
NAME: Oregano Evancrow
FACTION: The First Order
RANK: Disciple
AGE: 18
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 5'11
WEIGHT: 171 pounds
EYES: Green
HAIR: Dark Brown/Black
SKIN: Light Skinned
FORCE SENSITIVE: Force Sensitive
FACTION: The First Order
RANK: Disciple
AGE: 18
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 5'11
WEIGHT: 171 pounds
EYES: Green
HAIR: Dark Brown/Black
SKIN: Light Skinned
FORCE SENSITIVE: Force Sensitive
•Quick thinking
•Fast reactions
•Immense physical strength
•Easily gives in to rage and anger
•Quick thinking
•Fast reactions
•Immense physical strength
•Easily gives in to rage and anger

APPEARANCE: Oregano is of an average height and weight with fair skin an a youthful complexion. His dark brown hair is usually rather messy and unkempt however due to it being short it doesn't look too wild, usually the bangs are pushed up and spiked. The only other noticeable feature is his bright green eyes. Oregano dons a black long sleeved tight shirt with a small collar popped up. Over the shirt is a black sleeveless robe held down by a black belt. Following the monochrome attire is a pair of black pants with knee high black boots. This completes Oregano's rather simple attire.
Appearing to be rather calm Oregano stays true to that, he usually doesn't let his emotions take over his facial expressions, simply put he has a good poker face. Overall he has a rather easy on the eyes appearance, he doesnt seem very menacing or rough. If anything he looks soft yet somehow matured and experienced. His body is decently built, not having huge muscles but instead it is more lean and only really noticeable if he has his shirt off.
BIOGRAPHY: His parents? The Supreme Leader and The First Order. That was the life of the Order of Ren. Loyal to the Supreme Leader first, next The First Order. Oregano's real parents however he only knew for a few years. The First Order invaded the small town on Seoul when Oregano was 5 years old. The First Order had reports of a Jedi residing there and took the chance to hunt him down. When they arrived they didn't take prisoners and showed no mercy, even to the civilians. They shot up and caught fire to the buildings, slaughtered everybody, including Oregano's parents.
However Oregano was spared, solely for the fact that he was seen as highly force sensitive and had a lot of potential. If he didn't he'd have probably been burnt to ashes and his existence never known. Luckily that wasn't the case. Instead he was taken in by The First Order to become a disciple for the Order of Ren. This is where life as Oregano knew it would begin.
As a boy Oregano received basic training, since he was just a small child there wasn't much he could do besides conditioning for the actual training he would receive in the future. With that being the case Oregano was trained in the way of the force, mainly taking informational classes and studying other subjects so he could get a good education. They always said knowing was half the battle. That being said Oregano learned basic necessities as well as being educated on the force and lightsaber forms.
Oregano showed he was able to learn quickly. By the age of 10 he could perfectly recall information about all the lightsaber forms and give accurate information about the force. At 10 his mind was strengthened as well which further increased his connection with the force. However finally he began physical training to prepare himself to wield a lightsaber. For two years he would practice forms with sticks and do basic strength training. After those two years when he got to age 12 he began sparring and advanced lightsaber training with sticks as well as force training.
For two more years Oregano would train hard, this is where most of the fundamentals came in. The basics of the basics. At this age he was able to properly build and develop muscle so that's when some of the oat important aspects of his trainings came in. Oregano had to get the basics down to perfection as this training now would lay down the foundation for anything in the future. However Oregano was also reaching the troublesome years of life. He wondered who his real parents were, what happened to them, where he came from. His whole life all he knew was The First Order. That was everything, it was his life, religion, it was simply what he lived for. He was raised within The First Order and so that was the lifestyle he knew.
From ages 14-16 Oregano learned more about The First Order itself and how it's military worked as soon enough he would be serving it. It was around this age when Oregano was given a borrowed, standard lightsaber from the Order of Ren armory. It had a basic red crystal and would serve as his weapon until he built his own. Oregano then began to accompany Order of Ren Masters and Knights upon safer missions so he could gain experience. They were safe missions that didn't involve much conflict however it was experience either way.
Now Oregano has honed his skills with both the lightsaber and the force, gaining a basic skill set that was rather balanced for both. He yet has learned where he came from, who his parents are, and even what his purpose was besides obviously to serve the Supreme Leader and The First Order. All his life all he knew was the training he was given. Oregano knew nothing beyond his training and still had much to learn. However he did want to learn more about himself, though his loyalty to the Supreme Leader and The First Order came first.
Training #1
Force Rage - Novice
Force Choke - Proficient
Mind Control - Novice
Force Jump - Proficient
Force Push/Pull - Proficient
Force Throw - Novice
Force Speed - Proficient
Telepathy - Novice
Force Sight - Novice
Force Empathy - Novice
Saber Throw - Novice
Form I Shii-Cho - Novice
Form II Makashi - Novice
Form III Soresu - Proficient
Form IV Ataru - Proficient
Form V Shien/Djem Sho - Proficient
Form VI Niman - Novice
Form VII Vaapad - Novice
Lightsaber - Proficient
Blaster Pistol - Novice
Blaster Rifle - Novice
Demolitions - Novice
Piloting - Proficient
Armor of Ren
Pair of Gauntlets
U-One Wrist Datapad
Standard Lightsaber