Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Orin Valdor

NAME: Orin Valdor
FACTION: Mandalorian
RANK: Warrior
SPECIES: Human-esque
AGE: Appears to be in his mid to late 20's
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 6'5"
WEIGHT: 280lbs
EYES: Brilliant Blue
HAIR: Dark brown
SKIN: Fair


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
+Clan-born: Has been trained from birth to be a hunter and a warrior. He is familiar and comfortable with many types of weapons, both in melee and ranged combat.
+Patient: As a born hunter and warrior, he has an above average level of patience
+Spatial Sense: He has a near perfect sense of his surroundings and the things/people in there.
+/-Adrenaline Junkie: He enjoys living in the extreme. This can assist him in making swift decisions, though it can get him into trouble
-Goal Oriented: Once he sets a goal, it is nearly impossible to divert him.
-Mildly Hedonistic: He thoroughly enjoys his pleasure

Orin has his hair long, sometimes tied back in a tail. He keeps the feathers of native Dathomiri raptors woven into his hair. On his face are tribal tattoos of a blue color, and similarly he has tribal tattoos on his abdomen/chest area. He is typically carrying a bladed staff as a weapon and wearing hand made clothes derived from animal skins that are expertly tanned.




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Base look of Orin's armor.


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