Lysle of the Hydian Way
Silent and Violent
Lysle Rigger stood outside of the arranged meeting. It was late noon, but the sun had yet to set. The local hours here were different to Antecedent, and he had not yet quite gotten used to it. He took a long drag from a cigarra offered to him by one of the countless and nameless goons that had flocked to his cause. A righteous cause, he thought. The domination of the galactic criminal underworld, and each step they took forward was another step to victory. It seemed the Black Suns were done for, sure they had grip over more planets than the Ravens, but their flock numbered so very few. Lysle glanced around, knowing his other comrades would be inside, partying away. The Ravens had come to Orrazerus in an attempt for diplomatic relations. Lysle knew the city-states of this planet were in constant warring, but it was only a matter of alcohol, and some narcotics slipped into their drinks, to convince them to join him. And when they woke up in the morning, flimsiplast signed, they had no choice but to bow or go to war, but they didn’t have the numbers the Ravens had. Lysle could squash them if they dare raise a fist.
He drained the last ounces of smoke and inhaled from the cigarra before moving inside. Even when he was not wearing a suit, Lysle appeared impeccably well-dressed. He was fashionable, there was no doubt about it, and a fashionable crime lord was a rare sight to behold. Most of them were either the slug-like Hutts or simply did not care, with gruff faces and grimy clothes. It seemed Lysle was setting a standard for a new class of criminal. He brushed aside the hired goons that acted as his bodyguards, two large Herglics, and moved back into the nightclub. The neon lights that greeted him tantalised the eyes, seducing occupants onto the dance floors where the music was deafening and the smoke was a miasma that fogged the senses. It was ecstasy to the mind, body and soul. Lysle swept through the crowd, his Herglics bowling any one of out the way that did not move. He was walking towards one of the warlords now, a man by the name of Xomich, strangely enough, no last name. Lysle whistled to a waittress, clicking his fingers and pointed to himself, a clear indication he wanted a drink.
He drained the last ounces of smoke and inhaled from the cigarra before moving inside. Even when he was not wearing a suit, Lysle appeared impeccably well-dressed. He was fashionable, there was no doubt about it, and a fashionable crime lord was a rare sight to behold. Most of them were either the slug-like Hutts or simply did not care, with gruff faces and grimy clothes. It seemed Lysle was setting a standard for a new class of criminal. He brushed aside the hired goons that acted as his bodyguards, two large Herglics, and moved back into the nightclub. The neon lights that greeted him tantalised the eyes, seducing occupants onto the dance floors where the music was deafening and the smoke was a miasma that fogged the senses. It was ecstasy to the mind, body and soul. Lysle swept through the crowd, his Herglics bowling any one of out the way that did not move. He was walking towards one of the warlords now, a man by the name of Xomich, strangely enough, no last name. Lysle whistled to a waittress, clicking his fingers and pointed to himself, a clear indication he wanted a drink.
Primary Objective:
Get warlords drunk
Secondary Objective:
Party with them