Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Ordan Vosk

NAME: Ordan Vosk
FACTION: South Systems Syndicate (Nominally)
RANK: Soldier/Sabatouer/Contractor
SPECIES: Near Human
AGE: Late 30's-Early 40's
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 1.88 meters
WEIGHT: 219lbs.
EYES: Blue
HAIR: Dark
SKIN: Caucasian


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Weapons Expert
(Strength): Ordan knows a lot about weapons. Whether it's your stereotypical Blaster Rifle to a Heavy Blaster and beyond. He can shoot Grenade Launchers, Rocket Launchers and pretty much everything in between. More than that he is fairly proficient with most forms of weaponry. Melee weaponry included. While Ordan might note tot a sword as often as a gun he still knows how to use one and will if he has nothing else within reach.

Brawler (Strength): Despite a lack of formal training Ordan has been in enough tight situtations, cantina brawls and back alley dealings that had went sideways that he knows how to hold his own. He take a punch as well as dish one out and he isn't affraid to fight dirty. It isn't what you do during a fight that counts but whether or not you walk away in his opinion.

Head for numbers (Strength): It's not all about how tough you are. Ordan knows how to keep a ledger and can manage accoutns when he needs to. He's not an idiot. When it comes to accounting, especially of what he owns, you can expect that Ordan knows what he's talking about. He hates when people try to cheat him but isn't above letting them think he doesn't know about it until it's to late for them to make ammends.

Bad Pilot (Weakness): He knows how to fly a starship but prefers not to. Actually he probably prefers not to because he knows that his piloting skills are sub par at best. Ordan always believed that man was meant to walk not fly which translated into his skill when it comes to flying ships. He also has notoriously badluck when it comes to starships and it hasn't been unknown for the ships he drives to suffer numerous issues.

Vivacious (Weakness): He has a soft spot for the opposite sex. That doesn't mean he's a sucker but where he'd put a blaster shot into the back of a man Ordan is more often than not willing to give a woman another chance. It might just come back to haunt him one day.

The Force (Strength and Weakness): Being Force Sensitive isn't a blessing for everyone. Ordan has a bit of education in the force, he's an apprentice plain and simple, but the problem is he's done a lot of his learning without a teacher and he's not looking to be taught by anyone. Despite being force sensitive Ordan isn't particularly adept when it comes to force manipulation and while he knows several tricks, which are basic, he finds picking up new skills to be taxing. It doesn't help that he doesn't practice his skills with the force often either.

He's older now and has learned to use the force with some degree of proficiency but despite his age and experience Ordan is still unpolished. With no formal training in the force he's still found his niche and many of the powers he's discovered come instinctively to him. Nonetheless even without a dedicated Master to teach him after all these years he's a match for most other Force Users dependent on the venue he has to face them in.

Common Force Powers Used
Force Speed/Strength (Knight)
Force Push/Pull(Knight)
Force Wave (Knight)
Energy Resistance (Knight)
Imbue Weapon
Mind Trick

Ordan Vosk is a fit man just past his physical prime. He's muscular but not overly so even though he's clearly in good physical shape he has a few extra pounds that he could stand to shed. Ordan usually keeps a beard, shaving it only for extremely important occasions, and dresses in functional clothing rather than attire that sets him apart from everyone else. His blue eyes can be intense when he's focused and are usually accompanied by a bit of a grim expression known to settle across his features.

Ordan was born a long time ago on a planet he doesn't even recall. At a young age he distinguished himself as willing to fight and to take risks to make a profit or for his friends and as he grew into a man he eventually became a competant gang leader, smuggler and small time criminal leader.

Ordan's world also had a tradition of force users and when it became common knowledge he was force sensitive he was taught and inducted into that tradition. It really wasn't Ordan's thing; he was interested but only for as far as the tradition could actually benefit him. The force could make him run fast, disable droids and electronics, and preform feats that allowed him to carry on his leftstyle beyond what others were capable of. Maybe it's because he never took it seriously that he never got very good at it. Learning about the force, its manipulation and uses, came hard for Ordan and before long he abandoned the teachings of the elders that had wanted to teach him. On his own he didn't learn much nor did he advance his own use of the force; he maintained but that was about it.

As he grew into an adult Ordan, as most small time criminals do, eventually ran afoul of a much larger organization of criminals. He'd started a turf war he couldn't hope to win and still defiant when he was brought before the ruling Crime Lord was locked in carbonite for over a hundred years. Forgotten; it wasn't until the criminal syndicate crumbled and a new group of crime lords took over that Ordan was eventually freed. It's not so much the southern syndicate that he dedicated himself to from then on out but the southern planets and regions of the galaxy considering them his home...

More to come.....

N/A. Ordan might command a Capital Ship one day but the chances of anyone seeing him piloting anything are essentially nil.

Blas Tech E-11 Blaster Rifle
Heavy Blaster Pistol
TTT-54 "Thumper"
Grenades (Assorted Varieties)

Kraken Armor Mk. II
ArmorWeave (Usually worn under clothing and combat armor)




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Surely. Ionize is a force power that allows its user to overload or damage electronic systems. Beneficial against droids, etc. It's essentially the counterpart to Force Stun, or stun, if you prefer except that it effects droids and electronics and is harmless against organics. If you look it up on wookiepedia it'll give you a proper description.

[member="Xander Carrick"]

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