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Approved Location Organa Ranch / Vinerium

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Name: Organa Ranch and Vinerium

Image Source: Google Search, Stock photos

Emerald Grapes


Classification: Ranch / Winery

Location: Apalis Coast, Alderaan

Affiliation: House Organa

Description: The Ranch and Winery consists of three large vineyards containing the vines of the Emerald Grapes used in the creation of the Emerald Wine. The Winery is a large building that houses the vats for fermentation, the bottling process, labeling process and a store front to sell the wine directly to anyone. It also has a tasting room for anyone wishing to experience different blends of the wines created on Alderaan. The Organa Winery is known for the Emerald Wine. This Winery will add support to House Organa, House Vereen Organa, and Clan Ordo of Mandalore.

Emerald Wine will be served at the reception of [member="Draco Vereen"] and Faith Organa.

History: (Optional. Describe the history of this structure.)

Intent: To create a location and a source of income for House Organa.

Links: Dev Thread
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