Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Orex Mauda

OOC Biography
Orex Mauda, a force-sensitive human male, was born and raised on Coruscant. Calling the underworld level 1671 home. His father, Hadrian Mauda, was an avid robotics and mechanical engineer. Intelligent and hard-working, he ran a small robotics workshop where he would repair and sometimes construct droids and other components for an income. Orex’s mother, Matese Mauda (Mat-ees), was often described as Hadrian’s opposite. Manipulative, sociopathic and unemployable, she fed and raised Orex in a simple home many miles from Hadrian. The two rarely spoke and any contact quickly broke down into argument.

A fast learner, Orex would visit his father when he could in an attempt to reconcile the split. He spent his time with Hadrian engrossed in his engineering. Hadrian gave Orex much of his character. Orex learned to ask questions, to always look for what’s better. He became a scientific young boy and by his teens had developed a deep desire to learn and to work in the interest of the greater whole. Time with Hadrian was invaluable and cherished.

The same could not be said for Matese. His childhood was spent with a loving and passionate mother who fed him well and kept him out of harms way as best she could. A poor household, she made the best of what she had to make sure Orex grew up healthy and happy. That was what Orex grew up believing. Around his pre-teens, as he visited Hadrian more and more, he came to realize Matese was not the mother he thought. The stories she told Orex of Hadrian were confusing and made of lies. She blamed her poor income on the government when in reality, a young Orex discovered she sunk what Hadrian gave her in substances and worthless materialism. Constantly fed conflicting tales from both sides, Orex grew up confused, suspicious and without trust. His anger and frustration grew until finally he left his mother to spend what years he had left of teenage-hood with a father he grew to idolize.

At 19, after Hadrian was murdered by a small, anti-technology religious cult, Orex has become an intelligent, politically charged and ambitious young adult. On his own in the underworld, he invests himself in learning. In the wake of his father’s murder and his own studies he has come to despise the forces that vie for dominion of the Galaxy. He contemplates his ambitions and builds toward them through business. Having taken over Hadrian’s workshop, he has expanded its operations rapidly and slowly amasses a wealth. And a plan.

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