Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Orden Baric

Name: Orden Baric
Faction: The Underworld
Rank: None
Species: Human
Age: 27
Height: 1.82 meters
Weight: 81.8 kg
Eyes: Icy Blue eyes
Hair: Dirty brown/blond
Force Sensitive: Highly unlikely
While Baric is an inhabitant of the less desirable part of the Galaxy, and is prone to gunfights as any other, he prefers to go at challenges with a plan first and foremost. Working his best so he can come out on top and hopefully unscathed. While not everything can be accounted or planned for, he tries his hardest to make sure he is ahead of the curve.
By no means is Baric the biggest guy in the room, nor broad shouldered or even vastly seasoned, he can still take a hit like anyone else and feel pain for it. No, Baric's Resilience hails from his ability to bounce back from such actions. Be it recovery from pain or adapting to poor conditions and environments. If one wants to survive, they must be able to work with their surroundings.
Orden Baric tries his best to be pragmatic in all he does, yet he is still only human and he has his pride. He desires to be powerful, well-known, feared and respected. His actions serve to further this desire and if his Pride is hurt, it affects him. His job is often affected by this. Taking jobs that further his goals and wants.
Always get Paid
The Galaxy is tough, hard and often unforgiving. What's more it's hard to survive if you can't eat or afford to fix your gear and ship. As tragic as it is, money makes the galaxy go round and Baric is no exception to that mentality. Very rarely will he do work out of the kindness of his heart. Compensation for services is the name of the game. While mostly preferring cold hard Credits, if that is unavailable then some other form of payment is to be given. IOU's are not something he views as tangible proof of sale.
Baric is a testament to the common appearance of most Humans. He has a set of broad shoulders and mostly athletic build. Strong facial features with a set of two eyes, two ears, two hands and so forth. The only redeeming features of his person are his sharp icy blue eyes and the headwrap he wears that hails from his home planet. Beyond that he wears himself like a typical Hired Gun. A blaster pistol strapped to his belt, a set of personal armored clothing, thermal cloak and a few other choice items to survive in the Galaxy.
Orden Baric is a Pragmatist and, while he'd never admit it allowed, a faint Optimist. Baric deals with the daily life of a Galactic wanderer the way he feels anyone should. You take a job, you make sure you get paid and you do it in a way that ensures you're alive to take said payment. He is by no means the most cordial person around, but he is also not a ruthless Killer. He will coerce his marks to do what is sensible but he won't threaten them with cruel and unusual violence, just the normal kind.
Despite all of this, deep down he is an optimist. Optimist in the sense that he seeks to better himself and become something greater then what he is, which is just a hired gun. If the Galaxy is as big as it is, there must be someway for him to be top dog in it.
Orden Baric hails from a world in the Outer Rim by the name of Trisula*. A penal colony planet where criminals were left to rot and die. However, the forces that be did not believe that people would find a way to live and survive there, they did. However, despite this. The powers that had sent them there decided to use their prisoners as labor force to work the lands natural minerals for themselves. Not as arid and dry as desert planets, Trisula housed a variety of dry bushland like landscapes, plateau's and plains, and like any planet, was also home to native animal life that could be dangerous.
Baric was a child born to parents who were sent to this planet to work. He worked alongside them, as many children did. While Slaves were at least valued, Baric and his folk were less then that. They were simple expendable. Despite this, the young boy still dreamed of living a better life then the one he had. Anything must be better then this after all. When his Parents had passed away, he managed to find a way to escape the world and landed in the cesspool known as Nar Shaddaa, where he worked odd jobs here and there for various undesirable characters.
Finally, he caught a break to be hired on as a Guard for some Arms Dealer in the Upper levels of Nar Shaddaa. It was then that he met the Bounty Hunter Val Chaera, a Mirialan. Who, after killing his Employer, introduced him into the world of Bounty Hunting. Without a Paymaster, Baric saw no reason to stay and thus began his Illustrious Career as a Fresh Bounty Hunter/Hired Gun.
Ship: None
Kills: None
Bounties Collected: None
*Trisula is a planet of my own creation. My philosophy was that since the Galaxy is so big, there's no harm in adding a planet here or there. If there is an issue with this let me know, I don't mean to cause trouble.

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