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Approved Species Ornus

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  • Intent: Create a native species for Arsenae
  • Image Credit: X
  • Canon: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links: Arsenae, Thalia
  • Name: Ornus
  • Designation: semi-sentient
  • Origins: Arsenae
  • Average Lifespan: 50 standard years
  • Estimated Population: Planetary
  • Description: A large bovine with coarse brown or gray fur. Multiple keratin horns protrude from the back of their heads. A powerfully built creature with large broad shoulders and strong legs. Most often seen in large herds roaming the plains of Arsenae.
  • Breathes: Type I
  • Average Height of Adults: 2.13 meters
  • Average Length of Adults: 3 meters
  • Skin color: pale
  • Hair color: browns, grays, sometimes tan
  • Distinctions: Males are more often large than females. Consisting of heavier, more stocky bodies and large horns on their heads.
  • Races: N/A
  • Force Sensitivity: Non-Sensitive
  • Beast of burden: For thousands of years, the Arsenians have used the Ornus as a beast of burden. From pulling plows in fields, too hauling wagons and other supplies. The Ornus was a common animal used by merchants before the Arsenians made contact with the rest of the galaxy, some places still see wide use of them
  • Docile: Even wild Ornus are somewhat of a docile animal, only attacking if provoked. Tame Ornus give little fuss to their owners and follow simple instructions very well.
  • Herd animals: Despite their size and gruff appearance, Ornus are a social animal that love being in the presence of their own species. When left alone for an extended period of time, an Ornus can become depressed and will stop eating. Merchants and farmers who keep Ornus know to have a herd of at least three or more.
  • Poor eyesight: Ornus don't have the best eyesight, relying mainly on their sense of smell and hearing
  • Can panic: Despite being docile animals on the best of days, Ornus can still panic at the sight or sound of something it deems a severe threat. Such as large thunderstorms or wild predators.
  • Diet: Herbivore
  • Communication: Vocal calls, low guttural rumbles and body movements, such as slow head shakes.
  • Technology level: N/A
  • Religion/Beliefs: N/A
  • General behavior: A large docile bovine that travels in herds ranging from a dozen to several dozen. These herds follow the seasonal rains that start in the lowlands during the winter and work their way up the mountains during the summer months. No one Ornus leads the group, rather they all move when the rains do. The summer months in the mountains is the time when Ornus breed. Large males compete with one another by lowering their heads and showing off their horns and full size in an effort to intimidate their rival. When that doesn't work, they throw their weight at one another in attempt to overpower their rival in a show of force. Calves are born in the lowlands during winter months, where the weather is warm and the rains provide plenty of grass.
For thousands of years, the Ornus has followed the rainy seasons on Arsenae. Making their annual journeys from the arid lowlands to the steep slopes or Arsenae's mountains. All in pursuit of fresh grass feed by the rain waters. During those thousands of years these large bovines have also been used as beasts of burden for the Arsenian people. From pulling plows in fields, hauling carts of goods or carrying a merchants goods on their backs as they journeyed across the lands. The Ornus helped build Arsenian cities and towns in their own way, even as much so as the wooden sailing vessels that traveled the seas. Even as the Arsenians gained space travel and began to colonize other worlds, the Ornus was not left behind. Agriculture worlds such as Thalia have Ornus on them, still working hard pulling plows and carrying goods, just as they had done for thousands of years.
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