Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Our Little Secret [Past RP]

Nisha Decrilla

Anaya pinched the bridge of her nose and let out a quiet sigh. As Head of Intelligence of the Sith Empire, she had the wealth of the empire at her fingertips. Power shifted constantly, it was unstable, disconcertingly so. There was a demand for something secure, something stable that would serve her and those of worth in the future that was to come. She'd put out calls to some of the best technicians and engineers in the galaxy and every single one of them fell short.

The meeting was chaos, people yelling at each other across the conference room table. Idiots all of them. Set in their ways, blind to innovative thinking. She got to her feet and turned her back on the fight. Seeing her rise, feel the anger rolling off her, one by one they all fell silent. Clasping her hands at the small of her back she bowed her head.

Silent guards flanked the walls of the room. Raising a hand they stepped forward, she could feel the panic rise in them, that brought her a touch of please. She dropped her hand. Each shot was clean, their deaths were quiet and they began to dispatch of the bodies instantly. An inquisitor came to her side.

"Master Fen, if you keep dispatching of them, there will be no one left to make whatever it is you are after."

She turned to regard him, choosing to let the fact that he had spoken out of turn slide.

"Fetch me [member="Sasha Santhe"]."

Sasha Santhe

Majority Share Holder, Santhe Corporation
Sasha Santhe was an apprentice, but not only an apprentice. She was also a vastly wealthy woman, the apprentice to the Empress herself, and a genius. She was not summoned like a common vagabond and said as much when the soldiers came for her. The irritated menial replied that it was a request and Sasha being intrigued with the proposition of meeting the mysterious red skinned twi'lek woman deigned to ignore the earlier part and accept the request for an audience.

Sasha arrived at the place and time requested and shambled about the room. In youth Sasha's brilliance was often called arrogance, she imagined she would never really lose the trait completely. "[member="Anaya Fen"]n, Director of Intelligence," Sasha said stepping forward to the woman. "From the poor confused menial you sent to fetch me I dare say you hardly direct the intelligent."

Staring the read woman in the eyes she then asked, "Why was my presence here requested? I have a busy schedule, maybe you've heard about the Dzu'ari being constructed and there is of course the Aleph and the rest of the Sith Navy on my mind."

Nisha Decrilla

Anaya regarded Sasha with an almost bored expression, eyes flicking over her form. She was cute, maybe if she wasn't so preoccupied and annoyed she might have given her the time of day...or perhaps several nights. "That's because the intelligent ones are not meant to be seen nor heard, Miss Santhe." Her eyes flicked back to the window that granted them an expansive view of Dromund Kaas.

"Leave us."

The silent soldiers that flanked the wall filed out silently, the door clicking shut behind them. "The Empire is unstable, everyone is wasting time trying to kill each other instead of focusing on our progression. I need a base of operations that doesn't depend on the Empire's survival. Its needs to be big, and it needs to be a secret. Are you interested?"

She turned to look at Sashe now, regarding her with glinting red eyes. "I should inform you the right answer here, is 'yes'."

[member="Sasha Santhe"]

Sasha Santhe

Majority Share Holder, Santhe Corporation
Sasha was a petulant teenager in the days of the old Sith Empire. That wasn't to say she would mature too terribly much, but compared to what she was back then... "I have a few projects on my plate currently. There is the Dzu'ari being constructed, a navy to maintain."

And then she shrugged at the prospect soaking in Anaya's words. "The empire started in blood, and it will end the same way." Sasha smiled a little as she walked around examining the red skinned woman. "From what I hear, you want something large, something hidden, and something that won't be reliant upon the Empire?"

The young woman found a desk and sat at at it. She leaned forward and bit her thumb, a habit when she was thinking that she would strive to break in the future. "The scale," Sasha's eyes widened, "It will be even larger than the Dzu'ari. Less weapons of course, but facilities and large docking facilities."

"Yes, this is doable." And then she looked up at Anaya. "But it will be hard. Work crews will need to be thoroughly vetted. No leaks. In addition we'll need droids to do a lot of the work and to man a lot of the station once completed. You'll have your work cut out for you as much I will have mine."

[member="Anaya Fen"]

Nisha Decrilla

Anaya smirked as the interest sparked something in Sasha. Moving to perch on the desk next to her Anaya surveyed her quietly for a moment. "I will select crews from outside of the Empire and pay them handsomely upfront, with promise for more when the work is completed." They would be disposed of afterwards, she could not afford to get word out to once it was completed. she did not voice this, she hoped Miss Santhe was smart enough to work that out on her own.

She reached to brush a hair from Sasha's forehead. "Where did you hear word of my plans?" she asked softly. There was a dangerous glitter in those eyes of hers. Someone had talked and she would see that they were silenced.

[member="Sasha Santhe"]

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