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Character Orwrex



Full Name
Ronan Thorne​
Orwrex the Cruel
Hidden Shadow​
Knight of Ren
Shadow Assassin​
Knight of Ren
Knight of Ren​
Dark Empire
Knights of Ren​
Galactic Basic
Force Sensitive
Force Alignment

Character Alignment
Chaotic Evil/Lawful Evil​
187.96 Centimeters​
89.35 KG​
Silver/Yellow (Dark Side Influence)​
Template Credit

  • Provide an overview of who the character is, their position/roles, and their present responsibilities/aims.

    Short Example:
    Orwrex is a Knight of Ren and devout follower of Detritus Ren, acting as an enforcer and assassin within the clandestine ranks of the Ren. His goals are targeting and assassination of all those that threaten the Knights of Ren, while training the next generation and carrying out the dark bidding of the Shadow Priest.


    Orwrex was born as Ronan Thorne within the desert sands of Jakku to Echani parents seeking a better life. Eventually settling down in a village in exchange for acting as town sheriffs from raiders, pirates, bounty hunters and any scum seeking to harm the innocent. Ronan didn't know why his parents sought such a desolate place. Years had passed and all seemed quiet. His family was at peace while avoiding the horrors of war that was inflicted all across the galaxy.

    One day this peace would end as ancient enemies, the Thyrsian Sun Guard had tracked his parents down. After a desperate struggle, several of the guards were slain until both of his parents were finally struck down. Ronan watched with his own eyes while he hid. When he emerged the boy was left alone, he wandered away from the quiet village he was born in, never to return. He would spend time in the desert alone, scavenging through old wrecks of days past to seek refuge. He would salvage an old First Order R5 unit with the designation of R5-DK or what Ronan would call "Dark" due to the paint scheme of his design. This is where one day he would witness a battle between the Jakku Jedi Enclave and the Brotherhood of the Maw. The young boy was mesmerized by what he had witnessed. A brute of a man appeared through the desert. He called himself Kyrel Ren, and seemed intrigued by the boy. The boy asked if he could be taken, but Kyrel rejected the offer, but noticed the Force was strong within him. He did offer for the boy to seek him out, and discover his own shadow should he find away offworld.

    The Dark Warrior was never seen again. All had returned to quiet on Jakku, until after years of scavenging did Ronan now a young man found an Eta-Angel Series Fast Interceptor, lying in the miiddle of the scrap pile. With the help of Dark would he work to get off the planet with the old fighter. After months did the fighter finally take flight with Ronan seeking out the man who had found him. Unfortunately by the time he had landed on the trail of the Knights of Ren was the man known as Kyrel Ren already dead after the final battle of the Second Great Hyperspace War at Exegol. Ronan persisted seeking out the remnants of the Knights of Ren until he found a small gathering of followers led by a holy man who called himself Detritus. The son of Kyrel Ren welcomed him with open arms, and offered to show Ronan the way of Shadow and the World Eater.

    Ronan Thorne from that day on would work to hone his skills. Training in the ways of the dark side until the day came for the final test. Detritus would send Ronan out to hunt the Sun Guard responsible for his parents death. After a long journey and a trail of death following Ronan's path did he find the man responsible for his pain. In that moment did Ronan give into his rage and used the force to snuff the life out of the man. This is what would be considered as Ronan's "Good Death" for entering into the Knights of Ren. From that moment on did Detritus command what name did Ronan hear through the Force, and he would answer with one name. "Orwrex"

    Orwrex would dedicate himself to the leader known as Detritus Ren following him as he went on the quest to find the one who walked behind shadows. From Batuu, Exegol, Dxun, and finally Carlac would this new generation of the Knights of Ren would stumble across a resurrected Darth Solipsis. Solipsis would proclaim himself Emperor of the Dark Empire. A new Imperial force founded from the remnants of the Brotherhood of the Maw and New Imperial Order. After Detritus's attempt to slay the Emperor and punishment would the Knights of Ren swear fealty to the Emperor. Acting covertly as part of his Church of the Dark Side while still remaining the outward appearance of Mawite Remnants. Detritus would continue to preach the way of the World Eater, or what many had referred to Kyrel Ren now a martyred saint in the pantheon of the Maw Avatars. Detritus would ascend to the Imperial Ruling Council while entrusting that his flock would be left under the watchful guidance of Orwrex.

    Orwrex now is the shadow right hand to Detritus. Left to make sure his dark bidding will be done. Orwrex the Cruel as he nicknamed among his brothers and sisters seeks to make sure that the Knights of Ren are just as feared as the legends of old.


    Orwrex is cruel and sadistic, taking pleasure in the suffering of others, he is highly driven and ambitious, with a single-minded focus on gaining power and control. He is also fiercely loyal to the Knights of Ren, often taking any steps that the goals of his dark brotherhood is achieved. The only fondness he possesses is both to the Knights of Ren, and his droid R5-DK "Dark" His demeanor is cold and intimidating, and he relishes in the fear he instills in others friend or foe alike. Despite his cruelty, he possess a calculating mind, using his intelligence and cunning to further his goals through strategic brutality from the shadows.



    Combat heritage: Due to his species being Echani did Orwrex learn to love combat. Able to hold his own with the skills of the Echani Battle Arts. He is very skilled in hand to hand combat, and close quarters fighting.

    Weapons Expert: From throwing knives to blasters, explosives and of course lightsabers. Orwrex prides himself on his love for combat and weapons alike. Making sure to study the equipment of his enemies for making more sound tactical decisions based on what he has, and going up against.

    Assassins's Precision: The primary role of Orwrex is to function as a dark assassin within the Knights of Ren. Often using stealth, subterfuge, and skilled in masking his presence with the Force, he is effective in hunting his prey, infiltration and staying out of sight.


    Overconfidence: With his role as both an assassin and warrior does Orwrex sometimes let his confidence get the better of him. This can often lead him to underestimate his foes, or thinking that he could handle any and all situations in the combat zone. This leads him open for mistakes, or at worse leads to unpredictability in the midst of a fight.

    Brute Force: While Orwrex is a capable warrior, and better assassin. He has a hard time facing against many opponents, or if the opponent is much stronger physically and within the force. Despite Orwrex careful footing, and sticking to the shadows could lead him vulnerable.

    Burning Light: Orwrex knows nothing of the light side. Any attacks like that of Force Light is so painful that the light eats away at the shadows that Orwrex uses as both sword and shield. If not defended against could lead to horrific damage to the shadow assassin.


    Detritus RenDark Side Master
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    Kael ThorneFather
    Lyra ThorneMother
    R5-DK "Dark"Droid Companion
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    Telekinetic Blitz
    Force Stun
    *Ability Icons can be found here


    Orwrex is a skilled fighter and assassin. He is an expert in the Echani Battle Arts, often having a feel for close quarters fighting. He is most proficent with knives, blades, and lightsabers. As an Assassin he is skilled in infiltration and prefers to use Force Concealment to move as silent and deadly as shadow.



    The Lightsaber of Orwrex. It is often referred to as his "Scythe" for the typical appearance of the hilt design makes it look as if it was a knife. One wouldn't notice that it was a saber unless staring into the emitter, easily mistaken for a knife or a small boomerang. The lightsaber has a duel function as a knife from the sharp talon at the front of the hilt, to the angled blade towards the end of the hilt. Often used for his covert missions and assassinations until facing a stronger foe worthy of unleashing the fiery crimson blade.


    R5-DK "Dark" is an old First Imperial R5 astromech droid from the glory days of the First Order before falling to the threats of the Unknown Regions. Salvaged during his youth on Jakku by Ronan. Dark serves as perhaps the only friend, and companion to Orwrex often functioning as his partner, slicing through terminals, or even torturing those that stand in the way of his master. Often possessing a stubborn personality, a taste for violence, and programming built for pain, assassination, hacking and interrogation.


    A salvaged Eta Angel series Fast Interceptor from the Jakku desert that serves as Orwrex's way off the junkyard of the world. Aided by his Astromech "Dark" does the salvaged Eta class was refitted and repurposed as the "Dark Angel" The personal starfighter for Orwrex in his missions to serve the Knights of Ren.


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    The Dark Shepherd
    Following Detritus's ascension to the upper echelons of the Dark Empire. Detritus entrusts Orwrex with the task of guiding the next generation of the Knights of Ren. Orwrex accepting this as both a task and challenge to overcome. Orwrex now strives to teach the Knights of Ren the ways of Shadow to wage the wars yet come. Will Orwrex be able to lead the Knights of Ren to a glorious future? Time will tell.​

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