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Approved NPC Osaji Syndicate Enforcers

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Name: Osaji Syndicate Enforcers

Intent: To give the Osaji Syndicate's muscle a submission showing their appearance and equipment.

Affiliation: Osaji Syndicate

Availability: Common

Type: Infantry

Strength: 80~

Description: Licensed to use anything sold by the Osaji Syndicate, these enforcers are the muscle of the gang. They can be found in the company of Osaji Killian, or around any of his establishments, including the Yellow Serpent Casino. They report directly to him through a strict chain of command, which is as follows:
Muscle -> Enforcer -> Bodyguard -> Captain
Muscle's are the new blood, having just been accepted into the Syndicate and assigned to assist higher ranks in generic guard duties and 'clean ups'. They continue doing the dirty work until they prove themselves. Enforcer's are the majority, those who guard the properties' themselves and make sure that people who owe debts pay, or else. They reached this rank by proving they can serve the syndicate loyally, usually by being recommended by one of the Enforcers they worked under. Bodyguards are those who've proven themselves to protect Killian himself or other higher ranks in the Syndicate. Only the best and most loyal achieve this rank through outstanding acts for the Syndicate; maybe they took down a major rival or saved the life of a high ranking member. There are only several Captains, each one tasked with overseeing groups of lower ranks and reporting directly to Killian. Captains are chosen by Killian specifically, deciding who is suitable by how long they have been in service of the syndicate, how good their leadership skills are, and how trustworthy they are. Each new rank comes with new possibilities, such as higher combat training to make them more able fighters. Killian arms all his men with weapons of their choice from his black market, but as for armor they wear none. Suits and smart attire are more their style, although it is not rare to see topless displays of strength and art. Tattoos are a major sign of one of the Syndicate's members, a badge of honor.

Links: Anything found HERE.
[member="Osaji Killian"]

First things first, I need a bit more detail on the concept of 'proving' oneself, for the push into different ranks. The reason I think this would be valuable is because it will assist others in their interaction with your NPC's, gauging the proficiency of the combatants based on their rank. Is it time commitment, combat proficiency, leadership/technical experience?
[member="Osaji Killian"]

I think that solves pretty much anything I need. I would prefer a bit different organization in this to really clarify the different ranks and make it obvious, but that's just technical preference an unnecessary for this small of a task force.

Approved pending secondary.

[member="Valiens Nantaris"]
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