Lord Commander
The Death of the Grave World.
The eyes of the warmachine turn south.
New Plymto is a world made a graveyard after the annihilation the vong brought upon it in 27 ABY with the use of a powerful bio weapon, yet after centuries since the devastation the atmosphere has finally reached a breathable level in most parts of the planet.
Lord Mythos is in the Krasten moon of New Plymto gathering the military resources for the invasion that is already underway. Scouting has revealed that apart from the loyalist resistance of New Plymto who will fight to the last man the planet is also ridden with the biochemical radiation left over by the vong wars. This poisoning must be eradicated if the One Sith is to make the planet hospitable and or militarily viable as an outpost.
Three fourths of the grave planet is covered in this toxic biochemical residue eight centuries old and as such all troops and personnel of the order are required to have with them re-breathers and anti poison med stations around the camps and anywhere near the troops.
"We don't know how deadly the toxin is, but let's not find out."
- Briefing.
Remnants of the military infrastructure of what could have been called a government has slowly and gradually grown into a guerrilla resistance stationed in the Cadgel Meows which have regrown after so long. This resistance is poorly trained and moderately armed yet have an extensive knowledge of the planet, it's resources and it's underground passages,plus a sizable number of soldiers.
Caution is advised when engaging them.
" The natives have built up a natural resistance to the toxins of the planet and we must not rule out the possibility that they will use it against us. "
- Briefing
The Nosurians who rule the shaky government of the planet are not friendly to outsiders and have already demanded the removal of sith troops from their moon under threat of retaliation. Needless to say the sith overlords did not take too kindly to threats, so when a sith fighter was shot own in the orbit of New Plymto by a renegade Nosaurian fighter Lord Mythos declared the planet to be under imperial martial law and erected a blockade around the planet while he commands it from the moon base.
The blockade only agitated locals into frantic and desperate resistance, violence ran rampart through the planet.
The imperial governor of Phemis and high chancellor of the New Pymto ,Jensik Blackeye, direct descendant of Fefar Blackeye has declared the one sith to be the enemies of New Plymto and his government, organized the resistance throughout the entire world and sent out plea for help to the republic, the alliance and any other faction that could help them.
"If said message was received or even answered is unknown, yet we must be cautious."
- Lord Mythos, 16th report.
"Little is known about Jensik other than his impressive kill record and ruthless demeanor. Either way, do not underestimate him. "
- Martha, Captain of the Jar'Kai.
Because of his ruthless and brutal iron fist rule, not everyone in New Plymto is so eager to join him, some have resisted him even before the one sith set up base in their moon.
Xenophobic and insane, blackeye alienated other races that lived side by side nosaurians for centuries and outlawed many species from the planets cities, forcing them to live in exile at the mercy of bandits and brigands who roam the dense forests.
This caused a resistance to grow against him, soldiers forced to fight due to the lack of choice, or due to their staunch hatred o Blackeye's rule have been fighting a losing war for two decades their hatred of him only growing with every casualty they suffer.
"They are called the outlanders, and they know no fear. "
- Nosaurian report.
Mythos has sent the call for the final steps of the invasion from the base in Krasten Moon. The blockade holds firm against renegade attacks from the nosaurian forces, their small fighters and hit and run tactics do little to halt a fleet of stardestroyers and war frigates of the one sith... yet something seems to be brewing. After each passing day the attacks against the blockade seem to get bolder and gain more confidence with each downed ship, because of this Mythos has finally given the order to place troops in the ground to snuff out any and all resistance against the One Sith... personally.
The Objectives
1-Ground War.
A- Join the One Sith legions and clear the forests of resistance, destroy the outposts of blackeyes' forces and establish our superiority on the fields of battle.
B- Find the outlanders in the meadows, support their rebellion and recruit them into the ranks of the empire.
C- Fight fire with fire, execute guerrilla style insurgencies in the cities of New Plymto, destroy their weapon caches, fighter docks, hangars and kill their V.I.P's
D- Clean up crew. The planet is filled with toxic residue of the vong wars, collect the desinterizer tanks from Mythos' moon base then head down to the planet and clear the airs for our occupation.
2- The Blockade.
A- Man the Guns! Blackeye has gotten desperate and sent a sizable force to break the blockade including suicide divers to smash into our stardestroyers and carrier fleets. Do not let that happen!
B- Squadrons form up! Take the head of a fighter squadron and clear the skies, backing up the suicide divers of blackhand are actual trained fighter pilots that have already surprised our One Sith aces! Shoot them down or take a bomber team to rile the enemy ships, show them we are better flyers.
C- Put that thing out! It's too late to stop the damage done, but it's not too late to fix it, take a repair crew through the blockade and mitigate the hurt done by the suicide bombers and their other weapons, the success of the blockade is in your hands!
3- Moon Base.
A- Join the Command center with Mythos and help orchestrate the strategies and tactics that will win the day.
4- Sith Assassins.
A- Blackeye needs to be stopped at all costs, yet attempts to gather Intel about him or get close to his base of operations have been futile and met with failure. One thing is known, he is somewhere in the capital of New Plymto guarded by the very best of his soldiers and a very well defended capital building. The Mission of the SA is simple, infiltrate his command center, execute him, publicly display his death.
The eyes of the warmachine turn south.
New Plymto is a world made a graveyard after the annihilation the vong brought upon it in 27 ABY with the use of a powerful bio weapon, yet after centuries since the devastation the atmosphere has finally reached a breathable level in most parts of the planet.
Lord Mythos is in the Krasten moon of New Plymto gathering the military resources for the invasion that is already underway. Scouting has revealed that apart from the loyalist resistance of New Plymto who will fight to the last man the planet is also ridden with the biochemical radiation left over by the vong wars. This poisoning must be eradicated if the One Sith is to make the planet hospitable and or militarily viable as an outpost.
Three fourths of the grave planet is covered in this toxic biochemical residue eight centuries old and as such all troops and personnel of the order are required to have with them re-breathers and anti poison med stations around the camps and anywhere near the troops.
"We don't know how deadly the toxin is, but let's not find out."
- Briefing.
Remnants of the military infrastructure of what could have been called a government has slowly and gradually grown into a guerrilla resistance stationed in the Cadgel Meows which have regrown after so long. This resistance is poorly trained and moderately armed yet have an extensive knowledge of the planet, it's resources and it's underground passages,plus a sizable number of soldiers.
Caution is advised when engaging them.
" The natives have built up a natural resistance to the toxins of the planet and we must not rule out the possibility that they will use it against us. "
- Briefing
The Nosurians who rule the shaky government of the planet are not friendly to outsiders and have already demanded the removal of sith troops from their moon under threat of retaliation. Needless to say the sith overlords did not take too kindly to threats, so when a sith fighter was shot own in the orbit of New Plymto by a renegade Nosaurian fighter Lord Mythos declared the planet to be under imperial martial law and erected a blockade around the planet while he commands it from the moon base.
The blockade only agitated locals into frantic and desperate resistance, violence ran rampart through the planet.
The imperial governor of Phemis and high chancellor of the New Pymto ,Jensik Blackeye, direct descendant of Fefar Blackeye has declared the one sith to be the enemies of New Plymto and his government, organized the resistance throughout the entire world and sent out plea for help to the republic, the alliance and any other faction that could help them.
"If said message was received or even answered is unknown, yet we must be cautious."
- Lord Mythos, 16th report.
"Little is known about Jensik other than his impressive kill record and ruthless demeanor. Either way, do not underestimate him. "
- Martha, Captain of the Jar'Kai.

Because of his ruthless and brutal iron fist rule, not everyone in New Plymto is so eager to join him, some have resisted him even before the one sith set up base in their moon.
Xenophobic and insane, blackeye alienated other races that lived side by side nosaurians for centuries and outlawed many species from the planets cities, forcing them to live in exile at the mercy of bandits and brigands who roam the dense forests.
This caused a resistance to grow against him, soldiers forced to fight due to the lack of choice, or due to their staunch hatred o Blackeye's rule have been fighting a losing war for two decades their hatred of him only growing with every casualty they suffer.
"They are called the outlanders, and they know no fear. "
- Nosaurian report.
Mythos has sent the call for the final steps of the invasion from the base in Krasten Moon. The blockade holds firm against renegade attacks from the nosaurian forces, their small fighters and hit and run tactics do little to halt a fleet of stardestroyers and war frigates of the one sith... yet something seems to be brewing. After each passing day the attacks against the blockade seem to get bolder and gain more confidence with each downed ship, because of this Mythos has finally given the order to place troops in the ground to snuff out any and all resistance against the One Sith... personally.
The Objectives
1-Ground War.
A- Join the One Sith legions and clear the forests of resistance, destroy the outposts of blackeyes' forces and establish our superiority on the fields of battle.
B- Find the outlanders in the meadows, support their rebellion and recruit them into the ranks of the empire.
C- Fight fire with fire, execute guerrilla style insurgencies in the cities of New Plymto, destroy their weapon caches, fighter docks, hangars and kill their V.I.P's
D- Clean up crew. The planet is filled with toxic residue of the vong wars, collect the desinterizer tanks from Mythos' moon base then head down to the planet and clear the airs for our occupation.
2- The Blockade.
A- Man the Guns! Blackeye has gotten desperate and sent a sizable force to break the blockade including suicide divers to smash into our stardestroyers and carrier fleets. Do not let that happen!
B- Squadrons form up! Take the head of a fighter squadron and clear the skies, backing up the suicide divers of blackhand are actual trained fighter pilots that have already surprised our One Sith aces! Shoot them down or take a bomber team to rile the enemy ships, show them we are better flyers.
C- Put that thing out! It's too late to stop the damage done, but it's not too late to fix it, take a repair crew through the blockade and mitigate the hurt done by the suicide bombers and their other weapons, the success of the blockade is in your hands!
3- Moon Base.
A- Join the Command center with Mythos and help orchestrate the strategies and tactics that will win the day.
4- Sith Assassins.
A- Blackeye needs to be stopped at all costs, yet attempts to gather Intel about him or get close to his base of operations have been futile and met with failure. One thing is known, he is somewhere in the capital of New Plymto guarded by the very best of his soldiers and a very well defended capital building. The Mission of the SA is simple, infiltrate his command center, execute him, publicly display his death.