Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Name Designation: Osintrium, AS-167/22/34
Creator: Unknown.
Age: Estimated over 75+ Years.
Affiliation: The Confederacy.
A1. General Purpose: Eliminate threats to self.
Rank: Unknown. Never designated.
Gender: Male communication apparatus.
Height: Approximately Six Foot, Six Inches.
Weight: Around 350 Pounds.
Eyes: Red Oculus.
Skin: Bronze Plating.
Force Status: Force Dead.
Observed Strengths:
  • Increased Combat Awareness.
  • Strength, in exchange for speed.
  • Calculation of various outcomes.
  • Retains enemy strengths/weaknesses for later encounters.
  • Knowledgeable in the fields of: Ship/Vehicle Repairs and Maintenance, Weapon Maintenance/Utility
  • Speaks: Jawaese, Galactic Basic, Huttese, and various other languages of the outer rim.
  • Excels in medium and long-range combat.
  • Built for combat in Urban areas, however is capable of combat in aquatic and various rural environments as well.
Observed Weaknesses:
  • Incapable of motivating others.
  • Cannot process hope.
  • Prone to blasts via EMP, or other means of destroying androids.
  • In exchange for strength, cannot move quickly.
  • Judges based on the capability of others, instead of whatever their social status or rank may be.
  • Affiliates with little to none, making it hard to convince of switching sides.
  • Has little interest in credits or other currencies, yet understands the importance of them when bargaining or purchasing.
For obvious reasons, Osintrium is seen as a very intimidating or hostile being. For whatever reason, beings of the galaxy see his red oculus as hostile. Towering over that of the average human or humanoid adds onto this, as well. Osintrium means no harm, but will always be taken as a threat by the way it looks.
Update I: Series of guard protocols installed. Unit now contains the capability to enact judgement upon intruders of [REDACTED]'s facility.
Update II: Various break ins have occurred on the grounds of [REDACTED]'s facility. Unit took upon itself to enact judgement. Intruders were disposed of via asphyxiation. Series of attack protocols installed. Unit now specializes in medium-range combat.
Update III: Various signs of unit becoming self-aware. Force re-program and memory wipe scheduled by [REDACTED].
Update IV: Memory wipe was halfway completed until unit began disposing of various engineers and researchers via blunt force and asphyxiation. Creator now unknown. Whereabouts of facility now unknown. Unit allegedly set fire to facility.
Update V: Current whereabouts unknown. Purpose: unknown. Allegiance: unknown.
Update VI: Broken down terminal encountered. Self-update inbound. Unit parameters extended. Boundaries: none. Unit now specializes in long-range combat.
Update VII: Objective updated. Search for: purpose, whereabouts of creator, allegiance to cause, weaponry, upgrades, etc.
Ship: N/A, unit not programmed to fly.
Kills: Memory logs hint at various scientists and engineers.
Bounties Collected: N/A.
Exchange/Purchase logs:

  • AI-331m "NovaStreak" Heavy Weapons System - Purchased from Taeli Raaf's Aurora Industries.
  • 4x Trickster Sabotage Droids - Purchased from Taeli Raaf's Aurora Industries.
Relations with Factions/Beings:

Faction Relations:
  • The Confederacy: Foot-Soldier. Programmed allegiance.
  • The Commenor Systems Alliance: Neutral until altered.
  • The First Order: Enemy as per allies.
  • The Galactic Alliance: Allies of the Confederacy.
  • The Galactic Empire: Enemy of the Confederacy.
  • The Mandalorian Empire: Neutral until altered.
  • The Outer Rim Coalition: Allies of the Confederacy.
  • The Republic Remnant: Neutral until altered.
  • The Silver Jedi Order: Allies of the Confederacy.
  • The Sith Empire: Enemy as per allies.

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