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Ostanes - Gold From Dross

To obtain, something of equal value must be lost.

NAME: Ostanes
ALIASES: Uriel Escria, Greamnir, Soo'oluik
RANK: Master
OCCUPATION: Inventor & Alchemist
SPECIES: Shi'ido
AGE: 210
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 1.7m
WEIGHT: 250lbs
EYES: Varies - Natural is a blue-green
HAIR: Varies - Black streaked with grey
SKIN: Pale


(+) Transmutant Adept: Trained by [member="Rave Merrill"] before his mind-wipe, Ostanes has from the start been adept at any form of tranmutative or creative art when involving Sith Magic or Force Crafting or Alteration. Though technical knowledge has been stripped largely by the mind-wiping by Rave, he was once versed and skilled in everything from Alchemy to Sith Magic to Art of the Small and others. Further rebuilding of his Legacy, and the chaining and the melding with Obeah, has such that Ostanes has become one of the more proficient Force Crafters in existence.

(+/-) Thirst For Knowledge: Knowledge above all other things is Ostanes' most pure and blatant motivation in life.

(-) No Rancor Wrestler: By default he is notably weaker than most others, and relies on his brain instead of brawn and combat ability. You would never want him wrestling or fighting as a front line soldier.

What day and time and place determines his appearance, due to his shape-shifting abilities

Not a lot is known of Ostanes past, simply because he is a shy, secretive type like most of his people. He will tell you he never had a particularly close family, something uncommon for his kind. However, he keeps his racial heritage as a shi'ido quiet, his ace in the hole. Without a family of his own, he is fiercely protective and possessive of those he does consider to be part of his familial unit. Even when they are merely servants, they tend to become something he is attached to, and he does not exhibit the usual distaste for relationships that most Sith show, realizing at the base value that these relationships can be used for manipulation to his advantage.

What is known is that for a long while, he was in the employ of Rave Merril as one of her rising alchemical talents. Unfortunately, at the time of her death, he was one of those whose memory was wiped and destroyed. He awoke with little to no memory of most of his alchemical talents or abilities, except the fact the he used to once upon a time know how to do a great many more things than he did now. Notes and journals that were filled with theorems and figures and notations he knew he had done, could remember writing them even. However his ability to comprehend and work with them to advance them was shattered and lost.

With his memory fragmented and fuzzed, the Alchemist has set out to reclaim his lost talent and skill, and has been honing his talents over all in the Force, determined to become stronger than before so that no one ever again can humble him so much as to just take away his greatest asset. Indeed, it has become an obsession that in recent years has driven him to the brink of insanity with his obsession with knowledge and power. Some might say he has crossed a line, but more and more he is beginning to care less and less about anything but regaining his lost skills, and surpassing even Rave, so that he may perhaps wreak vengeance on her, or at the least become great again.

From that approach, he has skittered to and fro between various Galactic factions and empires and groups. Slowly inserting himself under numerous identities and guises into every facet he can. At this time, excepting the matter of his employer Akure Executive Interstellar, these associations have been minimal and unobtrusive. The One Sith knew him as an Acolyte, the Techno Union knew him as a representative from AEI, Akure itself knew him first as the Head of Research and Development, and then under several other guises until he had taken over the helm of the vast corporation as Uriel, wrenching control himself.

He has even gone so far to reconnect with trusted friends and past employees and associates, such as [member="Seydon of Arda"], retaining the services for the company and himself if need be. Though it is not publicized, he and Seydon are at times seen meeting for drinks, discussing things, almost friends if you will. Never one to reveal a weakness, he has come to call the monster hunter a friend, at least in his own mind, and uses him almost as a moral compass even if the direction is often ignored through no fault of Seydon's.

For a while, unless the needs of business have pressed and called, he has not been seen publicly in person, and though none know it, his time had been largely spent on Tatooine in study. He has came into possession of a multitude of holocrons, datacrons, grimmoires, scrolls and more, some with benign knowledge and secrets, and so many more with things he would have been better off if he had never known to begin with. But there seems to be a fragmenting of his mind as he adopts more and more 'faces' to mesh into the workings of the Galaxy, personalities becoming more independent and real rather than just affectations.

Eventually his studies culminated in the mastering of the Taurannik Codex, and managed to use it to summon a being and bind it to a staff of hjarna stone. From there, things took a darker turn, and he stumbled into Dathomirian Traditions, learning much of their arts and even earning the admiration of a few in the Witchmasters before his fall into darkness at the needling encouragement of his spiritual prisoner. Eventually he fell briefly to the Dark Side in full, taking on the Mantle of Sith again, and becoming ever more engrossed in deeper mysteries.

The end result was his disappearance over Atrisia while embroiled with a battle with Lotek'k, to what end no one yet knows.

Force Powers:

Apprentice - Knight - Master - Specialist
Dashes denote skills generally not available before master of the Force.

  • Force Push: ||||
  • Force Pull: ||||
Force Sense(s)
  • Force Sense: |||| ||||
  • Precognition/Danger Sense: |||| |||| ||
Force Alter:
  • Force Speed: ||||
  • Force Stealth: |||| ||||
  • Drain Knowledge: |||| |||| ||||
  • Force Lightning: |||| ||
Miscellaneous Force/Fringe Force Skills:
  • Force Imbuement: |||| |||| ||||
  • Alchemy: |||| |||| |||| ||
  • Sith Magic: |||| |||| ||
  • Dathomiri Talisman Crafting: |||| |||| |||| ||
  • Cult of M'dweshuu (Blood Rites): ||||
Sith Magic Spells Known:
Dathomirian Spells
Dathomirian Talismans
Note: Knowledge of these spells does not indicate aptitude, or in what way they are utilized, with them, just ability to use. Some may be only able to be used in runic form, and others known only in an academic or imbuement sense, and not suitable for combat. The variants are too intricate for me to be bothered notating. Suffice to say, he still sucks in combat. Same goes for Dathomirian Charms/Spells

Meditative Arts
  • Emptiness
Notable Possessions:
Holocrons/Lore Pieces
Spaarti Creations Tools:
Alchemical Sundries:
  • 1x Quality 3 Kasha Crystal
  • 1x Grouping of Sarlaac Spores
  • Enough of Vornskr hide, fresh as possible, for a suit for a slender man.
  • 1x Bottle of Hssiss Venom
  • 1x Bottle of Sarlaac Neurotoxin



Theme Song:


A Little More Than Meets The Eye
Grrrreeeeen Acres Is the Place for Me
Out of This World (The Witchmasters)
Ruusan Rumblings
Living up to the Image

What Do You Have For Us, Korriban?
Highway to Hell
Flecks Amongst the Dross
Hunting For Secrets
Pulling From the Ashes
AEI Winter Gala
Blackguard Holocron Auction
An Uneasy Exchange
Shards of the Mind
From a Secret Admirer
A United Front - Emergency HoloConference
The Wild Dark - Miralian Genocide
Where Gods Fear to Tread...
Just When I Thought I Was Out...
Things Forbidden Have a Secret Charm...
Crina: In Search of Arcona Dreams

Tread Softly, For You Tread On My...
Let's Talk Talismans

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