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The Sith Order

The standing Order of the Sith, consolidated following the Sith Schism of 864ABY. Led by the Emperor and Dark Lord, Darth Empyrean, it strives to bring Sith dominance to the Galaxy once more.

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Order of Arcane Syn - Sith Arcanistism


Order of Arcane Syn - Sith Arcanistism
  • Lady of Secrets - The Master of the Order of Arcane Syn, Darth Arcanix, controls the organization and sets the tenets of the various cells of alchemists, sorcerers, and other followers. Her word is law within the organization.​
  • First Daughter - Second-in-Command of the Order of Arcane Syn, the position was originally held by Eldaah Aderyn throughout the organization's early days up to the fall of Odavessa, where she lost her life in the struggle. The position, as expected by many within the organization, has gone to Darth Arcanix's own daughter, Nerralyn.​
  • Apprentices of Arcanix - The personal apprentices of Darth Arcanix, they both technically exist within the structure of the Order of Arcane Syn and outside the structure. They have access to the resources of the Order at all times and Lady Arcanix is always willing to provide assistance to their own efforts, but they are also encouraged to grow themselves and their own power bases in tandem.
    • Alina Tremiru Alina Tremiru - Sangnir Sith Knight that also controls a minor faction of the Sith Order known as the Inquistorius​
  • Paradox Adept - Sith Masters that directly serve the Lady of Secrets that act as overseers of various aspects of the organization or act as points of contacts for organizations that the Lady of Secrets has targeted for infiltration and influence.
  • Enigma Adept - Sith Knights that make up the core of the organization's Force users and are typically the agents that a Jedi or other enemy might encounter in the field.
  • Engina Adept Specializations exist within that the Sith Knights, and the Acolytes below them, can gravitate towards such as:
    • Beastmasters
    • Sith Artificers
    • Sith Alchemists
    • Dark Consulars/Sith Sorcerers
    • Sith Blademasters
    • Sith Inquisitor
    • Sith Phantoms
    • Ravenscar Adepts
  • Acolyte of Secrets - Sith Acolytes that have either joined the organization in pursuit of knowledge or were recruited personally by a Paradox Adept, one of the Apprentices of Arcanix, or the Lady of Secrets herself into the organization.
  • Legion of Sorzus - Half of the Order's legions have become more specialized in biological warfare and containment, assisted by combat trained Sith sorcerers and beastmasters. Specialized roles within this portion of Darth Arcanix's forces include:
    • Blightspreaders
    • Containment Units
    • Spawn Legionaries
  • Legion of Zannah - The other half of the Order's legions have become more specialized in covert operations and shock tactics. Specialized roles within this portion of Darth Arcanix's forces include:
    • Geists
    • Dragoons
    • Combat Engineers
    • TITANs
    • NEMESIS Agents
    • Vheh'Ramikad
  • Raven Armada - Formed around the core fleet that has served the Lady of Secrets in the Tenth Sith Empire, the naval forces of the Sith Lady have expanded from recruiting Sith naval forces that were isolated with the fall of the Sith Empire that remained loyal. Much of the force has retreated to an unknown location (Pluthan Asteroids) to have their ships either refitted or to have them replaced with new designs created by Aurora Industries.
  • Researchers and Scientists - Non-Force users that have pledged themselves to the organization in pursuit of unhindered scientific advancement and near limitless funding.
  • Servants and Allies - Not members of the organization per se, they nonetheless have loyalty to the Lady of Secrets or have been influenced by her.
  • Discovery Requires Experimentation - The main tenet of the Order of Arcane Syn, Arcanix and the others that follow her example have a fierce curiosity and belief that science and the techniques and arts of the dark side must be constantly pushed beyond their current boundaries. To them, there are very few moral or ethical limits that exist for their work, and those that do are only there because even their curiosity can recognize the dangers of pursuing those routes.​
  • The Shadows Serve and Conceal Us - A second tenet of the Order of Arcane Syn, born more from their founding as a hidden power base while Arcanix masqueraded as a Jedi Master, the Order of Arcane Syn prefer to operate in the shadows. Spread as far as they were throughout the galaxy, in hidden cells and facilities, they avoided much of the destruction from the fall of the Sith Empire and Odavessa. Those two events only further reinforced their desire to maintain a low profile as they work and experiment, and work to influence others throughout the major powers of the galaxy to their way of thinking. Infiltration is a key step needed to establish the cells, like a cancer, that they can spread their influence from.​
  • Change Is the Only Constant in the Galaxy - A third tenet of the Order of Arcane Syn, that ties into their first, is that the nature of the galaxy is change and evolution. While they partially agree with Darth Carnifex that conflict is necessary, and evidence suggests it has propelled substantial changes for the galaxy and the Sith as a whole, they don't believe it is the only route for change. Evolution combined with science, subtle influence, and the dark side can guide the galaxy and the beings and creatures that inhabit it into bold and new directions.​
Status within the Sith Order
  • Between the major factions vying for power within the Sith Order, the Order of Arcane Syn is both neutral and available for any faction to recruit for one purpose or another. Darth Arcanix does not restrict the capabilities of her various followers from aligning with one faction or another in the pursuit of their work on an individual level, but for the faction itself to lend its full support to one faction over another would require a significant offering for the Lady of Secrets to agree... and even then, the future would likely hold some sort of rebalancing to keep the scales even.
    • Kainate - Long-time allies of Darth Arcanix, ever since the days of her infiltration of the Jedi Orders of the Republic and first Galactic Alliance, the relationship continues as strong as ever with the organizations working closely where their interests align, especially when Carnifex and Arcanix are working on a join project. However closely they work together though, the organization does not have a reason to work with the Kainates against any other Sith faction within the Sith Order.​
    • Eternals - More recent allies of mutual respect, born from the various interactions between Arcanix and Empyrean on a social and business level. Like the Kainate, they currently have no reason to fully side with the Eternals against the other major factions but are always willing to work on individual projects on a case-by-case basis.​
    • Tsis'Kal - The Order of Arcane Syn treats the Tsis'Kal with the cautious respect due to them as preservers of the Sith Order itself and the desires of Arcanix. However, they also view them as professional rivals as both organizations strive to harness subterfuge and the shadows to further their goals. The ideal of constant evolution of the dark side also runs contrary to the Tsis'Kal Lorekeepers as while the Arcanists respect the ancients, they believe those old codes, traditions, and secrets are mere steppingstones​
    • Inquisitorius - As the followers of Arcanix's apprentice, Alina Tremiru, the Inquisitorius is treated almost as a quasi-part of the Order of Arcane Syn. They have access to the facilities and resources of the Lady of Secrets, and she has currently assigned a small task force from her forces to follow the commands of her apprentice.
  • Valrar - Acting as the headquarters and the primary research facility for the organization, the entire planet is under the direct rule of the Order of Arcane Syn as the planet hosted no major population centers before they arrived, with much of the planet's jungles and mountains dotted with research facilities and the Sithspawn that have replaced the planet's native fauna.
  • Amaltanna - Before the collapse of the Tenth Sith Empire, this facility acted as the organization's headquarters in Sith space. However, it has become more of a joint ownership of the planet between the Order of Arcane Syn and Spaarti Creations. Much of the planet's surface non-Sithspawn citizens are connected to the genetics company and its operations on it and the orbiting moon, while below ground and other parts of the planet outside of the main cities, a few races of sentient Sithspawn created by Darth Arcanix and her power base have formed their own societies and pledged themselves to their creator.
  • Ziost - Before the collapse of the Tenth Sith Empire, the planet was the personal domain of the Lady of Secrets, centered around the established Sorzus Academy. Under the Lady of Secrets, the planet has become a world of Sith sorcery and magic, with the Order of Arcane Syn playing a powerful role in the administration of the world. The planet, with the collapse of the Sith Empire, has ostensibly proclaimed freedom, but still remains loyal to the Lady of Secrets and the Sorzus Academy has had additional protections added to it in recent weeks to protect it from further attack.
  • Xagobah - A Sithspawn research facility established during the first Galactic Alliance of the modern era, this facility was first used to create and test the Ravager strain of Sithspawn against an Alliance force sent to the planet to investigate the disappearance of several Sluissi. In recent years, the facility has focused its research on the various fungi and spores native to the planet and their potential applications. The facility is concealed from the natives of the planet to avoid detection from
  • Byss - While not as important to the organization as it was during the first Galactic Alliance of the modern era, the organization still retains a cloning facility on the planet for various Sithspawn species. This facility is hidden under the ruins of what had once been a reconstruction of Darth Sidious' old fortress on the world, although its location is known to a few Jedi in the galaxy, so its operational status is kept hidden from the eyes of the Byss public to avoid detection.
  • Nar Shaddaa - The facility also doubles as Aurora Industries' Leviathan Deep Project development lab, responsible for creating technologies and other creations that would most certainly not be legal anywhere except within the extralegal underworld of the Hutt moon. The facility, as the name would suggest, keeps a very low profile, but have expanded their hold on certain sections of the Undercity to provide security, specimens, and other needed infrastructure for the continued development needs and wants of the scientists and Sith within. In recent weeks, the Lady of Secrets has taken an interest in influencing some of the criminals of the moon for other operations.
  • Kessel - A research facility responsible for the creation of Creeping Lignan and various creatures that have been exposed to the substance. The facility, since the planet fell into the sphere of influence of the Bryn'adul, is under a cloaking field deep in the tunnels of the planet to avoid detection. Several operations of this facility, including samples of their creation, have been moved to other facilities in case of discovery by the monsters on the surface of the planet.
  • Upekzar - A more recently established facility within the near forgotten planet's Circle of Visions, the facility serves two purposes. The first is the continued studying and experimentation into the Shursia Virus and the specimens created from it, while the second is an even more closely guarded secret known only to the Lady of Secrets and her closest confidants. Speculation from some of the staff and Sith on world suggest it involves the study of fears, nightmares, and other visions caused by the rhak-skuri dipluras found in the tunnels of the dormant volcanoes.
  • Felucia - While the planet itself has not been and is still not under any direct influence from the organization, the Order of Arcane Syn and Spaarti Creations operate from a facility called Hojo Base that specializes in cross-species hybrids and other genetically engineered creations not born of Sith alchemy. Outside of the facility staff, Darth Arcanix has become allies of several clans of Jungle Felucians that dwell in the jungles around the base.
  • Arkania - While not hosting a facility yet, the planet has become a target for influence by the Lady of Secrets and infiltration missions have already begun. Ostensibly, due to the nature of the operation, this influence will also spread to Coruscant.
  • Carida - Originally serving as a recruiting and training ground for the Order of Shadows' Shadow Legion, and the meeting point between Darth Arcanix and a contact within the Sith Empire while she was undercover with the Jedi, with the split of the non-Force user elements of her organization into the Legion of Sorzus and Legion of Zannah, the needs of the organization and its operations on Carida have shifted. Only a certain quality and specialty of recruit is currently being looked for from the planet's various academies, while a quieter training program for the specific needs of both legions has been established in a shadow academy somewhere on the planet.
  • Pluthan Asteroids - Site of Aurora Industries' extensive and hidden shipyards, the Order of Arcane Syn also maintains a presence at the shipyards to oversee the production of starships for the organization's use.
  • Horizon Station - A facility located in deep uncharted space, Horizon Research Station was one of the first facilities established by the organization when their Master was among the Jedi of the old Galactic Republic and the first Galactic Alliance. The facility handles many sensitive and experimental projects in regard to Sith alchemy and sorcery, and due to its location, not even the vaunted spies of Darth Prazutis have been able to discover its location.
  • Jen'asha Station - obtained in during this thread - Originally a mining station built by Akure Executive Interstellar to mine resources in Otherspace, the facility's ownership passed to Darth Arcanix through a weird treasure hunt that was Rave Merrill's will. Since taking ownership, the facility has become a place for research that is even too sensitive and secretive for Horizon Station.
  • Malsheem - While the worldcraft is the domain of Darth Carnifex , the Order of Arcane Syn and Aurora Industries maintains a presence there due to the alliance between the Zambranos and Darth Arcanix. Much of the research performed on the worldcraft involve the continued perfection of the strand-casts created to fill the ranks of the Kainate along with continued technological advancements for the starships needed for the Shadow Armada of Kaine Zambrano.
  • Too numerous to list by themselves, but small cells of the organization can be located at most Aurora Industries and Spaarti Creations facilities.
Submitted Assets, Experiments
  • Too lazy to post right now, will update later​

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