The Spacepiress of Chaos

For the last few months - since their reformation from the Holy Order of the Righteous Flame - I've have the Knights of the Pyre as a wholly NPC organization working alongside the Commenor Systems Alliance. In that time - though not fully active - they've had sporadic mention and even a unit formed specifically to keep an eye on [member="Lady Kay"] with another one still planned for [member="Jairdain"]
The Knights were intended to be an additional story element - a military organization that would set up fortresses across the CSA to further aid in securing stability while following a strict dogma dedicated to the promulgation of the law.
Thus I am gauging the potential interest in having such a group move from NPC status to a Sub-Faction status within the CSA.
The Order itself is split into two sections.

The Knights of the Pyre are a Military Order with a unique focus on the promulgation of law. They are interested less in the social goodness and charity seen in other such Orders (though are not completely against providing aid to those in need); but rather in the foundation and stringent maintenance of order at all costs. In their iron-handed exaction of law - specifically, the laws of the Commenor Systems Alliance - Knights of the Pyre emulate the organized and effective armies of Clones once fielded by the Old Republic at the height of the Clone Wars. They are not concerned with morality or methods, only results. In their view, if people can not be trusted to obey the law out of their own senses of civility and social righteousness, Knights of the Pyre provide the need to obey out of fear of a master's stern hand.

The Signifers - or Signifer Corps - are an internal formation within the Order of the Pyre whose members are all force Sensitive - however - they are not trained in a singular aspect of the Force. Rather they are focused on the collection of knowledge of the Force - both the Ashla and Bogan - as well as knowledge of various other force sects and practices. They're meant to be more like Grays - in that they seek a balance between the two sides of the Force and often their members know a mixture of Force Powers that are considered to be Dark Side Power or Light Side Powers. Some may lean more towards the Dark Side and others more towards the Light Side - though they are unified in their promulgation of the law and are bound to the Order by its Doctrines.
Ranks of the Order

The Head of the Order
The current Inperantike is known as 'The Whispering Tyrant'

The Field Marshals of the Order

The Head of the Signifer Corps
(akin to the Jedi Grandmaster or Dark Lord of the Sith)

The core rank and file members of the Knights and Signifers respectively

Knights or Signifers in training

Fresh Recruits to the Order
Dogma and Doctrines
Regardless of their severity, the Order of the Pyre is not an inherently evil group; they are wholly unconcerned with morality, as even they know that one can not legislate morals. While there are those members that can be seen as 'evil' - particularly among the upper echelon - the majority of the Order of the Pyre are impartial arbiters and enforcers of order and justice. Much like their Jedi counter-parts, members of the Order of the Pyre are taught to replace emotions with steely discipline, and are not interested in methods: only the end results matter.
With anonymity and no consequences, every individual becomes a criminal. The Order of the Pyre combat the lawless tendencies within individuals hearts through ever-present watchfulness and reminders that no crime goes unpunished. Employing a vast network of informants, and paying out bounties for substantiated accusations, they publicly mete out grim punishments that fit the crime committed. They are resolved to the cause of Law and Order.
Above all else their primary focus is the defense of those members worlds residing within the territories of the Commenor Systems Alliance. The Order of the Pyre; though brutal in some of their means when it comes to the application of Law, are still light handed when it comes to those in need. They are just as likely to aid in the resettling of refugees as they are to imprisoning those that would take advantage and commit crimes against those same refugees.
The Order of the Pyre would likewise meet any brutality and savagery mete out upon those of the Commenor Systems Alliance in kind. For while members of their order stand against such acts; they are not adverse to utilizing them against those that first enacted such terror upon others...
Training for the Order of the Pyre is intended to hone their minds and bodies. They are taught to resist the mental intrusions of Force Users to better steel themselves against such opponents. Likewise to hone their bodies, they are pitted against one another, or against such creations as war droids; or even a juvenile gundark in some instances (or other such dangerous creatures). They are versed on the laws and customs of the worlds within the Commenor Systems Alliance, as well as the laws of those very institutions of Government.
..:: Tenants of the Order ::..
Without culpability chaos reigns...
There is no Chaos, There is only Order...
Root out corruption in any form...
Watch for weakness and corruption...
Savagery must be quelled, in the land, home, and mind...
Stand in the face of Barbarity...
Pursue those that escape...
Act without hesitation for the good of all...
Law's Flame consumes the Shadow of Corruption...
..:: To Long; Didn't Read ::..
The Order of the Pyre are Hellknights in Space taking much of their inspiration from the likewise named Order of the Pyre from the Pathfinder RPG - Only with Lightsabers, The Force and Technology instead of Magic and Devils...