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Order of Fire

Order of Fire:


The Order of Fire is a group that was created to organise, train and guide the cadre of Forcewielders affiliated with the megacorporation Firemane Industries. The Fire Order draws inspiration from a variety of sources, including the Knights of Zakuul, the Angelii, Imperial Knights, Grey Jedi and Dark Jedi. They are a small, elite group. What they lack in numbers they compensate with discipline, dedication and training. Force magi who belong to the Order are employed, paid and supported by Firemane. The order sees itself as a familial group and fiercely protects its interests and members.

They answer directly to Grandmistress Siobhan Kerrigan, who serves as overall leader. Each Knight of the Order is a powerful force by herself but when deployed as a fighting unit they are truly a power to be reckoned with. Knights are frequently seen upon the battlefield spearheading Firemane military operations, carrying out negotiations or performing special tasks at the behest of the Company's leadership. Instead of trying to spread its gospel across the entire Galaxy and wage crusades, the Order focuses on protecting a few fringe worlds in Wild Space to make sure the locals don’t get pushed around by those stronger than them. It retains a mobile base of operations on Firemane's command vessel, enabling it to deploy quickly into hot spots.

Our principles are, in basic:
Obedience to lawful authority.
Respect for others at all levels.
Personal discipline and resolve.
No mercy to traitors, slavers and enemies who refuse to yield.

Sisterhood, service and sacrifice. These three words encompass the Fire Order's beliefs in a nutshell. The Order's beliefs differ from both Jedi and Sith. Jedi see the Force as a path to spiritual enlightenment and believe they must serve the Light Side, lest they be corrupted. Sith regard it as an instrument for chaotic conquest, see power as an end in itself and believe might makes right. An outsider might get the impression that members of the Order tread perilously close to the Dark Side or have succumbed to its allure. The Fire Order does not subscribe to the belief of Light or Dark determining your morality. These are sources of strength, that’s it. It seeks a middle way between the righteous but often aloof and ineffective Jedi and the aggressive and destructive Sith.

The Fire Order sees it as a tool for both individual empowerment and service. Members are encouraged to embrace their emotions instead of being afraid of them, but also at the same time taught discipline and self-control.

Ideally, a Knight embodies the eye of the hurricane, sweeping all away before her but remaining the focal point of it instead of being blown away by the storm. Hence the Order of Fire teaches that one must balance calm and rage. Power is a means to an end, not an end in itself. To be a Knight is about taking control of your life with your own two hands and becoming the master of your own destiny. Fire can bring both warmth and destruction. It is warm, pleasant and welcoming in one go. But just as easily as the flames can warm you, they can also consume everything in their path. Using Dark Side powers is not seen as the path to damnation, as long as they are not employed to slaughter innocents or against allies of Firemane.

The principles of the Fire Order are that they obey their leaders and that there is a clear hierarchy which determines duties, rights and responsibilities. Members are not forced to become cloistered monks, but nor does the order believe in nihilistic pursuits of strength and power as the Sith do. The group seeks true order, serving the people practically while being integrated with them. Ideally a Knight finds a balance between her individual aspirations and the needs of the group.

The Order is unyielding against its enemies and punishes betrayal harshly, but kind, compassionate and understanding to its acolytes, for they are not seen merely as members, but as family. The Order is merciless against Sith, slavers and similar vile individuals because they empower themselves by subjugating those weaker than them and binding them in chains.


The missions undertaken by the Fire Order are as varied as the background and skill sets of its members. They can be placed among the regular forces of Firemane as elite shock troops, officers, pilots, healers and special agents. It should be noted that being a Forcewielder does not place an Acolyte above a 'mundane' officer. While the Force is a powerful ally, there is more to leadership than summoning Force Lightning, moving objects with your mind or wielding a lightsabre, especially on a strategic level. However, Knights and Acolytes who have displayed an aptitude for tactical leadership and possess the respect of common soldiers can be placed in command of Firemane troops. Initiative, daring and thinking on your feet are encouraged, though Knights are expected to follow the chain of command and comport themselves as soldiers.

Since the Fire Order is a small organisation, it rarely deploys in full force. However, it is a common sight to see units of Firemane commandos being accompanied or led by one or two of the Fire Acolytes. They can also be assigned to black ops missions at the behest of their superiors. Detractors have accused Firemane soldiers and Forcewielders of resorting to excessive, brutal force in combat situations. However, the Fire Order acknowledges that war is hell and noble ideals go out of the window fast as soon as the bullets start flying. It has a code of conduct and tries to minimise collateral damage as much as possible, but explicitly rejects the idea that the Force is only to be used in defence. War is not about who is fair, it is about who is left standing once the smoke clears.


Training in the Fire Order has been described as the path of blood and iron. New Acolytes are tempered in Firemane's forge, for the strongest metals are forged by the hottest fires. It is designed to separate the wheat from the chaff, but not cruel for the sake of it. The Order follows the principle that every bruise suffered during training might mean one less limb lost in combat. The life of an individual Acolyte is highly valued, which is seen as exactly the reason to put them through their paces.

Acolytes are taught not to only rely on the Force, but also to acquire a certain degree of proficiency with conventional weapons such as vibroswords and blasters so that they are capable of defending themselves without being the use of space magic. Exposing new recruits to ysalamiri and expecting them to defend themselves against attackers while being unable to call upon Force powers is one way of achieving this. Unlike the Jedi, the Fire Order does not have formalised trials of knighthood. Members are promoted based on their performance during field work. The Fire Order is trained as though it were a military group, which it partly is, and deviation from discipline standards results in punishment. However, it also has dedicated support personnel that have room for healers, prophets and counselling staff.

It is not an order of monks, but a group that cultivates a martial ethos. Insight and strength is gained in the real world, not through peaceful contemplation in a temple. This is in line with their belief that the Force is a tool - a powerful one to be respected, but not one you spend all your time meditating on. The promotion of an Acolyte is a festive occasion for the Order to gather and celebrate. The claim that no one can party as hard as the Fire Order has more than a grain of truth to it.

The Fire Order's recruits are very diverse. However, many of them have been wronged by Sith in some way or have good cause to oppose them. Another category of recruits that is somewhat overrepresented is that of former slaves, especially from Tygara, Arkas and Dahomey. The order includes Grey Jedi, Witches, Dark Jedi and many others.

Organisational and Command Structure:

The Fire Order serves as the Force using arm of Firemane. It is not a separate entity, but closely tied to the mother corporation. Lady Kerrigan leads the Order and co-runs Firemane with Lady Alcori. Hence both are really the same beast. This means that members of the Order are also corporate employees, with all the benefits and duties that come with this.

Organisationally, the Order is structured along military lines. Currently it fields one Company of eighty warriors divided into ten squads, plus support personnel. Because the Order's combat strength is very small, the squad forms the basis for most of their operations. So far the entire Fire Order has never been deployed in full force. The Order is not designed to win a battle by itself. Instead its members often serve and fight alongside Firemane soldiers. The corporation also provides facilities, logistics, supplies and so on in order to keep the Order slim and lean. Though primarily a martial order, not all Fire Adepts are warriors. Healers, alchemists, illusionists, seers and other vital support personnel are welcomed in their ranks.

In terms of attire, Fire Order members receive robes commonly coloured in red, yellows and orange. As a fire rises in temperature, so do the colours change. The hotter (and thus more powerful) you get, the lighter your colours. This is reflected in the robes. However, the Order does not have a uniform policy as strict as say the Jedi Order. Generally, robes are only worn on ceremonial occasions. Members wear armour during combat. Not only does it offer protection, it also makes it easier to integrate amongst Firemane soldiers and help them recognise their Force-using comrades-in-arms.

The basic order of ranks is as follows. Some female Masters prefer the term Mistress for idiosyncratic reasons, but both forms of address are considered valid.

Acolyte | Apprentice
Templar | Knight
Grand Master

Rank tags:

These were designed by Charlyra Araano.


The Order of Fire in the Firemane hierarchy:

((This article is a very good read.))

As described above, the Order of Fire serves as Firemane's Force-using branch. Thus it is directly integrated into the overall organisation, instead of being a cloistered order of monks or a sect of space wizards that is seen as standing above the 'common people'. While presently Firemane's CEO and the Order's Grandmistress are the same person, this need not always be the case. Should the CEO be a Non-Force-User, the Order would continue to take orders from her. In such a case, the Grandmistress or Grandmaster would occupy a seat on the corporation's military council, along with the other representatives of Firemane's ground and space forces.

This brings us to the position Fire Adepts have in Firemane's military. Rather than instituting a system that emulates the Jedi Generals of the Clone Wars, we maintain a parallel ranking system. So having one rank does not automatically give you the equivalent rank in the other, unless you've shown you possess the necessary qualifications and experience.

Firemane has consciously decided to reject the traditional Jedi and Sith belief that every Force-user is qualified to command hordes of ordinary troops, even if they are a Padawan with no command experience. So an Acolyte starts with no military rank - this has to be earned. And upon receiving appropriate training, they will start at the lowest commissioned officer rank, and be paired with a NCO who shows them the ropes.

This is similar to how in any conventional military, a young, green lieutenant fresh out of officer school is expected to listen to the older, more experienced Sergeant, who actually knows how things work on the battlefield and how you take care of a platoon. You might be a master of the order and a great Force-user, but until you learn, you're a Second Lieutenant.The Force may be a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural, but it does not convey wisdom or an understanding of command and logistics. Fire Adepts are expected to follow the orders from their superiors, no matter whether they're Force-users or non-Force-users.

For instance, Elpsis Elaris is a master of the Force, but does not want military command and has no experience in it. Thus she does not have any military rank and thus cannot give orders officially. Now obviously if there is a situation where a member of the order is something of an expert, they can advise their superior. This could mean situations where regular soldiers have to deal with Sithspawn, preternatural constructs such as Force Demons or illusions. Elpsis is an illusionist, so this is obviously a topic she could weigh in on. By contrast, [member="Tempest"] worked her way up to Major and is now a senior field commander in Firemane's ground forces, though she cannot override a general's orders. When commanding troops, she uses her military rank rather than her Order rank.

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