NAME: Oswald "Ozzie" Winchester
SPECIES: Near-Human
AGE: 22
HEIGHT: 5'11"
WEIGHT: 175lbs.
EYES: Green
HAIR: Dark Brown
SKIN: Slight Tan
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
- Slicer: From an early age, slicing was something that kept Oswald occupied. Later it became his way of scrapping by, and now it is what fuels much of his life. He is good at this. Very good.
- Technomancer: Oswald has tailored his skills much towards that of controling and altering technology and droids.
- Force-Flash {Novice}
- Ionize {Stun Droid}
- Con Artist: Oswald makes a living off of stealing and conning his way out of situations and often, into them, in order to take money or some other good off of people. When dealing with common folk he uses his weak skills in the force to do so.
- Force Empathy {Novice}
- Poor as Dirt: Oswald lives day to day. Though he makes does often make a large amount of money, most of it goes towards groups like the Talons and the Rebel Alliance indirectly.
- Trust Issues: Its hard to trust a wanted criminal. Its even harder to trust him when he tries to con you out of your credits.
- Jack-of-All Trades, Master of None: Oswald can fight, he can shoot, and he is pretty damn athletic. You ask him to do any of these things well? You might have a bit of a mess to clean up afterwards.
None Yet
Chapter I
Born into a family which was hit particularly hard by the Gulag Plague, Ozzie was raised in poverty on the planet of Fondor. Both of his parents had perished from the plague in a resurfacing of the slum he was in. As a result, he and his brother and sister were sent to an orphanage at a young age. Brought up in the early years of the Protectorate [then Omega Pyre, a Private Military and Security Contractor] Ozzie was raised to believe that the Protectorate was there to protect him and that he should love it and protect it with as much vigor as he would his older brother and sister. Why wouldn't they? The Protectorate had moved in and taken them from their disease ridden home, provided them with food and shelter, and had continued to provide for them. So why not? Both his brother and sister, when they became of age left the orphanage and joined Omega Pyre in unifying the space around Fondor leaving Ozzie alone.
Chapter II
Without his brother and sister keeping him in line, young Ozzie found himself in a lot of trouble, the trouble often due to some droid malfunctioning or a door not opening. He loved wires, and he just cound't stay out of them. He also couldn't stay out of Mother Kara's terminal. What he found...was disturbing to say the least, and with the press of a button had made its way into the holo-net. Of course, he was caught by Mother Kara, but not before she was arrested for child abuse and other sexual assault charges. Though he may have felt like a hero, he and the rest of the orphans were without a "Mother" or "Father" and so many of them took to the streets before a new one could be selected, including Ozzie.
He used his skills to keep himself afloat for around a month before his brother came back and took him in. But the news he would bring with him, would change his life forever.
Chapter III
Ozzie's older brother had come back from a violent Dominion, medically discharged after losing his right arm and left leg to an explosion. The damage could have been fixable with prosthetics, but his brother was too poor, and so was Ozzie. It turned out that Omega grunts weren't paid as much as they thought. The damage though, had been minimal, their sister taking the brunt of the explosion, killed in action. With barley enough credits to feed the two of them and his brother struggling with pain, Oswald took to a life of cyber crime, honing his skills in slicing and hacking to steal the credits they needed electronically. His brother protested, but an infection kept him doing that for long. Barely a year had passed since his brother had returned and Oswald had turned to crime when his brother also passed away.
Coming home after a particularly good haul, Oswald was thrown into a fit of rage, anger, and dispair, his Force Sensitivity affecting the electronics around him causing fires around the apartment and the apartment complex. There was a massive fire, Oswald escaping with his stolen credits and using them to purchase a new apartment. But...crime catches up with you.
Chapter IV
Oswald's large expenditure alerted Omega authories. It appeared as if their suspicion was right and the credits that had gone missing had been used in a large purchase. Traced to the rented apartment, Oswald was found out, barely escaping capture. Since then he has been on the run. His last known location is-

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