Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Oria Selpinir

Oria Selpinir

The Force Travels with Me



Oria Selpinir

Height2.1 Meters
Weight950 Kilos
Force SensitiveYes


Upper Half: Human toro, limbs, breasts and face. Long, blonde hair. Blue eyes. Knubs of where horns originally were. (Usually covered by her locks) Equine-like ears.
Lower Half: Horse-like body, with four legs. Blonde-haired tail.


Lightsaber pike
Beskar horseshoes


Deep sense of loyalty to those who earn it.

Oria expresses her emotions usually through her hooves and facial expressions. (eg. Stomping her hooves when annoyed or angered.) Some emotions are added with equine-like sounds she produces.

Has a fear of heights and confined spaces.


Height and weight give her an extra sense of strength.

Ears allow her to hear farther and more sensitively than others.

Biology allows her to run faster and carry more than humans.

Talented Vioflute player


Anatomy makes her movement somewhat encumbered.

Loud/hyper-sonic sounds effect Oria's sensitive hearing.

Phobias of heights and tight spaces.


Living in the Ashen Worlds of the Outer Rim, the people of Chiron were isolated and content. Oria, one of the many Force Sensitive-born Chironians, was taught minor skills by the teachers of her clan. When she heard tales of the Jedi and their exploits and adventures all across the galaxy, she was enthralled at the idea of becoming one. Her family, however, remained against the idea and insisted she continue and Force teachings on Chiron.
When she came of age, her natural horns having growing into lovely, looping crests, her clan came under attack by Klatoonian slavers. They wanted the Chironians not just for labor but their valuable horns as well. Oria, sadly, lost hers after the slavers cut them from her head.

Thankfully, fate intervened when the wandering Jedi Arron Starstrider had arrived and drove off the slavers. The clan was more than grateful for Starstrider's intervention, Oria especially fascinated. After offering to take her on as a padawan trainer, Oria's family had no choice but to allow her the freedom to leave Chiron. Many, including the elders of the clan, felt it was the Force working through its divine machinations to set her on this path.

After taking a few pieces of home with her, Oria left Chrion with her new master, eager too see the rest of the galaxy while expanding her talents and understanding of the Force.

Over the years, Oria and Starstrider traveled about the Outer Rim systems. When not dispensing justice and protecting the innocent, Oria's master taught her in the ways of the Force. From focusing her attention and meditation to wielding a lightsaber, the young Chironian understood the true extent of her gifts. Given her anatomy, Oria was better suited for a lightsaber pike, which she and Starstrider constructed together.

In time, Oria proved herself a capable jedi and compassionate warrior. Feeling he had no more to teach her, Arron Starstrider presented her with a final gift: four Beskar-made horseshoes that would help her in both combat and defense. She accepted them and, given the choice by her master, decided to go off on her own adventures to find her place in the galaxy. With final goodbyes, both master and student parted and hoped to eventually find each other again.
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