Lord Commander
As always the One Sith might needs to expand across the galaxy and now it's eyes set upon the strategically placed system of Thracior. The planet is split between two warring tribal clans that have been in conflict since the recorded history of the planet began. Our mission as warriors of the order is as simple as it has always been...
Seize, crush and dominate then move on to the next planet. By the order of the Dark Lord this planet is to be brought under heel by the might of the one sith military might and the operation is under the hands of the Lords and Knights of the One Sith, the Generals and Commanders that decorate the order with their special brand of efficiency and brutality.
Thracior is of strategical importance to the order, as such it is to be redesigned as a military defense planet, we know the warrior culture of it's people yet we have not decided if that is enough to allow them entry into our glorious order of the Sith.
Lord Mythos has set the initial siege of the planets primitive defenses and as of now his ships jump out of hyperspace ready to blockade the planet and prepare for its inevitable fall into the hands of the One Sith. Upon the command port of the Wyrrlock class Stardestroyer the Sith Lord oversees the assault and organizes the defenses, yet... not for long.
"Get my frigate ready, i am joining this conflict personally..."
Fighters screamed past the transparisteel overlook and scouting parties have been dispatched to forward a feed on the geography of the planet as well as the layout of any cities and defenses it may have.
Mythos was in no condition to be in combat as of now, no amount of colto injections and bacta treatments could replace the natural process of healing his wounds from Chazwa desperately needed, yet that was not going to stop the Will of the Dark Lord from executing his duties with extreme prejudice. The resistance would be fierce, yet primitive... the planets inhabitants could be enslaved like the Amarans, or slaughtered like Fresians, perhaps even absorbed like Atrisians.... that decision would fall to the voice of this sector.
The Yovshin frigates aligned beside the massive stardestroyer in orbit ready to deploy troops to the ground and begin the domination of this world relayed the orders from their commanders awaiting the signal to begin moving in. ... in the name of the Sith.
"Unleash Hell.."
A- Warzones.
Prepare your militia and enter the war-zones of Thracior, destroy, enslave or recruit clans for the One Sith, but beware, recruiting one clan will cause the animosity of the other. Let none remain who oppose the Emperor!
B- Establish our Dominance.
Along with the war-frigates, freighters packed to the brim with materials and workers are at your disposal for the construction of Sith locations. Temples, Academies, barracks, Outposts or Shipyards, you name it we can build it.
C- Slaughter the traitors.
A large battalion of One Sith Deserters has fled from Atrisia after it's conquest and set up base here in Thracior, find them and bring them to justice for their cowardice.
D- Do your own thing! As always, have fun, kick butt and be your Sithy self.
Seize, crush and dominate then move on to the next planet. By the order of the Dark Lord this planet is to be brought under heel by the might of the one sith military might and the operation is under the hands of the Lords and Knights of the One Sith, the Generals and Commanders that decorate the order with their special brand of efficiency and brutality.
Thracior is of strategical importance to the order, as such it is to be redesigned as a military defense planet, we know the warrior culture of it's people yet we have not decided if that is enough to allow them entry into our glorious order of the Sith.
Lord Mythos has set the initial siege of the planets primitive defenses and as of now his ships jump out of hyperspace ready to blockade the planet and prepare for its inevitable fall into the hands of the One Sith. Upon the command port of the Wyrrlock class Stardestroyer the Sith Lord oversees the assault and organizes the defenses, yet... not for long.
"Get my frigate ready, i am joining this conflict personally..."
Fighters screamed past the transparisteel overlook and scouting parties have been dispatched to forward a feed on the geography of the planet as well as the layout of any cities and defenses it may have.

Mythos was in no condition to be in combat as of now, no amount of colto injections and bacta treatments could replace the natural process of healing his wounds from Chazwa desperately needed, yet that was not going to stop the Will of the Dark Lord from executing his duties with extreme prejudice. The resistance would be fierce, yet primitive... the planets inhabitants could be enslaved like the Amarans, or slaughtered like Fresians, perhaps even absorbed like Atrisians.... that decision would fall to the voice of this sector.
The Yovshin frigates aligned beside the massive stardestroyer in orbit ready to deploy troops to the ground and begin the domination of this world relayed the orders from their commanders awaiting the signal to begin moving in. ... in the name of the Sith.
"Unleash Hell.."
A- Warzones.
Prepare your militia and enter the war-zones of Thracior, destroy, enslave or recruit clans for the One Sith, but beware, recruiting one clan will cause the animosity of the other. Let none remain who oppose the Emperor!
B- Establish our Dominance.
Along with the war-frigates, freighters packed to the brim with materials and workers are at your disposal for the construction of Sith locations. Temples, Academies, barracks, Outposts or Shipyards, you name it we can build it.
C- Slaughter the traitors.
A large battalion of One Sith Deserters has fled from Atrisia after it's conquest and set up base here in Thracior, find them and bring them to justice for their cowardice.
D- Do your own thing! As always, have fun, kick butt and be your Sithy self.