Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Other Canon Companies


Well-Known Member
So are we allowed to run other than the prenamed Canon Companies? I'd like to own MSM, as they have been around for a very long time and have no representation. If not MSM then maybe, Soro Suub Corp

I recently re-read about both and wondered why they had nothing site wise.
If I recall correctly, SoroSuub is kind of a big deal in Protectorate space. If I have anything to say about it, you won't come into ownership of that company without talking about it at length with people in the Protectorate first. Not that you should be coming into ownership of any canon companies considering that you already have a Tier 4 to run. A tier 4 you just submitted several subsidies for.
Or the fact that there is a list of canon companies that can be claimed in the company section. SoroSuub is also already owned by another PC, and do you really need another company with all the ones you have?


Well-Known Member
A.) There's only 5 that I saw, and they all have owners save Santhe which the character has been off for months.
B.) I asked as such as MANY canon companies aren't mentioned
C.) J.A.C is gonna be a gift to someone I think.

Per the recent Fringe Chat, I found just how difficult it would be to move onto the next level tier, so simply looked for a canon company that produced same kinds of items
A. Santhe's player is coming back after the new year. Just texted him.
B. The higher tiered companies are taken as it is.
C. One doesn't simply give a company away, then go take over something else.

That statement alone shows you don't want to do the work, which when the new company rules come out will be very dissapointed. There's a reason I roleplay the feth out of my company. Soon it's going to become very much a working thing that you must constantly maintain, because that's how businesses are in real life.


Well-Known Member
It's not that I don't, as I have for a while now. I simply didn't see continuing with a company that won't change for multiple months to come, despite months under the belt, however I get why now. Still sucks though. And if Zaiden can't that's alright.

Ps. Not that I saw, MSM is named only below Blas-Tech when it comes to revenue. BT and MSM and soro are the three leading. Unless their hidden I didn't see em.

Either way thanks for the help.

Dude, why do you want things so fast? You know at the place I started rping at it took me over a year to get to Master? Even then I was considered low on the rung, and just making subs doesn't count as doing a company. I'm talking business deals, selling product, actually making money. You guys are just too impatient with things, and want things right off the bat.

Patience Grasshopper...patience.


Well-Known Member
Because this site was more or less made so that huge timeframe isn't needed? This is basically the first site I've been to where you didn't need said year to get high ranks. Usually I RP Dragon Ball Z etc, and even those I had to take 6 months to learn the basic of abilities other than martial arts. I know about waiting. But at the sametime, as said this site is so much faster etc. I've seen people go into knight for only two months and get master. It's not that I can't wait, it's that I move quickly while on here. And as said, it's alright I don't need the other companies. And eventually someone will hopefully see the work I've put into J.A.C. I've made co owners, multiple unique and minor produced subs, been a big help in the Sith as well as the Fringe, donated money to faction causes, basically all the things I could think of to make it known. Other than settling down for a singular faction.


Well-Known Member
Clearly more then myself as you have used Blas-Tech really well. It probably has more to do with laziness then I'd like to admit, but in my defense I have things to do on a day to day basis that makes advancing a company as well as a few characters truly difficult. But, I am still working on it. I don't want anyone to think I'm not up to the task, as I believe I am. I just face a lot of challenges that make it hard. I apologize for always complaining. This was strictly out of curiosity as I wanted to bring two powerful canon corps I knew of into the site. Hell Zaiden doesn't need to own them, I just wanted to see em active.
Roleplaying isn't about reusing something someone else has made, it's about making your own mark on a community in a positive manner, where you can sit and reflect and feel proud for what you have done - you only get out of something what you put into it, and if you make no effort with the foundations then what's built will crumble, so to speak. Don't be so quick to give up on your OWN company in favour of one already in place. You call six months a long time to achieve anything? Where I come from it took me a year to hit Knight, and it would have taken me five more to reach Master had I stuck around(but as it stood the community was awful.) On top of that you had to actually learn a hell of a lot and pass trials to a high standard. Compared to that, a handful of extra months and some nice work ethic to make a company you're pleased with is nothing.

On another note; why do you feel you have to be top-tier all at once, or even at all? The Galaxy needs businesses large and small, just like Earth does, I get the need for aspirations and all but Rome wasn't built in a day...

Anyway, that's just my two cents, but what do I know? :p


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