Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Admiralty is separated into ranks and rates.
  • Admiral
  • Flag Captain*
  • Freesail Captain [1st Rate]*
  • Freesail Captain [2nd Rate]*
  • Freesail Captain [3rd Rate]
  • Freesailor [1st Rate]*
  • Freesailor [2nd Rate]
  • Freesailor [3rd Rate]
*Denotes a rank/rate obtainable only by appointment and cannot be taken right off the bat.

Admiral: Admiral Laulesh, the highest authority of the Freesail Admiralty. Chairs the meetings of the Flag Captains. Holds veto power. Approves elevations to Flag Captain.

Flag Captain: An elevated Freesail Captain who stands above all lower ranks and ratings. They are granted enormous autonomy and responsibility. They are able to offer policies and actions to a vote among the other Flag Captains. These individuals are granted the use of some of the largest ships in the entire fleet. Individualistic, ambitious, and competitive in many ways they are ultimately united in their loyalty to the Admiralty. Flag Captains are nominated by their potential peers the sitting Flag Captains. Prospective Flag Captains are approved or dismissed by the Admiral.

Freesail Captain: The backbone of the Freesail Admiralty. These are captains of their own starships, and in higher ratings can lead small contingents of subordinate starships. While only a Freesail Captain 1st Rate are granted a vote during a meeting of the Captain's Council, they are entitled to observe and, if granted the opportunity, to voice their thoughts among the assembled captains. Freesail Captains are a diverse group of individuals ranging from merciless former pirates to career naval personnel. These officers often compete with one another to earn the favor of a Flag Captain who may elevate them up the rates where they would enjoy a broader command and higher distribution of pay.

Freesailor: The rank of all those who make up the crews of the Freesail Admiralty including firstmates, starfighter pilots, gunners, engineers, navigators, boarding parties, ship security, etc. Compensated for their service through funds distributed down through the captaincy. Some Freesailors are more profit-minded than others, moving from crew to crew for better conditions or pay. While others labor under a single captain in hopes of being pushed up the rates to the coveted Freesailor 1st Rate.
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Rank & Rate Ship & Escort Maximums
In order to preserve a sense of scale and reinforce relying on one another for support the following ship size and NPC escort compliment maximums, for faction related threads, are as follows:

*Admiral: Unique Cruiser + 2 Frigates + 4 Corvettes
*Flag Captain: Unique Cruiser + 2 Frigates + 4 Corvettes
*Freesail Captain 1st Rate : Unique Cruiser + 4 Corvettes
Freesail Captain 2nd Rate : Unique Frigate + 4 Corvettes
Freesail Captain 3rd Rate: Unique Frigate + 2 Corvettes
Freesailor 1st Rate : Unique Starfighter + Starfighter Squadron
Freesailor 2nd Rate : Unique Starfighter

*Denotes ranks and rates that must utilize a Unique ship, submitted to the factory and approved when active in faction threads. This is so that stories can be built around a ship!
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Tenants & Rights
[In Character]​

  1. Respect the chain of command. The Admiral's orders are above all paramount.
  2. Desecration, disrespect, defacing, and general wanton disregard for the symbols of the Admiralty is prohibited. Awards, insignias, merits, and so forth are included in this provision.
  3. A Captain on their ship is the ultimate authority on interior operation of that ship, so long as that operation does not threaten the stability or combat effectiveness of the Admiralty.
  4. Freesailors of any rate are free to request crew transfers to another crew and command. These requests can be denied by their current Captain. Freesailors may appeal to a Flag Captain if their request is denied.
  5. Intentional harm to non-combatants is strictly prohibited. Should a non-combatant interfere with in the execution of the duties of members of the Admiralty they should be detained. If detention is not possible then the interference of the non-combatant shall be considered a waiver of non-combatant status.
  6. Freesailors and Freesail Captains submit to the judgement of the Admiralty for all acts against the desires of the Admiralty. Accused have the right to a trial by single combat should they wish it. The Admiralty may elect a representative while the defendant must represent themselves in this form.
  7. Freesailors and Freesail Captains will not be deprived of personal property unless credibly accused of an act against the Admiralty.
  8. Should a Freesail Captain perish in service of the Admiralty their ship, unless specified by a Will, will be remanded to the custody of the Admiral for future use.
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