Voices of The Deep
◈ A Z U R E ◈

"We Will Show You The Truth." - The Exiled
There are some who believe that peace can only be achieved by pacifistic ideologies and tenets designed to ensure good. There are others who believe dominance over all other lesser beings is another way to achieve this everlasting peace through control and power. But the truth is that most philosophies geared toward achieving peace are naive; And those who desire only power and influence are just as childish. The galaxy would never willingly end the cycle of death and hatred it has operated on for so long.
When it all began...there were no 'signs'...it came without warning. War...came to us all. And those without the power to defend themselves struggled to survive as forces beyond their understanding rose into power. Perhaps, once upon a time. We had a chance for peace...but that chance has been out of our grasp for far to long. And with the birth of the Jedi and the conception of The Sith began a new war...and with their influence began a millennia of conflict...Thousands of years waging war. The greatest warriors the galaxy has ever known...the reason they fight? Lost to the ages...
And now, its so easy to point the blame...the Republic...the Empire. Jedi, Sith, Mandolorians...pirates...Hutts. All merely pawns in a bigger game. All so blind to see...to blind to bare witness to the true culprit. They are all merely puppets...tangled in strings.
The puppeteer, free of blame while the pawns fight their wars and shed their blood...
And yet...here they still stand. Searching for a sign...
We...will show them.
We are the exiled.
And we will bring...your reckoning.
Expect us...
What Are The Exiled?: The Exiled is an extremely secretive and elusive Order consisting of members from all walks of life.Though the Order is not beyond operating through sleeper cells and proxies, keeping their existence under wraps until such a time where they reveal themselves. There will be a number of Overseers whose identities remain unknown even to the other members to keep the groups interest from becoming to driven by a single member and thus preventing corruption over The Order.
What are our goals?: To usher forth a new era by dismantling the established nations, factions, and their leaders, and later by kidnapping or assassinating leaders and sacking empires. However, this is merely a means to an end, for their real war is not against someone...but rather something. Based off the teachings of Darth Traya and Meetra Surik the true goal of The Exile is to purge the existence of The Force from the galaxy. A long term goal which they will never in the end meet, but work towards using methods of control and regulation. Acting as the self appointed check against modern civilization, Seeking to obliterate all that ensure these crusades continue. No one is safe...and anyone can have a target on their backs. Additionally, The Exiled intend to purge the force by locating and kidnapping Force Sensitives and using a number of three methods to achieve their goal. Either A, severing someones connection to The Force. B, initiating them into The Order. Or C, killing them outright. As a result of this, The Exiled will primarily target force users, no matter their alignment or affiliation.
Who can join?: Anyone with a true hatred for the force and the conflict it has spawned over its existence. NFUs may join as well as Force Users willing to use their abilities to sever the power of others. Contradictory yes, but sacrifices must be made for the greater good.
What do we have to offer?: Thats classified.
Why Do We Exist?: To push forward story-oriented plots and IC Conflicts unrelated to The Map Game or anything similar. The Exiled don't want power, control, territory or glory and are designed purely for story purposes and pushing events and plots further. Character Arcs and Faction Arcs can often be planned with us to make for fun stuff on the site.
OOC Nonsense
Alright so, this has been in development for a few months now. Thanks to the...several members on the site who helped me develop this and pointed out its flaws and perks. Really helped with its development.
Alright so, this group is kind of an experiment so we will so how this thread goes.
The idea of a select group seeking to eliminate widespread influence of The Force by purging force sensitives in the galaxy using a number of methods that will be worked out later. Unlike other factions to tend to want widespread control or to 'protect' others The Exiled work a bit differently. This idea, this group, would steer the galaxy toward unification, or at least peace, the villains the galaxy needs in a weird way. Because no matter how anyone looks at it almost every war in recorded history has been started...because of The Force.
The Exiled would work to cut out stagnation, create a form of controlled chaos that would promote growth and cease fires across the galaxy. To shake foundations in the pursuit of a reunification and cohesiveness for all.
They don't want power, territory, glory, or really any major goal. But their actions directly influence future events and can cause conflicts and push story development for character and faction arcs.
Anyone who supports this goal can join. Rather your a fighter or not. Politics who join can help us shape events in the political system and allow us to insert outselves into diplomacy, assassins and bounty hunters can help us eliminate targets who are considered problems to Exiled.