Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

"Am I not the clever one. I have lived to see everything you love come undone. Coruscant falls and we haven't lost a thing."
"It's true... but you will not see me flinch. A brave man dies in peace, the traitor in inches."
Osmen to jedi follower of Daella at the One Sith battle of Coruscant
- Intent: To create an npc master for the council
- Image Credit: Leverage
- Role: Council placeholder
- Permissions: N/A
- Links:
- Age: 36
- Force Sensitivity: Master
- Species: Human
- Appearance: Tall with slim muscle and long hair usually tied back in a ponytail. Brown eyes and robes that clung to a much larger man as he has slimmed down over the years. Lightly tanned skin covered with a mixture of tattoos and scars from fights across the galaxy. He is missing a hand wears a singular glove on his offhand.
- Name: Osmen Sagja
- Loyalties: Silver Jedi/
Matsu Ike
- Wealth: Jedi Stipend
- Notable Possessions:
- Lightsaber
- Jedi Master Robes
- Sasori Heavy Titan
- Skills:
- Armor Certified
- Makashi Duelist
- Languages: Basic
- Personality: Serious and dedicated, he believes in the purpose of the jedi and will always look to aid his fellow jedi giving them the benefit of the doubt. IF they betray though he will regret it but will remember what they did even if others brush it off or forget.
- Weapon of Choice: Lightsaber combat is his primary method of fighting with skills in juyo as he uses dispassion in his strikes without going into anger and aggression but being one of the powerhouses among the jedi fighters. Secretly, when he normally shows his skills as a fighter he uses makashi controlling the flow of the duel to avoid falling into more dangerous fights. With a secondary attack force coming from a walker division.
- Combat Function: Serving as a temple defense force, he leads the brutes and main defenders.
- Force Abilities:
- Combat Knowledge: Trained in the traditional forms aand heavily on fighting. With skills to make him a beast when wading into battle.
- Force Nullification: Being a force user he is highly relient on the force to augment his abilities and speed with a saber. So without it he can move more sluggish or be caught unaware.
- One Handed: A mixture of a strength and weakness, he can't grasp things with his missing hand and doesn't wear a cybernetic model as a constant reminder of what he has faced.
Osmen was a born jedi, his parents defenders of the light, protectors on Coruscant and later Voss. THey instilled into him from a young age, before he had even left the creche and became a youngling the duty and honor that was required of a jedi. Both through example more then pure worlds and he was one to emulate them... he wanted since he could think about it to be like them so much so that at the age of three he had been given a wooden blade. SOmething to practice with and there was no question of what his future would entail. He loved it, the feeling of the hilt, the weight of the blade, the motion of the slice and pierce. So much so he would never lose that feeling throughout his life. So much that while the other younglings were training their minds. Reading, writing and composing. He would sneak off by himself to train to imagine targets and courses where he would need to defend and protect.
FOr years he judged his skills against these imaginary creatures and villains until his parents noticed. The years seeing him gain sturdier and more weighted swords to build his capabilities. Until at the age of ten he was given a training saber his parents proud, his instructors wary but if he was able to pick a time when he was most happy with there only being a few... it would be when his mother gave him her saber, an actual lightsaber. Better still no one cautioned him, no one admonished him, no one treated him like a child. He was a padawan to his parents, he was serving with another who had been chosen among the younglings and no one told him to be careful in their practice sessions, no one told him to only use the blade in a situation that was dangerous. He didn't need to be told in truth the padawan was repulsed with the idea of defiling his blade with death.
That was the truth, as much as he was eager to defend his order, his family, his friends. He didn't want to defile the blade as it would never gleam as bright once that first life was taken. He redoubled his efforts, practicing twice as hard, sometimes three times as hard when he had a chance and his master went on a mission. WHen he was transferred to another temple with his master at fourteen. His mother would remain on Coruscant with her padawan and she shed some tears seeing him and his father off. He did not cease his training, going into the courtyard long before the sun rose and staying there after it set. Always alone for a time, he moved, he flowed through the forms, chaninign them into something that made the instructors and weaponmasters nod but also wince as he didn't dedicate to a singular form.
Eventually others joined him silently joining him as he didn't acknowledge them... truthfully he didn't know their names. They came, they could follow his movements or not. Some left, some tried to engage in conversation... many learned not to. They had observed, they had chosen these other padawans and he was worth following at least in this aspect. His rise in the temple was considered by some as natural... others thought he was not earning it. Eventually he and his father returned to Coruscant and the political machinations of senators were there. His noted skill was seen as beneficial and he caught the eye of a young junior senator. Being assigned as her bodyguard and at first it seemed to be.... boring. He would still practice, still train but protecting her proved the least interesting until and assassin was hired and his hand was taken.
The fight hadn't been grand, it hadn't been some epic duel where he was forced to sacrifice to protect the junior senator. He hadn't even made a mistake in his for... he just hadn't expected the man to rip and tear at his hand with his teeth. Distracting him long enough to stab his hand and take it at the wrist. To protect the junior senator he had lost a limb but he managed to kill the assassin. It wasn't the loss of his hand it wasn't bitterness it wasn't even longing.. it was a sense of fear that his time as a jedi would be over. His sword hand was gone.. and a cybernetic wasn't the same and so he left it. What had been welcoming was the grandmaster seeing him in the recovery ward, after his hand was gone he had taken some other strikess to the body and was bleeding out in the junior senators apartment. Her never leaving his side in the medical ward.
The grandmaster was happy to see he had survived and on the seventh day after he had survived. Osmen rose and went back to the training grounds. The advice of others, the worry was there but he donned his casual robes and dedicated himself to being able to train and fight. With his off hand thatr he could still use. It was different, it was awkward after so many years of a singular form. He didn't expect what he saw when he arrived at the courtyard. Jedi who had stood with him, trained with him, been there with him all lined up and standing ready. THey knew what he did and as he walked to his area and not even speaking to them ignored the feeling in his chest as he shifted his saber to his left hand and began. The awkwardness ignored, the nearly impossible and foreign feeling of his blade in his hand.
His training lacked the subtle grace he had refined over the years and a one handed grip was not ideal but he was able to make it work but often he wanted to despair. The jedi with him when feeling and seeing it redoubling their efforts... making it so he would have to push forward rather then surrender and go backwards. One day afterwards he asked his father to stay afterwards and it was awkward at first. Sparring and parrying... it felt wrong but something happened as his father gave a strike. He parried with his lef hand instinctively. It was a different feeling and throughout the temple he haad one small victory after so much time. So when the junior senator, now a senator approached him, came to see how he was doing. He felt something from her... a love and romantic feeling... saving a life might do that but he was surprised he felt the same.
HIs parents approved and the two of them married well enough. She left being a senator and he remained with the jedi taking a less dangerous assignment that allowed him to train and leave the temple. A few years later there were children twins that when they were old enough were given their first lesson. A wooden sword.... then Daella happened. The jedi councilor along with many others turned on them. With the ending of the sith empire... it seemed peace might come.... but then the One Sith attacked Coruscant. Jedi turning on jedi who had been recruited and he saw his mothers padawan butcher her. His father fought and fell as the padawan he knew went after him and didn't find him. Instead finding his wife and children, ending their lives violently to send a message as he waited and it wasn't until after the battle.
Osman had wanted to return quickly to check but he knew his duty and as the attack was coming it wasn't until the retreat was sounded. The evacuation ordered for the jedi to save who they could that he returned home to a blade in his chest. Seeing someone who he thought was a friend and his family murdered his resolve and will to live overrode a lot... he wanted to see justice done. That was what drove him as he killed the man... driving a blade into him even as he bled out and retreating from the world with the other jedi. He was taken to Voss along with several other jedi while most scattered and regrouped. Various orders forming across the galaxy and eventually the battle against the ONe Sith saw them collapse. Osmen eventually worked with the Silver Jedi aand he met Matsu another master who had a vision.
Thatt vision took some time to get but he could wait and dedicate himself to that cause. Training among the tens of million of jedi under the broken Queen Arona.. a title some gave her since her injuries in combat had forced her into a preservation suit. HE would spend the years there until the attack on the silver rest... until Matsu stepped in and took over the silver jedi as the grandmaster and began to organize them into something far different compared to the rest of the enclaves and orders in the galaxy. The silver rest was lifted from Kashyyyk and taken to a place that they could overlook and temples were rebuilt... chapter houses in other galaxies and dimensions established. A golden age of force knowledge, technologies derived from the force that could rival potentially the oldest civilizations.
And he was there fighting to defend it as they were sent on missions and councils not a singular entity but multiple councils of the jedi were established. He would sit as a master of one and head of one of the temples... he would be able to work with the various council members and work to train a new generation while leading more towards light and life.