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Character Osenia Ee'everwest

Osenia Ee'everwest



Name: Osenia Vastae Chandani Ee'everwest
Aliases: Nia, Sena
Titles: Lady Ee'everwest
Homeworld: Naboo
Rank: Advocate, Aristocrat
Age: 21
Sex: Female
Height: 5'3''
Weight: 105lbs
Eyes: Crystal Blue
Skin: Fair
Hair: Dark Brown
Marital Status: Single
Loyalties: Confederacy Of Independent Systems, The Kingdom of Naboo, House Ee'everwest
Force Sensitive: Unknown/Not Tested


Osenia is clever and witty, with a strong moral compass to guide her. Her devotion to her family and home world can be all consuming, leaving little room for anything else that might try to come into her life. This causes her to often times bottle up, or outright dismiss romantic inclinations or other outside sources of attachment that may deter her from her vision for where she is going, and what she wishes to accomplish in life. Still quite young, Osenia has yet to develop the same refinement to her words and actions that is often accompanied by experience and fine tuning, coming across as being forceful or brash, with a great deal of impatience if she believes there to be a more efficient and practical way to get something done.

Osenia Ee'everwest


Osenia was born in Theed, Naboo, to conservative aristocrats Jaggen Ee'everwest and his wife, Sarnae. She spent her early childhood on her families ancestral estate in Theed under the peerage of her father and the patriarch of House Ee'everwest, a family with history dating back to a time before the Clone Wars and unconfirmed rumors of distant familial ties to a mythical Naboo King. As one of the many ancient Royal Houses of Naboo, the Ee'everwests have always held some influence and sway throughout the city and the planets entirety. Known for their humanitarian efforts and the production of many a statesman and woman, their service to Naboo and her people has always been unquestionable and blameless.

The moral backbone of society.

While there was never any shortage of love from her parents and siblings, being a member of such an esteemed family meant that Osenia and the rest of her siblings lived luxurious, albeit demanding childhoods under the constant eye of public scrutiny.

By the age 5, Osenia was enrolled in the Royal House of Learning and the Ellié Arcadium for young ladies. Like her elder sisters, Osenia went above and beyond the expectations of her instructors and tutors, dazzling with both her wit and discerning intellect.

Her parents were always her biggest supporters, constantly pushing for the success of their children with a direct hand in their molding and education. Because of them, Osenia developed an appreciation and love for histories, languages, and especially the arts, of which she discovered having a natural talent and flare towards.

As she neared adulthood, Osenia continued to develop her skills and talents while simultaneously becoming more involved in family obligations and responsibilities, whether that included sitting in with her Father for deliberations on legislative decisions, or accompanying her mother on humanitarian missions, becoming herself a regular volunteer in the Refugee Relief program and investing in several other out reach programs for the poor and destitute of neighboring worlds. There was never any shortage of work to be done, never a moments pause. The only constant star she's ever kept in her eye, being devotion to family, and an unwavering penchant to serve her home world in whatever capacity that may be.
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