Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Ora Yrk'nel


Just Another Shadow
NAME: Ora Yrk'nel
RANK: Agent
SPECIES: Cyberneticly Enhanced Bothan
AGE: 26
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 1.47 m
WEIGHT: 60 kg
EYES: Green
HAIR: Black


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
+Slicer: Ora is an expert slicer, skilled in both entering a system and exiting one untraced.
±Cybernetics: After an explosion damaged her body, Ora has needed to use a cybernetic suit to sustain moment. Although the suit is lighter and can afford more mobility than many common ones, it can't take as much punishment before breaking.
-Too much Data: When left to her own devices (or whenever she's bored), Ora's mind wanders to other things, and she can switch to running calculations in her head.

Most of Ora's face, hair, and body (what's left of it) is hidden under the armorweave and Desh-terrarium alloy of her suit. The black piece isn't the most ideal, but it does mean that she's hard to spot in a dark environment.

Born on Torolis as a single barkeep's daughter, Ora grew up seeing the worst of people. But the little girl learned to be a programmer early on, and soon ran the automated part of her mother's bar. She earned the notice of an agent one day when he noticed she would set the table's payout rate while people played, trying to make it seem random while still turning a profit. After some deals with her mother, and a few years of work, the bothan managed to take on the role of a Hawkeye in the Spynet. But there was a problem. On a mission working from a smaller ship, there was a malfunction in the terminal. It overloaded, damaging her nerves in her arms and legs and burning off much of her. Although she healed from the burns for the most part, her arms and legs no longer worked. She had to rebuild to be able to work again. What money she had went into rebuilding her body.

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