Emperor Xhinx
Dark Lord of The Sith: The Dark Lord, and leader of The Order of Sith Lords.
Sith Master: Sith Masters are the head of the Order. And each was supposed to have only one apprentice to serve them. They also train an apprentice.
Sith Apprentice: Sith apprentices are neophytes in the ways of the dark side of the Force. Learning from their masters ways.
Sith Acolyte: Not official members, Sith who are awaiting a master.
Sith Master: Sith Masters are the head of the Order. And each was supposed to have only one apprentice to serve them. They also train an apprentice.
Sith Apprentice: Sith apprentices are neophytes in the ways of the dark side of the Force. Learning from their masters ways.
Sith Acolyte: Not official members, Sith who are awaiting a master.