Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Orbalisk Armor ?

[member="Kezeroth the Hateful"]

Shouldn't be too hard to come by. We're close friends with the Yuuzhan-Vong, so you can probably just pick up some from an NPC expert and gift it to yourself. Before you do that, I encourage you to double check the pros and cons of such armor because it'll be hard to remove once it's on.
So far the it looks like this.

  • Almost endless combat stamina
  • Healing factor
  • Numbness to pain
  • resists almost everything ( except electricity )
  • Stealth... Forget it..
  • Fits of uncontrollable rage
  • I risk death in the process of learning to master it
  • Lots of Risks
Sounds like the Armor would be my greatest weakness and strength... How hard is it to remove? [member="Darth Arcis"]


Darth Arcis said:
[member="Kezeroth the Hateful"]

Shouldn't be too hard to come by. We're close friends with the Yuuzhan-Vong, so you can probably just pick up some from an NPC expert and gift it to yourself. Before you do that, I encourage you to double check the pros and cons of such armor because it'll be hard to remove once it's on.
He's talking about Orbalisk armour as in what Darth Bane wore, I think you're referring to Vonduun Crab Armour.

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