Orron Thrask
More Man than Machine
NAME: Orron Thrask
FACTION: Republic/Jedi
RANK: Jedi Padawn
SPECIES: Human; Cyborg
AGE: 21
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 6’ 2”
WEIGHT: 210 Ilbs
EYES: Normal Eye- Brown; Cyber Eye-Red
HAIR: None
SKIN: Black
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum):
Cyber implants give Orron superior strength and durability
Orron has had pervious but incomplete training in Jedi arts
His new cyber enhanced brain allows for recording and storing data more efficiently than a normal human mind
Despite new cyber body Orron still has weak spots around the joints of the limbs that can be exploited
Orron often feels like an outcast or freak due to his appearance and therefore can be a bit distant from people
His only human parts still showing is the left side of his face, along with his mouth and jaw, as well as part of his arms. The rest of his body is purely robotic while still retaining human shape. His vitals and remaining body parts are stored within the chest area. Given that he’s not technically naked with his new body Orron won’t wear his Jedi Robes unless otherwise.
Orron Thrask was born the son of a Jedi Master Renjo Thrask, from Bespin. Even as a boy Orron was strong with the force, obviously due to his heritage. While his father was eager to have him join the order so he could take him in as a padawan to be trained by himself his mother Jengri was more reluctant. Knowing the dangers of being a Jedi she feared what would become of her son when he could finally encounter enemies. Renjo reassured her everything would be fine before taking Orron away to the temple on Courascant.
For years Orron was trained by his father, along with other masters, in the ways of the force and lightsaber skills. Growing up, however, Orron had always feared the time when he would need to face against a Sith. Hearing the stories and rumors of the power Sith had, some being stronger than Jedi, he worried what would come on his first encounter with one since he knew it was inevitable. His father tried to comfort him by telling how he needed to let go of fear, which was one of the basic traits of a strong Jedi.
Orron’s abilities were soon put to the test when the Sith invaded Courascant and attacked the temple. During the fight Orron was separated from his father while fighting off the grunts of the Sith forces. While he knew Sith were present his fear had taken the better of him and he avoided them while trying to survive. Eventually he was cornered by a Sith Master who forced him into a confrontation.
Despite his best efforts Orron was no match for the Sith, having his hand cut off in the process. Before the killing blow could be made Renjo had arrived to save his son, fighting the Sith himself. Orron watched as his father fought bravely before the Sith gained the upper hand and drove his saber through his father’s chest. Orron cried out as his father was slain before the Sith tossed his father’s body into him. To ensure that both would be dead the Sith Master used an explosive to finish the job.
With the sheer willpower and use of the force Orron managed to survive, despite the immense injury and damage to his body; a trick his father had taught him. He was eventually saved by other remaining Jedi before they were forced to feel Courascant. At that point Orron had passed out from his injuries.
It had taken over a month for Orron’s cyber implants to take effect and he regained consciousness. With the mix of both the shock of his appearance and the death of his father Orron had nearly fallen into depression from all that happened. Thankfully the consulting words from his masters and the fact of the Jedi and Republic still standing had brought a little more encouragement to his mind. He now seeks to finish his training and become a Jedi Master while still anticipating the time he would meet the Sith Master who slew his father.