Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Order of The Sith Lords

I would like to announce the opening of my new faction, Order of The Sith Lords, if there are any moderators, or experienced members out there that would like to help me run it feel free to join. And if there are anyone that wants to become a true Sith, send a request.

Darren Onyx

I don't know. I think that the best time to start a faction like this would be when you are a Master. I mean a Apprentice could start it but you would need a Master or a Knight to lead it.

Darren Onyx

See when I hear that I just think of two siths trying to bring back the Rule of Two.

Darren Onyx

Unless you are a group planning on overthrowing the Empire, then I say you just become a sub-faction.

Reyven Samoth

Grand Lord of the Tribe
If not for this 'Rule of Two' nonsense, I'd probably be interested. I was thinking of doing a faction somewhat like the Lost Tribe of the Sith, or something slightly more 'mystical' rather than Empire-driven. How set are you on this idea?

Gavin Kolar

IC: In time, you will become the stepping stones to our ascension and indomitable rule.
OOC: Idk, I was interested however our progress is majorly stunted Until one of us becomes master rank....So for now we will be secretly plotting hehehe...

Darren Onyx

I have to agree. I don't really like the whole idea of it being just two people. I tried that once and it didn't work. It just can't work really. I would understand what Reyven said and have a Lost Tribe but to just do a rule of two...

Gavin Kolar

The thing about the Rule of Two is though that there can be other "Sith" however they are more like...hmm...servants? Palpatine loosely followed the Rule of Two and had his entire Dark Hand as well as Dark Jedi acolytes. Even Vader took up his own apprentice...(IC: Though he was weak)

Gavin Kolar

Hm...I suppose. Its a thing I've wanted to try for a while, though personally I'm not expecting to wipe the Sith out and start clean.

Darren Onyx

Don't let me stop you though. If you are really set on it go for it! It opens alot of great story and adds new elements.

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