Deshra] | [member=Kirk Skobra] | [member=Faceless] | [member=Garick Kalth]
Vo Dasha
Objective - 3

The vents were tight, obviously not made for someone to sneak through them yet this method of entry cut out a lot of the defenses and locked down sectors that would inevitably lead to several long winded firefights; sure, Deshra no doubt that his army moved in to start the assault and reinforcements would be stretched thin on Soola's front but time was of the essence. If Faceless knew Hutts, Soola would no doubt start to pull his forces back to cover the throne room itself, being caught in the middle of the fact when the last of his soldiers rush into the throne room would not be a fortunate position to find himself in. He wasn't exactly sure where the throne room was, either, though something was thrown into the vent in front of him, then behind him and gas started to fill the ventilation.

A smart move, trying to draw the assassin out to gun him down with minimal effort. Though the assassin expected better; the planet needed breath masks to survive and with Faceless' respiratory system built into his helmet, not only could he breath normally but it kept foreign entities like gas from effecting him. Clearly whoever had thrown it was probably expecting an easy kill, like one would hunt a rodent infesting a home, though what he probably was not expecting was an assassin who could happily sit in the vents not only surrounded by gas but could also locate the Ubese with little difficulty. Withdrawing his sniper rifle and finding a place to set it up despite the very compact space he found himself within, Faceless managed to point the barrel out of the vent, concealed by the gas, the thermal optics picking up the Ubese as he waited, watching for the vent crawler to pop out.

Unfortunately for him, the assassin would shoot first.

The suppressed shot ripped through the air, striking the Ubese in the side. This of course left the Ubese in a state of shock, not expecting whatever was traversing the vents to be able to see right through the gas. Improvisation rushed through the Ubese's mind, quickly returning fire in an inaccurate manner in the hopes to buy himself time to pull back into the throne room itself, set up and catch the stalker through the ventilation unawares. It was a slow shot after shot, a tactical retreat on the part of the Ubese, although in reality the shots were for nothing more than suppression, hitting the hidden foe would be a bonus. The Ubese moved fast, hoping to make plenty of space and distance between him and the apparent sight arc of the superior sniper.

Faceless, in fact, was already on the move again, and had been even since he had fired the shot. Watching where the Ubese was running to, he could only assume that he would be running back to the throne room to alert Soola that there was indeed a hunter coming for him. It was like tracking a bleeding animal as it ran back to its nest, all he had to keep was keep following the sounds of footsteps below him and eventually, he'd find his target. It didn't take long, the Ubese making it to the large doors that led into the throne room as he'd press the button, letting the large doors slip open.

As soon as the doors opened wide enough to let whoever through, a single body slumped to the floor, a slugthrower shot directly between the eyes of the Ubese that had been sent to safeguard Soola against intruders and ultimately failed. The black clad assassin stood over the body before walking in, noticing Soola and...


Koda Fett, sitting high in one of the windows.

The Assassin readied his slugthrower, ultimately ready to switch between the Mandalorian or the Hutt. Whatever the case, this wasn't the plan, he wasn't supposed to be here. And even if he was, he shouldn't be handling a job meant for him. Of course, the meddling Fett would always stick his finger into his pie, no matter where he went.

Though, if anything, this made the job a hell of a lot more interesting.

[member="Koda Fett"] | [member="Magnus Deshra"]

Kirk Skobra

The scent of nicotine filled the room
Kirk Skobra
Location: Turbolaser Complex
Objective: 1​
As the shuttle crashed into the broadside of the Turbo-laser complex, an alarm resounded throughout the complex and outside of it to indicate to security personnel and civilian staff that there was an intruder - and a very violent, and a very loud one, at that.

After landing through the opening with his jetpack, with his DC-17m primed and ready in textbook and methodical fashion, Kirk Skobra darted through the first doorway from out of the room Kirk had crashed the shuttle. If there were time to think, Kirk might've been thinking about how much this idea he had in his aging, nutty brain was completely insane. Alas, he knew better than to jeopardize his life by listening to the usual idle chatter inside his own head, and aggressively pressed forward through complex to initiate the next part of his 'plan'.

As Kirk spun left through the first door, there was a complex guard with a blaster rifle dashing towards Kirk as he was no doubt going to check up on the literal Armageddon that could've been heard throughout the complex. He didn't see Kirk until it was too late; the experienced bounty hunter gunned down the complex guard without a second thought, and doing so with deft precision, as the shots lined up from the man's upper torso and head. He was dead as a door nail. He quickly crouched down near the corpse of the deceased, as he grabbed his radio to tune into enemy communications local to the turbo-laser complex. Kirk continued to rush right past him; he continued to hold his textbook-SWAT breach-and-clear posture while he darted through the building, knowing well beforehand his significant advantage was going to be how hard and how fast he was going to hit the turbo-laser complex.

As Kirk itched out into a hallway with his DC-17m still raised, two guards were visibly rushing down the hallway. Their blaster rifles were held low at their sides as they sprinted, realizing this with his primal instinct, Kirk fired two double-tap shots into each of the cranium's of the guardsmen. Like the guardsman Kirk had killed just before them, they two fell dead. As soon as the two guardsmen had scrambled to raise their weapons, they were only able to haphazardly shout; "STO-", before Kirk had already placed a blaster bolt through each of their brains. He continued further into the complex without hesitation or remorse.

He reached the end of the hallway, and darted left face to converge down another short-hallway, that would lead him down a much longer one. When he was in the moment, Kirk was as sharp and as alert as a hawk. In those split moments, as he paced down that turbolaser complex hallway, in the blink of an eye, he'd prepared in for any and all eventualities for an adversary or guardsmen to poke their head out. If one were so bold, it would be only for Kirk to gun them down at the slightest glance or poke of the cranium or blaster. Indeed, one guardsman was apparently brave enough to pop his head out from behind cover and fire down the hallway. However, instead of a fair firefight against an equal soldier, the guardsman was instead met with an astute blaster bolt through the cranium that had blood splatter in a gruesome pattern on the durasteel wall behind him. Another one, was dead.

As Kirk continued down that same hallway, a more crafty soldier had been lying in wait for Kirk to get close in order for him to knock the brazen mercenary out cold, and then presumably arrest him. He had used his teammate as bait, for leading the mercenary into a false sense of security. As the guard swung his rifle wildly at Skobra, the quick-minded and force-sensitive veteran just managed to duck under the attempt, and with the extended arm that was used to swing the rifle at the veteran, Kirk pulled one of his arms' and chest over his shoulder, and threw him over his shoulders down with a fireman's carry takeover that caused the body of the guardsman to land with a thud and a shout of the sudden shooting pain as he landed on his spine. Kirk maintained control over the limb in an armlock, as the guardsman struggled in futility. With the armlock applied, Skobra spun the man onto his side as he maintained control over the arm and shoulder, and pressed his knee against the man's ear. With his knee pressed against the side of the head of the guardsman, Skobra forcefully plunged a wrist-mounted vibroknife through the neck of the soldier, that had him dead in just about an instant.

After effectively killing the guardsman in close-quarters with his knife, he retracted the knife back into his wrist-gauntlet, and reached back for his DC-17m that had spun out across the floor. He got back up to his feet, and then back on schedule, as he continued to race through the complex, down where he thought the main engine room of the complex waited.
After a moment of silence the confused palace defenders stopped firing at the HWK-1000 which just seemed to hover amiably, at least at the realization that their small arms fire wasn't enough to handle it's shields. A few moment after this happens the door on it's side slides open and Garick leaps out. Whilst falling a good two and a half meters Garick picked a random target rapidly out of the defenders and opened fire on him. A three shot bursts, two of three shots hitting but it was enough to put the man down. Just about immediately after he's swarmed with blaster fire, sprinting through a hail of bolts before taking cover behind the waist high wall which rimmed the roof he was on. He'd look to the drop ships coming to reinforce him, them taking some of the fire off him, enough breathing room to work with. Garick stands and opens fire again, downing even more of the defenders to cover the clones as they disembark. He'd be notified over the local combat communications channel of his new command over a platoon of these troopers. Garick leaves them without an answer for a moment, never really having been one for a commanding position, though not because he was bad at it, but because he liked to reserve his full focus for fighting alone. He'd turn around and preforms a hand gesture to his HWK-1000, which begins to hover up and pull back to a greater distance, K4's voice coming over his helmet comms.

"Should I remain on station and provide support?" "Yeah, hit them with the cannon. Ones at the top of the steps, in the heavier cover. Keep an eye out for any launchers, I'll handle them." The Black Fenn begins an orbit of the combat area, circling it from above, the dual laser cannon turret on it's belly opens fire slamming the more heavily fortified positions at the top of the palace entrance stairs and leaving only those more daring or well paid palace guards to charge through it and reinforce the front. Following this extended cover Garick stands again and continues to open fire on the defenders bellow, now embroiled in a shootout with the clone platoon still awaiting orders. Garick opens the local combat channel again, inorder to speak to them. "This is Kalth. Keep the pressure on, take every foot they give up, every time they step backwards you step forwards. They'll break soon." With that the clones press up, taking much closer cover and keeping a firm pressure on the front with which to eventually crack the enemy defense. Have to hand it to them, they aren't slow to act. Garick tucks away his blaster rifle on his back and draws the DE-10 at his side. With that he'd leap off this roof and onto the right flank of the hostile defenses. He'd quickly drop the two defenders here with his heavy blaster pistol and begins to move down the defenses, killing every unlucky merc he comes across without exception. Winding through the emplacements, rubble, and at times impassible walls of blaster fire, Garick does most of this relatively unseen, though he makes no effort to take advantage of this, gunning his way through every soldier he meets.

As the defenders pull back further and further, the clones drive forward, leaving them on the breaking point. It's then that a larger figure wanders out of the smoke at the top of the stairs, going through the blaster cannon bombardment as if he didn't give damn if it were lasers or confetti. And he was a big bastard, head and shoulders taller than your average man and covered in heavy armor. He'd as well be carrying some kind of rotary cannon. A moment later this heavily armored man lets loose on the platoon bellow. A few clones are blasted nearly into pieces before the rest duck into heavier cover. Garick shakes his head looking at the heavily armored soldier. Everyone wants to be the bastard in heavy armor with the biggest gun, don't they? Garick paces out of his position DE-10 leveled at the man. With each step he takes, he fires. A bright blue bolt arcing from his blaster to the mans armor, but six shots later and it still hasn't gone through, though there is a large glowing spot on the man's armor. Disapointed Garick looks over his blaster briefly before the rotary cannon is turned on him. Rather than run away, Garick runs straight at the bastard. Just before the cannon is fully turned to face him, this heavy trooper taking awhile to rotate, Garick reaches him. He'd kick the front of the cannon out of the man's right hand, which as soon as it's freed launches a punch squarely for Garick's helmet. A brief silence ensues as Garick turns back to recover from the blow, and it's obvious that this punch didn't hurt, it only pissed him off even more. Garick punches the man in the chest several times, with each punch the knuckle plated vibro blade extends from his knuckle plate and darts into the mans armor, cutting through it cleanly. He'd do this a number of times, each stab disabling the soldier more before he draws back to arms length distance. Raising his right fist again, a small tube on his gauntlet launches tiny silver balls which snap magnetically onto the troopers armor. With considerable effort Garick kicks the man away, a few meters and onto his back. After a second a red light appears on each of the launched magnetic grenades, which the soldier frantically attempts to pull off to no avail, before he's consumed in a small explosion, leaving behind only pieces of him and twisted heavy metal.

During this confrontation Garick had hardly noticed the clones advancing to take the defenses, routing the few remaining defenders back inside the palace door. After they shut it, all is quiet outside, clones storming the steps up to the door. Garick only looks away from the twisted blown up corpse once the Clone platoon leader places a hand on his shoulder for his attention. "Sir, they've sealed themselves inside." Garick glances over to the palace door just in time to hear a chest metalic 'thud' emit from it, the telltale sign of a magnetic lock. "Damn..."
Both crafts large and small alike began to break up over Vo Dasha, harrassed by the Corvettes as they swung back up, or being battered by the fire from Magnus' cruiser. Though he was high above the planet and could only listen to comms, that was all he needed. He heard of the infiltration into the turbolaser station, taking of much of the palace, and if he heard correctly, his operatives were now closing in on Soola the Hutt. Excellent. He spoke firmly into communications, wanting to make sure everyone heard. "This is Deshra. Kalth, you will be paid extra. Skobra, if that turbolaser is destroyed, you will be paid extra. Whoever brings me the Hutt, dead or alive, will be paid extra. I am raising the bonuses thanks to your perfomance." Whether that sowed friendly competition or potential lethality had yet to be seen. He wasn't too bothered yet; he had the genetic material of every operative down there, after all. He could make more.

Soola had to take a moment to catch his breath. The corpulent one had been slithering for a good amount of time now, and it was wearing him out. He was however, almost at the landing pad now, and safety. As he prepared to leave, his guard surrounding him, he only felt anger as he saw not just one body, but then a second fall before him. The Hutt grumbled and growled as his two would-be assassins faced off, letting out an angry rorar. "Worthless! You are all worthless! I will have you skinned! You will never fail mighty Soola again!"

The Hutt however, was wily. During his seeming temper tantrum, the Hutt's figure had slowly slithered closer to a small table, his fat fingers quickly opening a panel on the side of it; his guard suddenly brought down visors on the top of their helmet. Slamming his fat hand on the button, the room immediately lit up, powerful lights on every side coming to blind anyone in the room. Soola pulled an oversized blaster pistol as he closed his eyes and ran, firing off shots towards his assailants and accidentally killing one of his own guards. "Kill them, idiots! Die for Soola, or make them do so!"

As the slug made his escape, his elite guard rushed forward, all Weequays in well-adorned armour. They seemed to carry halberd-like weapons with barrels at the end, two making their way to the window and firing blaster shots from them towards Fett. Meanwhile, the other pair charged Faceless, hoping to catch him in his potential disorientation as the lights died down with their bladed, halberd-life weapons, taking swings for his neck and chest.

Despite his plan, Soola was still tired. The fat slug heaved and retched as he got closer to his personal ship at the end of the landing pad, starfighters screeching above his head in the battle.

[member="Faceless"] | [member="Garick Kalth"] | [member="Kirk Skobra"] | [member="Koda Fett"]


Citrus Dreams
Koda Fett
Vo Dasha

The Mandalorian looked down at the corpse of the Zabrak, his body sprawled out, the glass surrounding him looked as if it were dipped in blood. Though that's when Magnus Deshra's statement had come through, echoing through his brain. He already planned on beating Faceless to the punch, in fact, he was ahead at the moment. Though that's when an Ubese Hunter fell face first with a hole in his back, "Faceless... hnh." He angrily grumbled beneath his helmet, forming a scowl. Yet it wouldn't last long, his gaze snapping towards Soola the Hutt that had his voice bellow out into the entirety of the Palace. Two of Soola's 'Elite' Guards in their heavy armor facing upwards towards him with their staffs capable of firing like a blaster.

Fett managed to catch a glimpse of Soola heading towards the back, no doubt in an attempt to reach his starship. The Bounty Hunter didn't manage to get a very good look on the account that he was being fired at, ducking away as the blaster bolts struck the glass above him and fell down towards the Weequay, potentially getting glass in their eyes and leaving them an easier target - blinded. Although it wasn't as if it mattered all that much anyways, for Koda managed to prime and lob a thermal detonator over his shoulder and down below. A panic set in before it was silenced, just as they were when it exploded.

Having gotten a good look at the Landing Pad on his way up to the roof, he knew exactly where Soola was heading. Fett made his way towards the edge of the building, standing right above the bridge that extended out towards the Hutt's shuttle. The Bounty Hunter stood with his EE-3 Blaster Carbine in his grip, activating his jeptack. Spitting the very flames that would send him into the air and towards the bridge, quickly descending at a healthy rate, landing in front of the Hutt. The only thing that stood between it's freedom was Koda, and he wasn't about to move out of the way. With his right hand holding the carbine by itself, he pointed it forwards as if it were a pistol. "You're wanted dead or alive. Don't make me choose the former..." He threatened, finger hovering over the trigger.

[member=Faceless] | [member=Garick Kalth] | [member=Magnus Deshra] | [member=Kirk Skobra]
Vo Dasha
Objective 3

The race was on.

Faceless had prepared himself for the two Weequay as they rushed in to provide rear guard for the fleeing Hutt, his rifle readied to engage in combat. The plan was simple; a quick conflict with these two personal guard then pursue Soola to whatever hole or escape route he tried to use and take him in alive. That way he'd get paid extra for a pretty simple job. Though ever since Koda had entered the scene, it simply made things all the more difficult and competitive. Faceless knew he could have easily handled it himself, Deshra didn't need to send anyone else to capture the Hutt; after all combined stealth and subterfuge would have probably broken open a few back doors and get it done without a majority of the defenses set up by the Hutt noticing that their employer was at the mercy of an Assassin. Yet here he was, struggling to capture the target alive and having problems thrown in his way time and time again thanks to none other than a former associate, one who stabbed him in the back no less. Koda probably didn't know about Faceless' new affiliations with the Collective, though if he did, it'd make the bad blood run between them like a river.

Then something unexpected happened.

As the assassin prepared to face off against the Weequay, glass fell upon them and left them open, only for a thermal detonator to land between them and blow them to pieces. Koda had, perhaps unintentionally, helped his rival in order to keep up. Faceless took no time at all, drawing his A180 and configuring it into its blaster rifle configuration, the assassin moved forward in a lightning pace to keep up with the Bounty Hunter who had made leaps and bounds, quite literally, to keep up with the Hutt. Faceless had a good sprint ahead of him to keep up and intercept before Koda bagged himself all the credit. A few guards got in the way, noticing the running assassin coming right into their path to reach the Hutt but, try as they might, Faceless was in no mood to be slowed down or intercepted. Dropping into a slide, the blaster rifle lit up the incoming enemies, only for the assassin to keep running; time was of the essence, a stack of credits with his name on it, he wasn't about to let that snake get his pay.

Tight turns, drifts on the heel and a few well placed slides later, he'd arrive on the landing pad, right behind the Hutt and in full front of Koda. The Hutt was caught between an assassin and a bounty hunter both out for his head, ready to take it with force with need be, though it was probably aware that these two hunters were just as ready to kill each other as they were ready to cash in on the bounty. He'd raise his rifle and aim it not at the Hutt but at Koda, speaking very clearly;

"Kark you, Koda. This slug's mine."

[member="Koda Fett"] | [member="Magnus Deshra"]

Kirk Skobra

The scent of nicotine filled the room
Kirk Skobra
Location: Turbolaser Complex
Objective: 1

Hutt Space's most violent court case of assault and battery continued.

Briskly pacing himself through the turbolaser complex, the veteran bounty hunter held his DC-17m with the extendable stock adjusted against his shoulder as he cleared the complex. Of course, he wasn't clearing the entire complex; just the miserable wanks that stood between him and reaching the engine room. Although he was still under the proverbial gun as this was a blitzkrieg-esque assault Kirk was pulling off, he had enough time to think about what he'd recklessly done with himself as he descended down the hallways. Most importantly, what the hell had he done with himself back there? Was he off his rocker? Because he very well might've been with the stunt he just pulled. It was a low-key reoccurring thought that echoed in the back of his minds as he neared his destination. He was huffing and puffing, and along with his history of smoking, he'd been getting old, and his cardio wasn't what it once was. He needed an equalizer.

It was until he saw it there. As he turned the corner down into another hallway, it was a sign above a doorway that read he'd finally met his destination. However, firstly, he was met with a blaster bolt that whizzed by his helmet from an engine room guard's blaster rifle, as Kirk got lost in his thoughts, thinking to himself again. It was Kirk's deft sleight of hand that racked him up another kill against the henchmen of Soola, as Kirk quickly strafed left to throw off the guard's fire, and fired a volley of blaster bolts that vertically lined up the chest and torso of the now deceased engine room guard; that man was now dead.

Kirk had to dart across the hallway, and reached down low to the deceased guard's corpse, and pulled a keycard off his body, as he got prone and covered the doorway with his DC-17m Blaster Rifle, while the other hand searched through the tactical vest of the engine room guard. After retrieving the card, he got back up to his feet, and while not letting his eye off the door with his blaster rifle, he still needed to be quick, as he quickly tossed a flashbang through the door that stunned roughly two henchmen that were assigned to guarding the inner area of the room. As they were stunned and blinded, one of the henchmen fired rapidly and aimlessly down the doorway in hopes of hitting the bulls-eye, while the other retreated back to cover behind whatever he could feel his way to find.

Kirk deftly fired from around the doorway, as he caught the guard that had blindfired square in the chest with a volley of blaster bolts. He fell backward in his final moments as his blaster rifle flew from his fingertips and across the steel floor; he was another one dead. As the other henchman had tried to quickly retreat back behind cover, Kirk fired a volley into the back of the Hutt gangster after he'd been stunned, blinded, and now, made dead as a door nail at the bloodied hands of Kirk Skobra. He collapsed. His last breath slipped away from his lips, just after he hit the metal floor.

After taking down the last henchman, Kirk raced over to the main terminal that housed the mainframe. He quickly jammed a field agent's thumb-drive sized piece of hardware into an external port that uploaded an decryption algorithm into the system. Waiting only momentarily, he quickly navigated through the mainframes, and initiated the self-destruct sequence on the turbolaser complex. He then raced over to the engine that housed the rest of the turbolaser, and detached three cases of remotely-detonated explosives in case the guard's were smart enough to thwart his first plan from the slicing-security aspect of his assault.

"Skobra here. If you're near Turbolaser Complex Aurek, get the away from it. It's rigged to blow in T-minus five minutes, and it's not going to wait.", spoke the old veteran in a gruff, Kuati accent, "Magnus, have my bonus salary ready by the time this is all said and done. Skobra, out."

He had five minutes to get out of the complex. But regardless of his deteriorating stamina, Kirk made it out of the complex in three. He continued to make distance between himself and the complex, until he heard multiple explosions in the distance go off in the distance.

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